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1、absorbmagnificentinvariablypreludeintegrateunderlineresumeloosenpersuaderestrainsequenceinquiryrelevantconsciouscontinualtransferliterallyemphasizebasicdipglideschedule read between lines dip into no more get in the way in the second place reach for, pick up leave off onsist intie up reduceto think

2、througha set of徐 州 工 程 学 院 教 案 纸教 学 内 容 ( 要 点 )Unit 6 How to Mark a Book1st period and 2nd period:Teaching Objectives: 1)Students learn the new words and phrases in the text;2) Students know some background knowledge in the passage;3) Students catch the main idea of the passage and know how to mark

3、a bookTeaching Contents:1. Background knowledge 1)M. J. Adler (19022001) M. J. Adler is an American educator and writer. Born in New York City and graduated from Columbia University (Ph. D., 1928), he taught philosophy and philosophy of law at the University of Chicago from 1930 until 1952, when he

4、founded and became director of the Institute for Philosophical Research in San Francisco. With Robert Hutchins, Adler organized in 1946 an adult discussion group program centered on the “Great Books” of the past and edited Great Books of the Western World (54 volumes, 1952). Adler also edited the tw

5、o-volume index and guide to the ideas in Great Books. In 1969 he became director of planning for the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica which was published in 1974.2)Introductory remarks: In this essay, the author tells us how to read more actively and efficiently by underlining and making bri

6、ef marginal notes. He argues that unless you make a book a part of yourself, you do not literally own it; and marking up a book while reading is the best way to make it become yours. And he goes on to tell us why marking up a book is indispensable to reading with the following 3 arguments: 1) it wil

7、l keep our minds alert and active; 2) we may record our thoughts which are the results of active reading; 3) the physical act of noting will retain in our memory the thoughts the author expressed and the thoughts we have had.2. Pre-reading Tasks:Students listen to the recording and do the pre-readin

8、g task on page 2 of their book. 3Lead-in questionsThe following are 10 statements about the text. The students are expected to respond to these statements by saying “true” or “false”. 1. You cannot read most efficiently if you do not “write between the lines”. (T)2. As soon as you have bought a book

9、, the book belongs to you. (F)3.According to the author, books should not be kept as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (T)4. According to the author, you can mark up any books that belong to yourself. (F)5. Marking up a book while reading can keep you from dozing off. (T)6. Books should b

10、e read in a state of relaxation. (F)7. Your reading is active when you have filled the pages of the book with your notes. (T)8. Reading a book is somewhat like having a conversation with the author. (T)9. Learning means absorbing whatever you are exposed to on the subject. (F)10. By “ marking a book

11、”, the author only means writing in the margin of the pages. (F)4Text organization Part I: Readers are persuaded to “write between the lines.”Part II: Two ways of owning a book, and three kinds of book owners.Part III: Detailed reasons for marking up a book.Part IV: The writers way to mark a book.5.

12、 New words and phrases 1) persuade: cause (sb.) to do (sth.)by talking to him or arguing with hime.g. The doctors tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but he just wouldnt listen to them.2) mark up a book: make symbolic marks in a book for the purpose of comment, emphasis.3) prelude: something t

13、hat comes before and acts as an introduction to something more importante.g. The discussions were a prelude to the treaty.Many people believe that the fighting in the streets is a prelude to more serious trouble.4) transfer: take or remove from one person or place to anothere.g. That world-famous so

14、ccer star has been transferred from a Spanish club to an Italian one.The dying man decided to transfer the ownership of his house to his youngest son.5) absorb: take in (a liquid, knowledge, idea, etc.)6) . to do you any good:. to be of any help or benefit to youdo (sb.) good: help or benefit (sb.)e

15、.g. Eat more fruit and vegetable; it will do you good.Doing taijiquan has done me a lot of good.7) the standard sets:the collections of books written by those accepted as authorities on a particular subject8) dip into: read here and there in ( a book or magazine); browsee.g. He usually dips into a b

16、ook before deciding whether to read it or not.Some books are to be read seriously, others to be dipped into.9) loosen: make or become loose or loosere.g. Returning to his own office. Bob loosened his tie and opened his shirt.When Mark was drunk, his tongue was loosened.10) continual: (usu. of sth. b

17、ad or annoying ) happening again and again; repeated e.g. He still smokes and drinks, despite the continual warnings of his doctor.Weve had continual rain in the past three weeks.11) preserve: keep safe from harm, danger or decaye.g. Do you think these traditional customs should be preserved?Ancient

18、 Egyptians knew of means to preserve dead bodies from decay.12) manufacture: make or produce by machinery in large quantitiese.g. Many of the shoes and toys sold in the United States are manufactured in China.Pauls uncle owns a big factory that manufactures farm machinery.13) indispensable (to): abs

19、olutely necessary; too important to live withoute.g. Oxygen is indispensable to life.A good dictionary is indispensable to the study of a foreign language.14) conscious: aware; awake and able to feel and thinke.g. When he became conscious again, he found himself lying in bed in a hospital.The driver

20、 was still conscious when the ambulance reached the hospital.15) invariably: always; without exceptione.g. The old man invariably gets up at 6 in the morning.The absent-minded professor will invariably leave something behind.16) resum:begin again after a pause or interruptione.g. They resumed their

21、journey after a short rest.After lunch he resumed reading where he had left off.17) underline: draw a line under sth. use. To show that it is importante.g. Try to find the topic sentence of this paragraph and underline it.The teacher asked the students to use two colored pens and underline the posit

22、ive and negative words in the paragraph.18) be relevant to : be connected with what is being discussede.g. The judge ruled that the evidence was not relevant to the case.I dont think your remarks are relevant to our discussion.19) sequence: the order in which things happene.g. Everything happened so

23、 fast after the train crash that each of the passengers has a different account of the sequence of events. The names are arranged in alphabetical sequence.20) fancy thinking: philosophical or intellectual thinking; fanciful or whimsical thinking21) an integrated structure: a structure in which the p

24、arts are brought into a whole; an organic whole6. Home work :1) Review new words and phrases in the text;2) Preview the whole passage.3rd Period and 4th period 1)Students learn the language points and grammar structures in the passage ;2) Students practise reading and speaking ;3) Ask students to tr

25、y to summarize the text in their own words.1. Paraphrase the whole passage1) .you have to read “between the lines” to get the most out of anything: 你知道读书要“深入字里行间”,以求最充分的理解。while reading you must look for what is implied if you want to get the greatest benefit from any reading between t

26、he lines: look for what is implied or suggested, but not actually statede.g. My son wrote that he liked his college life very much, but I could read between the lines that he was homesick.Reading between the lines, I should say they are very much disappointed at the outcome.2) If you decide that I a

27、m right about the usefulness of marking books: 如果你认为我说的在书上做记号颇有益处的这番话是对的If one conclude that I am correct in saying that its useful to mark booksdecide=concludee.g. After the interview, the manager decided that the young man was the right person for the job.Many people have decided that he is one of

28、 the greatest soccer stars the world has ever produced.3) There are two ways in which one can own a book: 一个人拥有书的方法有两种。The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. Full ownership

29、 comesIf one buys book, he becomes its owner. In other words, he has established the property right over the book by paying for it. This is the usual meaning of ownership. The author proposes a second meaning, what he calls “full” ownership. Buying a book is not enough to “fully” own it, he argues. One has to read it carefully to make it fully his.4) But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your blood stream: 但从最重要的意

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