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1、商标品牌的翻译毕业论文题目:商标品牌的翻译Title: The Translation of Brand Names2009年5月20日 AcknowledgementFirstly, I should give my sincere thanks to my teachers. With their guidance and help I had grown up day by day, they are the ones who taught me to be a decent and well-educated girl. I should say their lectures and

2、courses were so great that I had benefited a lot from them. I am so proud of being their student and under their great care. I will make full use of what I had learnt in the college. Also I need to give my appreciation to my parents, who give me so much care and encouragement, without their constant

3、 support I would never do such a good job. I have to say: thank you so much to you both. I wont disappoint you; I will try to be the best all the time.At last, I should give my thanks to my supervisor. I could not finish this paper without her suggestions and guidance. Also thank her patience; it to

4、ok her a long time to improve my paper. Thank you very much. AbstractWith the fast advancement of the internationalization, more and more Chinese products are largely exported to foreigners. Chinese companies have realized the significance of translating Chinese brand names. The translation of Chine

5、se trademark names is a kind of cultural communication with special purposes. The translators should pay attention to some cultural taboos and choose appropriate methods to translate. It is generally acknowledged that brand name translation is not a simple thing. This paper supports that when a tran

6、slator translates a Chinese trademark name, he not only tries his best to express the native connotation, but also keeps in his mind the adaptation to foreign culture. When we translate brand names there are things we can do to strive for perfection. A good product with a suitable name means half su

7、ccess, and its charm is infinite. In this way, translation of brand names will increase competitive edge of the commodities in the international market, and help gain large profit. Keywords: Chinese brand names; translating principles; translating techniques摘要伴随着国际化的高速发展,大量的国内产品开始出口进入国际市场。这时,商家们意识到一

8、个产品的商标名称将直接影响到商品本身。商标的翻译就其本身而言是一种特定的文化之间的交流,也有着其特殊的目的和意义。当翻译者在对商标名称进行翻译时需注意到文化禁忌语,并选择恰当合适的方法进行翻译。由此看来,对于商标品牌的翻译并非是轻而易举的事情。本篇论文主要强调了,在对国内商品名进行翻译的时候不能仅仅只看其表面的含义,同时也要考虑到此种翻译是否符合国外文化习俗。出彩的商标名称的翻译也就意味着成功一半,它有其自身的闪光点和魅力所在。只有建立在这些基础之上所做出的品牌翻译才能使得商品在国际竞争中处于有利的地位,并且获得高额的利润。关键词:中国商标名称;翻译原则;翻译技巧;文化禁忌语 Contents

9、Introduction 1I. Characteristics of Brand Name 2II. Current Situation and Problems of Brand Name Translation 22.1Current Situation of Brand Name Translation 22.2 Current Problems of Brand Name Translation 3. Influencing Factors in Brand Name Translation 43.1 Culture 43.2 Aesthetics 73.3 Consuming Co

10、ncept 7. Principles of Brand Name Translation 84.1 The Translation Should Reflect Products Features 84.2 Inductive Principle of Brand Name Translation 94.3 Equivalence Principle of Brand Name Translation 94.4 Observing Our Countrys Relevant Laws 10. Suggestions and Methods of Brand Name Translation

11、105.1 Suggestions 105.2 Methods of Brand Names Translation 11Conclusion 14Bibliography 15Introduction In order to win a superior place in the international market, different kinds of commodities are now having a competition in the market. Besides the excellent quality and a satisfactory price; its t

12、rademark name is also a crucial factor. A fine trademark name translation can earn more money than one with a common translation. A good trademark is equal to a persons face; a beautiful and attractive face can draw the passersbys attention and be remembered after the first sight. So the trademark i

13、s the symbol and the face of a company. A distinctive trademark name which is full of wit and humor can give the consumers a deep impression and probably win more chances than others.As we know, translation is a very complex subject. A lot of rules need to be obeyed. The translated brand name must c

14、onform to the products nature and the characteristic, when we translate the Chinese brand names into English ones or the English brand names into Chinese ones, language laws, cultural psychology, aesthetic interest and some other factors will be involved. So it is a hard work. We know that the inter

15、national trade is developing fast; the commodity import and export expand quickly, so a good brand name plays an important role in the trade. We can say brand name is the face of a commodity and the heart of a company. 1I. Characteristics of Brand NameAt the time of choosing a brand name, various as

16、pects need careful consideration. Very often, manufacturers invite brand names from the consumers, dealers, and agencies. Generally speaking, a good brand name should suggest something about the products characteristics its benefits, use or action.In my view, a good brand name serving as the symbol

17、of the commodity and all the commodities are related with the consumers, so the manufactures need to take consumers into consideration. The name should readily come of the minds of customers. It should be easy to pronounce. The name should be easy to read and understand. A complicated one would make

18、 people feel confused; manufactures must invite brand names from the commodities function, efficiency and essence. To improve pronouncing and recall ability is also important for a good brand name, which help to build strong memory links. Besides, different, distinctive and unusual brand name can do

19、 great help for the promotion of products. Its necessary for the brand name to attribute unique, meaningful to commodities in order to achieve competitive advantages. At last, a brand name should avoid unpleasant connection, to create the favorable brand association; the brand name should convince c

20、ustomers that the product possesses relevant attributes and benefits that satisfy their needs and wants.To name a product is a challenging job. The characteristics discussed above should be considered seriously, which may determine the prosperity of the products.II. Current Situation and Problems of

21、 Brand Name Translation2.1Current Situation of Brand Name Translation2We know that a good brand name would be easily remembered, highly suggestive of both the product class and the particular benefits. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a translated brand name to be completely perfect and to meet al

22、l kinds of criterion. A lot brand name translation now are not appropriate, someone of them make an overstatement in translation, and some manufactures only want to create an instant effect but go too far away from its benefits, use or action that the products owned. 2.2 Current Problems of Brand Na

23、me TranslationChinese and English belongs to two different language systems. People are born in a particular culture and are taught to conform to it. Both Chinese and English brand names carry their features and cultures. Sometimes, it is hard to transfer a brand name into another language while kee

24、ping its denotative meaning. Brand name with neutral and positive meaning and favorable association in one language may be unacceptable in another language because of different understanding in different culture background.Nowadays, many products no matter Chinese ones or foreign ones are all have t

25、wo versions of its brand names, one is Chinese one and another is English one. When all the products come into the markets often arise some problems. 2.21 The Inclination of Using Chinese PinyinAt present, it is very common that Chinese trademark names are translated in the way of Chinese pinyin, wh

26、ich is the combination of Chinese phonetic alphabet. Some translations using this method dont reach a relatively effect. Some brand name translation may puzzle the customers. Generally speaking, it is not a wise way for a translator to use Chinese pinyin to translate a Chinese trademark name. Usuall

27、y, pinyin cant convey the Chinese connotation meaning. From bad to worse, an improper translation caused by Chinese pinyin will lead to the misunderstanding of a commodity. As Chinese pinyin, together with English words, they are belongs to two different kind of language systems. So, Chinese pinyin

28、is not identical to English words. 32.22 Blind and Mechanical TransliterationSome translators just translate a Chinese trademark according to its meaning blindly and mechanically. Comparing with the way of using Chinese pinyin, transliteration seems to be faithful to the original meaning. But in fac

29、t, it neglects the differences of the culture background between the native language and the target language. The neglect probably leads to misunderstandings of the culture. The sale of the commodity may be poor and the reputation of the enterprise will also be influenced. Besides, a blind and mecha

30、nical transliteration always makes the name long and tedious. Take a kind of handkerchief called “心相印” for example. We can translate it from its literal way; it is translated to be “mind act upon mind”. Though it has conveyed the literal meaning of the original trademark name, it neglected the most

31、fundamental character of a trademark name, which should be concise and easy enough to be remembered.2.23 Lack of Cross-cultural AwarenessWhen we do translation, after seeing a Chinese trademark name, as many translators have little awareness of cross-culture, they often translate a trademark name ac

32、cording to their own expressing ways and aesthetic psychology. But in fact, the foreigners national psychology, value concept, religious belief and their consuming habits are all things they should think carefully. Take the Chinese commodity “美的” for example. We can translate it into Chinese pinyin “meide”, it is acceptable for Chinese people, it means good or beauty. But this translation cannot express our native cultural meaning to the foreigners. Later, Media is used. This word is from the phrases “most idea” and “modern idea”. It complies with

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