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1、3、Listen to the record and show the correct color cards教师向学生提供彩虹的图片提问:Whais this? How many colours? What colour is this?呈现新单词,分音节教授新单词的读音播放颜色录音,让学生出示相应颜色的卡片目标1:通过涂色,获得对颜色的最初感知掌握单词的正确读音和拼写培养学生的听读能力 4、 Point to the colour in the rainbow and do ask and answer practiceWhat colour is it?Its.(colour)5、Loo

2、k at the video of Listen and say, then answer the questions. S1: The girl cant find the ball S2: Its white and red.6、Translate and read the test in groups7、 Dub the video in different ways处理本单元重点句型,提问颜色与回答。根据视频内容提出相应问题Whats the matter?What colour is the ball?播放无声视频,让学生进行配音目标2掌握重点句型训练听力的同时培养学生的阅读理解能力

3、处理课文,理解大意,熟读句型通过配音的过程中检测学生对课文的掌握总结Sing the song togetherThe little girl find her ball .she is happy ,lets sing a song “the rainbow”目标3通过唱歌巩固新单词1. 能听说,正确书写26个字母;能根据指令涂颜色;2.通过赏图,给图着色,做实验,表演,游戏等方式学习颜色单词和句型。3.感受色彩给我们生活带来的美,保护眼睛,在日常生活中懂得关心和帮助他人。生为本 重研训 议方法 达目标 促发展 组 长:第二课时方案 目 标 对 应 点及 设 计 意 图其 他 方 案 教 师

4、 辅 助Sing the song “The rainbow”播放The rainbow 的视频,让学生跟着唱目标1复习歌曲,并巩固颜色单词突破重难点的过程方法1.复习提问颜色的句型与单词 S1: S2:Its2、按照老师的指令涂色,并做色彩混合实验。并得出混合后的结论。 Mix and Its3、听录音,并回答问题4、看视频,了解事情原委。跟读录音,分角色表演。5、模仿课文做对话,做实验,完成colour and write出示不同颜色的水彩,让学生进行 问答用句型: Its; Its Lets mix and.发出指令。根据录音内容提出问题播放视频巩固重点单词和句型学习新颜色单词帮助学生理

5、解文章和训练听力能力掌握课文内容根据指令涂色并能模仿对话拓展应用6、和同桌讨论自己拿到的字母的颜色,字母所代表的单词,这个单词所代表的物品的颜色。7、让学生观看海伦凯勒视频,感受眼睛的重要性,珍爱眼睛,发现生活中的美当堂检测:1. 听音,涂色2. 看图,完成对话 What is it? Its a _ What colour is it? Its _ and _.发放给学生彩色字母卡(背面有相应的单词物品)告诉学生用目标句型讨论自己拿到的字母的读法,颜色,字母所代表的单词,以及背面物品的颜色。播放海伦卡勒的小视频,发出颜色指令,让学生完成练习复习字母,及字母所代表的单词让学生感受能看到五彩的世

6、界是多么的美拓展,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。Read a rhyme about Colours提供一个简单易懂的关于颜色的儿歌让学生巩固这课所学知识1.学生能够根据图片和食物听说读写有关食物及其特征的单词candy, ice cream, lemon, how, orange, sour, sweet, taste;会唱 Apple tree。2、学生能够在小组活动中正确运用句型: Taste is. How is it? Its并通过两人小组的对话,巩固重点的句型3.学生能够在英语学习活动中体会到学习英语的兴趣,同时能够体会到生活中食物的味道,热爱我们的生活。3B M1 U2方 案Let

7、 pupils listen to a song “ Apple tree ”.Play the tape目标一:Improve their interesting and prepare to learn the new topic.Show some food to the pupils, then ask and answer with the pupils.Step1 Deal with the new words1、Let the students touch the things in the bag and guess what it is. Is it candy? Is it

8、 a lemon? S3: Is it an ice-cream?2、Deal with the new words, read and spell. candy C-A-N-D-Y candy lemon L-E-M-O-N lemon ice-cream I-C-E C-R-E-A-M ice creamBring a bag with many things, let students touch and guess, lead in the new wordsShow the picture of the words and teach how to read them.目标一Lear

9、n the new words.Master the new words correctlyStep2 Deal with the main sentence structures 1、Taste a candy /lemon and tell others the taste. Its sweet/sour.2、Do ask and answer practiceHow is it?It is.Step3:Deal with Listen and say1、 Look at the video of Listen and say,then answer questions2、 Listen

10、and read the text.3、 Dub the videoStep4:Activities Work in pairs and make conversations What is it? It is What colour is it?How is it?目标二让一个学生尝一块糖/柠檬,然后问How is it?出示不同食物的图片,同桌之间做练习针对课文提出相应问题Paly the record提供无声视频创设一个学生参加party的情境,让学生用学过的句型做对话练习引出新单词sour、sweet和句型How is it?操练新句型培训学生听力和理解文章的能力规范读音在活动中掌握熟

11、读课文练习新句型的同时,巩固就句型Look the black-board, read the words loudly.帮助学生总结板书,以及提出相关问题.及时的进行总结,梳理知识与学习的思路。培养学生的知识点总结能力和渗透德育。1、学生能够在小组活动中读懂Look and read的内容,猜出食物的名称,并能够仿写小作文。 2、学生能够在单词中感知字母p和b的发音,会唱歌曲“Apple tree” 3.学生能够在英语学习活动中体会到学习英语的兴趣,同时能够体会到生活中食物的味道,热爱我们的生活。生为本 重研训 议方法 达目标 促发展 组 长:Sing the song “Apple tre

12、e”播放Apple tree 的歌曲,让学生跟唱活跃课堂气氛,并复习上节课知识Step1.Deal with the song “Apple tree” Answer the questions It is big/ red/ round/ juice/ sweetStep2: Deal with the new sentence structures Guess the riddles It is Deal with Look and read 1、Listen to the tape and guess what it is. It”s a/an . 2、Read the riddles

13、after the tape 针对歌曲内容,提出问题How is the apple?每个信封中装个谜语,让学生从中选择一个,读出来让大家猜播放Look and learn 的录音目标二:引出新知猜谜的过程中学习新的句型训练学生的听力能力Step4 Make riddles 1、Write a riddle on the paper like Look and learn 2、Read their own riddle and let others guess It is green. It is big and round. It is sweet.Step5 Write a short p

14、assage to describe one kind of food. Fill in the blanks. Look! This is a/ an_. It is _(colour). It is _(taste). It is big/ small.Step6: Look at the video about some poor people who has little food to eat and then talk about what they think about it.让学生仿造Look and rean 编一个谜语提供练习播放贫困人民的视频学以致用,巩固新知识检测新知

15、识目标三:培养学生真爱生活,节约粮食的品质Learn the sound: They read these words“pig and bag” They pay attention to the letters“p”and “b”Show some another word and let pupils read the words.掌握字母的发音规律1、学生能听说读写会表示交通工具的词汇:bike 、bus、plane、ship、car、train以及can 、hear、listen等词汇。2、在逛庙会的沿途中,能根据听到的声音,辨别交通工具,并学会运用句型:What can you he

16、ar?I can hear3、听过听不同的声音引申出保护环境,减少噪音污染3B M1 U3播放交通工具的声音,让学生听一听,猜一猜让学生们说出对应的单词通过听声音,引出新的单词Step1. Deal with the new words1、 Show the pictures and say out the words2、Read and spell the new words 3、Match the pictures and wordsStep2. Deal with the main sentence structures1、 放学回家路上,让学生听听沿途听到的交通工具的声音来学习新句型W

17、hat can you hear?I can hear a planecarsbusesa train.2、回到家中写作业时听到了哪些声音I can hear a song/ cat/ boys3、完成作业后,玩游戏连连看 What can you hear?播放单词图片词图连线给学生创设个情境,教授新句型提供新的情境提供连连看游戏,让学生小组问答调动学生积极性,掌握重点词汇规范重点单词的读音巩固单词在情境中掌握新句型在新的情境中,进一步练习句型运用学生熟悉的游戏,拓展延伸,并复习动物的单词I can hear a dog/pig/rabbit/monkey.Step3 Deal with L

18、isten and say1、Look at the video and answer the questions I can hear.2、Read the text after the tape3、Dub the videoStep 4、Deal with Think and write Fill the blanks and check the answer1、 Think and write I can hear a _. I can hear bikes and _. I can hear a _and a_.Step 5 .睡觉前,在听音乐,但是此时传来了噪音,让学生谈论他们的感想

19、,延伸出保护环境,减少噪音,从身边小事做起播放Listen and say的视频根据课文提出相应问题What can they hear?播放录音播放无声视频完成练习,让学生讲解播放贝多芬的献给爱丽丝和噪音Which sound do you prefer?听力训练用学生感兴趣的活动,进一步巩固课文把课堂交给学生,培养学生的综合能力目标三培养学生从自身做起爱护环境,减少噪音的还习惯Look the black-board, read the words and main sentence structure loudly.1、能在图片的帮助下 读懂咕咚来了小故事,并进一步拓展运用句型。 2、学

20、生学习单词的过程中了解t、d的发音。 3、学生通过观看,听不同场景下的各种声音,并且自编有关声音对话过程中了解sound in life,认识自然界声音的美。Read a rhyme about transportsProvide a rhyme and divide the class into three groups活跃课堂气氛, 回忆旧知引出新知Step1.Deal with Enjoy a story1、Listen to the story and look at the pictures about the story, then answer the questionsThey

21、 can hear “Gu Dong”2、Read the story by themselves then answer the questions Six animalsNo, it isntIts a papaya. 3、Listen to the tape and read after the tape 4、Read the story in roles播放Enjoy a story 的录音,然后逐图提问What can the rabbits hear?针对故事提出问题How many animals?Is Gu Dong a monster?What is Gu Dong?播放课文

22、的录音,让学生跟读各小组分角色朗读,巡视全班,提供帮助检测学生对故事的理解程度帮助学生理解故事大意规范发音和模仿语音语调检测学生的掌握情况Step2:Deal with Learn the sounds 1、朗读rabbit 和red,体会 /t/, /d/的读音 2、跟读/t/, /d/ 的发音 Ss:T, /t/,rabbit D,/d/,red 3、跟录音,朗读 Learn the sounds的儿歌听大自然的声音如清晨的鸟叫声,绵绵细雨声,感受大自然带给我们的美Listen and write I can hear a_and_.出示rabbit 和red 的卡片,让学生读单词让学生跟

23、读直至发音正确播放各种优美的声音提醒学生注意书写规范。并让学生上黑板示范。自主学习归纳陶冶高雅情操,热爱生活,热爱大自然培养学生写作的能力Look the black-board, read the words and sentences loudly.1.学生能听、说、读、写单词bear, elephant, lion , monkey ,panda ,tiger, like , strong .2.参观动物园时,运用句型 I like. Do you like.? Yes, I do. No, I dont, 表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并能说明喜欢的原因。 3.动物是人类的朋友,我们一定要保护动物。3B M2 U41. Listen to the song In the zoo together 2.Look at the pictures about animals and say What is it ?1、播放录音挺歌曲2、复习关于动物的单词目标

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