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1、九年级Unit5导学案讲解014 秋季九年级英语 unit5 课文及翻译 The Difficult Search for American Goods in the US If you go to another country, what kind of things would you buy? Would you buy a camera in Japan, some beautiful clothes in France, or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you may buy, you might probably think t

2、hose products were made in those countries. However, you could be wrong. Knag Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. “I wanted to buy a toy car f

3、or my cousin, but even though most of the toys had American brands, they were made in China.”Toys are not the only things made in China. “I wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes,” he explains. “But I had to visit five or six stores before finding a pair made in America!” He realized that American

4、s can hardly avoid buying products made in China. “In fact, “he continues, “there are so many things made in China -footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones. Even American flags are made in China!” Knag Jian thinks its great that China is so good at making these everyday things. However, he wish

5、es that in the future China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.Beauty in Common Things Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. These usually try to show the things that are important in life such as

6、 love, beauty and family,. The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, are turned into objects of beauty. According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble. Today, sky lanterns are used at festivals and other cele

7、brations. They are made of bamboo and covered with paper. When the lanterns are lit, they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes. Paper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very e

8、asy but it can be difficult to do. The paper usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, fish, animals, and things about Chinese history. During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a hap

9、py new year. Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real. The pieces are usually cute children or lively characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. The pieces are carefully shape by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to a

10、ir-dry. After drying they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. Finally, materials such as wood or paper are added to make different things. It takes several weeks to complete everything. These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life

11、and beauty.【课 题】Unit5 What are the shirts made of?Section B (2a2e)【学习目标】掌握单词1.form n. 形式,类型;2. lively adj. 生气勃勃的;3. heat n. 热,高温;v. 加热,变热;4. complete v. 完成;掌握短语send out 释放 be covered with 被覆盖阅读含有一般现在时态的被动语态课文并理解课文【学习重点难点】掌握单词1.form n. 形式,类型;2. lively adj. 生气勃勃的;3. heat n. 热,高温;v. 加热,变热;4. complete v

12、. 完成;掌握短语send out 释放 be covered with 被覆盖 【学法指导】了解背景-快速阅读-仔细阅读-理解课文-巩固练习【教学过程】一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)情景导入:你在元宵节放过天灯吗?你会剪窗花吗?你见天津的小泥人吗?这些都是中国的传统民俗艺术。(4分钟)Question:What do you know about Chinese folk or traditional art?_2. 进行短文学习之前,教师引导学生浏览2a关于短文的介绍。告诉学生下面的短文是关于中国民俗文化的短文。中国民俗文化孔明灯又叫天灯,俗称许愿灯。是一种古老的汉族手工艺品,在古代多做军事


14、艺术的又一个高峰。二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)1、单词拼读、记忆its /its/ adj. 它的 form n. 形式;类型clay /klei/ n. 黏土;陶土 balloon n. 气球scissors n. (pl.) 剪刀lively /laivli/ adj. 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的fairy 童话故事heat /hi:t/ n. 热;高温 polish v.磨光;修改;润色complete v. 完成2、根据句意和提示完成句子。1.Little Tom used to cause(造成) a lot of trouble for his 1. You can learn s

15、ome different forms (形式)of traditional Chinese art in this museum.2. The students decorated the classroom with colorful balloons (气球)。3. Dave is one of the most lively (活泼)students in his school.4. The stone is fired at a very high heat(高温)before it is turned into steel.5. Mr. Wang spent two weeks c

16、ompleting (完成)this painting.3、呈现短语,学生朗读背诵1. special forms of traditional art 独特的传统艺术形式2、from paper to clay to bamboo 3、turn into4. objects of beauty 美丽的物体5. according to Chinese history 根据中国历史6. send out 释放 7、 in trouble8. be covered with 被覆盖9、 as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.10. sky

17、lanterns 天灯 ,孔明灯 11. paper cutting 剪纸12.a Chinese fairy tale 中国童话故事13. fire at a very high heat 在高温下烧烤14、add to4、呈现较难句子,学生朗读感悟。1. The most common things are turned into objects of beauty.这些最普通的东西都被变成美的物体。2. Sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations.天灯用于节日和其它庆祝活动。3. They are made of b

18、amboo and covered with paper.他们是由竹子制成并在外面糊上纸。4.They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.他们被看作幸福和美好愿望的美丽象征。5. Paper cutting has been around for over 10500 years. 前线已有1.500多年的历史了。6. The red paper is folded before it is cut with scissors.红纸在用剪刀裁剪之前,要被折叠。7. The pieces are carefully s

19、haped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry.这些陶片被小心地用一种特别的黏土手工成形然后凉干。三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)Step 1默读要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并完成短文后的表格。 然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。(3分钟)Traditional art form Materials used1. sky lanternsBamboo, paper2. Paper cuttingsPaper,3. Chinese clayclayStep 2.朗读1、先邀请几

20、位同学阅读短文(可一人一段),注意语音语调、句群停顿,及时纠正。2、播放录音,全班同学一起跟读,尽力模仿语音语调、句群停顿。(3分钟)Step 3 理解课文,完成教材2c-2e的任务1.让学生再细读短文, 回答2c的所提出的问题。(5分钟)1. They usually try to show the things that are important in life, such as love, beauty and family.2. The sky lanterns were used for asking for help when in trouble in the past and

21、 now they are used as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.3. The most common pictures of paper cuttings are flowers, animals and things abut Chinese history.4. During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.5. To m

22、ake Chinese clay, the pieces are first carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. They are then polished and painted. It take several weeks to complete everything.2.用2d方框中所给的短语的正确形式完成与2 d任务。设置一个5分钟的时限,然后请一个

23、同学朗读句子,核对答案。1.send out , rise into 2.turns, into ; put , on 3. such as, covered with3、再次阅读课文,将课文分段。How many parts do you think the passage can be divided into? Why?Two parts. The first paragraph is Part One and the next three paragraphs are Part Two.The first paragraph is a general introduction and

24、the next three paragraphs are specific details and examples.4. 让学生分组先讨论一下2e所提出的问题。四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)1、After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. 在凉干后,他们被放在很高的温度下烧烤。fire 在本句中作动作,意为“烘烤,烧制”;at a very high heat. 意为“在高温下”【备课例句】The steel is fired at a very high heat before it was made into a knife. 一块

25、钢材在被制成小刀之前被放置在高温下煅烧。【横向辐射】fire的其他用法一、名词 n.1.火,不可数句名词;Do you know horses are afraid of fire? 你知道马怕火吗?2.炉火;篝火 可数名词The old men sat round the fire chatting. 老人们围坐在炉火旁聊天。4.射击;炮火;火力; 不可数;The enemy retreated under our heavy artillery fire. 敌人在我们的重炮轰击下撤退了。5.火灾 A forest fire left hundreds of people homeless.

26、 一场森林大火使数百人无家可归。6.热情;激情The boy is full of fire and courage. 这男孩充满激情和勇气。二、及物动词 vt.1.开(枪、炮);将.射向(+at)We fired our guns at the enemy. 我们向敌人开炮。2.【口】解雇,开除He was fired on the spot. 他被当场解雇。3.激起;使激动(+with)Stories of adventure fire Toms imagination. 冒险故事激发了汤姆的想像力。4.烘制Bricks are fired in a kiln. 砖是在窑中烧制的。三、不及

27、物动词vi.1.开火;射击(+at)They fired at the robbers. 他们向强盗开枪。2.起火;燃烧Damp wood will not fire. 潮湿的木头不会燃烧。3.激动;突然发怒He fired up at the remark. 他一听这话突然发怒了。【课堂变式】1.The real golden _.(真金不怕火炼)。【解析】 不怕火炼就是不怕在高温下煅烧。要用fire 作动词的被动形式。故答案为:isnt afraid of being fired2. lively adj. 生气勃勃的;(颜色)鲜艳的。【备课例句】Our English teacher o

28、ften makes his class lively and interesting. 我们英语老师经常用使的课变得生动有趣。【横向辐射】alive、live、living和lively的用法 lively 有“活泼的、快活的、生动的”等意思,可以指人或物,可作定语或标语;但它没有“活着的”意思,而其他三个都有。【例句】:Young children are usually lively. 小孩子们通常是活泼的。alive、live、living都有“活的、有生命的”意思,与dead意义相反。但live通常只作前置定语,且一般用于动物;alive、living不仅可作定语(alive只能置于

29、名词后;living一般置于名词前,也可置于名词后),也可以作表语。【例句】This is a live(=living) fish.(=This is a fish alive.)这是一条活鱼。(指动物,且作定语时,三者均可用)Whos the greatest man alive(=living man)?谁是当今最伟大的人物?(指人,不能用live)living主要指在某个时候是活着的,而alive指本来有死的可能,但仍活着的。而且,作主语补足语或宾语补足语时,只能用alive;作比喻义(如“活像.”、“活生生的”等)解时,要用living。【例句】:The enemy officer

30、was caught alive.(作主语补足语,不用living)那位敌方军官被活捉了。)He is the living image of his father.(比喻义,不用alive)他活象他父亲。只有living前加the方可表示“活着的人”,作主语时,视作复数。【例句】:The living are more important to us than the dead.活着的人对我们来说比死去的人更重要。【课堂变式】The story was so _that we all lost ourselves in it.A. live B. alive C. living D. liv

31、ely【解析】live为动词,意为“生活,居住”;alive是形容词,意为“活着的”;living 形容词,意为“鲜活的”; lively形容词,意为“生动的,活泼的”。根据句意“这个故事是如些的生动”可确定选D。3、form n. 形式;类型Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise. 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water. 冰、雪、蒸汽是水的不同形式。We will send you the money each week in the form of a cheque. 我们每周将以支票的形式将钱寄给你

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