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1、education. A ignored B exalted C eradicated D canceled词义辨析。eradicate根除,消灭:Smallpox has almost been eradicated天花几乎已消灭。ignore故意不理睬:I said hello to her,but she ignored me completely我向她打招呼,可她根本不理我。exalt颂扬。第3题Only hotel guests have the_of using the privatebeach. A occasion B possibility C privilege D all

2、owance近义辨析。privilege特权,特别待遇:I had the privilege of meeting the queen我有会见王后的特权。occasion时机,机会:A birthday is no occasion for tears生日可不是哭鼻子的时候。possibility可能性:There is no possibility of his coming他不可能来。allowance宽容,允许,被允许的东西(如限额、限期等):ask for an allowance of three days要求给三天时间。第4题Regarding insurance, the _i

3、s for 110% of the invoice value of the goods that a manufacturer wants toexport. A amount B cover C insurance D premiumD premium保险费,额外费用,奖金,花红;amount总额,总值;cover保险(动词);insurance保险(契约),保险费,保险业。第5题Now a single cell phone is able to store a large _of information about an individuallife. A deal B number

4、C amount D account习语搭配。an amount of大量;一些(后跟不可数名词):Her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy她的案件博得了无数公众的同情。give an account of描述:She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle她绘声绘色地描述了自己在丛林中的生活。a number of大量,若干(后跟可数名词):A number of well-qualified people have recently left the

5、 company一些非常称职的人已在最近离开了这家公司。第6题Home to magnates and gangsters, refugees and artists, the city was, in its_, a metropolis that exhibited all the hues of the humancharacter. A prime B primary C privacy D probationA in ones prime全盛时期:This is a dancer in her prime这是一位处于巅峰状态的舞蹈家。第7题A larger brain makes m

6、an_toanimals.A better B superior C excelled D outstandingB 固定搭配。be superior to优于,比好。第8题He was always finding_with his daughtersfriends. A blame B error C mistake D faultfault过错,缺点,毛病。Find fault With挑剔,找茬:Shes always finding fault with the way I do things她对我做事的方式总是百般挑剔。blame过失,责备,谴责,归咎:The car driver

7、 took the blame for the accident小汽车的司机承担了事故的责任。error错误,过失:The accident was caused by human error这次事故是由人为过错造成的。mistake错误,过失:I took your pen by mistake错拿了你的钢笔。二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题15小题每题1.0分,共15.0分。This part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase isunderlined. Below each sentence,

8、 there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C andD. You are to select the ONE choice that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of theanswer. )第1题Mark Anthonys eulogy of Caesar at his funeral is memorably recorded in

9、a play byShakespeare.A prayer B praise C biography D denunciation名词辨析。eulogy赞词,颂词:chant the eulogy of sb赞颂某人。praise赞扬,赞美的话:He gave a speech in praise of the school他在讲话中称赞了这所学校。prayer祈祷:morning prayers晨祷。biography传记:the biography of Byron拜伦传。denunciation谴责,告发:her fierce denunciation of her enemies她对仇

10、敌的强烈谴责。第2题Many of the electric and electronic products we purchase and consume today are what some industrial experts call homogeneous toys. A identical B homosexual C unrelated D distinguishable形容词辨析。homogeneous同类的,相似的;identical同一的,同样的:We are identical in our views of what should be done我们双方对应当怎么办的

11、看法是一致的。homosexual同性恋的;unrelated无关的,不相干的;distinguishable可区别的,可辨识的。第3题The artist spent years on his monumental painting, which covered the whole roof of the church, the biggest in thecountry. A archaic B sentimentalC outstanding D entiremonumental不朽的,非常的:Einsteins monumental contributions to physics爱因

12、斯坦对物理学的巨大贡献。outstanding突出的,显著的:an outstanding writer杰出作家。archaic古老的,古代的,陈旧的:an archaic bronze statuette一种相当古老的青铜小雕像。sentimental感伤性的,感情脆弱的:a sentimental soap opera伤感的肥皂剧。entire全部的,完整的,整个:The entire class will be there全班都将在那儿。第4题Construction of the gigantic office building in this city was for years i

13、ntermittent . A stopping and starting at intervals B something that will happen soon C being watched with keen interest D anything that comes and goesintermittent间歇的,断断续续的:Today will be mostly fine and sunny,with intermittent showers今天大部分时间天气晴朗,有间断阵雨。stopping and starting at intervals不时停下和开始;somethi

14、ng that will happen soon马上将发生某事;anything that comes and goes来来往往的任何事情。第5题The ancient Jewish people regarded themselves as the salt of the earth , the chosen few by God to rule theworld. A outcast B eliteC nomad D disciple结构识别。salt of the earth社会中坚,高尚的人。句中“the chosen few by God to rule the world(上帝选来

15、统治世界的少数人)”作“salt of the earth”的同位语,用来解释“salt of the earth。elite集合名词精华,精锐,中坚分子:the elite of society社会名流。outcast被驱逐者,流浪者,流氓;nomad游牧部落的人,流浪者,游牧民;disciple信徒,弟子,门徒。第6题When a hurricane is about to occur , the National Weather Bureau issues awarning. A adjacent B gigantic C perilous D imminentbe about to o

16、ccur将要发生;imminent即将来临的,逼近的:He was faced with imminent death他面临逼近的死亡。adjacent邻近的:adjacent cities相邻的城市。gigantic巨大的;庞大的:The new airplane looked like a gigantic bird这架新飞机看起来像一只巨大的鸟。perilous危险的:a perilousjourney across the mountains横越重山的艰险征途。第7题Attempts have been made for nearly three decades to increase

17、 the amount of precipitation from clouds by seeding them with salt or silveriodide. A Devices B Hypotheses C EffortsD Suggestionsattempt努力,尝试:abandon the attempts放弃尝试。device装置:a device for opening bottles一个打开瓶子的装置。hypothesis假设:This is only a sort of scientific hypothesis which has not been proved by

18、 experiments这仅仅是一个尚未被实验证明的科学假说。efforts努力,尽力:Please put more efforts into your school work请你在功课上再努点力。第8题In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, Reverend Dimmesdale succumbed to Hestercharms. A appealed to B conversed about C cared nothing for D yielded tosuccumb to屈服于:succumb to temptation受诱惑。yie

19、ld to屈服,让步:yield to desire屈服于欲望。appeal to呼吁,上诉,有吸引力:Bright colours appeal to small children小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。converse about就谈论:Hes willing to converse with anyone about the quotations on the stock market他愿和任何人谈论股市行情。care nothing for不以为意。第9题Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over smallproblems. A wor

20、ry about B get involved in C get angry aboutD look forfret over因(无谓的小事)焦虑:Dont fret over trifles不要为那些小事忧虑不安。worry about担心:Your parents are worrying about you你父母正担心你呢。get involved in涉及;get angry about因变得很生气;look for寻找,期待。第10题One of the effective ways to lessen environmental pollution is the reservati

21、on and protection of more swamps . A vast thick corals B pockets of wet land C warm volcanoes D millions of bees and waspsswamp沼泽,湿地,煤层聚水洼:The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去了。pockets of wet land小块湿地。coral珊瑚;volcano火山;bees and wasps蜜蜂和黄蜂。第11题Justices of the peace have jur

22、isdiction over the trials of some civil suits and of criminal cases involving minoroffenses. A superiority B authority C guidance D obediencejurisdiction权限:have jurisdiction over对有管辖权。The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country法院对驻本国的外交官无裁判权。authority权威,威信,职权:You dont

23、 have any authority for entering this houseIts private你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私宅。superiority优越,高傲:sense of superiority优越感。guidance指导,领导:undersb.s guidance在某人指导下。obedience服众,顺从:obedience to an order服从一项命令。第12题As a conductor, Leonard Bernstein is famous for his intensely vigorous and exuberantstyle. A extrem

24、e B enthusiastic C prosperous D nervousexuberant(人或行为)充满活力的:exuberant high spirits精神焕发。enthusiastic热心的,热情的,热烈的:be enthusiastic for sth对某事热心。extreme极端的,极度的:extreme pleasure极度高兴。prosperous繁荣的,繁盛的:a prosperous new business一家成功的新公司。nervous担扰的,焦虑的,紧张不安的:The speaker gave a nervous cough演说的人紧张得咳嗽了一声。第13题Se

25、veral theories of evolution had historically preceded that of Charles Darwin, although he expounded upon the stages ofdevelopment. A found fault with B explained in detail C outlined briefly D offered in published formBexpound on详细说明,解释:She expounded for some hours on her theories about Central America她用了几个小时阐述中美洲。explained in detail详细解释:The matter will be explained in detail in a separate letter此事当另函详陈。find fault with挑剔:She found fault with the arrangement of the furniture她吹毛求疵地说家具摆得不对。outlined briefly略述;offered in published form以出版物的形式提供。第14题One out of five bridges in the United States

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