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4A Unit8 In class.docx

1、4A Unit8 In class4A Unit8 In class第一课时教学设计小河东六小学 丁红霞教学内容:A. Read and say教学目标:1. 能听懂,会说以下日常交际用语:Thats all right. Dont be late again.2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读以下单词及词组: open, sit down,stand up, read, draw 3. 能听得懂、会说、会合理运用、会写祈使句:Dont ., please./ Stand up./ Sit down.等.教学重点:1. 能听懂,会说以下日常交际用语:Thats all right. Dont be

2、 late again.2. 能听得懂、会说、会合理运用、会写祈使句:Dont ., please./ Stand up./ Sit down.等.教学难点:1. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读以下单词及词组:open,sit down,stand up, read, draw.2. 能听得懂、会说、会合理运用、会写祈使句:Dont ., please./ Stand up./ Sit down.等.教学准备:七、八两单元课文挂图、录音机、磁带及备用练习教学过程:.Warm up1. GreetingsT: Stand up, please.T: Good morning, boys and gir

3、ls.Ss: Good morning, Miss liu. T: Sit down, please.2. Free talkT: , what time do you get up in the morning?S1: At 7:00.T: Good morning, , do you feel cold this morning?S2: Yes.T: Lets do some exercise.ok?Ss: Yes.T: In class ,the teacher ofen gives you some orders. Now listen carefully.If you do it v

4、ery good. Your group will have a present .At the end of the class, the group which has most presents will be the winner. (Practice:Sit down, please. Stand up ,please.板书)Ss: Yes. Presentation and practice1. Lead-in(1) 请事先安排好的一位学生进教室.说:Sorry, Im late. May I come in? 教师问答: Thats all right. Come in, ple

5、ase. Dont be late again.(多重复此句,让学生理解意思并学说)T: OK, we are in class now, dont be late again. (Present: Unit 8 In class)T: Read after me, please.Ss read after the teacher: In class(2) T: Do you still remember Mike? (Point at the picture of Unit 7) Ss: Yes. T: What does Mike do in Unit 7? S1: He gets up

6、at 7:35. S2: He doesnt have breakfast. T: Yes, very good! Do you think Mike is late? Ss: Yes. / No.2. Learn Part A(1) T: OK, boys and girls, lets look at the picture first. Look at the picture of Unit 8 Part A T: Can you guess Mike is late or not? Ss: Yes. / No.(2)T: Well, lets listen to the tape to

7、gether, after that we can know. T: Now before that, lets look at these questions together. Read the questions. A. “T” or “F”. a) Liu Tao is late for class. b) Miss Li says: “Thats all right. Come in, please.” c) Mr. Green says: “Dont be late again.” d) Mr. Green says: “Stand up, Nancy.”Play the reco

8、rd, Ss listen to the tape.(3) T: Have you got the answer? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Lets check the answer together. (Key: A. F,F,T,F) T: Are you right? Ss: Yes. / No. T: Well, if you dont catch the answer, lets listen to the tape again. Play the record again; Ss listen to the tape again.(4) T: Boys and girls,

9、 are you clear now? Ss: Yes. T: Now, boys and girls, open your books, please. Lets read the dialogue together. Ss open the books. Read P1, P2, and explain the sentences. Then present: Thats all right = Thats OK. , please. (Come in, please.)Dont . (Dont be late again.) Ask Ss read after the teacher,

10、then Ss read the dialogues together. Practice reading in roles. (5) T: I can draw an apple for you. I can draw an orange for you .Now I want to ask someone a question. Can we draw an apple in our books?(做手势)Ss:No.T: Yes, Good job. We cant draw in our books. So we can say dontdraw in your book. T:(用音

11、标教学、升降调教学 )Dont draw in your book.T:Lets play a small game.ok?Ss:Ok.T:Train TrainSs:One by one.(6)T: Boys and girls.This class we have learnt three new words. Who can read the new words?(引出句型Read the new words.) . Consolidation.T: Now, boys and girls, open your books, please. Look at the picture.(P4

12、/P5/P6) Here are some questions for you . B: Ask and answera) What does Mr Green say after Mike standing up?b) What does Mr Green say to Liu Tao? Lets listen to the tape then answer the questions.T:Have you finished?Ss:Yes .Check the answers(Key:Read the new words/Dont draw in your book.)T: Look at

13、the picture now, listen to the whole dialogues together, then lets recall the dialogues together, OK?Ss: OK.Recite the dialogue one by one.T:Lets count the presents.Who is the winner?. Assign homework T: Boys and girls, please read the dialogues 3 times, and copy the sentences on the blackboard. Mak

14、e a new dialogue and act it. Ending. Say “goodbye” to each other.Design:牛津小学英语4A第8单元In class 说课稿小河东六小学 丁红霞一、说教材1、 教材简析 说课的教材是牛津小学英语4A第八单元。本单元的主要教学内容是祈使句。通过各种肯定与否定句式让学生掌握“请别人干某事”和“叫别人不要干某事”的英语表达方式。此课作为第八单元,承接在第七单元Its late的后面。在教授时,教师可以用动作、表情和手势帮助学生理解这些表示命令、请求、建议的句子,并要求学生能在一定的情境中熟练地运用这些祈使句。2、 本课时教学内容 本

15、着“词不离句,句不离篇”的原则,以及学生的接受能力,我对第八单元教学内容的顺序进行了自我整合。作为第一课时:我安排了E部份:Read and act 以及B 部分:eat 、drink 、write 、read这四个单词,还适当拓展渗透了一些评价语:Its late / early. Its dirty /noisy /ugly等。3、 教学重点、难点和关键根据本单元的教学要求,我把本课的教学重点设置成能听懂、会说、会用一些简单的祈使句。教学难点是能让学生在实际情境中运用这些句型。教学关键是让学生通过模仿、学习表演和完成任务等各种教学形式,掌握这些句型。4、 教学目标 根据本单元的教学内容、重

16、点和难点,我确定了一下教学目标(1)语言知识与技能目标:能听懂、会说、会运用日常交际用语中一些简单的祈使句。如:Read the storybook. Don t watch TV.(2) 情感态度目标:培养乐于模仿、敢于开口、积极参与的学习态度。 (3) 学习策略目标:能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 (4) 文化意识目标:让学生养成良好的行为习惯和学习习惯。如不在课桌上、书本上乱写;不在图书馆大声读书;不吃、不喝脏的食品;早睡早起等等。 二、说教法和学法 1、采用“任务型教学方式”,通过设置各种现实情境,让学生在我的指导下感知、体验、参与、合作、实践、培养学生在用中学,学中用的良好习惯

17、。 2、根据语言整体输入与输出的原则,采用语言整体教学法,以句为单位进行教学,培养学生用英语整体思维的习惯。 3、根据四年级学生形象思维占主体的特点,我采用直观情景教学法。运用多媒体创设情境,辅助教学。让学生在情景中学,在情景中用,培养学生在真实情景中灵活运用语言的能力。 三、说教学过程 根据任务型教学原则和本课的教学实际,我设计了以下教学过程:(一)热身活动,引发兴趣,以旧带新。 Game 1: 听命令,作动作,复习一些表示命令的短语。如:Stand up. Sit down. Look at the blackboard. Open your book . Close your book

18、.Come here. Game 2:看动作,说短语,复习一些学生已经学过的短语。如:get up , have breakfast , go to school , go home , watch TV , go to bed , play basketball , play the piano等。(设计思路:这两个游戏的安排,一下子就把学生拉入学英语的氛围中,调动学生全身心参与,而且为下面的教学起到了以旧带新的作用。) (二)呈现新知,预备任务。这一层次的教学分三个环节: 1、巧妙过渡,引出新知。 多媒体出示一只钟(时间显示7:00) T:Whats the time? SS: T :It

19、s time to go to school . Shall we go to school now ? 这几个句型学生们已经学过,学生在已有知识的前提下,必然会回答:Yes. /OK. /All right .在此基础上:教师直接引出祈使句:Go to school now .(并板书Go to school.)教师问:Shall we have breakfast now ?(连说三遍)引导学生回答:No. 教师在此时适时说出:Dont have breakfast. Its late. Its time to go to school . (并板书:Dont Its late .) (设

20、计思路:通过这一环节,首次给学生呈现祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式,让学生有一个感性认识,为接下来的教学,便于学生模仿,操练,灵活运用奠定基础.此外,我设计的评价语Its late. Its early.在Unit 7Its late 中或已学过,或已提前渗透。以及在下面带到的短语have lunch均在第七单元时就渗透了。) 、引用旧知,二次呈现 多媒体继续出现种的画面(时间显示白天:)教师问:Shall we go home ? 学生回答:No. Its time to have lunch .教师适时说:Dont go home. Its early .Its time to have lu

21、nch . (设计思路:这里是第二次呈现祈使句的肯定和否定形式。熟话说得好:一次生,两次熟。学生的思维记忆就会再加深一次印象。)、学习新单词eat drink 承接上一环节Its time to have lunch.教师说 Whats for lunch ?(午餐吃些什么呀?)多媒体出示一些吃的食物,喝的饮料,教授单词eat和drink. 在单词的读音上,由tea teacher clean 引出eat。由dress和think引出drink(可尝试由学生自己归纳,读出。随后本着词不离句的原则,让学生看着画面上的内容用Eat /Drink来造句。比如:Eat the cake / hambu

22、rger / bread . Drink the milk / coffee / juice等等。(设计思路:借着这个环节,让学生一方面练习了eat和drink,另一方面又顺便复习了食品类,饮料类单词。)接着,借助多媒体创设些食物和饮料洒落在地上的情景。引导学生用Dont eatDont drink练习。教师适时引出评价语Because its dirty并板书“dirty”随后适当对“dirty”这个单词进行教学。、学习新单词read write承接上一环节,教师在板书“dirty”时,说:“Boys and girls,look at me,what am I doing?”(老师可用夸张

23、的手势在空中书写)让学生明白。引出新单词write,在单词的发音上,可通过出示它的同音词right来帮助学生。 随后老师在黑板上书写write这个单词,边写边说write“w”,write“r”,write“i”,write“t”,write“e”。鼓励学生一起说一起写。接着又用类似方式引出新单词read。在单词的发音上,可由tea teacher clean eat 引出。随后借助多媒体创设情境,让学生根据画面用Dont write Dont read练习说话。教师根据学生的说话内容,适时渗透评价语.:Its ugly .Its noisy.并教学单词ugly /noisy .5、 小结祈使

24、句 (设计思路:及时总结有利于学生对知识的梳理、归纳、记忆。)6、 呈现短文 Oh, were tired . Lets have a rest . Please do the puzzle .Can you (哦,我们累了,让我们来休息一下。来拼拼图吧。你会吗?)多媒体画面出现一幅凌乱的拼图。并出示短语do the puzzle(在此情此景下,学生很容易明白do the puzzle的含义)接着出示短文内容,播放录音,让学生带着以下问题去听读短文。 1、)Its .(几点几分) 2、)David would like to 随后师生核对答案,跟录音读,分角读。(三)综合运用 教师出示一些短语

25、: Its 22:00 . Its 8:00 . Its 17:00 . Play football read the book loudly(大声地) write on the desk Eat the ice-cream get up drink the milk Its late . Its early . Its dirty . Its noisy . Its ugly 供学生选用(也可不用),仿照短文,自编情景小对话。 (设计思路:这一环节的设计把知识的学习转变成知识的应用,能充分体现学生的学习能力,同时这些活动也对学生的学习能力和想象能力提出了更高的要求。)(四)作业布置Homew

26、ork 1、Read the text 2、Write the new words four times 3、搜集或自制几条文明标语。 四、说板书 牛津小学英语教案4B Unit8 Open Day 、小河东六小学 丁红霞【教学内容】牛津小学英语4B Unit8 Open Day PartA B and C【教学目标】知识目标:1、掌握四会单词a chair, a blackboard, a computer, a picture, a bookcase, an office, a playground, a classroom, a music room 2、掌握四会句型Whats in t

27、he ? Theres a There are some 3、掌握there be的句型结构。能力目标:能熟练运用所学单词和句型进行语言交流。情感目标:礼貌教育和爱校教育【教学重点】掌握四会单词和句型。【教学难点】能熟练运用所学单词和句型进行语言交流。【教具准备】水果箱,课件,单词句型卡片,练习纸【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings2.Free talk(1)Whats thisthat ? Its aan (2)What are thesethose ? Theyre Step 2 Presentation1.Lead in : Look, there is

28、a box. Whats in the box ? 教学并板书Whats in the box ?(1)Read and understand.(2) Read the sentence.2.T: Whats in the box ? Lets have a look . There is an apple .Learn : there is (1) Read and spell(2) Make some sentence about fruit, such as:Theres a peara watermelon (3) Show :some watersome juice ,lead in

29、 :Theres some watersome juice Pay attention:不可数名词当作单数来处理。3.T: Whats else is in the box ? There are some grapes.Learn: there are (1)Read and spell(2)Make some sentence about fruit, such as:There are some pearssome watermelons some oranges 4.Lets conclusion: there be结构There is加可数名词,不可数名词当作单数来处理There a

30、re 加可数名词复数5.Lets say: show an apple and some grapes .(1)There is aan and some A : T do a modelB : Ss practice(2)There are some and aan A :S There are some oranges and a watermelon.B :Ss practice(3)Conclusion:就近原则:be动词跟谁靠近就和谁一致。6.Look ,this is our classroom,lets have a look.(1)Whats in our classroom?

31、 Learn new words about our classroom: a picture,a chair, a bookcase, a computer, a blackboard.a: Read and spellb:Ask and answer:A:Whats in the classroom? B:Theres a Theres a and a (2)And look,this is our school,lets have a look.Whats in our school ? Learn new words about our school: a music room, an office, a playgroundA:Listen and followB:Read and

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