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Reading and ThinkingComprehendingWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、(节选自译林版新教材必修第三册Unit 4)1credit /kredIt/ n赞扬,认可;信用2intellectual /Intlektul/ adj.脑力的;有才智的,智力发达的 n知识分子,脑力劳动者3let sb.down使某人失望4ignorance /Inrns/ n无知5as to关于;至于6take it for granted /rntId/ 想当然地认为;认为是理所当然7authority /rti/ n权威,权力;官方8declare /dIkle(r)/ vt.宣称;宣布;申报1The first way in which science is of value is

2、 familiar to everyone:scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of things.科学有价值的第一种方式为每个人所熟悉:科学知识使我们能够做各种事并创造各种各样的东西。句式分析此句中含有in which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the first way;enable do sth.使某人能够做某事。2Now,we scientists take it for granted that it is perfectly possible to live and not know.现在,我们

3、科学家理所当然地认为,人类生而有所不知是完全有可能的。句式分析此句中第一个it是形式宾语,从句that it is perfectly possible to live and not know是真正的宾语。 Period One Reading and ThinkingComprehendingLearning Aims(学习目标)1Learn some new words.2Grasp the general idea of the passage.(重点难点)3Learn some important sentences.(重点难点) 阅读下列课文原句,写出黑体词汇的汉语意思1Howev

4、er,he never lost his desire to destroy cholera once and for all.最终地;彻底地2Another was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.Snow subscribed to the second theory.感染 细菌;病菌 同意;赞同3There were multiple deaths near the water pump in Broad Street (especially house numbers 16,37,3

5、8,and 40)数量多的4Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame.怀疑 把归咎于5Through Snows tireless efforts,water companies began to sell clean water,and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease.大量的 减少6Moreover,in his use of maps and statistics,Snow transformed the way scientists s

6、tudy diseases.统计数字 使改观Task 1宏观架构整体理解.Read the passage quickly and then fill in the blanks.The main idea of the passage is that John Snow did some scientific research and helped to defeat “King Cholera”Task 2微观剖析细节把握1Which of the following theories did John Snow believe in?ABad air caused the disease

7、.BPeople absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.CPeople got infected with cholera because of cold and hunger.DPeople suffered from cholera because they were not clean.答案B2What was the key to help for John Snows discovery?AThe government.BThe woman who had moved away from Broad Street.CT

8、he water company.DThe map made by himself.答案D3At last,“King Cholera” was controlled by .Ausing medicines in hospitalBdriving patients out of the countryCdealing with the polluted waterDgetting rid of all kinds of pollution答案C4What conclusion did John Snow draw according to the evidence?ACholera germ

9、s multiplied in the water.BPolluted water carried the virus.CA cloud of dangerous gas caused cholera.DCholera could never be controlled even though its cause was found.5Where does this text probably come from?AA newspaper. BA medical report.CA book review. DA TV interview.答案ATask 3文本理解美句欣赏1Read the

10、passage carefully and find the sentences to describe the mood of sadness.(细读短文并找出描写悲伤心理的句子)As a young doctor,John Snow became frustrated because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera.2Read the passage carefully and find the sentences to show determination.(细读短文并找出表达决心的句子)(1)He never lost his d

11、esire to destroy cholera once and for all.(2)He was determined to find out why.Task 4读后升华思维品质.After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.In the early 19th century,1.when a severe cholera hit Europe,John Snow became 2.frustrated(frustrate) because no one knew how to prevent or trea

12、t cholera.3. But he never lost his desire to destroy cholera once and for all.Snow subscribed to the theory that cholera 4.was caused(cause) by an 5.infection(infect) from germs in food or water.Snow began by 6.marking(mark) on a map the exact places where all those who died had lived.As 7.a result,

13、John Snow was able to announce that the pump water 8.carried(carry) cholera germs.9.Accordingly(according),he had the handle of the pump 10.removed(remove) so that it could not be used.Through this intervention,the disease was stopped in its tracks.DiscussionHow has John Snows work affected our dail

14、y lives?Snows work has provided readily available clean water to drink,for example,as well as an emphasis on hygiene such as the need to wash hands after they become dirty.He also showed how to prevent cholera epidemics,and transformed the way scientists study diseases,which has allowed for more pro

15、tection from once common diseases such as cholera.译文:他发现霍乱疫情在两条街道上尤为严重,十天之内就有500多人死亡。事实是宽街水泵抽上来的水已经被废弃物污染了。一些公司出售的水来自被未经处理的废物污染的泰晤士河。课时跟踪练一.阅读理解ADear Editor,Please publish more articles about women scientists.Women scientists have made outstanding contributions to the world.These women make excellen

16、t role models.More young women may choose science as a profession if women read featured articles on female scientists like Marie Curie and Rachel Carson.Both women were encouraged to study science,and they both accomplished great things.With her fathers encouragement,Marie Curie made the world a be

17、tter place through her scientific accomplishments.She studied the emission(放射) of rays from uranium(铀),a feature she called “radioactivity(放射性)”Later,Curie and her husband,also a scientist,processed the mineral pitchblende before separating two radioactive elements(元素)With this discovery,Marie Curie

18、 earned her doctorate,and shortly thereafter,both she and her husband were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics.In 1911 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her work with the newly discovered elements; this work laid the foundation for X-rays and atomic physics.When Rachel Carson was

19、young,her mother encouraged her to study nature.As an adult,she became known as the mother of the modern environmental movement.After studying marine biology and zoology in college,Carson worked as a government scientist and wrote several books on how all living things relate to each other.In 1951 h

20、er book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea accessible to the general reader and remained on the best-seller list for eighty-six weeks.In 1962 Carson wrote Silent Spring,a book that helped lead to improvements in the use of chemical pesticides(农药)Humans have benefited greatly f

21、rom the work of Marie Curie and Rachel Carson.What if these women had not been encouraged to become scientists? I believe that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of science.With that goal in mind,I sincerely hope your magazine can publish more articles about the contributions that w

22、omen take to science.Sincerely,Annie Bastien,Grade 7Capistrano Middle School语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。作者在信中建议杂志编辑多刊登一些关于女性科学家的文章,以鼓励更多女性从事科学事业。1According to the text,Marie Curie .Aachieved success with her fathers helpBseparated two radioactive elements aloneCmade contributions to the study of X-raysDwon the Nob

23、el Prize twice with her husband解析细节理解题。由第二段最后一句中的“this work laid.atomic physics”可知,玛丽居里的工作为研究X射线和原子物理学奠定了基础。故选C。2What can we learn about Rachel Carson?AShe was a physicist and chemist.BHer books had a great influence on the public.CShe was inspired by her father to become a scientist.DHer role as an

24、 environmentalist was rarely known by people.由倒数第二段最后两句可知,雷切尔卡逊所著的两本书对大众都产生了很大的影响。故选B。3What can we infer about the author?AShe aims to become a scientist.BShe likes reading and writing stories.CShe has a great interest in women scientists.DShe wants to publish articles in the magazine.解析推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句可知,作者对女性科学家的故事很感兴趣。BBrian Greene,a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University,has created an online science education platform.He tries to “build a bridge” with things you know about,and then “bring yo

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