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名校精粹重组1英 语 试 卷2.docx

1、名校精粹重组1英 语 试 卷22014年名校精粹重组(1)英 语 试 卷2 高考英语 2014-05-05 2035 ()overcoatNow she held it open for himAnother girl came with his hat, nicely brushed“Handkerchief, pipe(烟斗)” They were brought and put, with his tobacco(烟草), into his pocketHe looked out of the window and said either “Walking stick” or “Umbr

2、ella”It was handed to himReady now, he was still reading the paperHe didnt put it down until he heard the shout “Bus coming!” Then he kissed my mother and went outThe girls breathed freelyHow lucky a man was to have a wife and five daughters at home!68When the father made the first knock, he meant _

3、 Ahe had begun to read the morning newspaper Bhe was made to feel sad by the” Deaths” news Che would start to read the other parts of the paper Dhis breakfast should begin69What does “Edith” mean? AA kind of bread BOne of the writers sisters CThe writer DThe writers mother70All the daughters were qu

4、ite busy in the morning because _ Atheir father never helped them Btheir father always gave different instructions at the same time Ceach of them had to start and finish her job just on time Dthey were not clever or quick enough to do their jobs71What was the fathers favorite? AReading newspaper BHa

5、ving bread buttered on both sides CGiving instructions DBeing clean and tidyE Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friendsIs this a good thing? Sometimes, when MrBallmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests b

6、oth enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager “I would never have said to my mom, Hey, the new Weezer album is really greatHow do you like it?” says Ballmer“There was just a complete gap in taste” Music was not the only gulf (分歧)Fr

7、om clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many familiesConversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not have take

8、n place a generation agoNow they are comfortable and commonAnd parent-child activities, from shopping to sports, involve a feeling of trust and friendship that can continue into adulthood No wonder greeting cards today carry the message, “To my mother, my best friend” But family experts warn that th

9、e new equality can also result in less respect for parents “Theres still a lot of strictness and authority on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College“In the middle of that change, there is a lot of confusion among

10、 parents” Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these evolving(演化的) roles and attitudesThey see the 1960s as a turning pointGreat cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic process that encourages everyone to have a say “My parents were on the before side of th

11、at change, but todays parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the after side,” explains MrBallmer“Its not something easily accomplished by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now”72Which of the following

12、 shows that the generation gap is disappearing? AParents help their children develop interests in more activities BParents put more trust in their childrens abilities CParents and children talk more about sex and drugs DParents share more interests with their children73The change in todays parent-ch

13、ild relationship is _ Amore confusion among parents Bnew equality between parents and children Cless respect for parents from children Dmore strictness and authority on the part of parents74By saying “todays parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the after side,” the author means that todays parents _ A

14、follow the trend (趋势)of the change Bcan set a limit to the change Cfail to take the change seriously Dhave little difficult adjusting (调整)to the change75The purpose of the passage is to _ Adescribe the difficulties todays parents have met with Bdiscuss the development of the parent-child relationshi

15、p Csuggest the ways to handle the parent-child relationship Dcompare todays parent-child relationship with that in the past第卷(非选择题 35分)第一节 任务型阅读(共小题,每小题分,满分分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应的横线上。(20142014学年度第一学期安徽宁国中学、广德中学联考) If people work to meet their needs, it w

16、ould be good to know what these needs areThey are very simpleDrMaslow has suggested that people have only five needsEvery one has them, and everyone spends his or her life trying to satisfy themAlthough we may try to satisfy our needs in different ways, we all are trying to satisfy the same needsIn

17、a way, it is these needs, which are common to all people, that make us humanThey seem to be a basic part of human nature The needs, which occur in the order shown below, can briefly be described as follows1The Physiological Needs - Our needs for the things that keep our bodies alive- food, water, re

18、st, air, elimination, etcThese needs come firstWe must meet them or we will die2The Safety Needs First we need to stay alive, and then we need to be safeThere are two kinds of safety needs the need to be physically safe and the need to be psychologically safe or secure3The Belongingness Needs Once w

19、e are alive and safe, we then try to satisfy our social need, a need to be with and accepted by other peopleWe discover our need for love4The Esteem Needs After our first three needs are fairly well met, we try to satisfy a fourth needThis is a need for recognition, respect, reputationThe need has t

20、wo parts self esteem (thinking well of ourselves ) and the esteem of others5The self actualization(自我实现) Needs The highest need of man is to actualize himself, to achieve his full potential, to become all that he might beThis need is one that no one ever satisfies completely, partly because we are t

21、oo busy trying to satisfy our lower needs If DrMaslow is correct, those are the things we are afterOur work, rest, play whatever we do is done in an effort to meet one or more of those needsTitle Five Basic 76_Names of the Needs79_82_PhysiologyFood, water, air, etcTo be 83_77_physically safe80 _secu

22、reTo be safeBelongingnessA need to be with and81_by other peopleTo 84_ our social need78_self esteem and the esteem of othersA need for recognition, respect , and reputationSelf- actualizationa)achieving full potentialb)actualizing oneselfc)becoming all that one might beTo 85_ full potential第二节:写作(满

23、分25分) 假设你是李华,你的加拿大朋友Michael 十年前来过你的家乡。现在远方的他写信给你想了解你们家乡的变化。请根据以下提示给Michael 回一封电子邮件。过去生活条件差,道路狭窄,车辆少,住不好,吃不饱,联系简单、慢。现在生活条件优越,道路宽,车辆多,住的舒适,手机普及。 要求:1围绕以上内容进行合理表述; 2所表述的内容必须包含表中的所有方面; 3词数80词左右, 开头语已给出 (不计入词数)。 Dear Michael, You want to learn the changes about my hometownYou know, great changes have tak

24、en place since 60 years ago In the past,参考答案听力:15 CAABC 6-2014 BCBAA 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 BCBCB单选:21B 点拨:bored和pleased修饰人,指“感到”,boring和pleasing修饰物,指“令人”。从句意看,工作是“令人厌烦的”,而使自己“感到更快乐”。22B 点拨:be filled with“充满着”。23A 点拨:从前句判断,声音正在发出,所以聚会正在举行,因此用现在进行时。24D 点拨:prefer doing sth to doing sth或prefer to do sth rat

25、her than do sth, 从结构来判断,只有D项正确。25A 点拨:suffer是不及物动词,不用被动。而D项是非谓语形式,因此只能选A做谓语。26D 点拨:take turns轮流;B、C项都是介词短语。27A 点拨:be about to do sth when固定句型,表示“正要此时”。28A 点拨:从句意判断,假期为农村服务,应是招募志愿者,所以选A。29D 点拨:英语中表示轮船、飞机、火车的出发或到达时间常用一般现在时。30B 点拨:此处用what引导表语从句,而what在表语从句中充当call的逻辑宾语。A、D项是副词,不可做宾语;which语义不对。31D 点拨:从句意判

26、断,格林夫人让小男孩远离她的窗户,否则就打电话给他的父母。因此选D。32B 点拨:make sure of sth “确保(定)某事”。make sure + that从句33C 点拨:从句意判断,没有人在这时提出好的主意帮助我们摆脱困扰,这真令人失望。因此选C,意为“提出”。34C 点拨 as well as连接两个部分做主语时,谓语动词要根据前一部分来判断,因此用单数;而sth cost sb money,因此不用被动。35A 点拨:考查交际用语。A项意为“我想是这样的,我是这么认为的”,符合语境。完形填空:36C 点拨:从下文的摘水果、放风筝可以看出此处是说出去玩一玩,所以是have f

27、un;37C点拨:下文说到学生们却不能出去玩,所以是转折;38B点拨:因为学生不能出去,所以前面所提的活动对他们来说只是一个梦而已。39D点拨:struggle for为而斗争/奋斗40D点拨:首先表明观点,是承认学习的重要性的。41B点拨:与前一句转折,学习虽重要,但生活远不止学习。42C点拨:be occupied with忙于43D点拨:忙的忘记怎样使生活变得精彩。44C点拨:我们在忙碌中失去了生活的真正的目的。45B点拨:生活的快乐是去“享受”的。46C点拨:放下书本。47C点拨:做锻炼是为了改善健康状况。improve ones health提高健康状况。48B点拨:这是一种假设,如

28、果当年鲁班没有走出去的话。49C点拨:同上。50C点拨:鲁班是受到了带齿的草的启迪。51B点拨:根据常识,牛顿是被树上掉下的苹果击到的。52A点拨:走出去是从辛苦的工作中走出来的短暂休息。53D点拨:add to life experience增加生活体验54A点拨:呼唤语,come on此处意为“一起来吧,快点”。55D点拨:我们可以得到的是比知识更多的东西。阅读理解:A篇:56B点拨:细节理解题。从第二段第二句可以得到答案。57A点拨:主旨大意题。总览全文,在阐述的是在一个商业世界中的女性地位。58C点拨:推理判断题。从文章可以判断,男性在商业世界中还是占据主体地位,所以在职业化的工作中还

29、是男性居多。59C点拨:推理判断题。从最后一句可以看出,人们对于女性工作的观点已经发生了改变。B篇:60D点拨:细节理解题。列举两个司机的例子是为了比较两者有无目标的异同从而告诉读者设定目标的重要性。61C点拨:推理判断题。一直在阐明设定目标的重要性,而在看来,这也正是成功与不成功的差别所在。62D点拨:推理判断题。实现理想首先要有理想,有理想就有自己的目标,所以归根结底,还是要设定目标,知道自己想要什么。63A点拨:标题概括题。本文阐述的是目标和成功之间的关系。C篇:64B点拨:细节理解题。从文章第一段第二句可以得到答案。65A点拨:推理判断题。从文章主人公效仿富人选择生活地点来看,富人是生活在纽约城以外的。66B点拨:细节理解题。从第四段第三句得出答案。67C点拨:细节理解题。从文章最后一句可以得出答案。D篇:68D。细节理解题。根据第3段第2句 then he knocked once on the tableOne of my sister brought his bread, already buttered for him 可知答案为 D。69B。细节判断题

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