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1、 Can you tell me your name? May I have your name, please? Are you Miss(Mr.)…? What is your surname? What is your full name? How do you spell your first name? Please give me your name? May I ask your name? I believe youre Mr.(Miss)&,arent you? Your name, please. How do you do? And you are&. Mi

2、ss&,I presume? Would you give me your name? A: My name is& Yes, Im& My surname is& My full name is& Im& What kind of personality do you think you have? What kind of person are you ? What types of people you like to work with? What types of people you do not like to work with? Do you enjoy working un

3、der your own supervision? Why would you prefer not to work under your own supervision? Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? Would you like to describe yourself as what king of person you are? Do you get angry easily? Would you like to tell me your weak points and strong points? What do y

4、ou think is the most important thing for you to be happy? Do you have any people youd call really close friends? What basic principles do you apply to your work? What do you think a job is? I think Im honest and reliable. I believe Im extroverted, easy to approach and friendly to everyone. I feel th

5、at Im initiative and aggressive, responsible in doing things. To tell you the truth, I think Im imaginative and creative. Frankly, I think Im quite outgoing and I enjoy mixing and doing things with others. I like to work with the extroverted persons. I like to work with the imaginative and creative

6、persons. I do not like to work with the introverted persons. I would like to work under the pressure. I wouldnt call myself introverted though sometimes Im inclined to think independently and enjoy staying all by myself, often and often I like sharing activities with others. I approach things very e

7、nthusiastically, and I can take on jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done. No, I know how to control my temple. I only get angry if I see someone hurting somebody else. Im not very outward-looking. I dont try to go ahead of people and lead them. Id rather cooperate

8、 with everybody else, and the job done by working together. Im a bit shy around people, but I have an inquiring mind. I think it is the most important to work. Yes, I have several of really close friends. Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. Do you have any special interests other t

9、han your job? What do you like to do in your spare time? What are your hobbies? What other interests do you have? What community activities have you been involved in? What kind of recreation do you most enjoy? What do you do when you are not working? How do you spend your free time? How do you enter

10、tain yourself after work? Yes, my chief interest is& Yes,& is my special interest. I like to read books. On weekends I sometimes go mountain climbing with my classmates or fishing I enjoy sports. I like dancing. I am a member of choir. What is your marital status? Could you please tell me something

11、about your family? Do you spend much time staying with your family? Are you 30 years of age? You look very young. How old are you? I am not married, and I am still a single. I have been married for 10 years and have a daughter. She is 6 years old. I usually get together my family on weekends, becaus

12、e we are all busy. Yes, I am. Thank you. I am 25 years old. 2.教育状况 Educational Background What is your educational background? What degrees do you have? What about your education? What university did you graduate from? Have you received any degree? What is your speciality? What research would you li

13、ke to do? What is your major? What are your major subject and minor subject? Tell me about the courses you completed at university, please. What subject do you like best? Do you speak any language? What about any exams youve taken? How were your scores? What was your graduation thesis on? What did y

14、our Ph.D thesis concern with? What research are you presently pursuing? How many languages can you speak? What foreign languages can you speak? How many languages can you speak in addition to English? Can you speak, write and read French fluently? Can you manage English or French conversation? How i

15、s your English or Japanese proficiency? Three years ago, I graduated from Iowa University. I received a M.B.A. English is my mother tongue, and French is my second language. I have a Master of Electrical Engineering. My speciality is computer science. I like to deal with software development. My maj

16、or is foreign trade. My major subject is international banking and my minor subject is computer engineering. I completed& My favorite subject was computer application. I speak English and German. I have passed the Cambridge Examinations, and I have the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate. My graduatio

17、n thesis was on the application of computer to printing and dyeing. I am pursuing international banking research. I am fluent in English, Italian, Spanish and French. In addition to English, I can speak French and German. Yes, Im sure I can. As you may learn from my CV, English is my mother tongue,

18、but as I worked at a Japanese owned company, I become almost bilingual. 我们找工作面试的时候,遇到的每一个面试官都不一样,他们都有各自的方式来面试。那么我们应该掌握面试的技巧。以下是小编为您提供的名企特殊的面试方式,仅供参考。 索尼 请吃饭拉家常 SONY面试有时不足10分钟,要求五六个求职者同时参加;有时十分复杂:半个月里可能会约见求职者三四次,面试人经常更换,提很多与工作无关的问题。到了吃饭时间,面试人会像老朋友请你到餐厅共进午餐,说说笑笑地聊些家长里短。 前者往往被用于面试市场人员,考验的是他们在大众面前的表现力以及

19、抗压性;后者一般会用在要求较高的岗位或有一定级别的职位,通过多角度的接触,营造轻松的沟通环境,从中获取更多信息,建立起信任和感情,为判断的准确性及今后的合作打下良好基础。 联合利华 盲人布阵游戏 联合利华面试的时候,曾将应聘者分成多组,每组分一根长绳。所有的组员被黑布蒙上眼睛,要求组员在20分钟内将长绳拉成一个正方形,并且每个边上站上数量相等的人。 这个游戏除了考验应聘者是否诚实(绝对不能偷看)外,还能很好地反映出一个人的团队合作精神、领导组织能力和其他特质,如是否善于创新、是否富有执行能力等。每个应聘者在游戏中都担任不同角色,如果不断有新点子产生,会在创新、灵活一栏得到加分;而善于总结经验并

20、协调大家去顺利完成任务的人,在领导才能一项可加分;主动实践、积极执行可得认真分,甚至最后主动收起长绳的应聘者也可得踏实肯干分。 可口可乐 用热情衡量求职者 在可口可乐公司面试,每个求职者会经历多次(至少三次)的面试,由不同主管从不同角度来考查。面试主要考核应聘者是否有热情,是否了解可口可乐,对公司从事的行业和产品是否有热情,其次才是考核求职者的团队能力和领导能力。 可口可乐大中华地区人力资源总监郭明说,公司每位招聘人员手中都有一份职位描述,明确了招聘职位所需员工的标准。面试中,招聘人员会围绕职位描述,非常具体地提出问题,希望应聘者以事实为基础与招聘人员沟通。在面试中经常会问求职者的人生目标,是否为自己制作了职业生涯规划、举例说明最喜欢的工作是什么,为什么喜欢等。 提供阅读:经典面试试题及答案 怎样让你的自我介绍耀眼夺目 【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评和关注,我们将会做得更好】

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