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1、one third, two fifths , one in four, three out of four c. 文字表示:quarter, half, the majority, the vast majority, the minority, the small minority, a tiny percentage of , most of d. 大概: just over, just under, nearly, about, around, approximately, roughly, 除了main features以外,我们还要make comparisons,即对象之内以及之

2、间的大小比较。 比较的三种情况: 1. 大/小: a. more than/ less than b. higherlower, larger-smaller c. more popular d. the most popular / the largest-smallest proportion e. favor / prefer a rather than b 2. 相同: a. as many/ much/ popular as 三种句式:1. the number of students in class a is as many as that in class b. 2. clas

3、s a has as many students as class b 3. as many students in class a sat the ielts as those in class b. b. follow the similar pattern c. a similar trend could be seen in a. d. the trend favors a rather than b. 3. 倍数: a. double the number of b. xx times as many as 4. 修饰词: much, slightly, considerably,

4、nearly 5. 转折词:on the other hand, by contrast, however, another example is , conversely, while, whereas 一、 ) 主体段常用句式 1. a is/occupies. % / a (%). /a, which occupies %, . / with 2. a, comprising/consisting of %, . -= include整体包括部分;compose, constitute 部分组成整体 3. the largest number went on/ came from . 4

5、. a has almost over a quarter/half/twice as many population/much money as b 5. a has some figures in common with b. / a similar pattern can be found in b 6. the chief difference between a and b lies in 7. a is overwhelming greater than b 8. a is/occupies. % / a (%). /a, which occupies %, . / with 9.

6、 a, comprising/consisting of %, . -= include整体包括部分; 10.the largest number went on/ came from. 练习:写下以下词语的同义替换 show: - below:- information: proportion: number: category: demand: males: females: university: family: 把以下作文的开头段与对应的题目做比较,找出改写了的内容。 1. the chart shows the time spent by uk residents on differ

7、ent types of telephone calls between 1995 and 2002. 剑9t2 2. the graph shows energy consumption in the us from 1989 to 2012, and projected consumption to 2030. 剑9t4 3. the pie chart shows that there are four main causes of farmland becoming degraded in the world today. 剑8t1 4. the charts show how muc

8、h a uk school spent on different running costs in three separate years: 1981, 1991 and 2001. 剑8t2 5. the graph illustrates changes in the amounts of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular european country between 1979 and 2004. 剑7t2 6. the charts compare the sources of electricity in

9、australia and france in the years 1980 and 2000. between these years, electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100 units to 170 in australia, and from 90 to 180 units in france. 剑7t4 7. the graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changedbetween 1900 and 2000. 剑6t1 8. the graph s

10、hows the increase in the aging population in japan, sweden and the usa. it indicates that the percentage of elderly people in all three countries is expected to increase to almost 25% of the respective population by the year 2040. 剑5t1 9. the table gives a breakdown of the different types of family

11、who were living in poverty in australia in 1999. 剑4t1 10.the chart gives information about post-school qualifications in terms of the different levels of further education reached by men and women in australia in 1999. 剑4t4 饼状图核心表达练习 由组成: be made up of be composed of /be comprised of consist of 包含一个

12、家长或者只有一个成人的家庭不大可能会贫困。 - 表示占多少后面跟百分比或者是数字: make up 农场工人只占据总人口的一小部分。 - 在2003年,53%的硕士毕业生是由男人组成的。 - 饼状图四个核心句型练习 用四种句式表达“10%的人在办公室上网” - 下面答案里的句型和表达摘抄下来,extremely important expressions 参考答案: 10% of the young people get online in their offices. there are 10% of the young people who get online in their offi

13、ces. the people who get online in their offices take up 10% of the total. the percentage of the people who get online in their offices is 10 percent.将下面信息采取不同形式写成6个不同的句子。 我们一共60人,有44个同学喜欢麦兜。mc dull - 44 out of 60 students in our class like mc dull.句型:数字 数据形式:分数 three quarters of the students in our

14、class like mc dull.句型:约数 approximately 75% of the students in our class like mc dull. 句型:百分比 the majority of the students in our class like mc dull.句型: the students who like mc dull takes up/accounts for approximately 75% of the total. the percentage of the students who like mc dull is approximately

15、【篇二:ielts雅思考试小作文复习资料】 一、 明确写作要求: summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. a:总结信息;b:选择和汇报主要的特点;c:如果合适的话,进行比较。 总结信息出现在两个地方:一是在文中,用文字概括一个特征,再用数据支持;二是出现在文末,总结数据。 二、 段落结构 开头段 主体段 (1+x句)有几张图表就写几段中间段 结尾段 开头段: 转述原题包括时间,地点,对象和数据形式 注:时态永远是一般现在

16、时 改变关键词的词性/改变关键词的位置/同义词替代/灵活加入图表中的其它文字信息 主体段: 主体部分1+x句 第一句总结总体趋势之后分步描述起点,极值(大,小),终点 结尾段: 趋势句;总结最有特征的点 三、步骤: 四、 开头段的写法: 1、 出现提供信息的字眼:the chart(or graph) below provides(or presents) information(or data) about? 2、 出现“show/illustrate+名词”: the chart shows the change in? 3、 出现“compare+名词”: the chart compa

17、res? 4、 出现以“how”引导的宾语从句:the chart(or graph) shows(or illustrates) how?changed(or varied)? 5、 出现以“that”引导的宾语从句,可能将总体趋势粗略地描述下:the chartor graphshowsor reveals/indicates/suggeststhat? 例:步骤1:确定是动态图,因为有4个时间。 步骤2:确定有4个国家,4个对象 步骤3:确定中国、法国上升趋势,澳大利亚下降,美国基本保持不变。 步骤4:从最高值法国开始说起。 数据的选择: 总共有16个数据,说明要有取舍。 级别1的数字:

18、法国在2005年的数据 级别2的数字:2005年的4个数据。 级别3的数字:1990年的4个数据。 级别4的数字:中国1995年和2000年的数据,因为保持一致;美国1995年的数据,因为是最低值;法国2000年的数据,因为和2005年的数据一致。 中间段:第一句表达: a) the overall trend/ general trend indicate that b) there is an overall + 某种趋势的名词 x句:分段描写 引出句:to be more exact/precise/specific/ = more exactly/precisely/specifica

19、lly 单词储备:动词:上升:rise to/ increase to/ go up to/ climb to 名词:a rise in/ an increase in/ a growth in/ an upward trend in/ a boom in 急剧上升:jump/ surge激增/ shoot up/ soar高涨【篇三:雅思小作文 7句式实战练习】 一 趋势描写 表上升: grow, increase, go up, rise, jump up, surge up, shoot up, keep an upward tendency 表下降: drop, decrease, g

20、o down, dip, sink, decline, fall down, keep an downward tendency 表波动: fluctuate, range fromto, rise and falls 表顶点和最低点:reach the top; arrive at the peak; reach the bottom; 表示程度变化 1. 激烈的/地,大幅度的/地:sharp, surprising, dramatic, significant, remarkable 2. 适度的/地,中等的/地: modest, moderate 3. 逐渐的/地,稳步的/地: grad

21、ual, steady,stable,continual 4. 轻微的/地: slight 二精选句型 句式一:主语描述对象+谓语动词趋势变化+副词+数据+时间位置在前或者后皆可+ e g: the amount of electricity consumed increased sharply to 150 from 8 pm to 12pm . 句式二: there be a + adj+ n (趋势变化)+in +描述对象+数+时间 there was a slight fall/ decline in the consumption of electricity to 100 betw

22、een 1970 and 1980. 句式三:a/ an + adj +n (趋势)+ in +方面+数据 can be seen/ found + 时间 a obvious decline in the electricity consumption can be seen in the year 1900. 句式四:时间段(名词短语)+ see/ witness + a / an + adj +n (趋势变化) + in 方面 + 数 the first year see a slight go-up in the expenditure on leisure activities from 13 to 15. 句式五:主语+谓语动词保持平稳+at + 数据+ 时间段 the expense one leisure activities maintained constant at approximately 20 thousand between to . 三实战练习: 1. 这个流

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