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1、新高考完形填空及阅读理解针对性训练含答案解析新高考完形填空及阅读理解针对性训练(含答案解析)(一)Just several days ago,a violent storm hit our community.I looked out of the window and witnessed a tree being abused by the1wind.The branches bent,and swayed(摇摆) back and forth,thanks to their2to avoid breaking.The leaves desperately stuck to the bran

2、ches because their life3the tree.The powerful trunk(树干) which held the tree upright bent slightly4from the force in the battle to5its position.After the storm had passed,the tree gracefully returned to its6position standing tall among the chaos(混乱)It managed to7the storm.It didnt look the same as le

3、aves had fallen and the soil had loosened,but what8is that the tree won the fight for its life.For a long time I couldnt understand why this tree9my attention the way it did.As time passed,it became clear that it wasnt just about the tree but about the10roots which are deep into the soil providing11

4、and nutrition.The roots allow the tree to be able to take a12because they are there to support it. 13,the next time you catch your kids14when the job is driving you crazy,when you are underpaid and the15is tight,and when the storms of life are blowing,go back to your16Life is full of storms.They wil

5、l make you17,make you sway and even make you lose some leaves,but the18your roots are,the stronger you stand.I challenge you to bend but dont break.However hard the wind blows,dont let life19you into an uncomfortable position.Your20lies in your roots.1A. fierceBstrangeCunusualDgentle2A. heightBflexi

6、bilityCoutlineDweight3A. depended onBanswered forCintended forDtouched on4A. towardsBoverCbackwardsDinto5A. achieveBreachCestablishDmaintain6A. currentBfinalCoriginalDcomfortable7A. exploreBavoidCovercomeDsurvive8A. differsBmattersCconcernsDreveals9A. fixedBpaidCcaughtDescaped10A. unseenBdirtyCobvio

7、usDnew11A. lightBsurroundingsCsourcesDwater12A. standBfightCchanceDturning13A. HoweverBStillCThusDBesides14A. misleadingBinterpretingCwithdrawingDmisbehaving15A. budgetBdeadlineChandDliving16A. dreamBhomeCrootsDtrees17A. winBbendCloosenDstay18A. deeperBbiggerCmoreDbrighter19A. trickBforceCleadDadmit

8、20A. courageBambitionCvalueDstrength答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。主要讲述作者通过观察暴风雨中的树,从而进行联想,由物及人,感悟人生。1.A根据上文中的Just several days ago, a violent storm hit our community,并与空前的being abused呼应可知,当时风很猛烈(fierce),故选A。2.B根据上文的and swayed(摇摆) back and forth并结合常识可推知,树因为有一定的柔韧性(flexibility)而不会轻易被吹断。3.A根据上文的The leaves desper

9、ately stuck to the branches并结合常识可推知,树叶依靠(depended on)树而存活,因此其紧紧贴在树枝上面。4.C结合上文的The powerful trunk(树干) which held the tree upright和常识可推知,树干在强风中轻微后仰,以保持(maintain)姿势,故选C。5.D参见上题解析。6.C根据上文的returned可推知,大风过后,树又恢复到原来的(original)姿势,故选C。7.D根据下文中的the tree won the fight for its life可推知,树在暴风雨中存活(survive)下来。8.B根据上

10、文中的It didnt look the same as leaves had fallen and the soil had loosened, but可推知,此处表示重要(matter)的是树在斗争中赢得了胜利,故选B。9.C根据上文中的I looked out of the window and witnessed a tree being abused by thewind可推知,暴风雨中的那棵树吸引了作者的注意(catch ones attention)10.A根据下文which are deep into the soil providingand nutrition并结合常识可知

11、,那看不见(unseen)且深深植根于地下的树根为树提供水源(water)和营养,故选A。11.D参见上题解析。12.B与上文中的the tree won the fight for its life呼应可知,此处应表示“斗争,搏斗”,故选B。13.C根据语境可推知,此处上下文存在逻辑上的因果关系,故选C。14.D根据语境可推知,此处表示你的孩子们行为不当。15.A结合上文的when you are underpaid可推知,此处表示预算(budget)紧。16.C根据上文中的when the storms of life are blowing,并与上文The roots allow the

12、 tree to be able to take abecause they are there to support it呼应可推知,遇到生活中的暴风雨时,要回归根本(root),故选C。17.B与上文中的the branches bent, and swayed(摇摆) back and forth,thanks to their42to avoid breaking呼应可推知,生活的暴风雨也会让人弯腰(bend)、摇摆。18.A与上文中的roots which are deep into the soil呼应可推知,根基越深(deeper),站得越牢固,故选A。19.B根据上文的Howe

13、ver hard the wind blows可推知,不要让生活迫使(force)你进入难过的境地。20.D根据上文The roots allow the tree to be able to take abecause they are there to support it,并与but the roots are, the stronger you stand呼应可推知,就像树一样,人的力量(strength)在于根基。(二)One hot summer I was traveling down the freeway on a day journey to Los Angeles. Du

14、ring my travel down the highway another motorist suddenly started1into my lane(车道). Being in the far right lane, my car was forced onto the2of the road. Being a professional driver, I3 moved my car back onto the highway without4the violent anger caused by it to5me._6_ I wasnt very happy with the per

15、son for cutting me off, I decided to consider it an honest _7_ a lack of _8_ to the lane change, a driver _9_ in a good daydream. It certainly could not have been an 10act. The car _11_ after cutting me off and soon was out of sight.After a while, I came around a bend and found the _12_ motorist on

16、the side of the road. He was an elderly gentleman who was _13_ along the side of the freeway on this hot day. With the nearest14being at least twenty miles away, I decided to _15_ and see what the problem was.The mans car had a _16_ tire and while he had a spare tire, he had no tools to change it. I

17、17to help him. Fifteen minutes later, I was hot, sweaty and _18_,but I sure did feel19after a random act of 20to someone who had earlier run me off the road.1 AbreakingBpushingCrushingDjumping2 AshoulderBmiddleCendDsurface3 AfrightenedlyBnervouslyCviolentlyDskillfully4 AallowingBsweepingCcontrolling

18、Dovercoming5 AhurtBconsumeCstopDapproach6 ABecauseBWhenCWhileDSince7 AapologyBjokeCchallengeDmistake8 AambitionBattentionCenthusiasmDconsideration9 ArunningBsleepingClostDfound10AintentionalBimaginedCperfectDamazing11Abroke downBpulled upCsped awayDpowered off12AregretfulBbraveCpitifulDsame13Adrivin

19、gBpacingCracingDclimbing14AmarketsBpoliceCservicesDgas station15AsitBrespondCreturnDstop16AspecialBflatCextraDfirm17AdecidedBrefusedChesitatedDpretended18AannoyedBdirtyCanxiousDhungry19AgoodBdepressedCimpatientDgrateful20AcreationBaggressionCheroismDkindness答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者以德报怨,在高速公路上帮助早些时候

20、别过他车的人换轮胎的故事。1.C根据本空后“into my lane(车道)”以及后面的描述,对方的车突然驶入我的车道。用rush into表示“快速驶入、进入”,故C项正确。2.A根据句子Being in the far right lane, my car was forced onto the2 of the road.”可知,突然,另一个司机驾车冲入我的车道,由于在最右侧的车道上,所以我的车不得不开进路肩。Ashoulder路肩(建在高速公路两旁给车做紧急缓冲的区域),故A项正确。3.D根据本空前的“Being a professional driver,”可知,作为一名专业司机,我熟

21、练地把车开回到原来行使的公路上,故D项正确。4.A上文说我是一名专业司机,熟练地把车开回到公路上,我没有让那个司机的行为引发的怒火吞噬我,本题考查了allow跟宾语再跟不定式的用法,故A项正确。5B根据上文可知,我没有让那个司机的行为引发的怒火吞噬我,consume吞噬、耗尽,故B项正确。6C句意:虽然我对那个人的行为不太高兴,但我还是决定把它当成一个诚实的错误。两句之间有明显的转折关系,此处用while, Although或者Though引导状语从句,故C项正确。7D根据本空后的“a lack of _8_ to the lane change, a driver _9_ in a good

22、 daydream.”可知,我把它当作是司机变换车道时没有集中注意力或迷失在美好的白日梦中这样的错误,故D项正确。8B根据本空后的“to the lane change, a driver _9_ in a good daydream.”可知,我把它当作是司机变换车道时没有集中注意力或迷失在美好的白日梦中这样的错误,故B项正确。9C根据上文,我把它当作是司机变换车道时没有集中注意力或迷失在美好的白日梦中(指瞌睡)这样的错误,be lost in“陷入”,故C项正确。10A根据上文说我认为这是一个低级的错误,所以它肯定不是蓄意的行为,certainly couldnt have been.“当然

23、不可能是”,故A项正确。11C根据本空后的“soon was out of sight.”可知,那台车别了我一下后,迅速离去,很快就消失在视线中,故C项正确。12D根据文章末尾someone who had earlier run me off the road.得知,路边的这个司机就是别我车的同一个人。故D项正确。13B根据后文,他的车坏在路边,没有工具,所以只能是着急地走来走去,故B项正确。14C根据本空后的“With the nearest services being at least twenty miles away, I decided to _15_ and see what

24、the problem was.”可知,由于最近的服务站在20英里开外,所以我决定停下来看看他怎么了,故C项正确。15D根据前面的分析和后面我帮助换轮胎,这里应该表示“我决定停下来看看他怎么了”,故D项正确。16B根据本空后的“tire and while he had a spare tire, he had no tools to change it.”可知,他的车胎没气了,虽然有备用轮胎,但是他没有工具换胎。a flat tire轮胎坏了,故B项正确。17A根据本空后的“Fifteen minutes later, I was hot, sweaty and _18_,”可知,我决定帮他

25、,故A项正确。18B在那么热的天气里换轮胎,肯定是又热又脏,浑身是汗,故B项正确。19A根据本空后的“after a random act of _20_ to someone who had earlier run me off the road.”可知,作者对自己以德报怨的善举感觉很好,故A项正确。20D根据前文我帮助先前对我不友好的司机换轮胎,说明这是一项善举,即an act of kindness。故D项正确。Acreation创造;Baggression侵权;Cheroism英雄行为;Dkindness好意、善良。(三)World Environment Day is celebra

26、ted annually on June 5th and was created to inspire people around the globe to take an active part in environmental protection and learn more about ways we can help to guarantee the future of our planet is safe.The very first World Environment Day took place in 1974,established by the United Nations

27、 General Assembly on the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment that took place in 1972. Each year the United Nations pick a theme and a host city where anyone who is concerned about the environment can talk about environmental topics with others,followed by different kinds o

28、f exhibits to promote environmental awareness. Environmentalists,academics and scientists come together to bring new ideas on the table concerning the environment.The 2018 World Environment Day is hosted by India,and the theme is Beat Plastic Pollution.It urges people to explore and choose supportab

29、le alternatives like paper or cloth bags to reduce the production and use ofdisposableplastic,which makes up 10% of all of the waste.Even though the United Nations pick a specific host city every year,people around the world still celebrate World Environment Day in their hometowns with parades(游行),concerts,cleaning up and tree planting and all kinds of green actions to work towards having a beautiful planet and battling pollution.World Environment Day is not a public holiday,so you wont be getting t

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