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1、高考英语一轮复习Unit1Alandofdiversity习题新人教版选修8Unit 1A land of diversity【热点话题】school life(学校生活)给学校英语报的改版建议体裁:说明文写作思路:引出话题删除栏目及理由新增栏目及理由【美文诵读】What a pleasant surprise it is to know that our school English paper is undergoing some reform and Id_rather_that_we_deleted_the_column_of“health”.The column“Entertainm

2、ent”is appealing_to us students,providing_us_with some forms of relaxation from our routine studies,while“Culture”can give us a glimpse of different cultures,thus_broadening_our_horizons.As to which column to add to our paper,“Fashion”is what appeals to me most.For_one_thing,reading about fashion ca

3、n make our life more colorful.For_another,fashion is an essential part of our life which doesnt conflict with our studies.I hope that my suggestions will prove of some value and that the English paper will be more popular among us students.【学海拾贝】按要求完成或翻译下列句子。1我宁愿你今天能来。(would rather)I_would_rather_yo

4、u_came_today2如果说有什么能强烈吸引她,那就是游泳了。(appeal to)If anything,swimming_is_appealing_to_her most strongly.3那位男孩躺在床上,听着音乐。(现在分词作伴随状语)The boy lay in bed,listening_to_music4首先,我没有时间,其次我没有足够的钱。(for one thing.for another.)For_one_thing,I_have_no_time.For_another,I_dont_have_enough_money.按要求写出下列单词1大多数,大半 nmajori

5、ty2牛(总称) ncattle3联邦制的,联邦政府的 adj.federal4侄子,外甥 nnephew 5代理,副职 n& adj.vice6发生,出现 voccur7公正 njustice 8.行李 nluggage/baggage9渡船,摆渡 n& vferry10权威,当局,官方 nauthority11种族 nrace人种的adj.racial种族主义n.racialism种族主义者n.racialist12申请v.apply申请人n.applicant申请n.application13国家,民族n.nation民族的adj.national国籍n.nationality14指出,

6、表明v. indicate指示者,指示器n.indicator指示,迹象n.indication15显而易见的,显然的adj. apparent显而易见地,显然地adv. apparently用所给单词的适当形式填空。1She is a native of Italy,that is to say,she is an_Italian(Italy)2They come from different races,so they have different racial customs.(race)3Apparently,she took no notice of the apparent mis

7、takes in the accident.(apparent)4He indicated that as an indicator I should give him some indications of what he should do in the test.(indicate)5All the applicants can apply in person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their applications before May 5th.(apply) 高考总复习英语(这是边文,请据需要手工删加).翻

8、译下列短语1用方法,借助by_means_of 2.创造生活 make_a_life3(某人)想到occur_to4与合作或工作team_up_with5画线标出界线mark_out6包括;吸收take_in7保持,沿袭(风俗)keep_up8许多,很多a_great/good_many9继续存在 live_on10背靠背back_to_back选用上述短语完成下列短文。One day it (1) occurred_to me that I could (2) make_a_life in New York (3) by_means_of my good master of Chinese

9、as (4) a_good_many Americans want to learn Chinese well so that they could try their fortune in China.I should say it turned out to be a good idea.重点句型1It is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.(p.2)美洲印第安人很可能在至少15 000年前就住在加利福尼亚。It is likely that

10、.有可能 likely to do sth.某人有可能做某事I think it is likely that he will arrive tomorrow.我想他很可能明天到达。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)我们有可能提前完成复习任务。It_is_likely_that_we_finish_our_review in advance.(2)他很可能会报名参加中山大学的自主选拔考试。He is_very_likely_to enroll in the independent admission examination of Sun Yatsen University.2It

11、 is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.(p.3)人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以至于不可能存在明显的主要的种族或文化群体,而是一个多种族、多文化的混合体。It is believed/thought/said/reported/hoped that.

12、人们相信/认为/据说/据报道/希望It_is_believed_that greenhouse gases are the main causes of global warming.人们认为温室气体是导致全球变暖的主因。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)人们相信健康高于财富。It_is_believed_that_health_is_above_wealth.(2)据报道几乎所有的突发死亡都是由心脏受损引起的。It_is_reported_that_almost_all_sudden_deaths_are_caused_by_damage_to_the_heart.用上述句型翻译下列小片

13、段。怀特先生有可能接替汤姆担任董事长,因为大家认为他是唯一能帮公司走出困境的人选。It_is_likely_that_Mr.White_will_succeed_Tom_as_chairman_of_the_board_because_it_is_believed_that_he_is_the_only_person_who_can_help_the_company_out_of_trouble. 1句中缺主语用人称代词主格,句中缺宾语用相应的人称代词宾格,名词前面常用物主代词。根据句意,有时主语或宾语后需填入反身代词。如:The students came to a cave,not kno

14、wing they were in danger.“I myself will write the report,” said Mr.Wang.Mr.Zhang didnt realize that his bad temper would bring him much trouble.2当两个分句中间用逗号隔开,要求考生在第二个分句填入一个代词时,考生首先要弄清句子结构。第二个分句前如有and, but, or,so等连词,说明前后分句为并列关系,要用人称代词或指示代词。第二分句前如无上述连词,说明它是一个非限制性定语从句,因此应填入关系代词。如:Toms mother kept telli

15、ng him to work harder,but it didnt help.Toms mother kept telling him to work harder,which didnt help.Mr.Green has four sons,all of whom are famous singers.Mr.Green has four sons,and all of them are famous singers.用适当的代词填空。1My father encouraged me to learn English well,which helped me become an Engli

16、sh teacher.2You always complain about the income and_it/that_is the thing I cant bear any more.3There are 50 students in our class,most of_whom_are from the countryside.4He tried to make his son realize the mistake,but_it_didnt work.5I talked with Mary (1) herself_ and (2)she_ told me that she liked

17、 the work and would try (3)her_ best to do (4)it well.She also said she should thank (5)her husband for (6)his support.“ (7)He is a true gentleman and (8)I love (9)him very much”,she said to (10)me happily.第一节阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AWhen the dog named Judy spotted the first sheep in her l

18、ife,she did what comes naturally,The fouryearold dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and,being a city animal,lost both her sheep and her sense of direction.Then she ran along the edge of a cliff(悬崖)and fell 100 feet,bouncing off a rock into the sea.Her owner Mike Holden panicked

19、 and called the coastguard of Cornwall, who turned up in seconds.Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90minute search.Three days later,a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall.Mr.Holden returned home from his holiday upset and co

20、nvinced his pet was dead. He comforted himself with the thought she had died in the most beautiful part of the country.For the next two weeks,the Holdens were heartbroken.Then,one day,the phone rang and Steve Tregear, the coastguard of Cornwall,asked Holden if he would like his dog back.A birdwatche

21、r,armed with a telescope,found the pet sitting desperately on a rock.While he sounded the alarm,a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect Judy.The dog had initially been knocked unconscious(失去知觉的)but had survived by drinking water from a fresh stream at the base of the cliff.She may hav

22、e fed on the body of a sheep which had also fallen over the edge.“The dog was very thin and hungry,”Steve Tregear said.“It was a very lucky dog.She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water,”he added.It was,as Mr.Holden admitted,“a minor miracle(奇迹)”1The dog Judy fell down the cliff when

23、 she was_Arescuing her owner Bcaught in a hurricaneCblocked by a rock Drunning after a sheep2Who spotted Judy after the accident?AA birdwatcher. BA student from Leeds.CSix volunteers.DThe coastguard of Cornwall.3What can we infer from the text?APeople like to travel with their pets.BJudy was taken t

24、o the fields for hunting.CLuck plays a vital role in Judys survival.DHolden cared little where Judy was buried.4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AMiracle of the Coastguard. BSurviving a Hurricane.CDangers in the Wild. DComing Back from the Dead.语篇解读:本文为记叙文,题材为生活故事类。主要讲述了一只名叫

25、Judy的狗在掉下悬崖后奇迹般死里逃生的故事。1解析:事实细节题。根据第一段可知,Judy是在追逐一只绵羊的时候迷失方向而掉下悬崖的。故选D。答案:D2解析:事实细节题。根据第五段第一句话可知,一位带着望远镜的观鸟者发现了坐在岩石上的Judy。故选A。答案:A3解析: 推理判断题。结合全文,尤其是最后一段中的“a minor miracle”可推断出,Judy能死里逃生,运气起着很大的作用。故选C。答案:C4解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文讲了一只名叫Judy的狗在掉下悬崖后奇迹般死里逃生的故事。故选D。答案:DBAll parents know that one of their mos

26、t important tasks is to prepare their children for an independent life, but any parent can tell you that its hard to let go of your children.The balance between keeping your children safe and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes can be heartbreaking.Years of experience means that parents o

27、ften do know best, but on the other hand, the young, being less bound by tradition, are often more creative, more able to find new solutions to old problems.Revolutions_are_led_by_the_young.Good teachers make the growth of critical (批判性的) thinking easier in their students, only to find that this can

28、 lead to a questioning of the teachers basic beliefs.Schools encourage parents to become involved, but are often embarrassed when parents have reservations about some of the educational methods being used. Governments encourage unimportant groups to empower themselves in order to participate fully i

29、n the development process.And they are often surprised when the new leaders of these groups turn around and attack the policies of that same government.The rebellious (叛逆的) young and the newly unimportant groups are important in social development.They are not necessarily representatives of those th

30、ey want to represent or not realistic in their demands, but their voices must be heard.Good parents know that just forbidding particular behaviors does not prevent their children from finding ways to engage in these forbidden activities.Indeed, sometimes the forbidden fruit is more inviting,just bec

31、ause it is not accepted by authority.Parents must work with their children to educate them on the facts, know as much as possible about the lives of their children, provide a good example,encourage more wholesome activities but also support their children when they dont follow what is expected of them.But the most important point is that they also need to learn how to let

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