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1、twocycle 圈,环 bicycle,bicyclist,go cycling,cyclist lateral 边 bilateral agreement/treatymonthly a.一月一次的,n.月刊bimonthly a.两月一次的,n.双月刊lingual语言 bilingual education 双语教育enn年 biennial conference 两年一次的会议ann年 biannual 一年两次的 a biannual eventgam婚姻 bigamist重婚者,di-oxide氧化物 dioxide n.二氧化物 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 lemm

2、a见解,主张 dilemma n.进退两难的窘境 He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.ambi-val价值 ambivalent a.心情矛盾的(既爱又恨的)ambivalence n.心情矛盾 She remained ambivalent about her marriage.gu引导 ambiguous a.模棱两可的 an ambiguous answer ambiguity n.模棱两可,3.tri-:three angle角 triangle 三角形 a girl in l

3、ove triangle with Tom and Jack triangular 三角形的cycle圈,环 tricycle 三轮车triple a.三倍的 triple jump 三级跳 v.增加三倍 The company tripled its profits last year.lateral边 trilateral 三边的,4.quadri-(元音前为quadr-):fourquadrangle 四角形quadrennial 四年一次的 the quadrennial Olympic Gamesquarterly5.deca-:ten deci-:one-tenth decade

4、十年 three decades The past three decades have witnessed a huge change in Chinese society.decimeter n.分米 decibel n.分贝,6.centi-(元音前为cent-):one hundred(th)grade 级,度 centigrade百度制,摄氏pede足 centipede蜈蚣centimeter 厘米century percent centennial 百年的 The centennial Olympics was held in Atlanta.,7.kilo-,milli-(元音

5、前为mill-):one thousand(th)meter 米 kilometer千米,公里 kmgram克 kilogram公斤 kgwatt 瓦特 kilowatt 千瓦 volt伏特 kilovolt 千伏calorie卡路里 kilocalorie千卡milligram 毫克millimeter 毫米millennial 千年的 millennium 千年Many people refer to the year 2000 as the Millennium.,8.mega-(元音前为meg-)兆hertz赫兹 megahertz兆赫bit比特,字节 megabit兆比特 128 m

6、b,二、表示空间方位的前缀(prefixes indicating spatial position),1.上 over-,super-,sur-,over-在上overall a.总体的,全面的-improvement in the management overcome v.克服-the difficultiesoverflow v.溢满 The river overflew its bank.overhead a./ light A plane flew overhead.overlap v.重叠 overlapping investment overlook v.忽视 Suc

7、h mistake is often overlooked.俯视 overlook the whole cityoverpass n.天桥 a pedestrian overpass人行天桥,注:over-还有excessive(“过度的”)意思overwork v.劳累过度 The farmer workers are overworked but underpaid.oversleep v.睡过头 He was late for work because of oversleeping.overemphasize v.过分强调 The importance of learning Engl

8、ish can never be overemphasized.overestimate v.高估 underestimate v.低估,super-在上,超过structure 结构 superstructure上层建筑vise 看 supervise 监督superficial a.肤浅的 I have only a-knowledge of law.superior n./a.上级(的)my immediate-我的顶头上司 He works well with those-to him in the company.superiority n.优越性 complex优越感 inferi

9、ority complex 自卑感superman n.超人supermarket n.superstar n.sonic 音的 supersonic a.超音速的 a-planesupernatural a.超自然的 forces/powers/events,sur-在上,超face面 surface 表面 the of the earthname名 surname 姓(=family name,last name)pass过 surpass超过 ones expectationsplus加 surplus a.剩余的 value剩余价值 n.顺差 trade 贸易顺差,2.下 sub-,u

10、nder-,sub-:undersubway n.地铁(英国人用underground)marine 海洋的 submarine n.潜艇conscious有意的 subconscious n./a.潜意识(的)standard标准的 substandard a.低于标准的(nonstandard a.不标准的)scribe写 subscribe订阅 to a magazine merge融合 submerge v.淹没 be submerged by the floodsubmit vi.屈服 submit to sb.vt.提交 submit a report to sb.subordin

11、ate a.下级的;从属的,substitute n.代替者 a for sb./sth.v.代替 He substituted for the injured player.subtract v.减去 Subtract 3 from 9 and you have 6.(加 add;乘multiply;除divide)suburb n.郊区 in the of the city(同义词 outskirts,但是搭配的介词不同 on the outskirts of the city),under-在下;不足underline vt.在下面划线 the underlined wordsunder

12、developed 不发达的 countries不发达国家 欠发达国家 less developed countries undergraduate n.本科生 undergo vt.经历,遭受 a major operation underlying a.潜在的 an meaning 内在的含义undermine vt.暗中破坏 she tried to our friendship.undertake vt.承担 the impossible mission underwear n.内衣,衬衣underneath prep.在下面 put your name the address.,3.

13、前 fore-,pre-,pro-cast投 forecast n./v.预测,预报 weather,the futuretell告诉 foretell v.预言 foretell the futuresee看见 foresee v.预见,先见 foresight n.先见foremost a.首要的 first and 首要的是 Karajan was the conductor of his day.foreword n.序言 forerunner n.先驱forearm n.前臂 forehead n.额头bode兆头 forebode v.预兆,预示(灾祸)The black clou

14、ds forebode a storm.乌云预示着风暴要来临。,fer 运 prefer vt.更喜欢 I prefer walking to cycling.He preferred to stay at home rather than go with us.preferable a.更合意的 be to sth.比更合适,比更好 Health without riches is to rich without health.preference n.偏爱 He has a for vegetables and meat.jud判断 prejudice n.偏见 have a prejud

15、ice/bias/discrimination against sb./sth.对持有偏见preliminary a.初步的,预备的 a examination 初试;预考mature成熟的 premature a.比正常时间早的 a baby 早产儿 premier 总理 Chinese/French,German chancellor,British/Japanese Prime Ministerscribe写 prescribe vt.开处方 prescription n.处方 The doctor prescribed a new medicine for my flu.Please

16、take this prescription to the drugstore/pharmacy/chemists.,pre-preschool a.学龄前的 education 初等教育primary education 中等教育 secondary education 高等教育 higher education historic历史的 prehistoric a.史前的 a animalcaution小心precaution n.预防措施 take precautions against sth.cede去 precede v.在之前 A short lecture will the mo

17、vie.电影开演前有一个小讲座。precedent n.先例(可数名词)set/create a for 为创先例 n.惯例(不可数名词)break with 打破惯例 preceding a.在前的 in the class/chapterdict说 predict预言 the future prediction n.预言 predictor n.预言者preface 序言(=foreword)the to this book,side边 preside vi.主持 at/over the conference 主持会议(president)sume拿来 presume vt.推测,假定 L

18、ets that he has told the truth.presumption n.推测,假定 text 文本 pretext 托词,借口 find a for v-ingvail强大 prevail vi.流行,盛行 This custom prevails over the whole area.prevalent a.流行的,普遍的 This disease is more among young people.view看 preview v.预习,预演 the text review 复习 review the text,pro-gress步伐 progress 进步 make

19、progress(progress为不可数名词,不可以说make a progress,但是可以说make a rapid progress)progressive a.进步的,先进的 a man of views 一个有进步观点的人ject扔 project vt.投射,放映 The tree projected a shadow on the grass.树在草地上投下影子。projector n.投影仪 an overhead projectorlong长 prolong向前拉长,延长 our lifemote动 promote vt.促进;晋升 friendships among co

20、untries promotion n.促进;晋升 sales promotion,pel推 propel vt.推进;驱使 propel the rocket into space spect 看 prospect n.前景 Wish you a bright/future.prospective a.预期的,未来的 student/buyer/customer/clientpose放 propose v.提议;打算 v-ing 建议做 propose to v.proposal n.提议 turn down(reject/refuse)ones prophet n.先知;预言者,4.后 p

21、ost-,re-,retro-post-pone放 postpone vt.推迟 v-ing(=put off v-ing)postpone studying abroadscript写 postscript n.附言(缩写p.s.,书信或email署名后的附言)postwar a.战后的 the periodpostgraduate 研究生postdoctoral 博士后的 research Ph.D candidateBachelors degree Masters degree Ph.D.,re-gress步伐 regress n./v.退步 Such countries are not

22、 developing at all,but regressing.act作用 react vi.作出反应 The manager reacted positively to the proposal.reaction n.反应 a chain 连锁反应,the chemical recall vt.回忆;召回 I dont recall seeing him.Volkswagen recalled its cars made last year.cede去 recede vi.退去 The flood receded gradually.redeem vt.赎回 his ring from

23、the pawnbroker(当铺)reflect v.反映;反省 reflection n.The old man reflected on what he had done in his life time.,refresh v.(使)恢复活力 She looked refreshed after a good nights sleep.refreshments n.(复数)茶点,点心 offer guests some refund n./v.退款 demand a 要求退款 They refunded our money.refundable a.可退款的repay vt.偿还;报答

24、his debt our parents,5.内 in-(变体im-),intro-,en-(变体em-)in-play badminton/tennis/table tennis/bowlingindoor a.室内的 sports outdoor sports inland a.内陆的,内地的 the inland population ject扔 inject vt.注射 The nurse injected penicillin into his arm.injection n.注射 I was scared of when I was young.corporate团体 incorp

25、orate v.合并;成立公司 Intel Inc.(Inc.=incorporated股份有限的)Your idea will be incorporated in the plan.This company is about to with its parent company.incorporation duce引导 induce vt.引诱 inducement n.引诱物 The salesman induced me to buy a new car.,fect做 infect vt.感染 infection n.感染 infectious 有传染性的 The child

26、 has been infected with infectious disease fer运 infer vt.推论 From what did you that he was the murderer?It can be inferred that.Inference n.推论flat吹 inflate vt.使充气;使通货膨胀 the tyre/balloon inflation 通货膨胀 How to control the remains the top priority for the government.deflate the tyre/balloon defla

27、tion 通货紧缩flu流 influence have/exert a great influence on/over influential a.有影响力的 an newspaperform形成 inform vt.通知 inform sb.of sth.(notify sb.of sth.)We were soon informed of what had happened.,hale呼吸 inhale v.吸入 exhale v.呼出 inhale and exhale air/smokehere粘(adhere to the principle;coherent)inherent)a

28、.内在的,固有的(同义词:innate,inborn,intrinsic)There are dangers in almost every sport.input n/v.输入,投入 input the data into the computer output n/v.输出,产出sert放 insert vt.插入,嵌入insert the disk into the optical driver insight n.洞察力 spire呼吸 inspire vt.鼓舞;给灵感 inspire me to work harder inspiration n.鼓舞;灵感install vt.安

29、装 install and uninstall the software installation n.安装intrude vi.侵入 intrusion n.invade vi.侵入 invasion n.,im-migrate迁徙 immigrate 移民(移入某国)immigrate from China immigration immigrant emigrate,emigration,emigrant port港口 import n./v.进口 Anhui Technology Impt.&Expt.Co.,Ltd.pose放 impose vt.强加;征税 sth.on sb.his opinions on others;heavy duties on imported carspress压 impress vt.留印象 Her speech deeply impressed me.impression n.印象 leave a deep impression on me impressive a.给人印象深刻的 an spee

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