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1、 习语同文学作品一样是语言的精华:它们承载着一个民族的文化特色和文化信息。世界上凡历史比较悠久的语言都包含大量的成语,汉、英两种语言即是如此。由于汉、英两族在历史文化背景、传统习惯及思想方法等方面有显著差异,反映在成语的形象、含义及用法上也大不相同。习语中的文化因素给翻译带来了困难。只有通过适当的翻译技巧和方法,才能使译文既能保持原文的特色,又能清楚地表达。 习语是语言中重要的修辞手段,经常用音的和谐来达到易懂易记,生动有趣的目的。它没有规则的句子结构,却有着相对固定的自身表达形式。习语的这些特点为它的翻译增加了难度。为了使读者更好的理解并运用习语,在翻译中译者必须考虑其背后的文化因素。同样的

2、习语在不同的语境中将会有完全不同的翻译,它反映了中西方人们在生活习俗,思维习惯,性格以及对待色彩等方面的不同看法。本论题将通过习语的翻译向读者介绍一些中西方的文化差异,以便人们能更好的交流。 the cultural difference of english-chinese idioms and idiom translation in order to enable readers understand and use idioms better, translators must consider the underlying cultural factors in the proces

3、s of translation. through the translation of idioms, this study will lay out some of the chinese and western cultures to readers, so that people can have a better understanding with each other. .introduction . english and chinese idioms a. definition of idioms of idioms 1. idioms from the

4、bible 2. idioms from greek mythology c. features of idioms 1. semantic unity 2. structural stability 3. the stylistic feature of idiom ii. cultural differences between english and chinese idioms a. differences in living environment b. different conventions c.differences in religion and beliefs d. di

5、fferences of historical allusion .translation methods of idioms a. literal translation and liberal translation b. the approach of addition and omission c.correspondence-cum-loan translation and image-shift translation .conclusion works cited 1richard a. spears. phrases and idioms. hefei: university

6、of science and technology of china press, 2004 2harry collis. 101 american english proverbs. beijing: foreign language teaching and research press, 2003 3林莉兰 英、汉习语的文化内涵及其翻译j;安徽农业大学学报(社会科学 版);2005年06期 4刘伟强;英汉习语的文化差异及翻译j;安阳大学学报;2004年01期 5王金凤;卢聚伦;英语习语中的文化内涵及翻译时应注意的问题j科技 信息;2007年14期 6平洪.英语习语与英美文化m.北京:外语

7、教学与研究出版社,2000 7骆世平.英语习语研究m.上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2005 8庄和诚.英语习语探源m.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002【篇二:英语专业毕业论文英语习语】 英语专业毕业论文英语习语2673人阅读 英语习语 大学生论文写作指导 论文的选题方法毕业论文开题报.毕业论文开题报.毕业论文格式毕业论文注意事. 大连民族学院2009届英语专业本科毕业论文 13 得豆). through the struggle with nature both the easterners and westerners have come to know that unity isstr

8、ength. the following idioms “a bolt from the blue” and “晴天霹雳”, “burn one?s boats” and “破釜沉舟”, “add fuel to the fire” and “火上加油”, and so on, as well versed in connotations well as figures. unless such circumstances, english and chinese idioms in usage are interlinked, which is conformed to the struct

9、ure and form of idiom and faithful to the original figure and characteristic. just as one word has many synonym words, both english and chinese idioms have the character of similarity in metaphorical meaning. for example, the english idiom“in for a penny, in for a pound” shows that “一不做,二不休;一旦开始就干到底

10、”; “to go the whole hog” shows that “全力以赴” “one may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb” (犯重罪和犯轻罪都受一样的处罚,不如索性一不做二不休).these idioms are extremely similar in metaphorical meaning. chinese idioms also have this character, such as“一不做,二不休”, “全力以赴”, “一往无前” and so on.4.8 the fix or variability characte

11、ristics of idioms both have the fixed feature of idioms. owing to idioms? deriving from history events,allusions,myth and tale etc. english and chinese idioms have its habitual and usage feature. even though some of them do not conform to grammar and logic, they can not be altered. for instance: 仰望、

12、展望、鸟瞰、盯住、浏览、凝视、巡视、观察.these words all have the meaning of “look”, but they can not use “look” instead. for the structure of language, some idioms of english and chinese are illogic and grammatically incorrect. for example:diamond cut diamond. “cut” is a verb not singular norms , and not accord with e

13、nglish grammar. but it should not write like this: diamond cuts diamond. equally to chinese idioms, for example: 非驴非马 should not write like 不驴不马。 both have the variability of idioms. on one hand, english and chinese idioms have its fixed feature, and on the other hand, they also have features of var

14、iability. go along with the past time, people will change words, increase words or decrease words to attar original idioms. here are some examples: give somebody an inch and he will take an ell改为 give him an inch and he will take a mile 得寸进尺 neither fish nor fowl 改为 neither fish, flesh nor fowl 非驴非马

15、 people also use ways of increase or decrease to charge idioms for terse “山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”改为“山重水复”“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”改为“死而后已 4.9 the characteristics of image symbol in chinese and english idiomsby the comparative study of english and chinese idioms, we can not only understand the nationality feature, but al

16、so we can gain fun from different analogous images. we do not suffer from this kind of study, moreover we can understand idioms well, use it appropriately, and even it helps for english and chinese comparative study on the characteristics between english and chinese idioms 14 translation. here are t

17、he comparative of symbol of english and chinese idioms. they canbe helpful for english learners. similarities are in meaning and symbol. english and chinese are different in contexts and cultures, but people also use similar symbol to describe the same thing or view. these kinds of idioms can transl

18、ate literally when we directly to understand. strike while the iron is hot 趁热打 follow in somebody?s footsteps 步入后尘 beauty is in the eye of the beholder 情人眼里出西施 a yes man 跟屁虫 because these kinds of idioms are similar in meaning and symbol, it?s easy to learn. we should pay attention to compare them w

19、hen we are learning language.similarities in meaning, differences in symbol. although lion and tiger are two different animals, the meanings they signify are same in the two different cultures. both two sometimes stand for threaten and obstacle. it is unsuitable to strive for the forms match while w

20、e try to understand or translate these kinds of idioms. if not it will be difficult to express the original meaning clearly. such idioms can be illustrated by these examples: when a man is going down hill, everyone will give him a push. 墙倒众人推 hold a wolf by the ears 骑虎难 like a rat in the hole 翁中捉鳖 a

21、ll is fish that comes to one?s net 抓到篮里便是菜 a lion in the way 拦路虎 have a card up one?s sleeve 胸有成竹 sit on the fence 脚踩两只船(随风倒) the above idioms are very interesting. meanwhile, we are attracted deeply by the nationality feature of different language in different cultures. similarities in symbol, but

22、not with the literal meaning when we read some english famous books we always come across many idioms, which are variant based on fixed idioms, we can not understand easily by the literal meaning. we translate it according to its metaphoric meaning. here are some idioms of this kind: in the same boa

23、t 指处于困境而不是同舟共济的意思 once bitten, twice shy 一回上当两回乖,而不是一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳 child?s play 简单容易而不是视同儿戏的意思 to be touch and go 指危险处境而不是一触即发的意思 similarities in symbol, opposite in meaning. the numbers of these kinds of idioms are few, but we can use the “reverse thought” to understand them. 大连民族学院2009届英语专业本科毕业论文 15 l

24、ike a fish out of water 与如鱼得水意义相反 many a good cow hath a bad calf 与虎父无犬子意义相反cry stinking fish 与王婆卖瓜意义相反 hard words break no bones 与恶语伤人六月寒意义相反 the above similarities are essential to the intercultural communicationdifferent cultures may conflict in many aspects,but must agree on basic morals and val

25、ue pointsonly by agreeing on basic morals and value points, can cultural conflicts be limited in a tolerable level and intercultural communication carried out 5. conclusion to sum up, comparative study on the characteristics between english and chinese idioms can help bridge the cultural gaps and en

26、hance the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication. also it can help english learners to have a better understanding of idioms and arouse their interest in the study of idioms and that of the language as a whole idioms, which reflect customs ,are the essence of culture in every county .therefor

27、e ,idioms can help us to understand western cultures and develop the communicative abilities each nation has its own language,among which idiom is the essence and treasure, and has strong cultural characteristics. because of idiom?s advantages, having a long history, and a profound moral and strong

28、expression. idioms often have strong national color and local color. generally, idioms could be divided into four aspects: set phrases, proverbs, common sayings and a two-part allegorical saying. just as its scope, english and chinese idioms come from different fields, including peoples thoughts abo

29、ut objectiveworld, human being themselves, philosophy and the life experience, and so on, about peoples thoughts about objective world and social law. because of the differences in geography, history, religious, belief, habits and customs, english and chinese custom languages load much national cult

30、ure characteristic and cultural information. a large number of idioms exist in chinese and english languages. not only the differences of internal characrtistics exeist,but the similarities of idioms from the two languages by comparing and analyzing them in regard to their content ,origion,backgroun

31、d,usage,expression and function. based on the plentiful and representative examples, these papers provide more insight into chinese and english idioms. comparative study on the characteristics between english and chinese idioms 16 reference 1 郭著章,李庆生.英汉互译实用教程.z.武汉大学出版社,2003.p132 2 牛津高阶英汉双解词典-第四版增补版m

32、.北京:商务印书馆/牛津大学出版 社,1997,p36 3 陈志立.英语习语的特征与翻译j.郑州航空工业管理学院学报,2005(8).p2 4 冯翠华.english rhetorical optionsm.外语教学与研究出版社,2003.p74 5 liu jinding. translation of chinese and english idiomsj.武当学刊,1995(9).p4 6 冉秀霞.cultural differences in english and chinese idiomsj.重庆 职业技术学院学报,2004(7).p1 7 涂沙丽.论英汉习语翻译中文化差异的处理

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