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1、3. 听课文A部分录音,验证答案。Step 3 Practice1. 听课文A、B部分录音,跟读。2. 自由朗读,表演课文A部分对话。Step 4 Consolidation1. 两人小组活动。模仿游戏“名探福尔摩斯”,综合练习。对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。S1: Was is on the desk?2. 练习。P21-22 Homework: Listen to the tape and recite the text, copy the new words. 画两张自己房间的图画(一张原貌,一张稍作调整后的情形)。教学后的感悟与反思:课题6 Was it

2、 in the wardrobe? 第2 课时 总序第 18 个教学设计Development Division 1.能熟练地运用新单词;能准确地询问并描述物体现在及过去某时间所在位置;2.能完成课文C部分看图问答练习。句型卡片、教学图片、教学磁带等。Game-Crossing the river设置一条河流,河流中有几块石头,每块石头上都有一个单词。一个学生认读单词,其他学生判断。全部读对通过的为“单词大王“领读单词王国的单词。2.两人小组交流家庭作业:This is my room. Where was the bed ? Was it next to the wardrobe?1. 小唱

3、英语歌曲:“Ten green bottles”。2. 出示课文D部分挂图(名幻灯片),回答问题。Where were the bottles then?帮助学生们说出图中的一些物件,提醒用序数词the first / second/ eighth进行看图说话。1. 完成课文C部分练习。2. 完成课文D部分填空练习。Step 4 Consolidation Game-Memory game.两人一组进行游戏。就课文C部分图画,问10个总问题,两人互测,看谁得分高。Was the fifth bottle on the mat ?Yes, it was. /No, it wasnt.1. 评价。

4、对学生的表现进行评价,给学生肯定和鼓励。2. 家庭作业: 熟记单词,抄写并默写。听磁带,跟读单词、课文。 第3 课时 总序第19个教学设计Revision class1. 能流畅地诵读课文D部分英语小诗歌;2. 能理解诗意,并完成问答练习;3. 能综合运用本单元所学知识。图片若干、做画的文具若干、 教学磁带等。1. Greetings 2. Sing the songs theyve learned.1. 情景引入,理解诗意。T: Long long ago, there was a bridge. There was a car on the bridge. And under the br

5、idge there was a rock帮助学生理解新单词rock, stone, snail, ant, flea的含义。2. 听课文D部分录音,回答问题。Where is the flea?3. 听课文D部分录音,跟读。1. 两人一组进行口头问答练习。2. 笔头完成练习。3. 诗歌朗读比赛。 Game-Magic card. 一人摆牌,一人猜测牌面单词。准备单词卡片lamp, ring, sofa, wardrobe 贴在扑克牌上做成“魔术牌”。 对学生的表现进行评价。给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2. Do exercises P20 3. Homework:朗读本单元所学

6、内容,并录音,然后请家长评价。预习下单元内容。课题 Assessment 第1课时 总序第 20 个教学设计1. 复习所学的表方位的介词。2. 考察学生的听力理解能力、看图回答问题的能力和书面表达能力。3. 指导学生对所学知识和完成任务情况进行自我评价。自评 互评 师评句型卡片、教学磁带等。1. 师生问候。2. 做游戏,复习所学单词和句型。游戏:Crossing the river.3. 复习所学英语诗歌和歌曲。全班表演,教师评价。小组表演,同学评价。Step2. Exercise and feedback1. A 部分。 听音,在正确的图片后面打勾。 录音材料:1) The boy is i

7、n the bus.2) The girl is on the swing.3) The cat is in the basket.参考答案:1) The first picture.2) The first picture.3) The first picture.2. 根据图片回答问题。3. C部分 我能1) 你能做,就画个笑脸;如果你不能,就画个哭脸。2)小组按题目要求提问并回答。3)成一个任务,就进行自我评价,在书上方框内画脸谱。4)选择一些学生作答。4. 完成部分。Step 3 Consolidation抄写1-6单元单词和主题句课题Unit 7 Whens your birthda

8、y? 第1课时 总序第 21 个教学设计能掌握新单词:十二个月的书写表达;能听懂会说本课对话;能准确地使用日期问答。单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等2. talk freely Whos on duty today? Whats the date today? When is your birthday?情景引入,教学新单词和短语January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2. 听录音,引导听课文A部分对话。提出问题,Whens Peters bi

9、rthday?1. Game-Quick response, go fishing.教师指单词带读,指对了并读对了学生跟读,指错了学生不能跟读,没犯错的一钓到一条鱼。2. 听课文A、B部分录音,跟读。3. 自由朗读,表演课文A部分对话。相互就对方的生日进行问答练习。2. 练习。 Ask and answer.A: Benny, when is your birthday?B: Its on the seventh of may.课题 Unit 7 Whens your birthday? 第 2 课时 总序第 22 个教学设计Development Division1. 能熟练地运用新单词和句

10、型进行问答;2. 了解一年中的月份季节的划分。3. 能看表格并正确书写出D部分的句子单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。4. Greetings 5. Game-Whispering & Making friends 分组游戏:悄悄话。 小组传单词,看哪组又快又准。找朋友。将序数词及月份名称一一配对为一对好朋友。3. 两人小组交流家庭作业:相互问对方家人的生日。 Step 2 Presentation and drill完成课文C部分集体活动。Class work. Find out whose birthday falls on the same month as yours.Ask and a

11、nswer.1. 看D部分例句和表格,找出自己家人的生日,并写下正确的句子。Example: Monday, the third of april is my mothers birthday.2. 教师指导书写格式,同桌互查。1. 就课文D个句子进行拓展会话。2. 评价。6. Homework:按顺序默写12个月份名称。参照课文E部分,为制作生日贺卡做准备。 第 3 课时 总序第23个教学设计Revision class 1. 能诵读英语韵律小歌谣;2. 能完成课文E部分,学会做生日或节日贺卡;3.能综合运用本单元所学知识。12个月份的单词卡片、剪刀、彩笔、 教学磁带等。Greetings

12、唱学过的英语歌曲。Sing the song “The more we get together”听写本单元所学单词和短语。January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Step2 Practice课文E部分。1. 边示范边说明贺卡制作的程序,让学生们根据画面猜测一些生词的含义,理解大意。1)First, find a piece of paper and fold it into half. 2) Second, draw a cake and

13、some decorations on it.3) Then, write “Happy Birthday” in the centre.4) Write your greetings inside.5) Now, design your own card.2. 指导书写。3. 自由完成手工制作。创设情景,自由会话。情景:生日聚会。对学生表演进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,培养学生的英语交际能力和表达能力。 Do exercises P28用英语向他人介绍台历。朗读本单元所学内容。预习下一单元。课题 Unit 8 Thats not mine! 第1 课时 总序第 24 个教学设计New langu

14、age teaching 能掌握新单词:名词性物主代词的书写和使用;能准确地使用物主代词问答。Step 1 .Warming up1. T-S talking2. Free talk Show me your rubber/ruler/pen/Is this your ruler?Is that his/her pen?Whose blackboard is it?Are these your pens?Step 2. Presentation and drill Have you brought your works? Ill collect some works here and have

15、 an Art Exhibition.This is my work.This is mine.Would you please show me your works/yours? Is it yours? Yours is very good. Are these yours?S: No, they arent. Theyre their works. Oh, theyre theirs.2. Listen to the tape.Step 3. Practice1. Show a picture of part A Today is a school open day. Annes mot

16、her is visiting her school to look at their Art Exhibition. 3. Practice in groups. 4. Act outStep 4. Consolidation1.Make background 2. Assessment. 3. Exercises 第 2 课时 总序第 25 个教学设计Is this yours? No, thats not mine. Thats his These are ours/ yours/能熟练正确地运用新单词和句型进行问答。1. Greeting2. Act out “An Art Exhib

17、ition” I have a beautiful handkerchief.Look! This is mine.Mine has spots.What do your handkerchieves look like?Show me yours.Does yours have spots? Yes. Mine has spots, too. Mine is the same as his/hers.But mine is blue, his/hers isnt.2. T: Whom do these handkerchieves belong to?It belongs to me. Do

18、es it belong to me? No, it belongs to1. T: Whats this? S: Its a tie. What does it look like? It has spots/stripes. Whom does the tie belong to?2. Discuss in pairs I have a new handkerchief.S2: Really? May we have a look? Sure. Mine is as beautiful as yours, but its different from yours. Mine has spo

19、ts, not stripes.S3: Look at hers. Hers is the same as yours.S4: Right! Mine has stripes, too. 第3 课时 总序第 26 个教学设计能完成课文E部分能综合运用本单元所学知识单词卡片、彩笔、 教学磁带等Game - Good luck Who does the purse belong to? Is it hers? S2: Is it his? Guess who is right? is right! No, guess again. /Great! come here and take your l

20、uck. Whats this man? Hes a policeman. Whos this boy? Hes Peter. Where are they? Its a purse. Whom does the purse belong to?Whats in the purse?2. Whats the story about?3. Where does Peter find the purse?Whose purse is it? How much money is in it?What colour is the purse?What do you think of Peter?4. Listen to the tape5. Fill in the black. Answer the questions in P331. Whose clothes are these?Whose book/flower/pencil/classroom is it?

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