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1、C. I wish I could 题目4His action is always _with his wordsC. consistent 题目5He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do, _other peoples feelings.B. regardless of 题目Do you mind if I record your lecture? _. Go ahead. C. Not at al 窗体底端Hows your mother doing?_. A. She is very well We think that Sm

2、ith should be told about his _ condition as soon as possible.C. physical 题目6More than 30 people _ the position. A. applied forThe enemy has strengthened their _ position. B. defensive 窗体顶端Whose textbook is this? It _ Johns. It has his name on it. B. must be 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。Goo

3、d Communication Skills - Key to Any SuccessGood communication skills are the key to success in life, work and relationships. Without effective communication, a message can turn into error, misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted or poorly delivered.The steps for good

4、communication skills:1. Know what to say.Understand clearly the purpose and intent of your message.2. Know how to say.Begin by making eye contact, which shows confidence. Then pay attention to your body language.3. Listen.After youve finished talking, you should stop, listen, and look for feedback a

5、nd clues of comprehension.4. Reach understanding.To communicate well is to understand and be understood.More Tips for Developing Good Communication Skills:1. The better you are able to express yourself, the better your ability to communicate.2. Practice your listening skills. Be considerate of other

6、 speakers by waiting until they are done before stating your views.3. Learn to understand and appreciate different views by being open-minded. It will in turn, gain you more cooperation and understanding.4. Avoid trying to communicate when in an emotional state. Take time to consider your position t

7、hrough before speaking.When you take the time to develop good communication skills, it means you open yourself up to better relationships, more career opportunities, and increased self-confidence. Moreover, you reach higher levels of mutual understanding and cooperation while successfully attaining

8、your goals.1. A message must be understood, interpreted or delivered correctly with communication. 回答2. When you talk with others you can pay little attention to your body language.回答3. The better you are able to understand others, the better your ability to communicate.回答4. Before stating your opin

9、ions, youd better let the speaker finish his or her talking first.回答5. Dont argue or debate with others if you feel angry or displeased. 回答There are more ants than any other kinds of land animals in the world. They range from 0.1 to 1 inch long and are usually yellow, brown, red, or black. Ants live

10、 in societies in which they depend on one another. The societies are not all exactly the same because there are ants of very many kinds. But in general, each kind has ants of three main types: queens, males, and workers.The ants have a good many enemies. They include birds, bears and ant eaters of v

11、arious kinds. In some cases other ants are their worst enemies, as mans enemy is man. In some parts of the world, red ants march in large armies to attack the homes of black ants. Some of them succeed in getting inside of the tunnels of black ants, whose entrances have been blocked. They try to carr

12、y the black ant babies away. The black ants do all they can to prevent that. They send their biggest soldiers into action. Very many of the red ants soldiers are killed but some escape with babies belonging to the black ants. The red ants take the babies home and bring them up. They become the only

13、workers for the red ants.Ants as a group are beneficial to humans. Their tunnels mix and soften the soil, in some places replacing the activity of earthworms. Some of ants are harmful to humans. For example, the fire ant, which has a painful bite, is a serious pest to humans and domestic animals in

14、many parts of the world.1. Which kind of ants is not regarded as the main types of ants in general?回答B. Soldier ants.2. According to the passage, what do we learn about the ants enemies?A. They are of many kinds.3. The red ants attack the black ants home because 回答C. they dont have workers of their

15、own4. According the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?C. Ants are useful to human on some conditions.5. The main purpose of the passage is to 回答A. explain some information about ants1. Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.回答C. 非常感谢您的盛情款待。2. A true friend is someone who re

16、aches for your hand and touches your heart.回答C. 真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。3. I dont know why he is late, he might have had an accident.回答A. 我不知道他为何迟到,可能遇上了事故。4. They are willing to understand their partners position first before trying to get understood.回答B. 在得到合作对方理解前,他们才愿意理解合作伙伴的立场。5. The more famili

17、ar interviewing feels to you, the less anxiety you will feel with the process.回答A. 你对面试越熟悉,在面试过程中你的焦虑就会越少。The houses we live in are very 回答. They keep us from being cold in the winter and hot in the summer. In the winter they keep out of the snow. They also keep out the wind. Even if it is blowing o

18、utside, we are nice and warm inside. In the summer houses keep the hot sun from us. When it rains, they keep us from getting wet.Houses are also places 回答we feel safe. People cant get at us or our things. Houses give us a place to be together with our families and friends. Mothers and fathers 回答thei

19、r children there. The children play there. The family eat and sleep under the same roof.Houses are different in many ways. They are made of different things. Some houses are made of wood. Some are made of stones. Sometimes more than one thing is used to make a house.Houses come in different 回答. Some

20、 houses have only one room. Some houses have more than one room. Big buildings found in cities have a great many rooms. They hold many families. The rooms in which each family lives are called an apartment.Houses are different in the ways they are 回答. Houses in tropic countries can be lightly built.

21、 In places where it rains much of the time, houses must keep out the water.take care (“注意”,“当心”,“留心”)小学二(2)班班规一、 安全方面1、 每天课间不能追逐打闹。2、 中午和下午放学要结伴回家。3、公路上走路要沿右边走,过马路要注意交通安全。4、不能在上学路上玩耍、逗留。二、学习方面1、每天到校后,不允许在走廊玩耍打闹,要进教室读书。2、每节课铃声一响,要快速坐好,安静地等老师来上课。3、课堂上不做小动作,不与同桌说悄悄话, 认真思考,积极回答问题。4、养成学前预习、学后复习的好习惯。每天按时完

22、成作业,保证字迹工整,卷面整洁。5、考试时做到认真审题,不交头接耳,不抄袭,独立完成答卷。三、升旗排队和两操方面1、升旗时,要快速出教室排好队,做到快、静、齐,安静整齐地排队走出课室门,班长负责监督。2、上午第二节后,快速坐好,按要求做好眼保健操。3、下午预备铃声一响,在座位上做眼保健操。四、卫生方面1、每组值日生早晨7:35到校做值日。2、要求各负其责,打扫要迅速彻底,打扫完毕劳动工具要摆放整齐。3、卫生监督员(剑锋,锶妍,炜薪)要按时到岗,除负责自己的值日工作外,还要做好记录。五、 一日常规1、每天学生到齐后,班长要检查红领巾。2、劳动委员组织检查卫生。3、 每天负责领读的学生要督促学生学

23、习。4、 上课前需唱一首歌,由文娱委员负责。5、做好两操。6、放学后,先做作业,然后帮助家长至少做一件家务事。7、如果有人违反班规,要到老师处说明原因。班训:坐如钟 站如松 快如风 静无声班规:课堂听讲坐如钟,精神集中认真听;排队升旗站如松,做操到位展雄风;做事迅速快如风,样样事情记得清;自习课上静无声,踏实学习不放松;个人努力进步快,团结向上集体荣;我为领巾添光彩,标兵集体记我功。加分标准序号考核项目加分值备注1单元考试满分+22单元考试85分以上+13课堂小测满分4期中、期末考试满分+35在红领巾广播站投稿一次6在校级活动中获奖+57作业十次全对得一颗星8课堂上得到表扬9班干部工作认真负责10做好事、有利于班集体和学校的事11进步比较明显12连续一周该组值日卫生达标本组值日生每人加2分扣分标准扣分值没交作业、不做晚作业-1忘带书本、学具迟到在课堂上被老师点名-2不穿校服,不戴红领巾吃零食、带钱、带玩具说脏话、打架-3请家长,写保证书座位周围有垃圾课间操、眼保健操不认真做升旗时违反纪律来学校不进教室,在走廊聊天打闹体育课打闹说话、排队不整齐注:每人基本分60分起,学期末核算总分,作为学期评先依据。

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