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Unit 2 No One Stops to Say.docx

1、Unit 2 No One Stops to SayUnit 2 MannersI. Teaching Objectives:In this unit, you will learn 1. some typical situations and decide whose fault it is in each case and explain why; 2. the changes of manners and the reason behind the change; 3. the origin of certain manners; 4. the importance of good ma

2、nners; 5. the false belief that in terms of manners things were better in some previous era; 6. the lack of good manners in todays world; 7. great changes in gender roles over years; 8. how to write Thank-you letters. Teaching Methods: 1. Using multi-media teaching equipment2. Group-Discussion. Time

3、 Arrangement:1. 1st period: Preparation 2. 2-3rd periods: Detailed discussion of the text3. 4th period: Post-reading4. 5-6th periods: Dictation & after-class reading5. 7-8th periods: Further development & writing. Main Points & Difficult Points:1. Words: acquisition, commonplace, courtesy, destined,

4、 disintegration, emulate, oversensitive, prompt, squeeze, stride, takeout2. Phrases: buzz with, aware of sb. / sth., aware that, gather up, step aside, help (sb) out, remind sb. of sth, be destined to do sth./for sth, lecture on, run over, run out, at hand, derive from3. Grammar:1). No doubt 2). 虚拟语

5、气中的条件句3). even / much / still less4). whether引导的让步状语从句. Overview of this unit:1. Information related to the topic: manners; good manners and bad manners2. Introduce the general ideas of the article to the students3. Language points and expression in the text4. Questions for discussion5. Thank-you le

6、tters. Background Information1. Definition of manners:1). (polite) social practices or habits;2). social behavior2. Good manners & bad mannersGood manners are behaviors that are respectful of others, as well as ones self. Bad manners are usually not behaviors chosen proactively, but performed by def

7、ault, or out of habit.Manner originated and evolved because of human civilization. China has long been famous for its etiquettes. In the western countries, having good manners was seen as an important part of ones education and social class since the medieval times. However, manners have gradually b

8、ecome relaxed and informal in the 20th century in most part of the world. In-class ReadingLanguage Points: 1. buzz with (L5): to be filled with a low confused whisper e.g. The office is buzzing with rumours. 办公室里唧唧喳喳地议论着谣言。2. He is aware of the general discomfort his presence has caused. (L12-14)the

9、y caused me to become aware that there were others inhabiting this world besides myself(L42-44)Manners make us aware that everything we have derives from a source. (L80-81)aware of sb./sth.; aware that 对某人/某事知道、明白、觉察到、意识到e.g. Are you aware of the time? 你知道是什么时候了吗?It happened without my being aware o

10、f it。事情在我不知不觉中发生了。Im aware that very few jobs are available. 我(很)清楚工作职位非常少。She became aware that something was burning. 她发觉有东西烧着了。I dont think youre aware (of) how much this means to me. 我想你还不知道这对我多么重要。3. When his takeout is ready, he gathers up his numerous bags and his dinner and, laden down, adva

11、nces to the door to go back to the streets. (L14)gather up (L14/47): collect or pick gather sth. (together/up) 收拢、收集(分散的东西)e.g. The child gathered up his toys and put them away. 孩子把玩具收起来放好。She gathered up the pieces of broken dishes. 她把破碟子碎片收拾起来She gathered up her scattered belongings and left. 她把自己

12、的散乱物品收好就走了。4. Just as he reaches the door and begins to shift bundles to free a hand, a well-dressed man coming to the restaurant steps aside and holds the door for him. (L15-17)step aside: walk to one side; allow another person to take ones place, position, job.往旁边走一步,让位(给别人) e.g. Would you mind st

13、epping aside to let this lady off the bus? 你能不能往旁边走一步好让这位女士下车。He stepped aside to let m e pass. 他站到一边让我过去。 Step aside from a car when you cross a street. 过马路时小心车辆。Its time for me to step aside and let a younger person become chairman. 我该把主席的位子让给年轻人了。5. What struck me about this encounter was not the

14、 wealthier man helping out the less fortunate one. (L19)help (sb) out : help sb. esp in a difficult situation or a crisis 帮助某人(尤指摆脱困境或危难)e.g. Hes always willing to help (us) out when we are short of staff. 我们职员人手不足时,他总是急人之难。My mother helped me out when I lost my job. 在我失业时,是我母亲帮我摆脱困境的。A good diction

15、ary will help out in ones reading. 一部好词典对阅读是有帮助的。Tom has many mouths to feed. So his brother often helps out from his pay. 汤姆要养活家数口人,为此他的兄弟常从自己的工资里拿出一部分来接济他。6. It was the homeless man stopping to thank him despite being desperate to escape a room full of disapproving people. (L20-21)it 指代 what struc

16、k me about this encounter;stopping to thank him despite being desperate to escape a room full of disapproving people 修饰the homeless man; despite 是介词。desperate adj. 1) 感到绝望而不惜冒险的;拼命的;不顾一切的 2) attrib 凶暴的,犯法的 a criminal, act, robbery 3) pred for sth./to do sth.: in great need (of sth./to do sth.) 极需要某事

17、物/做某事7. No doubt he also thanked whoever had given him the money to buy dinner. (L21)no doubt: very probably; almost certainly无疑地,很可能, 肯定地,想必e.g. No doubt I learned a lot from that lecture. 毫无疑问,我从那个讲座中学到很多。 There is no doubt that he will come. 他一定会来。You have no doubt heard the news.你总已听到这个消息了吧。in d

18、oubt: in a condition of uncertaintye.g. When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary.without(a) doubt 毫无疑问,一定地(比no doubt更强调)e.g. Without doubt you have been working very hard.Dont worry, hell come back without doubt.8. to dish up (L23): to put (food) into dishes, ready to be eaten

19、 把(食物)装盘,盛在盘中端上(饭菜)e.g. Help me to dish up the vegetables. 帮我把蔬菜装盘子里。Mother dished the food up straight out of the pan. 母亲直接用锅把饭端上9. Had I taken a poll of the room, though, I bet everyone there would have considered themselves as having more manners than a person who lives on the streets. (L23-25)“h

20、ad I taken a poll of the room” 虚拟语气中的条件句,相当于“ If I had taken a poll of the room”。consider sb. as doing sth. 认为某人会虚拟语气的条件句中含有were, should, had时 ,可以把if省略同时把were, should, had提前放在句首构成倒装。如:1) Were he to take more exercise, he wouldnt be so fat.2) Had I known it, I would not have given him that wrong answ

21、er.3) Should you leave tonight, you might arrive in Beijing tomorrow evening.10. to expect of (L33) 对期望/要求to expect too much of sb: to think sb can do more than he can doe.g. You are expecting too much of her.That boys parents expected too much of him, with the inevitable result that they were disap

22、pointed, and he left home at the earliest opportunity.11. Manners are a tool to remind us of others around us. (L34)1) remind sb. of sth. 使想起 e.g. He reminds me of his brother. 我见到他便回想起了他的哥哥。That story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had.2) remind (sb.) that 使想起;提醒 e.g. The sig

23、ht of the clock reminded me that I was late.12. give-and-take (L35) n/adj give and take 有取有予,公平交易;互让的;互相迁就,让步e.g. Married life is said to be a matter of give-and-take. 婚姻生活就是要互相迁就。You can never say that one of you is right and the others wrong, and there has to be a bit of give-and-take on both side

24、s. 你不能说你们谁对谁错,双方必须互相迁就一点。13. However, if youth today are any indication, we are truly destined to become a society of people who think only of themselves. (L35-36)be destined to do sth./for sth.; be destined that命中注定;注定;预定e.g. Coming from a theatrical family, I was destined for a career on the stage

25、. 我生于戏剧工作者之家,注定了我的舞台生涯。They were destined never to meet again. 他们命中注定再也无缘相遇了。It was destined that they would marry。他们结婚是缘分。14. I never ran in public, much less between and around the legs of people in stores.(L39)even / much / still less: and certainly not; even less likely; and also not更不用说,更何况。更不会

26、/更谈不上,更不必说, 何况(用以表示前句含义加强后句含义)e.g. Hes too shy to ask a stranger the time, still/much less speak to a room full of people. 他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思,更不用说向一屋子人讲话了。Tom couldnt even pick up the box, much less carry it upstairs. 汤姆连箱子都拿不动,更别说搬上楼了。We fear no death, much/still less difficulties. 我们死都不怕,何况困难。The bab

27、y cant even walk, much less run. 宝宝连走路都不会,更别说跑。15. One scream and I would have been taken to the car and lectured on my behavior. (L40)lecture on / about 作演讲;讲课 give a lecture/coursee.g. She lectured a small class on modern drama.What did he lecture about?lecture sb. for/about scold or warn, especia

28、lly at some length (就某事)斥责或教训某人e.g. My father lectured me for smoking.The teacher lectured the boys severely for being lazy.The doctor lectured his patient about smoking too much。16. I have yet to receive an apology from a child who just ran over my foot while chasing a sibling, and only half the ti

29、me have the parents apologized. (L45-46)Often they simply gather up the children, making no eye contact, and take them to another part of the store to run around. (46-48)to run over (L45) a) to knock down and pass over the top of 在上跑过,撞倒e.g. The train ran over the poor fellow as he was crossing the

30、line.The car ran him over, but hes not seriously hurt.b)overflow 溢出e.g. The water ran over the edge of the jug.The cup was filled and the water in it was running around 在四处奔跑to run out:(of supplies, of a period of time) come to an ende.g. His strength ran out. Time is running run out

31、 of: use all ones supply of; have no more of to run into sb.: meet unexpectedlye.g. I ran into him now and then. 17. And what they are seeing is a society focused solely on acquisitionbe it the dream house or another drink in a restaurant or a space on a crowded freeway without ever stopping to than

32、k the source. (L56-59)本句是由whether引导的让步状语从句。正常句序为 whether it be the dream house or another drink in a restaurant or a space on a crowded freeway 。whether可以省略,系动词原形be提前。意思是:无论是获取一幢理想的房子,还是在餐馆里再要一杯饮料,或是在拥挤的高速路上占有一席之地。虚拟语气用在由 “whether” 引导的让步状语从句中,从句谓语用原形动词。例如:All engines work on this principle, whether they be large or small.所有发动机都按这一原理工作,无论它

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