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本文(新版中石油职称英语水平考试《通用英语选读》第5160课课文精讲.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、新版中石油职称英语水平考试通用英语选读第5160课课文精讲2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试通用英语选读培训笔记(考过的大题已标出)目录51. Those Fascinating Northern Lights 迷人的北极光(2016新版) 252 Sales Promotion 产品促销 653. Oil Refining 石油炼制(2016新增) 654 Another Happiness 另一种快乐 1355. Its never too Late for Success成功不分早晚(2016新增) 1656 Why To Mark a Book 怎样在书上做标记 2057 Earths

2、 Last Frontier:The Sea 海洋,地球最后的待开发疆域 2458. Our Many Responses to Pain 2959. Forest Fires: a Major Disaster 3360 Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 为什么要勘探南极洲 38温馨小语: 每篇“学习笔记”将可能涉及到的“考点”做了重点标记,它们基于“职称考试”的四个主要方面,即词汇、语法、阅读和翻译,所以在学习中要认真体会,找到自己要重点学习的内容。跳过每一段英文原文,只通篇看下“带有英文”的中文部分。是不是感觉清楚了课文大致要说的内容?熟悉中文意思,在考试

3、中也是很有帮助的,特别是在回答阅读类的选择题时,如果它恰好又是你在此读过的一篇课文,你一定会用最短的时间,找到正确的答案。考试的题量可不小,要在此处抢得先机。过段时间,再来温习下吧。51. Those Fascinating Northern Lights迷人的北极光(2016新增)1. At 10:00 p.m. on March 23,1969, the Bowater Power Water Company in Deer Lake, Newfoundland experienced a disturbance on its system. The frequency converter

4、 at Comer Brook tripped off, shutting down half of the big paper mill. There was a radio blackout over most of the Atlantic Provinces. And accompanying these activities was a magnificient display of northern lights boiling up out of the north and hanging in bundles of long rays like draperies across

5、 the sky. Ninety-three million miles away, a rather ugly looking sunspot was making its way across the disc of the sun.1. 1969年3月23曰晚上10点,保华特水电公司(the Bowater Power Water Company)位于纽芬兰(Newfoundland)鹿湖的设备系统出现了异常;科纳布鲁克(ComerBrook)的变频器跳间,使得一半的大造纸厂停产;大西洋沿岸各省的无线电中断。伴随这些异常出现的还有辉煌的北极光从北面喷涌而出,一束束巨大的光束像帷幔一般遮盖

6、了整个天际。9300万英里之外,一个相形见绌的太阳黑子出现在太阳的圆盘上。2. This little drama demonstrated once again the close relationship of the earth with the sun, and the importance of the intervening space.2. 这个小小的插曲再次展现了地球和太阳的亲密关系以及介入空间的重要性。3. During the past several years twelve similar disturbances have taken place in this ar

7、ea. A magnetic storm in November, 1960, was so severe its effects were felt all over Canada. The C.N.T. people alone suffered $3 million worth of equipment damage. At their height of excitement, sunspots can bring on violent magnetic storms.3. 在过去的几年中,类似的异常在同一地区出现了 12次。1960年11月的电磁风暴甚至影响了整个加拿大。仅仅设备损失

8、就达300万元。太阳黑子活跃的鼎盛时期就能带来剧烈的电磁风暴。4. What are the northern lights or “aurora borealis”? They have been called “dancing ghosts,”“searchlight of God,” and “the language of mystic signs and portents.”Old school books explain them as sunlight reflected from ice and snow. But the great scientific achievemen

9、ts of the past twenty years have revealed new knowledge about the sun and our earth5s outer atmosphere. It is now certain that most auroras are associated with explosive disturbances in the suns atmosphere. These disturbances reach a peak every eleven years, and take the forms of flares, prominences

10、 and sunspots. They send out great jets of X-rays and charged particles travelling at terrific speeds. When these charged particles reach the earths magnetic field, some of them are deflected toward the magnetic poles. There they crash into atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere (ionosphere) ca

11、using ionization, excitement, and the glow of the aurora. The level of excitement may vary anywhere from fifty to six hundred miles above the earths surface.4. 那么,什么是北极光?它们被称为“舞蹈的幽灵”、“上帝的探照灯”或是“神秘迹象与前兆的语言”。过去的课本解释说它们是冰雪反射太阳光形成的,但过去20年里取得的伟大科学成就揭示了太阳和地球外大气层的新知识。现在我们知道,大部分的极光与太阳大气层的爆炸摄动有关,它们每11 年达到活动的

12、顶峰,表现为耀斑、日珥和太阳黑子。它们释放出大量的X射线和带电粒子高速传播;当传播到地球的磁场时,一些带电粒子就会向磁极偏转,与上层大气(电离层)的原子和分子发生碰撞,产生电离作用,引起极光的突发。这种作用发生在距离地球表面50到600英里的空间,其强烈程度各不相同。5. The beautiful colors of the northern lights depend on the altitude at which the collisions occur and on the particles involved. Thus green is emitted by atomic oxy

13、gen and blue by nitrogen. Perhaps the rarest colors to be seen are rosy red glows tinged with green. 5. 极光的美丽色彩取决于它发生的纬度和粒子的种类。绿色的极光是由氧原子发出的,蓝色的是氮原子发出的。最罕见的是带有绿色的玫瑰红的光晕。6. Actually, much of the excitement of the aurora is missed. It has recently been discovered that human eyes cannot see all of thei

14、r colors. To compensate for this, any camera fan can take excellent aurora photographs. These often reveal reddish areas and glows not visible to the observer.6. 实际上,大部分的极光都没有被人们看到。最近人们才发现,人类的眼睛并不能看到所有的颜色,而摄影迷们却用相机捕捉到了灿烂的极光照片,弥补了这一缺憾,他们发现微红的光不能够被肉眼观察到。7. A romantic nature seems to be an essential pa

15、rt of an explorer. Certainly Arctic and Antarctic explorers have written some of the most imaginative descriptions of the lights. An excerpt from Captain Scotts diary reads: “the eastern sky was massed with swaying auroral light, fold on fold, the arches and curtains of vibrating luminosity rose and

16、 spread across the sky. The appeal is to the imagination by the suggestion of something wholly spiritual, something instinct with fluttering ethereal life.”7. 浪漫的天性似乎是探险家生命的一部分。到北极圈和南极洲探险的人曾经对极光进行了最具想象力的描写,下面是斯考特船长(Captain Scott)曰记的节选:“东边的天空被摇曳的极光笼罩着,层层叠叠。晃动的玫瑰色光晕如拱门和帷幔一般升起,满布整个天空。这一切激发我们无限的想象,联想起那些

17、纯粹精神的东西,那些充满了颤动的非凡生命力的东西。”8. During a big magnetic storm, one may first see strong rays and curtains, followed by flaming aurora, all climaxing in a spectacular corona at the zenith.8. 强烈的电磁风暴首先展现的是耀眼的光束和光幕,紧接着是如火焰般的光环,最后形成瑰丽的日冕达到高潮。9. All of these forms can be easily identified by the interested ob

18、server. Contrary to popular belief, auroras happen at all seasons of the year.9. 热心的观察者可以轻易地辨别各种不同的极光。与普遍的看法相反的是,极光可能发生在一年的任何一个季节。10. Can you hear the northern lights? Now there is a question still unanswered. If sound waves originate at the seat of auroral displays, it seems hardly possible that th

19、ey could be heard on earth. Many observers scoff at the idea of lights snapping. But in the Arctic where there is great stillness and the auroras come very low there is some evidence of characteristic noise. Indians, Eskimos and “voyageurs,” who often spend their nights in the open, insist that they

20、 hear them “swish” as the great waves sweep out across the sky.10. 你能听到极光吗?这个问题至今无人能答。如果极光发出的地方也产生声波的话,似乎在地球上无法听到。许多观测者对于那种极光产生噼啪声的说法嗤之以鼻,但在异常寂静的北极圈,当极光发生低空时,的确有证据证明出现过特殊的声响。印第安人、爱斯基摩人以及加拿大船夫们经常在露天过夜,他们坚持说,当巨大的光波划过天际时,他们的确能听到嗖嗖的声音。11. Mr. Edward Gregory, well-known guide and woodsman, has spent many

21、 years in the solitude of Birchy Basin on the Upper Humber River. Well acquainted with the northern lights, he says: “They actually do make a noise at certain times; it is like a race of wind going along by you through the trees.”Roald Amundsen in his book The South Pole takes a romantic view of the

22、 whole activity. “It looks as if nature wishes to honor our guests and show herself in her best attire. And it is a gorgeous dress she has chosen. Perfectly calm, clear with a starry sparkle, and not a sound in any direction. But wait; what is that? Like a stream of fire the light shoots across the

23、sky, and a whistling sound follows the movement. Hush! Cant you hear? It shoots forward again, takes the form of a band and glows in rays of red and green and then away again followed by an intermittent whistling sound. So nature has offered us one of her most mysterious and incomprehensible phenome

24、na, the audible Southern Light.”11. 爱德华格里高利先生是一位有名的向导和樵夫,他常年独自一人生活在衡博河上游的波奇盆地,对极光非常熟悉。他说:“有时极光的确能发出声音,就像在树林中一阵疾风从你身边刮过。”罗纳德阿蒙森在南极一书中对极光进行了浪漫的描写。“它就像大自然为了款待我们这些尊贵的客人而展现她最华美的衣裳。精心挑选的华美衣衫如此沉静完美,点缀着闪闪星光,不论在哪个角落都没有一丝声音。但是,敬请等待。那是什么?就像一束火光射向天际,同时伴随着轻哨声。墟!你难道听不见吗?它又射出来了,有的是光带,有的是红绿相间的射线仍然伴随着断断续续的轻哨声。大自然就这样

25、展现出它最神秘、最令人费解的现象:南极光。”12. In the past scientists paid little attention to the arguments for auroral noise. Recent observations, however, suggest that some sounds do occur. Two microphones set up in Alaska about a mile apart picked up pressure waves whenever there were auroras. These waves were too l

26、ow in pitch to be heard by the human ear.12. 过去,科学家们很少关注有关极光声音的争论。最近的研究显示,有时确有声音产生。在阿拉斯加,科学家将两个麦克风间隔一英里放置,终于在极光发生时捕捉到了压力波,只不过这些声波音频很低,以至于人耳不能听到。13. This question of sound, the possibility that auroras could effect weather changes, and many other mysteries of the lights still leave much to be discove

27、red.13. 声音的问题、极光是否能够影响天气的问题以及许多有关极光的秘密仍然有待我们去探索。14. Today, the people of Newfoundland and Labrador show no great awe or fear of these magnificent spectacles. Having lived amidst the northern lights so long, they take them for granted and enjoy them as one of the lovelier benefits of northern living.

28、 They all, however, agree on one point. “If you whistle, they will dance for you.”14. 今天,纽芬兰和拉布拉多的居民们己经不再对这些绚丽的景象表现出任何的敬畏和恐惧。见惯了北极的极光,他们只是见怪不怪,把它当做北部生活的一个可爱享受而己。然而,他们仍然有一个共识。“只要你吹口哨,它们就会随着翩翩起舞。”52 Sales Promotion 产品促销1. Sales promotionconsists of those promotional activities other thanadvertising,pe

29、rsonal selling,and publicity. As such,any promotional activities thatdo not fall underthe other three activities of the promotionmixare consideredsales promotion. The trade often usesthe termindiscriminately. Businesspersons may use the term “promotion”when they actually mean “sales promotion.”For p

30、urpose here,promotion is a broad termthatencompasses sales promotion as well as the other three promotional activities.1、产品促销指的是不同于(other than 除了)广告、个人销售和宣传(publicity)的推销活动(promotional activities)。因此,不属于(do not fall under)以上三种推销活动的推销活动都被认为是(are considered)促销。实际生活中经常不加区分地(indiscriminately)使用这一概念。商务人员

31、在说“推销”(promotion)时,实际上指的是“促销”(sales promotion)。本文中,推销是一个广义的概念(a broad term),它包括(encompass)促销以及(as well as)其他三种推销活动。2. The techniques of sales promotion are varied and numerous. The common ones usedarecoupons,sweepstakes,games,contests,price-offs,demonstrations,premiums,samples,and money refundoffers

32、. A combination of these can be used and sometimes is usedin the same campaign. 2、推(促)销的手段(techniques)多种多样(varied),数不胜数(numerous)。普遍运用的手段(the common ones used)有附在商品上的赠券、各种抽奖活动、游戏、竞赛、降价销售(price-offs)、产品示范、各种奖励、样品试验(体验)以及钱款返还承诺(money refund offers)等等。在同一推销活动中(in the same campaign),多种手段可以结合使用,有时也确实结合使用。3. Sales promotion is temporaryin nature. Not beingself-sustaining,its function is to supplement advertising,personal selling,and publicity. To launch Budweiser beerin Great Britain,Anheuser-Busch employedthe “American”theme. Its TV commercials on

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