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1、eep 误 She as eeping sething t her father 正 She as eeping sething fr her father 析 “对某人隐瞒某事”要用”eep sething fr sebd”句型。误 He ept t repeat the rd again and again 正 He ept repeating the rd again and again 析 eep ding sething为连续不断地做某事。有时可以与eep n ding sething互换。它们的区别在于eep ding sething意为该动作一直不停地在进行中,如: hen th

2、e train started, she ept aving her hand 而eep n ding sething则表示该动作可能停停顿顿但却一直在进行中,如: He ept n aing the sae istaes in graar误 e ust eep up the ties 正 e ust eep up ith the ties 析 这句话意为”我们必须赶上时代”,eep up ith是”赶上”之意,而eep up则是”坚持下去”的意思,如: eep it up, dnt stp n!e 误 I lst the e f the dr 正 I lst the e t the dr 析

3、 英语中讲某某的东西一般要用f,而e, entrane, anser则多用t,如:”门的钥匙”为e t the dr, “高速公路入口”为entrane t the higha, “问题的答案”为the anser (e) t the questin ind 误 This ind f bs are nt gd 正 This ind f bs is nt gd 析 ind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲Thse inds f bs are ver gd 则是正确的。ind srt tpe ind和srt为同义词,意为”种类”,而tpe则为”型号”,如: hat tpe f this ar d u

4、ant?(你想要这种车的什么型号?) n 误 Sene as ning the dr 正 Sene as ning at the dr 析 n虽可以作及物动词,如: The ar ned a hle in the fene 但作”敲门”讲一定要用作不及物动词: n at (n) the dr 误 I ant t n t pla this gae 正 I ant t n h t pla this gae 析 要注意英语中在不定式前加疑问代词或疑问副词的用法。I ant t n h t d it / hat t d / hen t d it / here t g n n f I n hi为”我很了

5、解他。”而I n f hi 则为”我听说过他。”同样的用法还有hear和hear f这一词组。Llarge 误 He fund a large nuber f istae in his her 正 He fund a large nuber f istaes in his her 析 “a large nuber f + 复数名词”,意为大量的。last 误 This is the neest nes 正 This is the latest nes 析 “最新消息”应为latest nes,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。last the last 误 I sa brt

6、her the last ee 正 I sa brther last ee 析 当谈到与目前有关的上月、上星期等概念时只能用last nth, last ee, 而不能加定冠词,the last 可用于表示一系列词的最后一个,如: That as the last hristas I spent at he 但the last可以用表示持续到现在的一个长时期,如: I a bus fr the last ee late 误 esterda I ent he latel 正 esterda I ent he late 析 late即可做形容词又可作副词;而latel则意为”最近的”,如: I h

7、avent seen her latel late latter later latel late有两个比较级,指时间较晚应用later,如口语中常讲: See u later (一会见。)而latter则指按顺序讲的后者,或靠后的,其反意词为frer,如: the frer president(前总统)。又如: I an understand the latter part f the str 而latel则意为”近”、”不久前”。 laughed at b his lassates 中的at是不可省掉的。 laugh ver 则指”笑着谈论”某事,如 e laugh ver the fil

8、 (我们笑着谈论那个电影。la 误 e lied n the beah 正 e la n the beah 析 英中有三个动词易混,在考试中也频频出现,它们的现在式,过去式,过去分词以及现在分词是:la ( vt 放) laid laid laing lie( vi 躺) la lain ing lie( vi 说谎) lied lied ling learn 误 The teaher said:”u ust stud this pe b heart” 正 The teaher said:”u ust learn this pe b heart” 析 stud与learn在作”学习”讲时,常常

9、可以互换,但learn侧重于学习成果或初级阶段的模仿性学习,如:The little bab is learning t al 而stud则多侧重于学习的过程,如: I studing at this llege 而learnb heart则是”记住”、”背诵”之意。leave 误 Ill leave Beiing t Shanghai 正 Ill leave Beiing fr Shanghai 析 leave fr一词组为”去某地”,如对话中常讲Ill leave fr Shanghai 因所离开的地点是双方都知道的则可以省略。leave frget 误 Ive frgtten her a

10、t he 正 Ive frgtten her 正 Ive left her at he 析 如果句中有地点状语则不要用frget, 而要用leave lessn 误 I have t lessns f English 正 I have t English lessns 正 I have t lessns in English 析 “我有两节英语。”这一表达法如上,但美国老师讲他有两节时则多用”I have t lasses” teah sebd a lessn 为”教训某人”,或”要吸取教训”,如: Let this thing teahes u a lessn lend 误 Please b

11、rr e ur bie 正 Please lend e ur bie 析 brr是指”借入”,如: I ant t brr se bs fr the librar lend 是”借出”,如: I an lend u bie 而eep为”借多久”: 如 H lng an I eep it?less 误 He has feer ne than she has 正 He has less ne than she has 析 less是little的比较级,而feer是fe的比较级。要注意前者修饰不可数名词,而后者修饰可数名词。let 误 The teaher lets the students le

12、an the lassr as a punishent 正 The teaher aes the students lean the lassr as a punishent 析 虽然let, have, ae有相同的用法,但ae和have含有迫使某人做某事的意思。误 Lets g t the par, ill u?正 Lets g t the par, shall e?误 Let us g t the par, shall e?正 Let us g t the par, ill u?析 Lets g的反意疑问句是shall e?而Let us g的反意疑问句则是ill u?life 误 an

13、 peple lst their life in the Send rld ar 正 an Peple lst their lives in the Send rld ar 析 life作为”生命”、”性命”时应为可数名词;当泛指一般”生活”讲时则为不可数名词,如: hih d u prefer, tn life r untr life? 又如: Life is nt all fun light 误 There is a des ith a lit lap n it 正 There is a des ith a lighted lap n it 析 light有两个过去分词: lighted和

14、lit,当用过去分词作形容词当定语时只能用lighted light可以用作名词,如: The n gets its light fr the sun 也可以作形容词,如: The lassr is ver light 还可以作动词,如: The little girl lit a ath 作形容词时还有”轻”、”浅”等意,如: This bx is light I lie light blue lie 误 sister is ver as e 正 sister is ver lie e 析 as 作为连词其后要接从句,如: She is a gd student as his brther

15、used t be 而lie是介词,其后接宾语。误 D u lie siing ith e tnight 正 uld u lie t si ith e tnight 析 lie作为动词当”喜欢”讲时,其后面可接不定式也可接动名词,用不定式多表达一个一次性的动作,如: I srr I dnt lie t g siing tnight 用动名词则表示一个习惯性的动作,如: I lie siing ver uh lie alie 作为形容词,alie 一般不作定语,而只作表语,如; The tins are ver alie 误 uld u lie siing ith us?正 uld u lie

16、t si ith us?析 在uld u lie这一句型中,其后面只能接不定式,而不能接动名词。 lie的用法还要注意以下两点: He lies T 为”他喜欢汤姆。” He is lie T 为”他像汤姆。”第二句话的lie为介词,而第一句话的lie为动词。listen 误 u shuld hear the teahers advie 正 u shuld listen t the teahers advie 析 hear多侧重于听到某事或某种声音,而listen t则侧重于听的倾向性。 e listen but hear nthing 例句为”听取某人意见”,所以只能用listen t se

17、nes advie little 误 Dnt rr, there is little tie 正 Dnt rr, there is a little tie 误 There is a little ater Shall I get se?正 There is little ater Shall I get se?析 要注意中英在同一问题上的表达法是不同的。如中”水不多了,我去取点吧。”英要讲”没水了,我去取点吧。” little sall little与sall是近义词,在作定语时常常可以互换,如: a little girl或a sall girl,但little一般不作表语,如: The

18、ar ver there is sall 一句中不要用little 作定语时little常常带有感情色彩,而sall则带有对比的含义。live 误 T lives ith his parents ne 正 T lives n his parents ne 误 He lives n teahing 正 He lives b teahing 析 “靠吃某物为生”应用live n sething, 而live b是”靠某种生活手段为生”。living alive living侧重于生活得很好,身体不错,如: grandfather is still living in his eighties 而a

19、live则强调没有死而是活着的,如: Is that at alive r dead?lnel 误 She anted t d her her lnel 正 She anted t d her her alne 析 lnel意为”寂寞的”、”孤单的”,如: The ld an felt lnel alne则意为”独自的”、”单独的”,如: He lives alne but he desnt feel lnellng 误 I have been studing lng fr the exa 正 I have been studing fr a lng tie fr the exa 析 lng用

20、作表达时间的副词时,在否定句及疑问句中最常用,但在肯定句中除与s, t, asas连用外,一般要用fr a lng tie 误 Ill all u as lng as the b ill be returned 正 Ill all u as lng as the b is returned 析 asas引导的状语从句中可以用一般现在时表示将。误 H lng d u g t see ur parents? ne a ee 正 H ften d u g t see ur parents?析 因为答语为每周一次所以问的是频率,要用h ftenl l fr find l fr 侧重于 “寻找”这个动作

21、,如: hat are u ling fr? 而find则侧重于结果,如: It is ver diffiult t find a b 这里不能用l fr,因为真正困难的是”找到”工作。其他用法还有:例 He ften ls ba n his high shl das 析 l ba n sething 为”回顾”、”回想”。例 I ish u uldnt l dn n (upn) the hildrens r 析 l dn n (upn) 为”看不起”某人或某事。误 I ling frard t see u 正 I ling frard t seeing u 析 l frard t词组中的t是

22、介词,所以其后要加名词或动名词,不能接不定式。lt 误 I an bu this ditinar n, beause I have gt uh ne 正 I an bu this ditinar n beause I have gt a lt f ne 析 uh ne多用于疑问句与否定句中,而在肯定句中要用a lt f lts f与a lt f之间无多大区别,两者都可以修饰可数与不可数名词,所以常常可以互换。误 He is re happier n 正 He is a lt happier n 析 不可用re修饰比较级,能修饰比较级的词有ver uh, a lt, lts, an, n, ra

23、ther, a little, a bit等。lud ludl 这两个词含意相同,在日常用语中lud多与tal,spea, shut, laugh等动词连用,如:Dnt spea s lud, ull ae the bab 而在比较正式的场合才用ludl lud alud lud多指把声音放大,而alud则指要出声不要默读。 -hat did u sa? -h, nthing, I as ust thin alud (我只不过自言自语。 ae 误 The little b as ade repeat the hle str 正 The little b as ade t repeat the

24、hle str 误 The father ade his sn t d his her fr rning till night 正 The father ade his sn d his her fr rning till night 析 ae 的句型为”ae sebd d (ding) sething”但在被动语态中原被省去的不定式符号t要被还原回。误 I alas d this istae 正 I alas ae this istae 析 英语中d和ae是十分不易弄清的两个动词,d常用于谈论工作时或某种不确定的活动时,如: d a favur(帮个忙),d nes best(竭尽全力),d

25、 gd(有益), d har(有害),而多数情况下常用ae, 如: ae a suggestin, ae a ae, ae a bed(收拾床),ae a nise, ae ne等等。误 This ine as ade f grapes 正 This ine as ade fr grapes 析 当成品制成后,其原料的性质有所改变时应用ae fr,否则用ae f, 如: This dr as ade f irn 误 Hard r an ften ae up a la f intelligene 正 Hard r an ften ae up fr a la f intelligene 析 ae

26、up是”创造”、”编织”,而ae up fr是”弥补的不足之处”。上句应译为”勤奋工作可以弥补天资的不足。误 e ade up ur ind t stud hard 正 e ade up ur inds t stud hard 析 ind这里是可数名词,使用时要特别予以注意ae up nes ind是”下定决心”之意。误 ur lass is ade f tent girls and tent ne bs 正 ur lass is ade up f tent girls and tent ne bs 析 ae up f是”某物由组成或构成”。an 误 I have an friends 正 I

27、 have a lt f friends 析 an和uh多用于疑问句或否定句中,而在肯定句中则用处不多,尤其在非正式谈话中。-H uh ne have u gt?-Ive gt plent 误 u bught uh t tates 正 u bught t an tates 析 t an后接可数名词,t uh后接不可数名词,而uh t后面接形容词,意为”太多”。误 Fr an a ees it rained a lt 正 Fr an a ee it rained a lt 析 an a意为”好多”、”许多”,但其后面要加单数名词。atter 误 N atter hat u did 正 N atter hat u did, I trusted u 析 N atter是个词组,意为”不论”,它的语法功能是起连接作用,所以不能用于一个单独的句子。it desnt atter这个词组则不是一个连接词组,所以可以和一个单句连用,如: It desnt ater hat u sa (你说什么都不要紧。abe 误 a be he is right 正 abe he is right 析 abe是副词,不要错用为a be abe perhaps 这两个词的词意一样,abe常用于非正式谈话,而perhaps则多用在正

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