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1、1.To help them learn some important words and expressions,such as:gravity, float, spaceship, pull, lessen, get the hang of.2.To improve their reading, speaking and writing skills.3.To help them cooperate with each other and inspire their interest in space.教学(jio xu)重难点:1. To let the students use the

2、 useful words and expressions.2. To improve their reading and writing skills.3. To help them improve their ability of cooperation.)辅助:A computer, A video, pictures, ppt)过程:Step I Warming up (5 minutes)Teacher: With so many teachers in our classroom, do you feel nervous?Students: yes! so today I prep

3、are a short video for you to make you relaxed, do you want to see it?But I have a request, after you seeing it, please tell me what can you see in this video?(after the video) so can you tell me what can you see in this video? I can see many students put forward a lot of questions about the space. I

4、 can see one of the astronauts Wang Yaping gave them a lesson in space. Many students were very excited about the experiments done by Wang Yaping. Many students wanted to visit other plants, especially the moon. Teacher:at the end of the vedio, many students wanted to visit the moon, and were eager

5、to know what will happen in space, right? Do you want to visit the moon?【设计(shj)意图(yt)】由于教室里老师较多,为了缓解学生紧张的情绪并且为了引出本节课的中心,特意(ty)找了一个有关于太空授课的一个视频,不仅仅和主题相关,还能激发学生的好奇心,为母校感到骄傲,从情感上达到(d do)一个深化!也为接下去的话题(hut)做好铺垫作用。Step2 Fast-reading:(5minutes) Now lets follow an astromer, Li Yanping and his friend, they

6、were lucky enough to have a chance to visit the moon, lets see what will happen during their visit?lets read the passage quickly and then find out some answers to these questions:1). How did they traveled to the space?2). How many times would the force of gravity change on their journey?3).Which cha

7、nge would be the most powerful?)意图】此部分的设计(sh)目的是在快读阅读(yud)的基础上,让学生锻炼阅读和快速捕捉有用信息的能力。要求学生(xu sheng)回答相关(xinggun)简单的题目,目的是这些题目本身体现了文章主要内容,而想照顾全体学生,几乎每个学生都可以脱口说出答案,从而形成一种自信。这样,既给好学生提供了表现和榜样的机会,又给基础较差的学生提供了学习参考的机会,从而使所有学生在这一环节充分发挥自己的能力。同时问题的设置由浅入深,为接下去的细读做好铺垫。Step3 Careful reading ( 20minutes ) then lets

8、 deal with the changes of gravity. Now read Para 2 carefully and then describe how the gravity changed for them. Please fill this form. The changes of gravityLeft the earthIn spaceOn the moon【设计意图】通过阅读第二段落,让学生(xu sheng)能够体会到万有引力随着不同的情况发生了不同的变化,提高学生寻找(xnzho)信息和概括(giku)的能力。from this form, we can the t

9、he gravity changed a lot, as the gravity changed, do you think their weight will change or not? Lets deal with the changes of their weight. Read para2-3 then finish this form. The changes of weight)意图】通过(tnggu)让学生阅读第二至第三段,帮助学生找出关键句子,领会随着重力的变化,他们的体重也随之而改变。 when they were on the moon, their weight les

10、s than on the earth, if I were on the moon, I would be very happy, because my weight could less, what about the authors feelings, do you think they were happy or not? If so, do you think their feelings are always the same? Then lets deal with the changes of feelings.The changes of feelingsBefore the

11、y leftAs the rocket rose into the airWhen they get closer to the moonWhen they get to the moonWhen they returned to the earth【设计意图】通过(tnggu)让学生阅读第第二(d r)至第四段,让学生能够根据不同的情景(qngjng)找出关键句,并分析他们的心情的变化。提高学生的分析能力和合作能力。Step4. Further reading:Fom here, we have learned the changes of gravity, weight and feeli

12、ngs according to the different situations. Can you find out the main idea of each para.Para1: Last month they visited the moon.Para2: How the force of gravity changed when they traveled from the earth to the moon.Para3: The things the author did on the moon.Para4: They returned to the earth.【设计意图】通过

13、上面的表格,可以帮助学生对每一段进行一个总结(zngji),找出每一段的中心句,并通过组织自己的语言,得出结论。这样做的目的:第一可以(ky)帮助学生巩固课文的内容;第二可以让学生通过交流和合作找到文本中心,提高他们的阅读能力。Step5 Consolidation: now I believe most of you have a better understanding of this passage, lets finish the conclusion about this passage, pay attention to the tense and the correct form

14、 about the verb.Last month I 1_(visit) the moon with my friend. 2_ we left, I was told the force of gravity would 3_three times on our journey. Then we 4_off. As we left the earth, I became very heavy. 5_the weight lessened. When I was in space, it disappeared. We floated weightlessly 6_(watch) the

15、earth become smaller. When I was on the moon, I was surprised to find out even walking needs lots of practice now that gravity changed. The returning of the earth was very 7_ (frighten). We were amazed to watch fire break 8_on the outside of the ship. In a 9_,it was very exhausting 10_ very exciting

16、 too.【设计意图】通过完成对课文(kwn)的缩写,帮助学生能够更好地理解整篇文章,也通过挖空的形式帮助学生提高此类题型的技巧。Step6 Disscusion:(10minutes) ok, then lets have a disscusion, If you want to visit the moon, what problems will you meet ? And why? To solve these problems, what things will you take?Example: useful words and expressionsIf I visited th

17、e moon, I might meet some problems. The first one is . Because To solve this problem, I would take with me. The second one isgravity pull asas fall overnow that get the hang of break out floatspaceship【设计意图】通过小组讨论,让学生通过他们的想象和常识来讨论去太空会遇到的相关(xinggun)问题和应该采取的措施,激发学生的想象力,让学生能够更好的对文章有个比较升入的了解。Step7.Writi

18、ng (5minutes)Last week, I received a letter from my former studen tom, he also want to visit the moon, but he doesnt know what problem will he meet in space and what to take, he asks me for help, can you help me give him some suggestions and write a letter back to him?Dear Emma, How are things going

19、? Recently I have made a plan to visit the moon with my friends. But I am wondering whatproblems I will meet with and what things I will need on the moon. Would you please give me some suggestions?Looking forward to your reply. Yours TomDear Tom, I learned from your letter that you wanted to travel

20、to the moon. Here are some suggestionsfor you. . Emma )意图】通过提供给学生(xu sheng)一定的情景,通过前面的讨论很好的给学生做好写作(xizu)的铺垫,提高学生的作能力(nngl)。Step8 Homework: 1. Review the passage and find out more useful expressions and sentences.2. Polish your letter and share it with your classmates.3. Search online and find out mo

21、re information about the problems and solutions when somebody was on the moon.板书设计: A visit to the moon The changes of gravity weight feelingsLeft the earth gravityIn space floatOn the moon asas get the hang of 教学(jio xu)反思陈叶锦本课是一节阅读课,通过一个科幻小故事向我们说明了引力是如何变化的,以及在引力变化的情况下人体的重量是如何随之改变的。故事生动有趣、引人入胜(yn r

22、n r shng),容易激发学生的阅读热情。一准备(zhnbi)阶段经过内容的分析和研究,发现这篇课文内容上还是比较简单的,学生应该比较容易理解,但对于引力体重和态度的变化掌握起来有点困难,所以在教学设计上特意运用了表格的形式来帮助学生理解在不同的情况下的变化。那么整堂课的主线应该就显得(xin de)比较明确了。当然在备课过程中,对于课文的导入却不知道该如何着手,不知道应该怎么样才能与课文链接起来,很顺利得让学生能够对这篇课文感兴趣。于是进过一番资料的搜索,发现了一个有关于春晖中学太空授课的视频, 那么就可以很好地和课文进行一个衔接,我想通过视频效果应该会不错,既可以激发学生的学习兴趣,又可

23、以为接下去的阅读做好铺垫(pdin)。导入是想好了,但是还有一个输出问题,想了很久也没想出好的点子来,最后还是决定跟着课本走,引用课文中的讨论作为整节课的输出环节。二教学(jio xu)反馈优点:整一堂课,总体来说还是比较顺利的,使我印象最深刻的还是学生的表现让我感到欣慰,平常的他们总是默默的坐在座位上,即使心里知道答案也不乐意站起来回答,但是今天(jntin),不管是成绩好的还是差的都能够踊跃站起来回答问题,甚至出现争先恐后的状态,所以整堂课课堂气氛活跃,师生交流融洽,体现了以学生为主体。所以教师平常也应该多鼓励学生能够积极发言,能够(nnggu)和老师有比较多的交流,提高学习效率。当然整堂

24、课下来,不管是从导入还是中间部分的阅读还是比较流畅的,阅读部分的几张表格也能够很好的斜街,进过几位老师的点评也发现了自己课堂上的亮点,其中就包括了导入部分,还有就是在阅读的过程(guchng)中不断渗透着阅读的技巧,帮助学生能够通过找关键句来归纳出相关的答案来。在阅读完毕之后,还通过语篇填空的形式帮助学生很好的复习和巩固这篇文章,一方面练习了高考新题型,另一方面也帮助了学生更好地理解整篇文章。不足:经过几位老师的点评,也发现了其中的不足之处。比如:1.用视频导入是不错,但是没能很好地利用视频,视频里的材料没有很好的显现出来,尤其是和阅读的三张表格脱节,如果能够更好的处理视频,挖掘里面的材料,设置相关的问题,效果会更好。2.在处理阅读部分时,由于文本内容不难,留给学生阅读的时间过多,导致最后的输出未能及时呈现,分析的时间过于长。3. 上课过程中语速还是过快,当然有一部分的原因是由于紧张,但平常的状态体现在了公开课上,所以在常态课上就应该放慢语速,尽量让学生能够很好的理解和适应。内容总结(1)Unit-4-A-visit-to-the-moon教案

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