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1、独特的 个人,个体 eating a normal diet. Whilst同时;时时,有时;当的时候few of us would challenge their authority on the subject of nutrition it is, perhaps, pertinent相关的,相干的;中肯的;切题的to ask the question how many of us are healthy, and what is a normal diet? There is an element of doubt in many minds about these two aspec

2、ts方面;方向;形势;外貌and though few people are familiar熟悉的;常见的;亲近的with the wording措辞;用语;语法of the Food Standards Report they do wonder instinctively本能地if they are eating the right things. The blame for faulty eating habits is often placed at the door of the ubiquitousa. being everywhere, esp. at the same tim

3、e 普遍存在的 junk and convenience foods. As we have seen, some of these are not the criminals they are made out to be White bread is only slightly些微地,轻微地;纤细地less nutritious than brown bread and frozen vegetables can be almost as fresh as fresh food. There are very few foods which can really be described

4、as pure rubbish. Many pre-packed goods contain too much sugar and we would all benefit by avoiding these, but most tinned, processed处理的,加工过的and dried foods contain useful amounts of fat, protein, carbohydraten. 碳水化合物, vitamins and minerals矿物;矿产,矿产品. The addition of a small amount of fruit or a side

5、salad to convenience foods such as pizzas or hamburgers can turn a snack小吃,快餐;一份,部分into a well-balanced meal. 许多人认为,服用维生互补剂是防止出现饮食营养不均衡情况的最好防范方法,但这是解决这一问题的方法中最不可行的作法。即使真的需要补充维生素,迟早会出现“我需要哪些维生素?需要多少?多久服一次?”这样的问题。对于这一问题,确实没有简单的答案。食品标准委员会我们在食品纯度、标识和食品广告申请、宣传方面的法律卫士在最近呈送给政府的报告中建议说,人们不需要补充维生素。他们说,“饮食正常的健


7、干食品含有大量的脂肪、蛋白质、碳水化合物、维生素和矿物质。往方便食品如比萨饼或汉堡包上加少许的水果或另外添加一道色拉会把快餐变成搭配均匀的营养餐。Junk food is difficult to define定义. White sugar is probably the nearest contendern. rival, competitor竞争者,对手 for the title. It contains plenty of calories for energy but not much else, and is often described as an empty calorie

8、food. Alcohol is also high in calories, but beer and wine contain some of the B vitamins and wine is a good source of iron, so even a teetotaler a person who never drinks alcohol滴酒不沾的人could not describe all alcohol as useless, nutritionally speaking. Calories measure测量;措施;程度;尺寸 测量;估量;权衡、测量;估量the ene

9、rgy we derive源于;得自;获得from the food we eat, and sugar and alcohol are sometimes described as having a high energy density密度. There is a limit to the amount of energy we need each day (2,000-2,200 calories is the average for women and 2,500-3,000 for men) and if we eat too much sugar and alcohol there

10、 is no appetite食欲;嗜好left for the vitamin-rich foods we need - fish, meat, fruit and vegetables. Buying vitamins can be predicted预测的by psychological as well as nutritional motives and it is prudent谨慎的;精明的;节俭的to investigate why we think we need them and what benefits we expect from them before we rush

11、 off to the health shop to make our purchases. 给真正“没营养”食品下定义并不容易。白糖可能是这一头衔的最有力竞争者。它含有很多提供能量的大卡,但含别的营养不多,因而常常被称为“只含大卡”的食物。酒含大片也很高,但啤酒和果酒含有一些B族维生素,而果酒富含铁质。因而从营养角度说,甚至滴酒不沾的人也不能把酒都说成是毫无益处的东西。大卡测量我们吃食物所得到的能量,而糖和酒有时被说成是单位能量高的物质。我们每天需要的热量有一个限度妇女平均为大卡,而男人为大卡。如果我们糖或酒用得太多,就留不下胃口去享用我们需要的含维生阁下高的食物鱼、肉、水果和蔬菜。具有挖苦

12、意味的是,真正吃“没营养”食物可能需要补充维生素的人几乎从没想到要补充维生素,而我们这些偶尔吃些食物的人却觉得我们必须把所有能想到的维生素都用来去补充所缺的营养。购买维生素有的是出于营养方面的动机,有的是受心理因素的驱使。要认真地考虑一下,我们为什么觉得我们需要维生素,我们希望它们给我们带来什么益处,然后再跑到营养品商店去购买。Most of us buy vitamins for one of three reasons. Either we believe that they are prophylactic(a. 预防性的), that is they will ward off adv

13、ancing ills, or they are therapeutic(a. 治疗的) and will deal with the ills we have already, or finally we may believe they are wonder drugs and will lift us into a state of super health, with all its attendanta. connected with伴随的,有联系的 delights高兴. We are protected from some of these wild imaginings by

14、the laws which control advertising but even without false promise we still believe that vitamins will “do us good”. Belief is a very potent有效的;强有力的,有权势的;有说服力的state of mind and the power of the placebo10n. 抚慰剂 pill is never underestimated低估;看轻in clinical临床的;诊所的trials used to test new drugs. A placebo

15、 is a harmless无害的;无恶意的substance物质;实质;资产;主旨 given to one group of patients in the trial and it is similar in taste and appearance to a new drug which is given to a second group of patients. Theoretically理论地;理论上the drug should cure治疗;治愈;使硫化;加工处理or relieve解除,减轻;使不单调乏味;换的班;解围;使放心any symptoms症状;症候;病徵and

16、the placebo should have no effect. Often these trials produce surprising results and the placebo group recover as well as the group taking the new drug. This has been explained in the light of modern psychology because many of us react反应;影响;反抗;起反作用favourably to any kind of interest taken in our prob

17、lems and derive源于;获得as much benefit from that as we would from a medical drug. It is a “mind over matter” philosophy and for some of us it works. Vitamin pills can sometimes fall into this category种类,分类;数 范畴. 我们多数人是基于三个原因之一购买维生素的。我们要么认为维生互具有预防疾病功能,也就是它们会防止疾病的到来,要么以为它们具有治疗功能,会医治我们身上的病,或者最后一点,我们可能会认为它


19、对我们中的一些人起作用。维生素丸有时可以归入这一类。维生互不是药,但它们有和抚慰药相似的成效。适当采用这种自我疗法没有害处,甚至还有助于取得我们想到达的结果。Vitamins B and C cannot be retained (11. v. avoid losing 保留) in the body so if we take more than we need of these they are soon excreted 12. v. get rid of waste from the body 排泄in the urine尿. The possible exception here i

20、s the theory about the increased body “pool” of vitamin C, but even this is limited and is still largely unproven未经检验的;未经证明的. Taking too much of the fat soluble可溶的,可溶解的;可解决的vitamins can be dangerous and vitamins A and D should never be taken indiscriminately不加选择地;任意地. Vitamin E has not been found to

21、 have any toxic13. a. poisonous 有毒的 effect in large doses剂量but neither do there seem to be any noticeable benefits. This is an unexplored未勘查过的area in vitamin research and the only known advantages of vitamin E are confined to specialised medical cases. 维生素B和C不能在体内储存,因此如果服用量超过身体所需,它们很快在尿液中排出。在此可能出现的例

22、外就是关于维生素C在体内“储量”增加的说法。不过即使这一储量也是有限的,而且在很大程度上还没有得到证实。服用过多的脂溶性维生素可能会有危险,因而维生素A和维生素D绝不能随便服用。大剂量服用维生素E没发现有什么副作用,但似乎也没有任何明显的好处。维生素E是维生素研究中的一个未探查的领域,它仅知的好处局限在特定的医学例上。Text Women and tobacco 1.When smoking amongst在.之中、当中 women was not as widespread普遍的、广泛的 as it is now, women were considered to be almost fre

23、e from cardiovascular( a. 心血管的) diseases and lung cancer. Unhappily, the situation has changed, and smoking kills over half a million women each year in the industrialized world. But it is also an increasingly越来越多 important cause of ill health amongst women in developing countries.在女性吸烟人数还没有今天这样多时,人

24、们认为女性几乎不会得心血管疾病和肺癌。不幸的是,现在已今非昔比,在世界工业化国家,每年因吸烟而致死的女性已超过万。在发展中国家,吸烟也日益成为女性健康不佳的重要原因。When smoking amongst women was not as widespread as it is now,women were considered to be almost free from cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer.unhappily,the situation has changed,and smoking kills over half a mill

25、ion women each year in the industrialized world.but it is also an increasingly important cause of ill health amongst women in developing countries. 2.A recent WHO consultation讨论会 on the statistical统计的、统计学的 aspects方面、方向、形式 of tobacco-related mortality(2 n. the number of deaths from a certain cause 死亡

26、数) concluded that the toll (3 n. the cost in health, life, etc., from illness, an accident 重大的代价,损失,事故的伤亡人数) that can be attributed to归咎于 smoking throughout到处、全部、贯穿、普及 the world is 2.7 million deaths per year. It also predicted预测的 that, if current现在的,流通的、通用的 patterns模式 of cigarette smoking continue

27、unchanged, the global death toll from tobacco by the year 2025 may increase to eight million deaths per year. A large proportion of these will be amongst women.最近,世界卫生组织搞了一次与吸烟有关的死亡人数的评估会,统计结果说明,全世界每年因吸烟而致死的人数为万。世界每年因吸烟而致死的人数将增加到万,其中很大一部分将为女性。A recent WHO 3.Despite these alarming statistics, the sca

28、le规模、比例 of the threat威胁、凶兆 that smoking poses to womens health has received surprisingly little attention. Smoking is still seen by many as a mainly male problem, perhaps because men were the first to take up从事、占据 the habit and therefore the first to suffer the ill-effects. This is no longer the cas

29、e. Women who smoke like men will die like men. WHO estimates that, in industrialized countries, smoking rates amongst men and women are very similar, at around 30 per cent; in a large number of developed countries, smoking is now more common among teenage girls than boys.尽管这些数字令人吃惊,但吸烟对女性身体健康所造成的严重危

30、险并未引起人们多大关注,这令人震惊。在许多人看来,吸烟仍然主要是男人的问题。这或许是因为首先是男人养成了吸烟的习惯并最先吃到了苦头。但现在的情形决不是这样了。像男人那样吸烟的女人也会像男人那样死去。据世界卫生组织估计,在工业化国家中,男人和女人的吸烟率非常接近,大约为总人口的;在许多发达国家中,未成熟的青少年中吸烟的女性超过了男性。4. As women took up smoking later than men, the full impact (4 n. the force of an idea, invention, system, etc. 效果,影响,冲击)of smoking on their health has yet to be seen. But it is clear from countries where women have

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