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1、黑水仙第1季第2集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语打印word版As we forgive those who trespass against us,and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,thy kingdom come, thy will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.Sister Clodagh, Im asking you not to do this.The women

2、 in the village can care for him.Excuse me.forgive those who trespass against us.- Do you need me to- -Yes.If anything happens-Would you have the boy bleed to death?Ive told you I cant answer for the consequences if you treat him.Well, go then, Mr. Dean.We dont need your help. We can manage without

3、you.All right, if thats what you want.- Youre on your own. - We are with God.heaven, give us this day.- Bye, Mr. Dean. - Namaste, Mr. Dean.Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass ag

4、ainst us. Amen.Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us.Hallowed be thy name,thy kingdom come thy will be done,on earth

5、 as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses.Sisters, can you tend to Sister Ruth, please?Perhaps the chapel would be more suitable.Sister?Thank you.I thank God for your steady hand, Sister Briony.I cant say its my fanciest embroidery,but itll do.We did the righ

6、t thing.The danger is passed, Sisters.Sister Ruth.we should get you to bed. Its all been too much for you.Dont touch me.Youre not allowed to touch me.第一季第二集The hill post!My harmonium.Morning, Sister Clodagh!- Theyre coming! - Morning, Sister Briony.Keep going.- Namaste. - Namaste.Would you put the c

7、rates over by the door, please?Thank you.We must keep digging.Dear Sister Clodagh,may the Lord bless and keep all at the Convent of St. Faith.I am glad to hear the coming of winterhas made little impact on your work at Mopu.While every member fulfills her purpose,the community of St. Faith will sure

8、ly succeed,to the glory of the Lord.Only time will tell if Sister Ruth is truly suitedto the conditions in Mopu.I have discussed your suggestion with Father Roberts.We are agreed.When the dear father makes his Christmas visit,he alone will determine if it is best for Sister Ruthto be brought back to

9、 Darjeeling.Remember, Clodagh,the Superior of all is the servant of all.St. Faith, Sister Clodagh!- Isnt it good to see her? - Indeed it is, Sister.Can I have a hand with our Lord?Oh, it would be so nice to have a proper placeto put St. Faith, Sister Clodagh.Not to mention our Lord.A plinth, is that

10、s what its called?Cant you ask the gardeners to make something?- They seem handy enough. - No, not with carpentry.- They seem handy enough. - No, not with carpentry.Good day to you.- Yes, blankets. - Very good.Sister Ruth, what do you think?They look like theyd help to keep out the drafts.Yes. Theyr

11、e a decent weight, at least.Oh, is that Mister Dean?Yes, it is!Mr. Dean! Good day to you!Good day to you, Sister Briony.- Sisters. - Mr. Dean.Oh, look, isnt that Oms mother?Perhaps you should speak to Mr. Deanabout the statues, Sister Clodagh.And actually, there are quite a few jobs that need lookin

12、g at.We cant keep running to Mr. Dean, Sister.He has his own work to do.Sister Blanche says Om expects the babyto be there at home every day- when he comes home from school. - Bless his soul.I wonder how many we actually need.I think we probably could.How are you, Sister Ruth?Very well thank you, Mr

13、. Dean.Actually, I was quite unwell for a time.- Im sorry to hear it. - Im feeling much stronger now.Sister Ruth! Can you help me, please?Can you say for me, twenty-four annasis the most well pay for eight blankets.But there are five of us.Yes, but one for Joseph Anthony,one for Kanchi, and one for

14、Angu.What, am I a donkey now, huh?Here is your milk, Sister Ruth. Drink up, thats it.Now, Angu, the bath house needs cleaning.Sister Ruth will help you.When Srimati Dev was ill, sometimes.Sometimes, we had to lock her in here.For keeping her safe.What was wrong with her?She will not harm you, Sister

15、.Srimati Dev is sad.I thought you said she was hungry.Yeah. Hungry for happiness.Or maybe to be reborn.Or maybe just for some milk.Lemini.Its all right, Kanchi. I didnt mean to make you jump.Maaf gara.Maaf gara.Have you ever seen a moving picture?It is from Angu. For read?Can you read English?This i

16、s to try. I try.Gary Cooper.Thank you, Kanchi.Thank you, Kanchi.Thank you, Kanchi.Thank you, Kanchi.Dilip Rai, you do us a great honor.But we are quite unprepared.Dear Sister Clodagh, there is no need for thatnow my uncle isnt here.Ive come to see you on a practical matter.I wish to attend your scho

17、ol.5 A. M. to 7 A. M., Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic.I see.The timetable is only a suggestion, Sister.Of course, the lessons can be decided by you.Im very sorry Highness, but it is impossible.A convent doesnt teach men pupils, you see.Jesus Christ was a man though, wasnt he, Sister Clodagh?He took t

18、he shape of a man.You must understand, I want so much to learn,I am only the shape of a man.My uncle was going to send me to the University of Cambridge,but after my brother died, Uncle said I couldnt go.I thought if I show him how quick I am to study and to learn,he might change his mind.We cant go

19、 against the Generals wishes, Excellency,you must see that.Toda Rai is happy for me to come to school here.He very much wants me to improve my English.It is just the plans for Cambridge he disapproves of.Well, then. I shall certainly consider it.Thank you, Superior Sister. Good Day.- You are quite w

20、ell, Sister Clodagh? - Yes.Its this business with Dilip Rai.I know this is an unusual place, Sister Clodagh,and we should expect unusual things, but surely it isnt rightfor a boy the young generals age-Hes more of a man than a boy. But what are we to do?I could write to Toda Rai explaining our objec

21、tions,but the post is so slow now.Mightnt it be a help to talk to Mr. Dean?Hes worked for the General for so long,and if theres really no way round Dilip Rai coming, then.he might be able to speak to him about how to.- conduct himself. - Man to man.Is that what they say?Im sorry, Sister Briony.Its j

22、ust the thought of Mr. Deangiving anyone a lesson on how to conduct themselves.Youd think the young general would find it strange,the thought of coming here every day.I suppose he doesnt remember his mother at all.Its not just the young general, Sister Clodagh.We really cant do without Mr. Deanfor a

23、ll the work thats needed.And since your falling out, hes been steering clear of us-Yes, youre quite right, Sister Briony.Good sense, as always.This is an unusual place,and we should expect unusual things.and we should expect unusual things.Sister Clodagh.Its been a while.Im afraid Im not fit for rec

24、eiving visitors.I shouldve sent a note, Mr. Dean.But theres a matter I need to discuss with you.In person.By all means.As long as you take me as you find me.Would you like to have a seat?Water, I presume?Dilip Rai, the young general.He wishes to study with us at St. Faiths.I know I can rely on you t

25、o be direct. Is it safe?A beastly savage, you mean?Clearly thats. Thats not what I meant at all.The boy seems charm itself.Its just, Im not sure what his. expectations are.About women, Mr. Dean.If we are to accede to his uncles wishesand accept Dilip as our pupil.Well, you can see my dilemma.He come

26、s from another world.Dilip Rai will be a cuckoo in your nest,no doubt about it. Hes been spoiled rotten.But theres no harm in the lad, and his manners put mine to shame.Hell respect your. discipline.Particularly if he thinks any bad behaviorwill get back to his uncle.I can have a word with him, if y

27、ou like,but I doubt hell pay me much mind.Would you? That would be a great comfort.Thank you. Ill leave you to your supper.I owe you an apology, Mr. Dean.For the way Ive spoken to you in the past.It was uncalled for.Well. youre only human.So Im discovering.Im not much of a cook.The factory women kee

28、p me from starving.I.We hope to see you at the palace soon.Dear Mother Dorothea,it has been strange indeed to go so longwithout communion, or making confession.At the Generals request,Dilip Rai is taking daily lessons at the school,he is a dedicated pupil and his manners respectfulof our discipline.

29、Work proceeds at the palace, and you will be pleased to hearSister Ruths health is much restored.I look forward to showing Father Robertseverything we have achieved at St. Faiths.- Bonjour, Sister Ruth! - Bonjour.Bonjour, Sister Clodagh!Comment allez-vous?Good day, Excellency.Trs bien, merci.Il fait

30、 frois, nest ce pas?Mais cest tres bon- No!Beau. Trs, trs beau.Oui. Vraiment beau.Oui. Vraiment beau.Oui. Vraiment beau.Oui. Vraiment beau.Oui. Vraiment beau.So there wont be any vegetables at allon the terraces, come spring?It seems a shame to waste such a glorious aspect on onions.When I thought.W

31、hen I thought.Sister.Lady Hillingdon. Its a repeat flowerer.I was going to under-plant it with jonquils and daffodils.You see, we could start them off indoors.and plant them as soon as the ground thaws-Sister Philippa,the order has already spent a great dealon equipping the classroom,not to mention all the o

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