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本文(2020江苏高考英语一轮复习:动词和动词短语Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(聆听****声音)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、在动词短 真实的语言环境中恰当语辨析 使用意义相近的动词短语或固定搭配。分析解读 从近几年的江苏试题来看,动词的词义辨析一直是考查的重点内容,如:动词的基本词义、易混常用动词、受汉语影响易误用的动词、部分基础动词较高级的用法、考纲新增动词。动词短语在特定语境中 的灵活运用是近几年江苏高考英语的考查热点。考查的重点在易混常用动词短语、相同动词不同搭配、不 同动词相同搭配等。【真题典例】2/ 16破考点【考点集训】考点一 动词词义辨析1.(2018 江苏苏锡常镇四市二模,26)You see, my watch10 minutes a day, and that was why I was alw

2、ays late these days.A.winsB.gainsC.leavesD.loses答 案 D2.(2018 江苏南京、盐城二模,25) I should have gone to bed when I was sick instead ofthe earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren t there for the day.A.confirmingB.predictingC.pretendingD.concluding答 案 C3.(2018 江苏常州一模,35) All rights, nobody else is a

3、llowed to copy or use this paper for commercial purposes.A.preservedB.receivedC.deservedD.reserved4.(2018江苏无锡高三上学期期末,31) As China is the second-largest economyover 30 percent to global growth since 2008, policies made in the 19th CPC s National Congress concerned the world.A.accountingB.attributingC

4、.contributingD.counting5.(2018 江苏苏北七市4 月联考,34)Did your boss adopt your idea?No,he just laughed andit as impossible.A.reservedB.advocatedC.anticipatedD.dismissed6.(2018 江苏苏锡常镇5 月教学情况调研,22) Our city government is building more roads tomore and more cars.A.adjustB.acceptC.accelerateD.accommodate7.(2018

5、江苏镇江一模,21) There is only one way to obtain happiness and that is toworrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.A.ceaseB.recallC.acknowledgeD.guarantee答 案 A8.(2018 江苏南通、泰州一模,27) In his New Year speech, President Xithat happiness is achieved through hard work.A.underlinedB.undidC.unde

6、rtookD.updated9.(2017 江苏南京三模,35)The recently released film Kong:Skull Island successfullythe audience to the adventure with Dolby 3-D technology.A.transportsB.adjustsC.transformsD.relates10.(2017江苏苏北四市三模,27)Efforts will be made tonew teaching models to exploit the students

7、novateC.differentiateD.compile答 案 B考点二 动词短语辨析1.(2018 江苏苏北六市3 月联考,27) Chinese people are sparing no effort tothe well-being of the nation, believing happiness is achieved through hard work.A.take charge ofB.take notice ofC.make sacrifices forD.make allowances for2.(2018 江苏苏州学业质量阳光指标调研,23) As the numb

8、er of old people moving to Florida increases, more changes will be made tothem.A.submit toB.object toC.cater toD.contribute to3.(2018江苏镇江一模,24) The recently-released movie Youththe memories, good and bad, of those who were born around the 60s of the last century.A.calls upB.steps upC.keeps upD.makes

9、 up4.(2018 江苏苏锡常镇3 月教学情况调研,25) Cells are important because they are organized structures that help living thingsthe activities of life.A.carry onB.expand onC.put onD.hang on5.(2018 江苏苏北四市一模,25) The year-end season is the best time not just to reflect on your personal achievements but also tothe less

10、ons you up toB.split off fromC.push ahead withD.catch up on6.(2017 江苏苏北四市三模,22)If you want to go further in the new sport, the best way is toand practise more frequently.A.dive inB.drop outC.catch onD.spring up7.(2017 江苏苏北四市第一次调研,25)Are the people optimistic about the talks between Pal

11、estine and Israel?Its hard to say. Muchthe outcome of the current peace talks.A.counts onB.takes onC.catches onD.turns on8.(2017 江苏苏锡常镇二模,23)The Palace of Versailles, Frances national treasure, hasmany changes in its century-long history while keeping its beauty.A.gone throughB.taken onC.led toD.sho

12、wed off3/ 16炼技法【方法集训】方法一1.(2018 江苏南京、盐城二模,23) Divided into six themes, Victorias Secret Fashion Show55 models in 87 looks.A.featuredB.representedC.attractedD.impressed2.(2018 江苏苏锡常镇3 月教学情况调研,28) The worlds leading thinkers and policymakers examine whast come apart in the past year, andwhat will defi

13、ne the year ahead.A.evaluateB.innovateC.anticipateD.regulate3.(2018 江苏苏北四市一模,27) China has been working tothe legal landscape for autonomous vehicles, which are on a highway to commercial availability.A.clarifyB.accelerateC.transmitD.preserve4.(2018 江苏泰州中学月考,29)Nowadays many girl students eagerly to

14、ok the course tothemselves for a career in nursing.A.devoteB.defendC.establishD.equip方法二1.(2018 江苏南京、盐城二模,28)When will youtravelling?Maybe next week.A.go in forB.get around toC.look forward toD.hold on to2.(2018 江苏苏北七市4 月联考,30) Varieties of magazines and research papers arewith the aim of feeding re

15、adersappetite for specific knowledge.A.put outB.made outC.laid outD.taken out3.(2018 江苏南通、泰州一模,24) The concepts in philosophy Jack read have somewhat affected how he his daily life.A.shrinks fromB.pulls throughC.compensates forD.goes about4.(2018 江苏盐城中学第一次阶段性考试,28)The sculptures that Lord Elgin stol

16、e and later sold to the British government wereto the British Museum.A.turned upB.turned downC.turned overD.turned away13/ 16过专题【五年高考】A 组自主命题江苏卷题组1.(2018 江苏,22)Kids shouldnt have access to violent films because they mightthe things they see.A.indicateB.investigateC.imitateD.innovate2.(2018 江苏,25)Dev

17、eloping the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project whicha clear road map and timetable.A.calls forB.calls onC.calls offD.calls up3.(2017 江苏,30)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will helpyour year ahead.A.shapeB.switchC.stretchD.sharpen4.(2017 江苏,25)Working with

18、 the medical team in Africa hasthe best in her as a doctor.A.held outB.brought outC.picked outD.given out5.(2016 江苏,25)He did noteasily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause. A.approachB.wrestleC.compromiseD.communicate6.(2016江苏,30)Many businesses started up by colleg

19、e students havethanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.A.fallen offB.taken offC.turned offD.left off7.(2016 江苏,33)Parents should actively urge their children tothe opportunity to join sports teams. A.gain admission toB.keep track ofC.take advantage ofD.give rise to8.(2015 江苏,22)Schoo

20、ls should be lively places where individuals are encouraged toto their greatest potential.A.accelerateB.improveC.performD.develop9.(2015 江苏,27)The university started some new language programs tothe countrys Silk Road Economic Belt.A.apply toB.cater forC.appeal toD.hunt for10.(2015江苏,29)The whole te

21、amCristiano Ronaldo,and he seldom lets them down.A.wait onB.focus onC.count on11.(2014江苏,30)Dad,I dont think Oliver the right sort of person for the job.I see.Ill go right away him him offC.put him awayD.put him off12.(2014江苏,25)Top graduates from universities areby majo

22、r companies. A.chasedB.registeredC.offeredD.compensated13.(2014江苏,33)Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is tothe soul of Qu Yuan.A.rememberB.remindC.recoverD.recallB 组统一命题、省(区、市)卷题组1.(2018 天津,8)It took him a long time tothe skills he needed to become a good dancer.A.displayB.a

23、cquireC.teachD.test2.(2016 天津,12)Im going toadvantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle.A.putB.makeC.takeD.give3.(2016 浙江,8)We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, rather thanus.A.divideB.rejectC.controlD.abandon4.(2016 浙江,14)When the time came to make the fi

24、nal decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that my interest.A.limitedB.reservedC.reflectedD.spoiled5.(2015 天津,14)See,your computer has broken down again!It doestn computer just to save a few dollars.A.haveB.makeC.displayD.bringsense to buy the cheapest brand of6.(2015 浙江,16)If steel i

25、s heavier than water,why are ships able toon the sea?A.floatB.drownC.shrinkD.split7.(2015 安徽,22)If you come to visit China,you willa culture of amazing depth and variety.A.developB.createC.substituteD.experience8.(2015 湖北,24)In order not to be heard,she pointed her finger upwards tothat someone was

26、moving about upstairs.A.whisperB.signalC.declareD.complain9.(2014 浙江,9)No matter how carefully you plan your finances,no one canwhen the unexpected will happen.A.proveB.implyC.demandD.predict10.(2014安徽,34)Shakespeares writing is still popular today.It has reallythe test of time.A.failedB.stoodC.take

27、nD.conducted11.(2014福建,25)It is widely acknowledged that students should bein terms of overall quality.A.supportedB.matchedC.evaluatedD.controlled12.(2014天津,9)My parents alwaysgreat importance to my getting a good education.A.haveB.attachC.acceptD.pay1.(2018 天津夏,3)At first Robert wouldnt let his dau

28、ghter go diving, but eventually heas she was so confident about her skills.A.gave inB.dressed upC.broke inD.turned up2.(2017 天津夏,5)Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter, get married, and have kids.A.settle downB.keep offC.get upD.cut in3.(2016 天津,8)Mary was silent during the early part

29、 of the discussion but finally sheher opinion on the subject.A.gave voice toB.kept an eye onC.turned a deaf ear toD.set foot on4.(2016 天津,14)I hate it when she calls me at work Im always too busy toa conversation with her.A.carry onB.break intoC.turn downD.cut off5.(2016 浙江,12)When their children lived far away from them, these old people feltfrom the world. A.carried awayB.broken downC.cut offD.brought up6.(2015

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