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1、【正确答案】 :参考范文 Should Teachers Be Evaluated by Students?Teachers often get a chance to evaluate the knowledge of theirstudents. The situation now haschanged. Schools allow students to evaluate the work of theirteachers. It is an effective way to improve the quality ofteaching. First of all, students w

2、ould have great benefit from such asurvey. If students are not satisfied with a teacher, they would be offered a chance to express theiropinion. By this way, they would have their say about their owneducation. Their opinion should not be accepted as an absolute truth, but should always be heard and

3、taken intoconsideration. Secondly, students evaluation can make teachers prepare better for their lectures or explain the content more clearly and with moreenthusiasm. Therefore, students would be able to understand the lectures better andconsequently get highergrades. Furthermore, students would be

4、 motivated to pay more attention during classes and to listen to lectures more regularly, since they will be asked to give their own opinion about what theyveheard. In conclusion, if students were asked by the school to evaluate their teachers, it would benefit both the teachers andstudents. Teacher

5、s would be obligated to constantly improve quality of their lectures to avoid hadevaluation. Students would enjoy better education, and they would pay more attention in classes, since they would be able to influence the quality of theclasses. 审题 在写此类文章时要开门见山对题目做出回答:学生测评教师有助于提高教学质量。然后文章就此观点列出原因:无论学生提

6、出的意见正确与否,对教师提高自己,对学生认识自己都有帮助。可以举例证明文章的观点,最后很自然地得出结论:学校要求学生评估教师对双方都有益。以此方式构思,文章论点突出、论据充分、结构紧凑。二、Writing(Note-Writing)(本大题1小题每题10.0分,共10.0分。Write a note of about 5060 words based on the followingsituation:Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 5060 words based on the following You spent a wonderful

7、 weekend at a new friendshome. Write a note to express your gratitude and invite him to the party to be held in yourapartment. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar andappropriateness.参考范文Oct. 10 DearMr. Liu, I am writing to thank you for the wonderful weekend I had at yourhouse.

8、I really enjoyed it verymuch. And whats more, I was deeply impressed by your parents kindness andhospitality. They made me totally athome. Please allow me to repay your kindness by inviting you to a party to be held in my apartment at 4:00p.m. onSaturday. Im looking forward to yourcoming. Faithfully

9、 yours, Mary审题 根据该部分给出的提示,可知是写一个感谢+邀请型的便条:1便条开头交代时间、称呼。2正文首先要对对方上周末的热情接等表示感谢,并邀请对方参加本周六举行的聚会,期待对方的到来。3落款注意格式:致敬、签名。三、Dictation (本大题1小题每题15.0分,共15.0分。Listen to the followingpassage. Altogether the passage will be read to you fourtimes. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, lis

10、ten and try to understand themeaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check yourwork. You will then be given 2 minut

11、es to check through your work oncemore. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEETONE.)第1题听力原文 The Historical Significance of American Revolution The American Revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century, in which modern England became conscious of itself, and the awakening of

12、modern Europe at the end of the eighteenthcentury. It may seem strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but only in the North American colonies could a struggle for civic liberty lead also to the foundation of a newnation. Here, in the popular rising against a t

13、yrannicalgovernment, the fruits were more than the securing of a freerconstitution. They included the growth of a nation born in liberty by the will of the people, not from the roots of common descent, a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king ordynasty. With the American nation, for the first t

14、ime, a nation was born, not in the dim past of history but before the eyes of the wholeworld.四、Listening Comprehension ( Conversation )(共10小题,共10.0分) In this section, you will hear several short conversations between twospeakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer

15、 each of the followingquestions. Now listen to the conversations第1题What is the main topic of the conversation?A Running and itsdanger. B Pregnancy andweight.C Marathon forcharity. D How to collectmoney.C 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文M: Hi,Alison.W: Oh, hi,Peter. Have you been training hard for Sundays run f

16、or breast cancer? Youbet. I have been running three times a week for over an hour eachtime. Itgreat. I cant believe Ive gotten to this point so quickly!Only six months ago I would run for five minutes and almost collapse inexhaustion. I hearyou. I decided to run in this marathon because I needed a m

17、otivator to get myself back intoshape. During my pregnancy I gained a whopping eighty pounds, and Im still trying to trimdown. Also, I totally believe in thecause. I know so many people who have been touched by thedisease. Wow!Eighty pounds!Thats nuts!Did you have triplets? No, just a big littleboy.

18、 He was born 9 pounds, 5ounces. Hey, Peter, what inspired you to want to run this weekend? Well, a bunch of my running buddies thought it would be a greatidea. We all started running at the same time and when we heard that one of the guys mothers was diagnosed with cancer, we thought the marathon wa

19、s something positive we could do as agroup. It should be a lot of fun, and Ive been collecting lots of sponsors fromschool. So Ill hopefully make tons of money for thecause. Thats socool. Hey, Ive got todash. Ill see you at the finish line onSunday. 第2题What is the main reason for the woman to have g

20、ained a lot of weight?A She had ababy. B She was diagnosed withcancer. C She ate a lot without doing anyexercise. D She could not go to a gym due to lack ofA 1.0分第3题Which of the following statements is NOT correct?A Its impossible for the man to run like six monthsago. B The woman gained 80 pounds b

21、ecause she has atriplet. C The mother of the mans running buddy was diagnosed withcancer. D Both of them will take part in Sundayrun.B 1.0分第4题When should the man check with Student Services to ensure the change of registration date?A When all of the senior students register incourses. B Twenty-four

22、hours before the registrationdate. C Seven days before the designated registrationdate. D Twenty-four days before the registrationdate. Excuse me!Will my registration date change? For newly admitted students and undergraduates who are juniors or sophomores, the date could change as returning student

23、s at the senior level are givenpriority. You should check with Students Services one week prior to your registration date to ensure that there has been nochange. Should I pay attention to the time? Yes, it is best to register on your date at the designatedtime. You cannot register before that What i

24、f I am unable to register at that time? You can register after that time, but the chances are you will have less of a chance getting into the courses that you want at the times that youwant. When do the fees have to be paid? Fees must be received within 24 hours ofregistering. If I havent received t

25、he financial aid I am expecting, is it possible for me to register anyway? In special circumstances, a letter from the university financial officer or a sponsors authorization letter may beconsidered. Under those conditions, arrangements must be made with the registrar prior to your on-lineregistrat

26、ion. 第5题When should the man pay the fees?A Within 24 hours ofregistering. B One week before the designated registrationdate. C 24 hours before the registrationdate. D After he gets a letter from university financialofficer.1.0分第6题What will happen if the man does not receive his financial aid?A It wi

27、ll be impossible for him toregister. B It may still be possible to register if he gets a letter from the university financialofficer. C He will make arrangements with the registrar afterregistration. D He can still register but he will have to wait until the registration of senior students isover.1.0分第7题What is the main topic of the conversation?A How to have fun insummer.B How to make money during summerbreak. C How to k

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