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北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 23《Conflict》单元达标Word下载.docx

1、2The car went _ and ploughed into the side of a bus.3Didnt anyone _ James and say it wasnt his fault?4Since she is seriously ill,we have to _ a doctor at once.5We could _ at the supermarket for some eggs and milk.6We made a big fire to _ wild animals _.7His eyes nearly jumped from his sockets _.8I _

2、 his laziness and carelessness.能力提升.完形填空Little Annie(Annie Sullivan),as she was called when she was young,was no stranger to hardship.She was almost sightless herself and was,at one time,_1_ as hopelessly “insane(精神失常的)” by the doctors.She was locked in the basement of a(n) _2_ institution outside o

3、f Boston.At times,little Annie would violently _3_ anyone who came near.Most of the time she generally ignored everyone in her presence. An elderly nurse believed there was hope,however,and she made up her mind to show love to the child.Every day she visited little Annie.For the most _4_,the child d

4、id not acknowledge the nurses presence,but she still _5_ to visit.The kindly woman left cookies for little Annie and spoke words of love and encouragement.She believed little Annie could _6_,if only she were shown love.Eventually,doctors noticed a _7_ in the girl.Where they once witnessed anger and

5、hatred,they now noted an emerging gentleness and _8_.They moved her upstairs where she continued to improve.Then the day finally came when this seemingly “hopeless” child was set _9_.Annie Sullivan _10_ into a young woman with a(n) _11_ to help others as she,herself,was helped by the kindly nurse.It

6、 was she who _12_ the great potential in Helen Keller.She loved her,disciplined her,and played with her.Annie Sullivan worked _13_ in Helens life,but it was a loving nurse who first _14_ in Little Annie and lovingly transformed an uncommunicative child into a compassionate teacher.The name of Helen

7、Keller would have _15_ unknown if it had not been for Annie Sullivan.So would the name of Annie Sullivan if it had not been for the kind and devoted nurse.And so it goes.Just how far back does the chain of love extend?And how far forward will it lead?1A.regarded BseemedCimagined Ddiagnosed2A.physica

8、l BchemicalCmental Demotional3A.attract BattackCattend Dattach4A.column BpartCsection Dcontent5A.continued BlastedCconsidered Dsuggested6A.return BrecoverCremember Dreply7A.chance BmistakeCchange BworryCanxiety BbusyCspare Dloose10A.brought BgrewCtook Dcame11A.order Bdeman

9、dCdesire Dproposal12A.watched BcheckedCexamined Dsaw13A.doubts BdecisionsCplans Dwonders14A.depended BbelievedCintroduced Dabsorbed15A.remained BremindedCcontained Dincluded.语法填空Men and Women talk different languages.According to the 1._ (late) research in USA,men and women talk such different langu

10、ages 2._ it is like people from two different cultures 3._ (try) to communicate.Professor Tannen of Brown University has noticed the 4._ (different) in the styles of boys and girls conversations 5._ an early age.She says that little girls conversation is less definite than boys and express more doub

11、ts.Little boys use conversations to establish status with 6._ listeners.Teaching is one job 7._ the distinctions between mens and womens ways of talking show.When a man teaches a woman,8._ (say) Professor Tannen,he wants to show that he has more knowledge,and hence more power in conversation.When a

12、woman teaches 9._ woman,however,she is more likely to take 10._ sharing approach and to encourage her student to join in.阅读理解ALeymah Gbowee,ever awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,dreamed of peace and made it happen,founding a movement of women who brought peace and a female president to Liberia.On the n

13、ight of her high school graduation party,surrounded by family,neighbors,and friends,Leymah Gbowee imagined a bright future.She planned to study biology and chemistry in college and become a pediatrician.Instead,Gbowee writes in her autobiography,Mighty Be Our Powers,within six months of that party i

14、n 1989,everything around her was goneher country torn apart by civil war,her family broken,her plans abandoned.And Gbowee never became a doctor.Gbowee saw civilians murdered before her eyes.She fled with relatives from one shelter to another,often went hungry.Upon returning to Liberia in 1991,she sa

15、w a terrible sight:Everyone had fled,leaving their homes to the fighters.Yet her spirit wouldnt die.She began studying under a UNICEF program.Finally,with her familys help,she imagined a movement of women demanding peace in Liberia and made it happen.Traveling from village to village,Gbowee began or

16、ganizing women and persuaded women of different cultures to unite;under her leadership,thousands of women were dressed all in white to symbolize peace.Gbowee writes,“We were silent before,but after so many of us have been killed,fallen with diseases,and lost our children and families,war has taught

17、us that the future lies in saying no to violence and yes to peace!”The women had reason to fear,but Gbowee had no choice.Then women could register to vote.Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became Africas first female president in 2005.Gbowees work was just beginning.She now travels the world,meeting with everyo

18、ne from presidents to CEOs to people living in tiny villages,fighting for women and girls.1Leymah Gbowee was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her contributions to_.Athe education in LiberiaBthe womens movementCstopping the world warDprotecting the environment2The underlined word “pediatrician” in P

19、aragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_”Ateacher BpoliticianCbiologist Ddoctor3What happened to Leymah Gbowee within two years after 1989?AShe volunteered in shelters.BShe lived an unsettled life.CShe wrote an autobiography.DShe tried to realize her dream.4What effect did the civil war in Liberia hav

20、e on Leymah Gbowee?AThe war strengthened her spirit.BShe gave up a UNICEF program.CShe kept silent after the war.DShe didnt expect peace at all.5It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Leymah Gbowee_.Astill has a long way to goBdoesnt have any sense of fearCwill be another female presidentDw

21、ill make efforts to be CEO of a companyBVisiting the MoonDuring his term in office,President Kennedy gave full funding to NASAthe space agency.He did this because he wanted to see Americans land on the moon.In July 1969 three men fulfilled Kennedys dream during the Apollo 11 mission.Thousands of peo

22、ple had worked for years in order to send them to the moon.There had been 10 prior Apollo missions.One had failed,but the others were successful.Finally it was time to try a moon landing.Their spacecraft took off from NASA in Houston,Texas.A Saturn 5 rocket carried the astronauts and their spacecraf

23、t into orbit.They blasted through space at speeds as fast as 25,000 miles per hour(40,234 kph)Even at that incredible speed,it took four days to reach the moon.The men had a special craft designed only for landing on the moon.This lunar module was called The Eagle.After The Eagle landed,Neil Armstro

24、ng stepped out onto the moon.People all over the world watched on their television sets as he said,“Thats one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.”Buzz Aldrin followed Armstrong onto the moons surface,but Michael Collins stayed circling the moon in the main spacecraft.He had to make sure t

25、hat nothing happened to the spacecraft that would take them home.The astronauts moved around on the moon,gathering rocks and taking photographs.They did many experiments on the moon.Before they left,they planted an American flag in the ground in the place where they landed.Next to it they put a plaq

26、ue that read,“We came in peace for all mankind.”The flag and the plaque are still there. Some people think that moon travel may become common.They want to build hotels on the moon and have people go on lunar vacations!If that happens,people will visit the site of the first moon landing.They will sta

27、nd where Neil Armstrong made history.6Where did the astronauts put a US flag?AOn the lunar buggy.BOn the moon.COn the Saturn 5 rocket.DOn their spacecraft.7On a historical time line,what happened first?AAstronauts went into the space shutter.BNeil Armstrong walked on the moon.CThe Apollo 13 had an e

28、mergency.DPresident Kennedy gave full funding to NASA.8Neil Armstrong stepping onto the moon is most like_.AIsuac Newton naming the laws of motionBChristopher Columbus discovering North AmericaCRoald Amundsen reaching the South Pole before anyone elseDGutenberg inventing the printing press9What did

29、Armstrong mean by saying “.one giant leap for mankind.”?AIt was a really big step down from the spacecraft.BIt was a moment of major progress for a human to step onto the moon.COnly men should go to the moon.DHe could do big leaps on the moon because of its low gravity.10Picture yourself standing on th

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