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1、稿件名星火企业宣传片样 片成 品 ?业务员马梓正风 格3客户名称配音员语 速3.5字/秒传单时间 接单人小丽稿 长 录音时间盯棚人价 格 打款方式剪辑人备 注 一段段辉煌,从这里启程, several glory periods,set out from here,一颗颗明星,从这里升起,several bright stars,rise from here,中国实业大地,Chinas industrial land,因她更加璀璨夺目,Is more resplendent because of her,点亮希望,Light up the hope,与坚持梦想者同行,to be with th

2、ose dream adherent.星火开发区!1992年,吴邦国同志视察星火开发区时,曾题字“前程似锦Spark development zone,was inscribed with“a promising future” by comrade Wu Bangguo when he inspected Spark in 1992.2011,世界聚焦上海,At 2011,world focuses on Shanghai,上海市星火开发区,shanghai spark development zone,用实力对话未来,dialogues with future on her own str

3、ength,用昂扬书写传奇,writes down her legend with her high-spirit.优越的区位优势,relying on her superior location advantages,正在逐步引爆星火开发区更大的潜力,赢得更多商机!more potential of spark development zone is being activated gradually to win more business opportunity! 开发区Spark development zone致力打造与国民经济和社会发展相适应的现代化区域交通枢纽,Commits h

4、erself to build a transport hub of modernized area adapting to the national economy and social development,从公路到铁路,from highway to railway,从轨道交通到码头机场,from rail transit to the terminal airport,S4、G1501、规划中的轻轨五号线临近星火开发区,浦东铁路在星火开发区设有客货专用站。洋山深水港、浦东机场距离开发区仅40分钟车程。S4、G1501 and the planning metro line 5 are

5、 all near the zone.In addition, pudong railway has set a passenger-and-freight dedicated stop in spark development zone. And it takes only 40mins drive from Yangshan deep-water harbor or pudong airport to spark development zone.综合交通网络体系四通八达!the comprehensive transport network system here can extend

6、in all directions!在与国际接轨的新形势下,under the new trend of international norms,越发生机盎然,前景广阔!spark development zone reveals more vitality and brighter future!开发区管委会不断贴近市场、贴近企业,Administrative committee of spark development zone are constantly close to market, and enterprises,“亲商、和商、安商、富商”已蔚然成风!The concept of

7、 close to merchants, concordant with them, stablish them, and make them well-off has come into a common practice!团结奋进,在使开发区生产发展、生态优良、生活美好的愿景下不懈努力!We should forge ahead in unity and make unremitting efforts for the wish of establishing spark development zone with great production and development abil

8、ity, eminent ecological environment, and a better life!因为星火深知,For the spark fully aware that, 只有繁荣地区,才能服务社会,才能回报股东、富足员工!Only by making a prosperous area,can we serve the society better, reciprocate shareholders,and make staff wealthy!彼此间相辅相成,和谐共生,方可实现共赢、双赢的良性发展!Only by complementing with each other

9、and have a harmonious coexistence, can we achieve positive win-win development!8.78平方公里园区,A park with 8.78 square kilometers,供水、供热、供电、消防、污水处理、电信同步配套,绿化、亮化、美化、净化水平不断提升!Has been equipped with water supply, heat supply, electricity supply, fire control, sewage treatment and telecom; afforest, lighting,

10、 beautification and purification levels are improving continuously!24%绿化覆盖率,With a green coverage rate of 24%,绿树成荫花正红,白鹭低飞蝶蹁跹,A plenty of shady trees and red flowers greeted us , white egrets fly lowly while butterflies whirl about,闲情雅致意悠远,沉醉似已成必然。making our mind leisurely and drifted away,it seems

11、inevitable to be intoxicated in this wonderful scene.750亩碧野情深主题生态公园,A 750 acres ecology park with the theme of“green field pursuer”,融入阳光雨露,感受呼吸的自然清澄,blend into the sunshine and dew,feel the fresh natural air we breath in,,宛若置身天然氧吧!As if we are in the natural oxygen bar! 星火开发区被国家发改委确定为上海国家生物产业基地,被国家商

12、务部、科技部命名为国家科技兴贸创新基地(生物医药)。spark development zone is authorized as Shanghai national biological industry base by the national development and reform commission, moreover, its also named as national technology commercial innovation base (bio-medicine) by the ministry of commerce and ministry of scienc

13、e and technology. 致力于打造特色产业链招商模式,远纺工业(上海)有限公司、帝斯曼维生素(上海)有限公司、上海科勒有限公司等一批优秀的企业入驻开发区。We are dedicated to build an investment mode with a characteristic industrial chain. A group of outstanding enterprises have settled here, such as Far Eastern industries (Shanghai) Ltd, DSM vitamins (Shanghai) Co., Lt

14、d, Shanghai Kohler Co., Ltd. 2010年,开发区工业总产值达183亿元,同比增长22%At the year of 2010, the industrial output value has reached 18.3 billion yuan with an increase of 22% over last year.主导产业集聚度高达94%,The concentration degree of leading industries reaches to 94%,生物医药与精细化工发展迅速,while biological medicine and fine c

15、hemical industry are developing rapidly, 产业布局日趋合理!The zones industry layout become more rational day by day!The development zone has established industrial development fund, circular economy construction fund and technology special bonus fund & social stability and emergency security fund in order t

16、o motivate the enterprises in the zone to improve industry level, promote ecological park construction and the harmonious development in the zone!开发区设立产业发展基金、循环经济建设基金、科技专项奖励基金,社会稳定应急保障基金激励区内企业提升产业能级,推进生态园区建设,促进开发区和谐发展!开发区以精细化工、生物医药为主,新型都市产业为辅的三大产业集群,The spark development zone has three industrial cl

17、usters. The fine chemistry industry and biological medicine are as its main industry ,and new urban industry is as supplemented industry.三大产业分别占据50%,30%,20%,The occupation of three industries is 50%, 30% and 20% respectively.开发区基本确立双核驱动,动态更新的产业增长模式!The development zone is basically established the i

18、ndustry growth mode with dual-core drive and dynamic update!到2015年,星火开发区将成为国内产业园区发展模式创新的成功典范,上海市精细化工(化纤)与生物医药产业发展的重要基地,上海市经济竞争力新极点。By 2015, spark development zone will become a successful model of innovative development pattern in domestic industry parks, a crucial development base for Shanghai fine

19、 chemicals (chemical fiber) and biological medicine industry, which is also the new top of shanghai economic competitiveness. 触摸云淡风轻,碧海蓝天touching the pale clouds, light breeze and the grand blue, 感受鸟鸣啾啾,碧波荡漾,feeling the bird tweeting and sea rippling,和谐、美好,已构成了星火开发区的发展基调,悄然融入到园区与城市,融入到人脉与文脉的骨骼之中!We

20、can find that the spark development zone has formed a harmonious and beautiful fundamental key, which has quietly integrated into the park and city, and into the core part of contacts and context! 星火人,奋发、热情、斗志昂扬!The spark people, is the one with strenuousness, passion, and enthusiasm,快乐工作,健康生活,和睦敬业,

21、热爱星火!Work happily, live healthily, act harmoniously, as well as love their spark zone!星火开发区不仅是投资的宝地、企业发展的洼地同时也是人才培养的基地,spark development zone is not only a treasure-land for investors, a growing site to enterprises, butalso a base for cultivating talents.星火坚持国际化、现代化、人性化的人才培养路线,借助知识的力量,帮助员工提升自我价值,给他们

22、更加广阔的天地!The spark insist on talent cultivating principle with internationalization, modernization and humanization .With the aid of knowledge power to help staff to ascend self-worth,provide them a broader world! 在上海新一轮城市建设的蓝图上,On the new round of city construction blueprints in shanghai,星火开发区正八面临风,

23、spark development zone is full of opportunities,用激情燃烧心中的梦想,We burns our dreams by passion,用诚信铸就品牌的辉煌,We cast our brand glory by honesty,星星之火,必将燎原,Thus,a single spark will surly set the prairie ablaze,百舸争流千帆进,Though hundreds of bustling barges float and thousand sail into one sea,乘风破浪正远航,spark development zone sails a long voyage with bravery to struggle against the wind and waves,她的未来充满着无限魅力,her future is filled with infinite charm,让我们拭目以待,Lets wait and see,看她在上海这块希望的原野上展翅翱翔!witness her to have a volant hover over this hopeful open plain in Shanghai!星火开发区Spark development zone

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