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1、英语新闻详解四31Stones Hold 1st-Ever Concert in India滚石乐队首次在印度举行音乐会NEW DELHI, India - More than 30,000 screaming fans rocked and swayed as the Rolling Stones held their first-ever concert in India on Friday.新德里,印度 星期五在滚石乐队在印度的首次音乐会上,3万多高声尖叫的乐迷随着音乐摇摆不停。rock, “摇摆;摆动”:When I stepped onto the side of the boat,

2、 it rocked. 当我走上船的一边时,船左右摇晃。sway, “摇摆,摇动”与rock意思差不多。The trees swayed in the wind. 树在风中左右摇动。Crowds of fans thronged the Palace Grounds in the southern Indian city of Bangalore hours before the show, part of the bands 40 Licks tour.演出前数小时,就有成群的乐迷涌向印度南部城市班加罗尔的“宫殿”广场。这次演出是该乐队“40首小调”巡回演出的一部分。throng, “聚集,

3、蜂拥,挤满”:commuters thronging the subway platform.持月票的乘客拥向地铁站。类似的还有crowd, swarm, flock, gather, congregate等。 lick, “a short phrase or solo in jazz or popular music 爵士乐装饰乐句,小过门”。As the band began the evenings performance with their hit number Brown Sugar, the crowd went into a screaming frenzy, Sheena S

4、harma, a spokeswoman for the band, said over the telephone from Bangalore.“在乐队以它们当红曲目褐色方糖开始当晚的演出时,人群发出尖叫,进入狂热状态,”乐队女发言人萨娜萨玛从班加罗尔打来电话说。number, “乐曲,节目”:She sang several numbers from the musical.她唱了歌舞片中的几首选曲。 frenzy, “疯狂,狂热,狂乱”:In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy and revenged his father.在恨之入骨的冲动下,他

5、把仇人杀了,为他父亲报了仇。近义词有delirium, furor.32Iraqis jubilant as Saddam toppled萨达姆政权被推翻,伊拉克人欢欣鼓舞jubilant, “欢腾的,欢呼的”: The team was jubilant after their victory in the Cup. 那支球队在优胜杯比赛获胜后欢呼雀跃。其名词形式为jubilation : There was jubilation in the winning teams home town. 在获胜队的家乡一片欢腾。topple, “使倒塌,使下台”: This scandal could

6、 topple the government. 这桩丑闻有可能使政府垮台。其近义词有overturn, overthrow, upset, tumble, oust等。BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Saddam Husseins 24-year reign over Iraq has ended after U.S. troops swept into the heart of Baghdad and jubilant Iraqis pulled down a huge statue of their ousted leader, broke it apart and danced

7、and stomped on its severed head and limbs.巴格达 (路透社)- 美军突入巴格达市中心,兴高采烈的伊拉克人拉倒他们被赶下台的领导人巨大的雕像,将其捣毁并在断头和残肢上手舞足蹈,至此,萨达姆.侯赛因在伊拉克24年的统治完结了。reign, “君主统治时期”:during the reign of George IV 乔治四世统治时期。 stomp, “跺脚,重踩”: He stomped angrily up the stairs. 他气势汹汹地重步走上楼梯。此外,还有stamp, trample, tramp, tromp意思也差不多。 sever, “

8、切断,断绝(关系)”:We have severed all diplomatic relations with that country. 我们与那个国家完全断绝了外交关系。The whole world watched on television as Iraqis rushed forward, trampled over the fallen 20-foot high metal statue on Wednesday and dragged its decapitated head through the streets in contempt for the man who had

9、 led the country into three ruinous wars resulting in massive human losses and economic damage.在星期三,许多伊拉克人潮水般涌上前去,踩踏着倒伏在地、长达20英尺的高大金属雕像,而后沿着街道拖曳与雕像分离的头颅,以此表示对这个使整个国家先后三次陷入毁灭性战争,并导致大量人员伤亡、百业凋敝的统治者的蔑视。decapitate, “把斩首”:The bodies had been decapitated.尸体被砍下了头。同义词有behead, decollate, guillotine.As Saddam

10、s shadow dissolved and his authority collapsed, a people who had lived in fear was suddenly free to express their feelings. But U.S. control over the city was still not total. As night fell, the streets emptied and tank and artillery fire boomed on the western bank of the Tigris river.随着萨达姆阴魂的散去及其政权

11、的崩溃,这个长期生活在恐怖中的民族突然之间可以自由地表达其感情了。不过美军尚未完全控制这座城市。夜幕降临后,街上空无一人,在底格里斯河西岸还有坦克和火炮开火的隆隆声。boom, “发低沉声,隆隆作响”:a loud booming voice 洪亮而低沉的嗓音。There was no word on the fate of Saddam or his sons, Uday and Qusay, targeted by U.S. bombs in a western residential area of the city on Monday. American officials said

12、they did not know if the Iraqi leader had survived the attack.没有关于萨达姆及其儿子乌代和库塞生死的消息,他们是星期一美军对巴格达城西部一居民区轰炸的目标。美国官员说他们不知道伊拉克领导人是否躲过了这次袭击。33Lab Decodes Genes of Virus Tied to SARS实验室破解了SARS病毒的基因Scientists in Canada announced over the weekend that they had broken the genetic code of the virus suspected

13、of causing severe acute respiratory syndrome.本周末加拿大科学家宣布,他们已破译了被怀疑导致严重呼吸系统综合症的病毒的基因密码。respiratory, “呼吸的”: respiratory diseases/difficulties/system, 呼吸道疾病/呼吸困难/呼吸系统。 相应的动词形式是respire , “呼吸”. syndrome, “综合征,症候群,综合症状”: There is a lack of research on risk factors for fatigue and fatigue syndromes. 有关导致疲劳

14、及其综合症危险因素的研究尚嫌不足。这个词还可以表示“(某种条件下的)一定的行动模式,或一组事物”:Their lifestyle is typical of bored middle-aged housewife syndrome. 她们的生活方式是对生活感到厌倦的中年家庭主妇的典型体现。Sequencing the genome,which computers at the British Columbia Cancer Agency in Vancouver completed at 4 a.m. Saturday after a team slaved over the problem

15、24 hours a day for a mere six days, is the first step toward developing a diagnostic test for the virus and possibly a vaccine.位于温哥华市不列颠哥伦比亚癌症研究所的一个研究小组连续六天24小时不停的艰苦努力,终于用计算机将病毒基因排序的工作于星期六清晨4点完成。这是迈向发展出一种临床诊断该病毒测试方法,乃至一种疫苗的第一步。sequence, 排序 作动词:Scientists have sequenced the gene responsible for 科学家们已

16、经完成有关的基因测序。slave, “奴隶般地工作,做苦工”:I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal. 我一整天围着火热的炉子辛辛苦苦地做出了这顿饭。The genome appears to be that of a completely new coronavirus unrelated to any known human or animal viruses, a scientist at the Canadian agency said.加拿大研究所的一位科学家说,病毒的基因组表明这是一种“全新的” 冠状病

17、毒,与任何已知的人类或动物病毒都没有联系,A competing United States team at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is reaching the same conclusion, and scientists from both teams said the viruss startling novelty could make it harder to trace what animal or bird it came from, if it did jump from anoth

18、er species.位于亚特兰大的疾病控制和预防中心的一个美国研究小组即将得出相同的结论。两个小组的科学家都表示该病毒独特性使得追查其动物或鸟类来源的工作格外困难,如果病毒的确是从其他物种传播过来的话。novelty, “新颖,新奇性”:At first I enjoyed all the parties, but the novelty soon wore off. 起初我喜欢参加一切社交聚会,但这种新奇感很快就消失了。 jump, 注意这里的比喻用法,表示病毒从一个物种传染到另一个物种,相当于 transfer, transmit, infect等。34Jordan Bows Out f

19、or a Third Time乔丹第三次引退篮坛PHILADELPHIA, April 16 - Michael Jordan, 40 years of age and favoring crafty head fakes and jump shots rather than the acrobatic dunks and astounding hang time that made him famous, ended his storied playing career tonight. Jordan, widely regarded as the greatest basketball p

20、layer ever, headed into retirement for the third and presumably last time after his Washington Wizards played the Philadelphia 76ers at the First Union Center.费城,4月16日 已届不惑之年的迈克尔乔丹,相对于令他四海扬名的杂耍般的扣篮,而后不可思议地长时间吊在半空的一系列绝活,更为钟爱自己巧妙的头部假动作和灵活的跳投。他于今晚结束了他传奇般的职业生涯。在第一联盟中心带领华盛顿奇才队同费城76人队比赛后,被公认为有史以来最伟大球员的乔丹第

21、三次决定退役,这也被认为是他最后一次。crafty, “cleverly deceitful, cunning诡计多端的,狡猾的”:a crafty idea/politician, 狡诈的主意;诡计多端的政客。 fake, “a simulated movement in a sports contest designed to deceive an opponent 体育比赛中用以迷惑对手的假动作”:One of the actors braces for a swift fake kick in the jaw. 一个演员摆好姿势,准备在下巴上挨一次飞快的假踢。 shot, “投篮”:T

22、he first thing you need to remember is that you shoot a three point shot just like a regular shoot except that 首先要记住在投三分球时要向正常投篮一样除了 dunk, “扣篮”:slam dunk gallery 扣篮集锦。 storied, “having an interesting history, celebrated in story or history”: a storied institution 一项传统的风俗presumably, “可能,大概,推测起来”:If y

23、ouv already eaten, you presumably wont want dinner. 如果你已经吃了东西,你大概就不想吃正餐了。After 15 seasons in the N.B.A., Jordan leaves behind a staggering list of accomplishments: six championships and five most valuable player awards with the Chicago Bulls; the most seasons as the leagues leading scorer (10); and

24、the highest career scoring average in the regular season (30.1 points a game) and in the playoffs (33.4).在NBA征战15个赛季后,乔丹在身后留下了一连串令人瞠目的战绩:随芝加哥公牛队六次夺冠,五次获得“最有价值球员”称号;在最多的赛季中名列得分榜榜首(共10次);保持在常规赛中职业生涯平均最高得分(平均每场30.1分)以及季后赛职业生涯平均最高得分(平均每场33.4分)。staggering, “难以置信的,令人震惊的”:It cost a staggering 30,000! 它的价钱离

25、谱,竟达三万英镑!35Russian Shuttle With American Blasts Off俄飞船载美宇航员飞往太空Sat Apr 26, 2:09 AM ETblast off发射,升空。The spaceship blasted off. 宇宙飞船发射上天了。BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan - A Soyuz rocket carrying an American astronaut Lu and Russian cosmonaut Malenchenko blasted off for the international space station on Saturd

26、ay.拜科努尔,哈萨克斯坦本周六,美国宇航员卢和俄罗斯宇航员马伦岑科乘坐Soyuz宇宙飞船飞往国际空间站。space station :A large satellite equipped to support a human crew and designed to remain in orbit around Earth for an extended period and serve as a base for launching exploratory expeditions, conducting scientific research, repairing satellites,

27、and performing other space-related activities.一个大型的装备有支持宇航员设备的卫星,为能在沿地球的轨道上运行一定时期而设计,被作为发动探测航行、进行科学研究和修理卫星的基地,同时也进行其他的与太空有关的活动。With a roar and thundering sound, the rocket left a trail of fire as it reached into the blue sky. Onlookers applauded when the rocket finally reached orbit.随着一声雷鸣般的巨响,火箭拖着一

28、道火焰轨迹冲向蓝天。当火箭驶入轨道时,旁观者都拍手喝彩。roar : To make or produce a loud noise or din.发出或产生出巨大的噪音或嘈杂声。roar sb. down大声喊叫得使某人停止讲话; 轰下台。The singer was embarrassed when the audience roared him down .thundering 有两个意思,一是雷鸣的, 打雷的,如a thundering voice雷鸣般的嗓音。另一种常用于口语,表示非常的,惊人的, 极大的,异乎寻常的(谎话, 错误, 坏蛋等)的意思,如a thundering err

29、or极大的错误。trail :Something that is drawn along or follows behind; a train:一连串沿着拉或跟在后面的某物;一列。例如the senator, followed by a trail of reporters.被一长串记者尾随的参议员。a trail of fire是指火箭发射完后拖曳在后面的烟火的痕迹。onlooker :One that looks on; a spectator.旁观者。汉语有一个和这个词相关的谚语:旁观者清:The onlooker sees most of the game.Just before th

30、e launch, Lu and Malenchenko received their final checks behind a glass wall to keep germs out. Technicians pumped up their bulky white suits to make sure there were no leaks. Asked how he was feeling, Lu, speaking in Russian, said, Otlichno, which means excellent.为了避免飞船内存在细菌,卢和马伦岑科于发射前一会儿在玻璃墙后面接受了最

31、后的检查。技师为他们庞大的白色衣服充满气体以确保衣服没有漏洞。问卢感觉怎样时,他用俄语回答说很好。Launch 的常用意思是发射,开始,发行, 投放市场。本文中Launch是发射的意思,这时候可以用fire 来代替。其他意思讲时可以说新产品投放市场launched new products launch a career:开创一项事业。launch a business venture:开始一项冒险事业。keep out的意思是关在门外;不准入内。如to keep the smoke out 不让烟进来。This coat keeps out the wind. 这大衣挡风。They flew

32、 up normally. The parameters of the orbit are perfectly normal. The cosmonauts are feeling well, said Russian flight director after the launch.俄飞行指挥专家在发射后后不久说:“他们飞行正常,轨道各项指数也相当正常宇航员感觉良好。”Columbia disintegrated over Texas on Feb. 1, killing all seven astronauts on board and raising questions about what would happen to the space station, which is heavily reliant on the U.S. veh

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