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Unit 1 Famous Universities Teaching plan大学体验英语二.docx

1、Unit 1 Famous Universities Teaching plan大学体验英语二Unit 1 Famous UniversitiesObjectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following five aspects:1. Culture: After learning the passages, students can learn something about world famous universities, their staff and s

2、tudents.2. Listening and speaking: Students first listen and then learn to talk about famous universities.3. Reading: Students should master some important new words and expressions listed from P172-174. Learn the reading skill “skimming”.4. Translation: Students learn to translate some compound and

3、 complex sentences.5. Writing: Students are expected to grasp the Subjunctive Mood, and learn to fill in an application form for admission. Time Arrangement: Unit 1 (8 periods)1) Preparation (warm-up activities) (15 mins)2) Learning new words, expressions and discussing Passage A: Oxford University

4、(85 mins)3) Doing the exercises from P14-16 (30 mins)4) Discussing and doing exercises of Passage B: “Students, You Represent Our Best Hope” (100 mins)5) Practical writing and culture salon (70 mins)6) Listening and speaking practice (100 mins)Teaching Methods: Under the guidance of student-centered

5、 principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation.Instructional proceduresInstructional procedures I. Lead in:Listen to the passage (at least 3 times) and try to fill the missing words in t

6、he blanks. 1. date back to: 追溯到2. to name but a few: giving as examples仅以此为例 Lots of our friends are coming: Anne, Ken and George, to name but a few.3. Namely: that is to say就是,即 Only one boy is absent, namely HarryII. Dialogue samples:Dialogue 1: Going to the School Librarylostupper classmanthanks

7、forgood luck with sth. in/out of luck: be fortunate/unfortunateDialogue 2: Talking about the ExamHow are your studies going? How are you doing today?=how are you?come up: occur, arise发生,出现how come: whyset aside: save/keep (money or time)节省保留retain: 1) keep in ones memory, bear in mind She retains a

8、clear impression/memory of the incident.2) keep We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room.III. Communicative tasksTask 1: Situation: Brian has got a cold and needs to see the doctor, but he has no idea where the school hospital is. He asks directions from his classmate, Lili, who

9、 volunteers to accompany him there.Task 2: Situation: John hasnt been doing well for the first half year at the university. He talks about his problems with his friend Xiaohong, who gives him some good advice as to how to make use of the class hours and spare time, and how to develop good study habi

10、ts.Passage A Oxford University I. Warm-up activities to arouse students interest in learning the unitAsk some lead-in questions and students can answer the questions according to their own understanding.1) What do you know about Oxford University? 2) How do you like your university professors and le

11、cturers to do their teaching?3) Have you ever received a scholarship? Do you think universities should try their best to provide their students with more scholarships? 4) How many international students are studying at Oxford?About 4,000 international students are studying at Oxford. 5) How are coll

12、eges at Oxford governed?Colleges at Oxford are governed by their own heads and fellows.6) What does a tutor do?A tutor supervises the students course of study and meets with them every week.7) Are good students often granted a scholarship?Not necessarily. Because most of the scholarships are restric

13、ted to certain nationalities and/ or courses.8) Why did the students and staff visit more than 3,700 schools and colleges in 2001?They visited those schools in order to encourage the brightest and best students to apply to Oxford. 9) How is Oxford cooperating with Stanford and Yale?They are cooperat

14、ing on a joint distance learning venture.10) Would you like to study at Oxford University if you have an opportunity? List as many reasons as you can think of.II. Summary of Passage A Oxford is one of the worlds most famous universities. It began in the 1100s. In 1999-2000 it had over 16,300 student

15、s in 35 colleges and 5 private halls. Each college has its own buildings, teachers, and students. But the university grants the degrees, not the colleges. Oxford has students from over 130 countries. Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships are among the ways foreign students may attend Oxford.Competition f

16、or admission and financial aid is intense, but students of all backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Recently Oxford has won a national innovation award and formed an international distance education partnership with Stanford and Yale. Oxford is a leader in research, while also promoting goo

17、d teaching with individual tutorials and small group interactions.III. Related Information1) United Kingdom United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy in northwestern Europe, officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England is the largest and most populous division of th

18、e island of Great Britain, making up the south and east. Wales is on the west and Scotland is to the north. Northern Ireland is located in the northeast corner of Ireland, the second largest island in the British Isles. The capital of the United Kingdom is the city of London, situated near the south

19、eastern tip of England.2) The Houses of Parliament There are two Houses in the Parliament-the House of Lords and the House of Commons, where the elected members of Parliament meet. The words Parliament and the House of Commons indicate what its function was in the past and what it is still today. It

20、s a place for debates between, on the one hand, the government (used to be the king) and on the other hand, the representatives of the communities: the communes, the commons, into which the country was divided. They used to come together to have a dialogue. The king wanted their support and their ta

21、xes and they wanted the king to follow their policies and to redress any local grievances. Thats what it was in the past, centuries ago and thats what it still is today: a place for debates.IV. Language points: While discussing the text, teacher can refer to the following notes and choose from them

22、when necessary. 1. consist of: be composed or made up of sth 由某事物组成或构成Examples:The committee consists of ten members. 委员会由十人组成。2. distinct: adj distinct from sth different in kind; separate 不同的,分开的Examples:Although they look similar, these plants are actually quite distinct.尽管这些植物看起来很相似,实际上却属于完全不同的种

23、类。Mozarts style is quite distinct from haydens.莫扎特在风格上与海顿截然不同。They were classified into two distinct groups.他们被归入两种不同的群体。3. admit: vt. accept sb into a hospital as a patient, or into a school, etc as a pupil接受某人(入院或入学等)Examples:The school admits 60 new boys and girls every year. 这所学校每年招收60名男生和女生。He

24、was admitted to hospital with minor burns. 他因轻度烧伤而入院。4. well-being: n. state of being healthy, happy, etc. 健康、幸福等的状况。Examples:Have a sense of physical/ spiritual well-being 有身体/精神健康的感觉。5. assign: vt. 1) assign sth to sb: give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be used 分配给某人一部分工作

25、去做或一份东西去使用Examples:The teacher has assigned each of us a holiday work.教师给我们每个人都分配了假日的工作。这两间大教室已经分配给我们了。The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.2)assign sb to sth: name sb for a task or possition; appoint sb 指定某人做一工作或任一职务; 委派,选派某人Examples:其中的一个成员被指定做记录。Theyve assigned their best man to the

26、minutes.6. supervise vt. watch or otherwise keep a check on (sb doing sth or sth being done) to make sure it is done properly 监督某人做某事;察看并指导工作.。Examples:我监督工人把货物装上卡车。I supervised the workers loading the lory.7. program(me): n.plan of what is (intended)to be done 工作计划,活动安排,行动方案Examples:A political prg

27、ramme 政治纲领Whats (on) the programme for tomorrow?(ie What are we going to do tomorrow?) 明天安排了什么活动?Launch a programme to redevelop the inner cities提出一项改建市中心区的方案a series of items on a course of study, etc 教学大纲,课程Examples:plan a programme of lectures for the first-year students为大学一年级新生拟制教学大纲8. specializ

28、ed: adj.adapted or deisgned for a particular puepose (为适应某目的或为某目的而设计的)专门的Examples:specialized tools 有专门用途的工具2)of or related to a specialist 专业的;专科的Examples:Specialized knowledge 专业知识Specialized work 专业性的工作9. on the basis of: because of a particular fact or situation在的基础之上, 根据Examples:Employers are n

29、ot allowed to discriminate on the basis of sex.雇主不允许有性别歧视。10. grant: vt. 1) grant sth to sb: give sth formally or leagally正式或依法给予某物Examples:These lands were granted to our family in perpetuity.这些土地依法永远归我们家族所有。She was granted a pension。她得到了养老金。agree to give or allow(what is asked for) 同意给予或允许(所求)Exam

30、ples:grant a favour,request,etc 答应帮忙、请求等 They granted him permission to go. 他们准许他去。 The minister granted journalists an interview. 部长答应接见记者。n. grant (to do sth/towards sth): thing given for a particular purpose,esp money from the government 授予物; (尤指政府的)拨款Examples:student grants,(ie to pay their educ

31、ation)学生助学金award sb a research grant 给某人研经费degree: n. academic title;rank or grade given by a university or college to sb who has passed an examination,written a thesis,etc学位Examples:take a degree in law/ a law degree 获得法律学位11. certificate: n. official written or printed statement that may be used a

32、s proof or evidence of certain facts证明书Examples:A birth/marriage/death certifficate 出生/结婚/死亡证书an examination certificate及格证明书diploma:(abbr Dip)certificate awarded for passing an examination,completing a course of study,etc 毕业证书;毕业文凭Examples:A diploma in architecture 建筑学文凭12. honours: pl specialized course for a univers

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