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1、Requirements1.船员、旅客健康状况良好,无传染病染疫人或染疫嫌疑人,无食物中毒事故。All crew and passengers are in goodhealth. No infected cases,suspectsor food-borne diseases are reported.2.船员应持有效健康证明,来自黄热病疫区的人员持有效黄热病预防接种证书。All crew possess valid health certificates.Crew and passengers from yellow fever infected area possess valid ye

2、llow fever vaccination certificates.3 厨房工作人员和服务人员具有良好的卫生习惯,了解、掌握食品保存和食品制备的正确方法及要求。Cooks and serving staff display goodpersonal hygiene and are knowledgeable about safe food holding and preparation methods.1. 有完整的日常保洁维护计划或卫生管理制度,在可能导致感染或污染的关键部位张贴清洁维护制度或规程。There is a whole schedule for daily cleaning

3、and maintenance or a sanitation management code in operation,which is posted up at crucial places where food contamination might occur.检查结果 所见证据Results Evidences Found是 Yes否 No要求 检查结果 所见证据TemsRequirements Results EvidencesFound2.内墙、地面清洁,无积水或油渍(污)All inner walls and floors are clean and free from gre

4、ase or still water.3.有完好的防尘、防蝇、防鼠设施,无鼠患,虫患不超过控制标准There are well-developed facilities against dust,insects and rats.There is no evidence of rodent infestation,and insect infestation is under control.4.有独立的专用食物处理区,要求与其他的公用活动区域或公用通道相隔离。There are food-handling areas restricted for this purpose only and

5、separated from other public areas or passages.5.厨房的公共用具、家具、食品加工生产、处理及储存等用具保持清洁。Culinary utensils,furniture,and facilitiesfor food producing,processing,and storage are kept clean.6 生熟食品应分开加工、存放,摆放有序,防止交叉污染。Raw and cooked food are separately processed and stored,and placed in good order to prevent cro

6、ss-contamination检查项目 要求7.有厨工专用洗手设施及清洁用品。 There are dedicated hand-washing facilities and cleanser accessible to the galley staff.8.装有抽气通风装置,运转良好。Exhaust ventilation equipment is adequately provided and worksnormally.9.有专用的垃圾桶 /废弃物箱。There are dedicated garbage/wase bins.10.摆放在服务区及自助餐桌上的食品,应有适宜的展示罩或用其

7、他有效的方法进行防护,应保持合理温度,备有公用用具,并按服务流程摆放。Food served at service area andcafeteriaisprotectedfromcontaminationwithappropriateexhibitingcoversor othereffectivemethods,andholdatreasonabletemperature.Public utensils are providedand placed according to service flow.1.视频来源可靠,清洁、卫生、无杂食品储藏室质或掺杂,在保质期内,分类存放,离地上架。和仓

8、库All Foodobtained fromreliablesources and is clean,without impurity orPantry and stores adulteration andwithinexpirationdates,All food is stored by sort and kepton shell.Results Evidentces FoundInspected2. 食品库清洁卫生,远离污染源,不与有毒有害物质共同存放。Storage systems are clean and keep away from pollution source.There

9、 are no poisonous or harmful substances inside.3. 无鼠患。虫患不超过控制标准。There is no evidence of rodentinfestation,andinsectinfestation is under control .4. 保热食物存放在至少达到 62.8 的保温设备中。Food to be held hot is placed in a hot-holding apparatus already at atemperature lf at least 62.8 (145 F) and maintained at that

10、 temperature until required.5. 易腐败的食物、饮料存放在 4一下All perishable food or drind iskept at or below 4 ( 40F).6. 水果和蔬菜保存在冷藏室Fruits and vegetables are stored incool rooms.7. 鱼、肉类保存在 0-3 左右Meat and fish are maintained at 0 to 3 (32 to 37 F)8. 奶类和奶制品保存在 4左右Milk and milk products are maintained at 4 (40 9. 冷冻

11、食品保存在 -12 一下Frozen foods are kept below -12 (10 Rensults Eidences Found是 Yes 否 No inspeted饮用水Potablewater1. 来源可靠,自制或从经许可的港口供水部门获取。Potable water is self-made or obtained from approved water providers of port.2. 储水罐位置合理,不受污染或过热影响。Potable water tanks are located in reasonable areas where they willnot b

12、e affected bydirt,insects,rodents or other contamination or excessive heat.3. 储水罐有便于清洁保养的检查罩和独立排水系统。Potable water tanks have aninspectioncoverforeasyinspection and access for cleaning or maintenance,and are fitted with an independent drainage system.4. 专用管道配送系统,标识清楚。All tanks,hoses,valves and equipm

13、ent for handling potable water should be exclusively for thispurpose and clearly labeled.5. 配备卤化 / 加氯等消毒净化设施Potable water systems incorporateahalpgenation/chlorinationsystem orothermeans ofdisinfection and decontamination.Results Evidences Foud6. 安装防回流设施“Backflow ” preventioninstalled.Ttems7. 定期实施水质

14、检验,向供水的港口部门索取水质检测报告Water quality is verifiedregularly,and water quality testreports from the port supply should be requested.8. 定期清洁保养Regular cleaning and maintenance is implemented1. 整洁、通风、温度适宜Tidy,cozy and well ventilated2. 无鼠患,虫患不超过控制标准 There is no evidence of rodent住舱区及甲板 infestation and insect

15、infestation is under control.Cabins and decks3. 靠泊期间,缆绳、舷梯有防鼠措施Effective rat-profing facilitiesare used on the mooring ropes and gangboards while the ship anchors at port.1. 医疗负责人接受基本医疗急救方面的卫生知识培训。Crew members in charge of health onboard are medically trained and医疗设施 qualified.2. 配有足量有效的药品器械, 保留完整规范

16、Medical facilities 的药品消耗、补充记录There are adequate valid medicine and medical devices. Records of medinine consumption and supplement are maintained and kept perfectly.货舱(货物)Holds(cargo)3. 有与日常活动相隔离的检查 / 治疗专用场所,无鼠患、媒介和其他污染源。There is a dedicated place for medicalexamination/treatment,which shallbe isola

17、ted from regular areas andfree from rodent,insects or otherpollution sources.4. 检查 / 治疗设施应保持洁净、维护良好Facilitiesformedicalexamination/treatment are properly maintained5. 具有规范的操作手册或应对公共卫生事件的程序;保留有医学日志,记录完整Medical operational manuals orprocedures responding to publichealth emergencies areestablished,and

18、medical log isperfectly maintained and kept.1. 无鼠患,虫患不超过控制标准infestation and insect infestation is under control.2. 无核、生、化污染及其他污染No evidence ofnuclear,biological,or chemical hazards and other contamination.垃圾、固体和医1. 有垃圾、废弃物处理、移运制度或管理文件。疗废弃物、排泄A system ofwaste disposalandtransportationis establisheddo

19、cumented.物Garbage,solid andItems inspectedmedical wasteand humanexcreta2. 配备有标志清楚、专门盛装垃圾、固体和医疗废弃物的带该容器或专用场所。Covered containers or dedicated place shall be provided to holdgarbage,solid and medical waste,and shall be legibly labeled.3. 有船上生活垃圾、剩余食物、固体废弃物和医疗废弃物等的收集移运记录或证明。Collection and transportation

20、 ofgarbage,food remainder,solid and medical waste shall be documented or certified.4. 船上生活垃圾、剩余食物、固体废弃物移运前应经无害化处理;生物医疗废弃物应经正确处理后移运。Garbage,food remainder,and solidwaste shall undergo harmless treatment before discharge andtransportation.Biological and medical waste shall be disposed correctly.5. 排泄物

21、的储存、排放应符合有关要求。Storage and discharge of human excreta shall accord with relevant regulations.机舱There is no evidence of rodent infestation and insect infestationEngine roomis under control.压舱水Ballast water2. 发动机外壳或绝缘体不应受到鼠类等啮齿动物、昆虫媒介 / 宿主侵扰的痕迹Engine casings and insulation arefree from rodents,insects

22、and their host s infestation.1. 具备完善的压舱水管理计划并妥善执行。A comprehensive ballastwatermanagement plan is established and satisfactorily complied with.2. 压舱水关的关闭阀门应处于“关闭”位置Ballast tanks valves are set in“ off ”position.3. 不存在未经比准或未经风险评估扇子排放压舱水的情形No evidence of illegal discharge of ballast water without permi

23、ssion orrisk assessment by quarantine authourties.1. 救生船罩或船底、排水孔、排水沟、空气处理装置、轮胎及其他船上废弃的容器等不应存在积水(不流动水)No standing water is found in areassuch as lifeboat不流动水 covers,scuppers,awnings,bilges,airtreatment plants,tyres and wasteStanding water containers.2. 积水中没有昆虫媒介孳生No insect is found in standing water检

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