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1、57.The crime novel may be regarded asA not a tree novel at all B an independent development of the novelC related in some ways to the historical novel D a quite respectable form of the conventional novel58.The passage suggests that intellectuals write detective stories becauseA they enjoy writing th

2、ese stories B the stories are often in fact very instructiveC detective stories are an accepted branch of literature D the creation of these stories demands considerable intelligence59.What feature of the detective story is said to disqualify it from respectful consideration by intellectual critics?

3、A The fact that the guilty are always found out and the innocent cleared.B The lack of interest in genuine character revelations.C The existence of a neat closely-knit story. D The many seemingly impossible events.60.One of the most incredible characteristics of the hero of a thriller isAhis excitin

4、g lifeB his amazing toughnessC the way he deals with enemiesD his ability to escape from dangerous situations61.In what way are the detective story and the thriller unlike?A In introducing violence.BIn providing excitement and suspenseCIn ensuring that everything comes right in the endDIn appealing

5、to the intellectual curiosity of the reader (2)Every once in a while the reasons for discouragement about the human prospect pile up so high that it becomes difficult to see the way ahead.and it is then agreat blessing to have one conspicuous and undeniable good thing to think about ourselves,someth

6、ing solid enough to step onto and look beyond the pilelanguage is often useful for this,and musicA particular painting,if you have the right receptors,can lift the spirits and hold them high enough to see a whole future for the raceThe sound of laughter in the distance in the dark can be a marvelous

7、 encouragementBut these are uncertain stimuli,ready,to work only if you happen to be ready to receive them,which takes a bit of luck.I have been reading magazine stories about the technology of lie detection lately,and it occurs to me that this may be the thing Ive been looking for,an encouragement

8、supported by genuine,hard scientific dataIt is promising enough that Ive decided to take as given what the articles sayuncritically,and to look no furtherAs I understand it,a human being cannot tell a lie,even a small onewithout setting off a kind of smoke alarm Somewhere deep in a dark recess of th

9、e brain,resulting in the sudden discharge 9f nerve impulses,or the sudden outpouring of neurohormones(神经激素)of some sort,or bothThe outcome,recorded by the liedetector device is similar to the responses to various kinds of stressLying,then is stressful,even when we do it for protection,or relief,or e

10、scape,or profit,or just for the pure pleasure of lying and getting away with itIt is a straindistressing enough to cause the emission of signals to and from the central nervous system warning that something has gone wron9It is,in a pure physiological sense,an unnatural actNow I regard this as a piec

11、e of extraordinarily good news,meaning,that we are compelled to be a moral species at least in the limited sense that we are biologically designed to be truthful to each otherIt seems a petty thing to have this information,but perhaps it tells us to look again,and look deeperWe are indeed a social s

12、pecies,more dependent on each other than the celebrated social insects,we can no more live a solitary life than can a bee,we ale obliged,as a rely on each otherTrust is a fundamental requirement for our kind of existence,and without it all our linkages would begin to snap looseIt is enoug

13、h,quite enough,to know that we cannot even tell a plain untruth,and betray a trust,without scaring some part of our own brains62In the first paragraphthe author implies thatAwe are convinced that men are born evilB human beings are surrounded by piles of rubbishCthere are a lot of obstacles on the w

14、ay ahead of human beingsDmans future is seen to be encouraging from his good nature63According to the second paragraph,which of the following statements is true?A Language is as useful as musicBPainting is the best of all in lifting ones spiritsCTo see humans bright side is a game of chance,DNot eve

15、ryone is given the chance of a good future64.Which of the following is true ac6ording to the passage?A Physiological changes will for sure betray a liar. B The bigger a lie is, the stronger the strain will be.C The degree of the strain depends on the purpose of lying.D A well-trained person can tell

16、 lies without being detected.65.The information given by the lie detector, according to the author, isA trivial B essential C surprising D unreliable66.The message the author transmits to us by the lie detector is thatA it is vital for us to be truthful to each otherB lying will be checked by more a

17、dvanced lie detectorsC a lie detector can make a good record of nerve impulsesD a liar benefits himself from lying, but only at the cost of others(3)President Bush touched off a firestorm of criticism from congressional Democrats, civil fights groups and newspaper editorialists Wednesday when he dec

18、ided to intervene in a Supreme Court case challenging racial preferences in the University of Michigan admissions policy. The howls of protest were quick and loud. Judging from the noise, one might conclude that this president is in big political trouble as he looks to reelection in 2004. After all,

19、 with public uncertainty about the economy, the possibility of war with Iraq, increased tensions with North Korea dominating the headlines, and Democrats hurling brickbats at Bush for everything from his economic stimulus plan that they say favors the rich to what they see as his abandonment of mino

20、rities by opposing the Michigan case, he would appear to be poised (使平衡) on the brink of political disaster.But is he? Not yet. His standing with the public is stronger than outward poll numbers suggest. Much was made this past week of a USA TODAY CNN Gallup Poll that showed Bushs job approval ratin

21、g dipping below 60% for the first time since Sept. 11, to 58%. That caused many to comment that he might be following down a path his father previously trod. The elder Bush achieved success in the Persian Gulf War but saw his job ratings erode steadily, largely because of what many read as an inadeq

22、uate response to a slumping economy. He was denied a second term.But for the younger Bush to be in danger of a repeat, he would have to do something that breaks the bond he has formed with the American public on a personal level since Sept. 11 that transcendshis positions on various issues.The same

23、USA TODAY poll that showed Bushs overall job-approval slipping, but still good,also found that his so-called political vital signs are remarkably strong. They suggest that regardless of whether people agree or disagree with Bushs handling of specific problems or issues,he retains a high degree of respect, trust and support for pushing boldly ahead as he sees fit. Most who said the qualities do not apply are De

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