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外贸英语函电 第二版 练习参考答案Word文件下载.docx

1、 Yours faithfully, Li LiLi LiManager of the Export Department 二、单项选择1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A三、有以下几点错误:Attention line 的位置错误;信内地址格式错误;称呼应为Dear Sirs而非Dear sirsSubject line的位置错误结尾敬语大小写错误;签名的四部分排列错误。四、翻译术语:1. Terms of trade2. Import and export trade3. Trade fair/exhibition4. Joint venture

2、5. Foreign trade company6. Tax exemption7. Confirmation of sales8. Quota9. Balance of payments10. Invitation for bid/call for tender案例分析小王的邮件格式不规范,内容也不符合函电用语。小王应该耐心地跟客户说明情况,积极地将公司性能最优的防水扬声器产品介绍给潜在客户。第二章一、撰写信函Foothill Enterprises Trade Development Co., Ltd. No. 36 Taiz Street, Aden City 22789Republic

3、 of YemenDear Sirs, We have your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of Yemen Embassy in China. We would like to take this opportunity to write to you with a view to setting up business relations with you. We are a leading company dealing specially in the export of garments. Curre

4、ntly our export business in your district mainly concentrates on the womens clothing. In order to give you a general idea of various kinds of the clothes we are producing, we airmail you our latest catalogue. Please let us know immediately if you are interested in our products. We will send you our

5、price list and samples to you as soon as we receive your specific inquiry. Meanwhile, we are open to ideas from our customers. Should you need anything not mentioned in the catalogue, we shall do everything necessary, upon receipt of your detailed requirements, to procure them for you We look forwar

6、d to your early reply. Yours faithfully1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C三、改错1. Into2. Airmailairmailed3. 去掉the4. To beas5. To hopein hope of6. Offor7. obligeare obliged to8. wereare9. whetherif10. I wish to express my personal appreciation to you for opening an account for us.四、汉译英1. We now i

7、ntroduce us as an imitation jewelry exporting company that has a business background of many years.2. The letter you wrote to the headquarters last week has been transferred to our attention for the product you mentioned falls into our line of business.3. We offer various kinds of light industrial p

8、roducts for export.4. We are glad to receive your letter enclosed with an illustrated catalog.5. We shall be glad to have your specific enquiry6. We are a private company with fine reputation and we wish to enter into a business relationship with you.7. The manager introduced briefly to me something

9、 about Johnson Company which is our potential customer.8. We enclose a brochure and a copy of the latest price list to give you a general idea of the products listed in the form.9. Our products are of excellent quality and reasonable price10. A favorable trade balance appears when the value of expor

10、ts exceeds that of imports.五、请将下列信函译为汉语。敬启者:我方从中国银行天津分行处得悉贵公司。现借此机会与你方通信,意在建立贸易关系。我方想购买不同款式的高品质咖啡杯具。如果贵方可以供应此类商品,烦请航空邮寄样品一份,并附上价目表。敬请早日回复。 谨上鉴于小李与这家公司以前从未有业务往来,在小李与这家公司建立业务联系之前,小李应该调查对方公司的资信。小李可以要求对方公司提供一些一般的商业信用证明资料,或可查询的某家银行的名称。一旦这些查询获满意答复,小李可以向对方公司寄出信中提出的产品。 第三章一、汉译英Dear Sirs:We will be obliged i

11、f you will kindly give us the information about credit standing of the Watson & Jones Newcastle International Trade Co., Ltd. in your city. We understand that you have regular transactions with the firm. So we take the liberty to ask you to give your views concerning the actual position of the firm

12、in order that we may take steps to avoid getting into trouble.Any information you give will be highly appreciated and kept in strict confidence. We shall be pleased to reciprocate if you should need our services at this end. We are awaiting your early reply.1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.D三、

13、填空1. In/within 2. By on for 3. Of4. for of with 5. in for6. of for7. in8. to as 9. with for10. by四、英译汉1. 我们的报价是马赛的到岸价。2. 这家公司正受迫于债权人,状况也不稳定。3. 这家公司的管理人员缺乏业务经验,授信应非常当心。4. 这家公司有口皆碑又很可靠。5. 相信贵方会将这次通信视为机密。6. 如果贵方能好意告知本公司有关A公司的商誉,交易方式和财力的信息,本公司将不胜感激。7. 我公司是一家出口纺织品的国有公司,我们可以按客户的具体要求订货。8. 您所查询的公司最近似乎在从事一项与

14、其财力不合,且相当有风险的投机事业。9. 本公司是一家主要经营各种机器设备的出口商,总部在香港,约有30年的商务经历。10. ABC公司好意提供贵方的名字给我公司。案例分析 D/P是远期付款交单,就是说买方必须在向卖方付款之后才能够获得提取货物的单据,这种交易方式使卖方能够及时地收到货款。采用85% D/P的方式付款,可以降低风险。因此,综合公司收集到的其他信息考虑,小李公司可以继续与H公司进行合作。小李公司还可通过银行、驻外商务机构、商会或同业公会、或我国的有关外贸公司等进行资信调查。第四章一、单项选择1.A 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.B二、填空1

15、. Under separate cover2. On the basis of3. As requested4. Respective5. Prompt6. Without any delay7. Offering8. Let us know9. Agree10. Subject to三、英汉翻译1. 非常感谢贵方3月5日的电报查询,本公司的确定报价在贵方在3月11日之前回复有效。2. 本报价三天内有效,一项这项特别报价失效,这些货品不太可能仍未售出,特此奉告。 3. 如果七天之内未接到贵方确认,本报价将被撤销。 4. 本公司确认贵方一定会视这项报价为绝佳的好机会。 5. 本报价在收到贵方回

16、复之前持续有效。 6. 这些货品需求量很大,本公司无法保证此报价持续有效。 7. 我方提供20台MS-25型的奥利弗手提打字机,每台天津的到岸价为140美元。这项报价以我方确认为准。 8. 这项特别报价将于本月底失效,之后本公司将无法以这个价格履行贵方的订单。 9. 所报的价以接到订单时尚有存货为条件。 10. 预期不久会有大量订单,如果贵方迟迟未下订单,我方恐怕贵方将失去货物到手的绝佳良机。期待贵方早日下订单。四、汉英翻译1.We have received your enquiry dated August 1st for our Olympus digital cameras.2.To

17、meet your requirement, we can provide 1000 refrigerators from our stock.3.Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver.4.Thank you for your inquiry of October 15th for our Philips vacuum cleaner. We now enclose in this letter an illustrated catalog for our products.5.We would appr

18、eciate it if you could quote us the lowest price of the first-class green tea, CFI Melbourne.6.We assure you of our fine reputation.7.I am sorry that the 5000 fax machines you inquired are out of stock at present.8.Please submit specifications, perfectly with illustrations.9.All quotations are subje

19、ct to our final confirmation unless otherwise stated.10.We hope this will be a good start for long and profitable business relations.我们从网上获悉贵公司是一家实力领先的中国纺织品出口商。我公司想借此机会与贵公司建立业务关系。目前我公司对真丝产品尤感兴趣。希望贵方可以航空邮寄一份样品给我们,并附上相关信息以使我们更加了解产品的材料和工艺。请报以最低的哥本哈根到岸价,包括我方4%佣金。若价格优惠、交货及时,我方将大量订货。这是一种在有效期内发的接受通知,在正常情况下

20、本来可以按期送达,但因出现异常情况导致接受迟到,对此,原则上应视为有效,但如发盘人毫不迟延地通知受盘人,他认为发盘已经失效,也可按接受无效处理。据此,我方可酌情处理,于接到之日可以回电确认,也可不予回复,合同依法成立;如我方不同意成立合同,则应毫不迟延地回电拒绝,或通知对方我方认为发盘已经失效。第五章一、信函撰写We have received your letter of April 9, in which you mentioned that you find our quotation for the iron wire too high to accept. Much as we wo

21、uld like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are regretful that we cannot accept your counter-offer.There are three reasons for this. First, the prices of materials have increased largely; second, your order of 1000kg is the minimum quantity we require and I am afraid no discount is availab

22、le for such an order; third, with high quality considered, our price is very reasonable. Besides, through our study of your market situation, we are confident our offer is competitive. As a matter of fact, we have received a lot of orders from many countries at that price. We are confident the good

23、quality of our iron wire will help you a lot to stand firmly in your market. And as our stocks are running low, it is advisable for you to make an immediate decision. If you cannot accept our price, we welcome you to pay attention to other products of ours. We will give prompt and favorable response

24、 to any other inquiries of yours.We wish you to place your orders as soon as possible.Yours faithfully,1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B三、英译汉1.鉴于当前行情看涨,我方恐不能接受贵方400美元的低价。2.我方希望贵方能重新调整下价格以使其与国际行情保持一致。3.尽管你方出价低于我方的一般价格,但是为了能与贵方开始生意往来,我方愿破一次例。4.倘若贵方能适当地考虑本公司所处的境况,而设法将价格降到这个价位,我方将不胜感激。5.如果贵方能将贵方的

25、报价降低5%或者我方将我方还价上涨5%,我们就能达成这笔交易。6.如果贵方愿意多买200箱该产品,我方可将价格降至到青岛的离岸价每箱122美元。7.尽管价格一直在涨,但是我方乐意给你方打些折扣以维持我们双方的友好贸易往来。8.贵方提出的条件将使本公司的生意无利可图,因此我方希望贵方能把价格降到接近我方的数目。9.由于贵方报价与市场价格不一致,我方不得不拒绝贵方的报价。10.为了推广按摩机,我方乐意在本月内将产品目录上所有产品降价8%。1.The first-class soybeans are running out of stock.2.We would like to accept if

26、you could reduce your price by 2%.3.We have quoted to you the lowest price and we have done a lot of business at that price.4.This firm offer will subject to your acceptance in 10 days.5.We accept your counter-offer in order to maintain our long term good relationship.6.As the market is declining, w

27、e hope you would reconsider our offer and call to accept as soon as possible.7.Please remind your customers of the price adjustment caused by the rising market.8.We could reduce our price somewhat, but we could in no way go down to anywhere near the figures as quoted in your letter.9.Information her

28、e shows that the makes you offered can be purchased from other sources at much lower prices.10.Through friendly negotiation, we eventually reached a deal at the price of $60 per dozen.五、请根据以下内容撰写信函 With reference to your letter of November 15, 2014, we greatly appreciate your effort on reducing the

29、original price by 3%. However, your current price is still about 9% higher than the average market price. Because China has a huge market demand, many competitors from U.S, Japan and other European countries are trying own a big market share with low price. In this situation, both of us will lose our market with such a high price level. Af

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