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1、 英 语 年 级: 2006 级 指导教师姓名及职称: 杨惠馨 (副教授)完成日期: 2010 年 5 月 14 日Cultural Factors in Advertisement TranslationA Thesis Submittedto School of Foreign Languages of Xinjiang University of Finance and Economicsin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsByXiao YanfeiSupervisor:Y

2、ang HuixinMay14th, 2010Acknowledgements (三号、加黑) The existence of this thesis owes much to Miss Yang Huixin. She me the most patient instructions during the busiest time she me. (小四号字,1.5倍行距)Whats more, I will extend my thanks to all of the leaders and teachers who Foreign Languages Department and ad

3、dition, I would like to thank all my enthusiastic classmates who me lots of advice and inspirations. Last but not least, my appreciation will go to the evaluation panel of theses that keep their close eyes to the development of our theses. Thanks a lot!摘要(三号,加黑)广告不仅是一种商业行为,更包含着文化内涵。广告语的翻译不单是语言转换行为,还

4、应考虑不同文化因素的要求和影响,否则翻译后的广告,其传播目的不仅不能实现,甚至会出现负面的宣传效果。(小四号字,1.5倍行距)关键字:广告;翻译;文化;因素 (3-5个词)AbstractAdvertisements mean more than commercial communication. They convey cultural connotations. .(about 150 words)Key Words: Advertisement; Translation; Culture; Factors (3-5 words)Table of ContentsAcknowledgeme

5、ntsAbstract (Chinese)Abstract IIITable of ContentsPart One Introduction11.1 Research Background11.2 Motivations and Objectives1Part Two Cultural Factors in Advertisements Translation12.1 Linguistic Differences1 2.1.1 Differences in Semantic Association 1 2.1.2 Differences in Rhetorical Meaning 2 2.1

6、.3 Differences in Sentence Structure22.2 Psychological Cultural Content 3 2.2.1 Different Values3 2.2.2 Different Ways of Thinking4 2.2.3 Different Psychological Personality 42.3 Cultural Connotations of Color Terms 52.4 Cultural Implications of Plants and Animals 5Part Three Ways to Deal with Cultu

7、ral Factors in Advertisement Translation63.1 Knowing of the Characteristics of Commodity 63.2 Understanding Cultural Traditions63.3 Appropriate Cultural Transformation63.4 Further Creative Translation 7Part Four Conclusion 7Notes8Bibliography 9Part One Introduction (三号、黑)1.1 Research Background (四号、

8、黑)Along with the quick economic development and reform and opening-up program, Chinas advertising industry increasingly greater part in economic activities. With the integration of the world economy, WTO accession as well as development of networks of information and communication technology, the ad

9、vertising cross-cultural communication is possible. (小四号字,1.5倍行距)1.2 Motivations and ObjectivesToday, more and more scholars devote their effort to advertisement translation. However, with the methods, advertisement translation sometimes still fails to function satisfactorily. Because of cultural di

10、fferences, a good advertisement of one country may be not necessarily successful to consumers in other countries. If the translation of the word is not changed, it will not necessarily achieve the original effect, and sometimes will even cause negative result. The target of advertisement translation

11、 is to enable the advertisement to function well. So the translators will creative translating.Part Two Cultural Factors in Advertisements Translation2.1 Linguistic DifferencesLanguage is one component of culture and the carrier of cultural information. Advertising is a culture, subordinating to the

12、 business culture. Advertising language is unique, fully reflects the language, culture and thinking interrelationship. Colloquial language is the practical application needed in advertisement because the simple language is easily understood and read in a very short time. And colloquial language wil

13、l make people feel warm and win more readers. But between English and Chinese language there exist certain differences. There are three categories concerning advertising translation: semantic association, rhetorical meaning and sentence pattern. 2.1.1 Differences in Semantic Association (小四、黑)Langua

14、ge barrier is the most obvious obstacle in cross-cultural advertising. Understanding peoples will not just depend on the dictionary. Take a brand name “白象” for example. It is translated into “a White Elephant”, but in English, “a white elephant” is a fixed phrase used to refer to “the useless object

15、s”, then people can imagine the situation when the battery with such a name sales abroad.Notes::Bertels, N. How teachers and researchers read academic articles J. Teaching and teacher 杨凤荣. 从跨文化的角度看翻译目的论国际广告翻译的应用J. 文教资料,2006:9汪 涛. 实用英汉互译技巧M,2001:425426许建忠. 工商企业翻译实务M,2001:154曾维秀.论汉语广告翻译中存在的主要语用失误J. 重庆

16、工商大学学报,2003:2:125127包惠南. 文化语境与语言翻译M,2001:300Bibliography1 Johnson, K. & P. Golombek. Teachers Narrative Inquiry as Professional Development M. London: Cambridge University Press, 20022 Shulman, L. Toward aPedagogy of cases. In L. Shuman (ed.). Case Methods in Teacher Education C. New York: Teachers College Press,20043 包惠南,包昂. 中国文化与汉英翻译M. 北京:外文出版社,20044 何 恩. 广告翻译的基本策略(英文)J. 大学英语(学术版),2006,(1)封底附空白页一张:此页无内容(也不标注页码和页眉)

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