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1、 alkene, alkyne, benzene, halogenated organic compounds to the following exercises: Name: the CII3C1I (Oil) CH2OHClCH2C CH2 CH3CH34.5.64. Isomerism and isomer: the method of writing isomers:One(1) carbon chain isomer (2) (3) functional position of heterogeneous heterogeneous (4) CIS trans isomers of

2、 the writing rules -一 four words: from long to short chain branched from the whole; to powder; branched or functional groups by location to the edge; arrangement of adjacent, Exercise: 1) (molecular formula C6H14 alkanes, containing 3 methyl isomers in the formula, (A), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (D) 5)(2) aft

3、er determination, an organic matter molecule contains 2 - CH3, one - CH2 - 2; one - CH - one Cl. Describe the structure of the isomer of this organic compound:C2H5(3) according to the system name, 2 - CH - CH2 - C - CH3 backbone carbon atom number is (. CH) CH (CH3) 2 A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 (4) (CH3CH2

4、) (2CHCH3) is correctly named A. 3- B. 2- methyl ethyl methyl pentane pentane C. 2- butane butane (5 ethyl D.3- Name: CH3) CH3 CH3-CH-C-CH3 CH3-CH CH3 CH3 CH2 CH3 (6). Write out the following organic type: w. w. w. k s. 5. u. c. o. m 2, 6 - two 一 4 一 methyl the 2, 5 - two; 4-2 methyl

5、, 5-hexadiene; 3: 2, 3 - two methyl the 2, 3, 3-: hexane; trimethyl pentane:TwoAlkane having only one ethyl and smallest amount of alkane:(7) a hydrocarbon molecular formula is C10H14, can make water fade, but can make Potassium Permanganate acid solution,The molecular structure contains only one al

6、kyl, alkyl structure consists of: the general steps and methods of A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 D, 5 and 5 of organic compounds (1) separation and purification (distillation, recrystallization, sublimation, chromatographic separation); (2) elemental analysis (analysis, quantitative elemental analysis of Yuan Sudi

7、ng) - determine the type; (3) the determination of relative molecular mass (mass spectrometry) - Determination of molecular formula; (4) identification of molecular structures (Chemistry and physics) Practice: the 2002 Nobel prize in chemistry in recognition of the two results, one of which is the S

8、wiss scientist Kurt Wiithrich invented the method for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution by NMR technique、In chemistry, the hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum is often used to determine the different hydrogen atoms in organic molec

9、ules according to the signals given by hydrogen atoms in different chemical environments The following organic molecules present only one signal in 1H NMR: A, HCHO, B, CH30H, C, HCOOH, D, CH3C00CH36, method of determining the molecular formula (1) for each element by the mass fraction of each elemen

10、t, experimental method of atomic number ratio (experimental), using chemical equation for molecular formula containing for mo1ar mass, or other conditions, by the density of lmol molecules Molecular formula using general formula and relative molecular weight Molecular weight(2) the quantity relation

11、 method of substance (3) chemical equation method (4) the amount of matter in the e1ements of the combustion formula and the molecular formula, (subject to M=dg/cm3 * 103. 22. 4L/mol)Exercise: (1) 4.74gC02 and 1.92gH20 were obtained after combustion of 3. 26g sample The relative molecular mass of th

12、e sample was 60. The experimental formula and molecular formula of the sample were obtained(2) when a gaseous hydrocarbon is fully combusted in 9L oxygen at 125 DEG C, the volume of the mixed gas after reaction is still IL (10L), and the hydrocarbon may beThreeA. CH4B. C2H4C. C2H2D. C6H67, alkanes:

13、only containing C - C - H bond and C bond hydrocarbons, also called alkanes(if C - C is linked into a ring, called a hydrocarbon) Formula: CnH2n+2 (n 二 1) physical properties (1) physical properties with increasing number of carbon atoms in the molecule, changes in the boiling point gradually, the r

14、elative density gradually; (2) the number of carbon atoms at the same time, more branched, melting point and boiling point(3) the density of alkane is smaller than that of water, insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvent. Chemical properties (similar to methane) : substitution reactions: an

15、equation for the chlorination of butane and chlorineThe oxidation reaction: write alkane combustion formula can make acidic solution. Potassium Permanganate alkane and olefin 8 concepts: Formula: (variation of physical properties similar to those of alkanes) ethylene production: chemical properties

16、(ethylene and similar) (1) alkene addition reaction: the reaction of ethylene and chlorine reaction of ethylene and H20 of ethylene and HC1 the reaction (2) oxidation reaction: 1: write the combustion formula can make acidic solution. Potassium Permanganate olefin (can be used for the identification

17、 of alkane and alkene) addition polymerization: synthesis of polyvinyl chlorideSynthesis of polypropylene (3) CIS trans isomerism of olefins: Practice: mixing methane with ethylene and removing ethylene to obtain pure methane, preferably by Sheng YounaFourSome reagents for washing cylinders? (A.) cl

18、arify lime concentrated H2S04 B. acidic KMnO4 solution, concentrated H2S04 C., H2S04 D. H2S04 concentrated bromine concentration, acidic solution of KMnO4 practice: the following organic molecules that can form cis isomer is (A. CH2=CHCH3)B. CH2二二二CHCH2CH3 C. CH3CH二二二C (CH3) 2 D. CH3CH二二二CHC1 exerci

19、se: with the same carbon and hydrogen content with propylene, but neither homologues are not isomers (is)A. B C. cyclopropane, cyclobutane ethylene D. propane mixed gas practice: 15 grams of methane and ethylene through filled with water (enough) to wash the bottle, after the reaction of bromine wat

20、er measured weight 7 g, mixed methane and ethylene gas volume ratio (A. 2) : 1 B. 1: 2 C. 3 2: D. 2: 3 A, B practice: two kinds of hydrocarbon, the mass fraction of the carbon is the same as that of A and B on the narrative is correct: A. two is probably not the simplest two homologues C. the same D

21、. each lmol A and B respectively combustion quality generated C02 be equal 9 diene the reaction of diene hydrocarbon: plus: two types of alkynes: 10, composition and structure characteristics of acetylene acetylene: physical properties: the preparation of acetylene acetylene: chemical properties: (1

22、), (2) : flammable, acid solution out of Potassium Permanganate Color (3), the addition reaction: all atom following molecular could not coexist in the same plane (is) molecular composition and structure of A. C2H2 B. C02 C. NH3 - D. C6H6 11, benzene is of simple structure, structure type, molecular

23、 configuration. Physical properties: the oxidation reaction of benzene: combustion in the air, smoke but not make Potassium Permanganate acid solution.FiveB. two must be isomersSubstitution reaction of benzene (halogenation and nitration)Addition reaction of benzene (with H2, C12)Conclusion: burning

24、, adding, and replacing exercises: all atoms in the following substances are likely to be on the same plane)The practice was to identify the following groups of substances by chemical methods (1) benzene and ethylbenzene (2) ethane and ethylene (3) benzene, xylene, ethylene, 12 halogenated hydrocarb

25、ons: halohydrocarbon is. The molecular structure was write bromoethane electronic type, type, structure type, simple structureThe introduction of bromine atom chemistry was the physical properties of bromoethane have influence on the properties of hydrolysis reaction of bromoethane: CH3CH2Br + NaOH

26、(H-OH)Elimination reaction: CH3CH2Br + NaOH (ethanol)Six (1) CH3CH BrCH2 CH3How many products are there in the reaction?(2) the elimination reaction can occur The isomer in the product is (3) the isomer of one of the following chlorine substitutes isA. , propane, B,butane, C,isobutane (D. new pentan

27、e)SevenThe first two chapters of Organic ChemistryClass nameI. selection questions: 1. The categories and functional groups of the following substances are correctCH3CHCH3A. phenols - OH, B.COOHcarboxylic acid- CHOC 0 CC.Aldehydes - CHO, D.CH3-O-CH3Ether2, the following belongs to the separation and

28、 purification of solid organic matter (A.) is the operation of the distillationB. extraction C recrystallization D solution 3, the following is the correct name of organic matter (A.2-) B. 1 2- two ethylpentane, chlorobutane C. 2, 2- two -4- D. 3 4- methyl cyclohexanol, two methyl pentane 4, a Alkynes by catalytic hydrogenation

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