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1、separately. Married sons most often have their houses built near their parents home, making it convenient for parents and children to help and visit each other asbefore. 本题分数:10.0分【答案解析】 难点注释 1在大家庭里:译为in extended families。2中国宪法规定赡养父母是成年子女义不容辞的责任:译为Chinas constitution stipulates that grown-up childre

2、n are duty-bound to support their parents,此处是将名词短语“成年子女义不容辞的责任”译成主谓结构。“宪法”译为constitution,“规定”译为stipulate,“赡养父母”译为support their parents。3生活费:living allowances。4解体:译为dissolve。5对他们来说,分家不过是分灶而已:此处的“分家”理解为“大家庭的解散”,译为breaking up the extended family,“分灶”译为cooking their meals separately。6结了婚的儿子往往把房子盖在父母家附近,

3、这样父母和子女互相帮助、探望都和过去一样方便:此句较长,但结构清晰,“这样”可译为现在分词短语,即making it convenient for parents and children to help and visit each other as before。第2题我们找不出话来了。对于这样的问题我还没有仔细思索过。在我知道了他的惨痛遭遇以后,我究竟应该拿什么话应对他呢?我看不见那个小子的脸,不知道他脸上的表情,但是从他刚才的话里,我知道对于他另外有一个世界存在。没有家,没有爱,没有温暖,只有一根生活的鞭子在赶他。然而他能够倔强!他能够恨!他能够用自己的两只手举起生活的担子,不害怕,不

4、悲哀。他能够做别的生在富裕的环境里的小孩所不能够做的事情,而且有着他们所不敢有的思想。生活毕竟是一个熔炉。它能够锻炼出这样倔强的孩子来。甚至人世间最惨痛的遭遇也打不倒他。 I couldnt read his countenance without seeing hisface. However, judging from what he had said, he was evidently living in a world of his own bereft of home, love or warmth, and flogged by the scourge oflife. But he

5、 acted unyieldingly and was filled with bitterhatred. He was using both hands to bear the burden oflife. He was never scared ordiscouraged. He could achieve what children from well-to-do families could not achieve, and he had ideas that they didnt dare tohave. Life is a melting pot which hardens the

6、 will of children like him so that they are able to withstand the bitterest blows of lifeever. 本题分数:【答案解析】 难点注释 1我看不见那个小子的脸,不知道他脸上的表情:此句暗含因果关系,“看不见那个小子的脸”是因,可译为without seeing his face,“不知道他脸上的表情”最好译为couldnt read his countenance。2但是从他刚才的话里,我知道对于他另外有一个世界存在。没有家,没有爱,没有温暖,只有一根生活的鞭子在赶他:分析这两句,后一句是对前一句中“另外一

7、个世界”的解释,故两个可并为一句,用破折号连接,即However, judging from what he had said, he was evidently living in a world of his own bereft of home, love or warmth, and flogged by the scourge oflife. 3他能够倔强:译为he acted unyieldingly。4他能够恨:可理解为“他充满着仇恨”,即译为he was filled with bitter hatred。5举起生活的担子:译为bear the burden of life。6

8、生活毕竟是一个熔炉。它能够锻炼出这样倔强的孩子来。甚至人世间最惨痛的遭遇也打不倒他:这三句话意义联系紧密,可以译为一句话。“人世间最惨痛的遭遇也打不倒他”也就是“他能够战胜人世间最惨痛的遭遇”,整句可泽为Life is a melting pot which hardens the will of children like him so that they are able to withstand the bitterest blows of life ever。第3题吹牛是一种夸大狂,在道德家看来,也许认为是缺点,可是在处世接物上却是一种呱呱叫的妙用。假使你这一生缺少了吹牛的本领,别说好

9、饭碗找不到,就连黄包车夫也不放你在眼里的。西洋人究竟近乎白痴,什么事都只讲究脚踏实地去做,这样费力气的勾当,我们聪明的中国人,简直连牙齿都要笑掉了。西洋人什么事都讲究按部就班地慢慢动作来,从来没有平地登天的捷径,而我们中国人专走捷径,而走捷径的第一个法门,就是吹牛。吹牛是一件不可看轻的艺术,就如修辞学上不可缺少“夸张”一类的东西一样。像李太白什么“黄河之水天上来”,又是什么“白发三千丈”,这在修辞学上就叫做“夸张”,而在不懂修辞学的人看来,就觉得李太白在吹牛了。 Because of their earnest and down-to-earth approach to work, weste

10、rners are, in the eyes of Chinese smarties, next door toidiotic. They are being laughed at by Chinese smarties for the tremendous amount of energy they put into theiractivities. While westerners go about whatever work they do methodically and patiently, never dreaming of reaching great heights in on

11、e step, we Chinese are always given to seeking a shortcut and regard the ability to boast as the master key toit. Boasting is an essential art of life just as hyperbole is an indispensable rhetoricalfigure. The Tang dynasty poet Li Bais famous lines The Yellow River comes from the skyand My white ha

12、ir of thirty thousand feet, examples of hyperbole, which, to those who know little about the art of rhetoric, may sound like a gross exaggeration of the part of thepoet. 本题分数:【答案解析】 难点注释 1西洋人究竟近乎白痴,什么事都只讲究脚踏实地去做,这样费力气的勾当,我们聪明的中国人,简直连牙齿都要笑掉了:此句可翻译成两个句子,首先“西洋人究竟近乎白痴,什么事都只讲究脚踏实地去做”翻译在in the eyes of Chi

13、nese smarties句子里。然后再翻译“这样费力气的勾当,我们聪明的中国人,简直连牙齿都要笑掉了”,即They are being laughed at by Chinese smarties for the tremendous amount of energy they put into their activities。注意“笑掉大牙”只是一种程度修饰,不必逐字译出。2从来没有平地登天的捷径:译为never dreaming of reaching great heights in one step。3专走捷径:此处的“专”有“喜欢,沉溺于”的意思,可译为be given to,“

14、走捷径”也就是“寻找捷径”,即seek a shortcut。4法门:也就是“关键、万能钥匙”,即master key。5吹牛:译为boast。6“夸张”:译为hyperbole。7像李太白什么“黄河之水天上来”,又是什么“白发三千丈”,这在修辞学上就叫做“夸张”:此句汉语表达比较口语化,如“像什么,又是什么”都不必译出,其中的两句诗句只要按字面意思译出即可。整句译为The Tang dynasty poet Li Bais famous lines “The Yellow River comes from the sky” and “My white hair of thirty thous

15、and feet”,examples of hyperbole.。第4题作家有三种死法。一曰自然的死,二曰痛苦的死,三曰快乐的死。自然的死属于心脏停止跳动,是一种普遍的死亡形式,没有特色,可以略而不议。快乐的死和痛苦的死不属于心脏停止跳动,是人还活着,作品已经或几乎是没有了!作家没有了作品,可以看做是个人艺术生命的死亡、职业的停顿。其中有些人是因为年事已高,力不从心。这不是艺术的死亡,而是艺术的离休,他自己无可自责,社会也会尊重他在艺术上曾经作出的贡献。 A writer can die three kinds ofdeath: natural death, painful death, an

16、d happydeath. Natural death, caused by the discontinuation of heartbeat, is a common form of death with no characteristics of its own, and therefore may as well be left out without anycomment. In the case of happy death and painful death, which are not caused by the discontinuation of heartbeat, the

17、 writer, alive as he is, has stopped or almost stopped writing!When a writer no longer produces any works, it is tantamount to the death of his artistic life or the end of hiscareer. Some writers lay down their pens because they are too old to be equal to thetask. We call it retirement from art rath

18、er than death ofart. They have nothing to blame themselvesfor. And society at large will pay tribute to the contributions they have already made toart. 本题分数:【答案解析】 难点注释 1作家有三种死法。一曰自然的死,二曰痛苦的死,三曰快乐的死:两句中第二个句子是对第一个句子的补充说明,因此可合译为一个句子。第二句中“一曰”、“二曰”、“三曰”可省略不译。“作家有三种死法”可译为A writer can die three kinds of d

19、eath。2自然的死属于心脏停止跳动,是一种普遍的死亡形式,没有特色。可以略而不议:此句是汉语中常见的流水句,该句的语义重心在于“是一种普遍的死亡形式”和“可以略而不议”,这两部分可译为句子的主干。3心脏停止跳动:可转译为名词词组the discontinuation of heartbeat。4没有特色:可译为介词短语with no characteristics of its own。5属于:不宜逐字译为belongs to,其在文中应指“由引起”,故应译为caused by。6快乐的死和痛苦的死不属于心脏停止跳动:可译为In the case of happy death and pai

20、nful death, which are not caused by the discontinuation of heartbeat,其中in the case of为增译部分。7是人还活着,作品已经或几乎是没有了:此处指的是“作家虽然活着,但他已经停笔或差不多停笔了”,故可译为the writer, alive as he is, has stopped or almost stoppedwriting. 8作家没有了作品:可译为when引导的时间状语从句,后部分可泽为it作形式主语的句型。9可以看作:即“相当于”,可译为it is tantamount to。10职业的停顿:可译为th

21、e end of his career。11年事已高,力不从心:可译为be too old to be equal to the task,其中the task为增译的宾语。12这不是艺术的死亡,而是艺术的离休,他自己无可自责,社会也会尊重他在艺术上曾经作出的贡献:此句可拆译为三个独立的句子。第一部分“这不是艺术的死亡,而是艺术的离休”可译为We call it retirement from art rather than death of art。第二部分中“无可自责”可译为have nothing to blame themselves for。第三部分中“尊重贡献”可译为pay tri

22、bute to the contributions。第5题长期以来,科学同艺术之间的关系一直是剃头担子一头热:科学热恋着艺术,艺术却拒科学于千里之外。许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,善养浩然之气,或得到人生最大安慰。相反,热爱自然科学并且理解工程技术的文学艺术家真可谓凤毛麟角。艺术家对自然科学望而生畏,敬而远之,原因之一是里面有一大堆高深的数学公式。其实,撇开学,绕过那一大堆公式,一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的。这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。 Many renowned scientists love art al

23、l theirlives. They understand art, and are very good at getting nutrients from art to enhance their noble spirits or to derive the greatest comfort from burdens oflife. On the contrary, a literary artist who loves natural science and has some idea about engineering technology can be well regarded as

24、 a rarity ofrarities. One of the reasons why artists stand in awe before science or keep a respectful distance from it is that science involves a huge stack of abstruse mathematicalformulas. But leaving aside mathematics and bypassing that huge stack, we are still able to give a passionate response

25、to its main melody, greatly admiring the music although we can read nothing of the score of Mozarts musicalpieces. 本题分数:【答案解析】 难点注释 1许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术,且懂艺术,从中汲取养料,善养浩然之气,或得到人生最大安慰:此句句子较长,可断为两句翻译。“许多大科学家一生钟爱艺术”译为一句,此处的“大科学家”也就是“知名科学家”,可译为renowned scientists。“汲取养料”译为get nutrients,“浩然之气”译为noble spirits。2热爱自

26、然科学并且理解工程技术的文学艺术家真可谓凤毛麟角:此句显然要用到定语从句。“自然科学”译为natural science,“工程技术”译为engineering technology,“凤毛麟角”译为a rarity of rarities。3望而生畏,敬而远之:“望而生畏”译为stand in awe beforesth.,“敬而远之”译为keep a respectful distance fromsth.。4一大堆高深的数学公式:“一大堆”译为a huge stack of,“高深的”用来形容数学公式,可译为abstruse。5其实,撇开学,绕过那一大堆公式,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣

27、,击节称赞:这两句话意思上连接紧密,后一句是对前一句的类比,可译为一句话。此处的“其实”有转折之意,可译为but。6撇开:译为leave aside,根据上下文要增译出mathematics。7绕过:译为bypass。8一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的:此处要将原文的被动句转译为主动句,即we are still able to give a passionate response to its main melody,greatly admiring the music although we can read nothing of the score of Mozarts musical pieces。二、English to Chinese (本大题5小题每题10.0分,共50.0分。Chinese. )第1题When the leaders of media, telecommunications, IT and Internet companies congregate, as they did recently in Davos, the talk is upbeat about new accomplishments but subdued about recento

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