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1、各种手工焊焊接位置的选取规范 各种手工焊焊接位置的选取规范各种焊接方法规范all kinds of welding method specification 1 手工电弧焊1 manual electric arc welding 1.1 有焊接工艺的按焊接工艺规定操作。1.1 as stipulated in the welding process of welding processes. 1.2 没焊接工艺的按焊条说明书的规定并参照下表选取合适的电流。1.2 no welding process according to provisions of the electrode manua

2、l and refer to the table below to select the appropriate current. 焊条直径(mm)电流(A)254040605080901301602202002701.3 焊条规格应要根据工件的厚度、坡口类型及焊接位置选取。1.3 electrode specification should be according to the thickness of the workpiece, groove type and welding position selection. 平焊位置焊条大直径为0mmFor fl

3、at position welding of large diameter 0 mm 横焊平角焊焊条最大直径为0mmHorizontal flat fillet welding electrode 0 mm in diameter 立焊和仰焊位置焊条最大直径宜为4.0mmVertical and overhead welding electrode position appropriate for 4.0 mm diameter 1.4 单层焊道坡口焊的最大厚度为6mm,角焊缝焊脚最大宽度为8mm。1.4 ensuring monolayer weld groove weld thicknes

4、s is 6 mm, maximum width of 8 mm fillet welding feet. 1.5 坡口底层焊道应采用3.2的焊条,底层根部焊道的最小尺寸不应太小,以防止产生裂纹。1.5 groove bottom bead should use electrode of 3.2, the root pass of the minimal size should not be too small, in order to prevent the cracks. 1.6 坡口多层焊道除打底层和盖面层外,每层增加的厚度不超过4mm。1.6 groove multilayer wel

5、d in addition to the layer and cover layer, each layer increase the thickness of no more than 4 mm. 1.7 立、仰、横焊电流应比平焊小10%左右,工件预热后焊接电流应比不预热时减小5%10%,采用直流电源时可交流电源时减少10%左右。1.7, upward and horizontal welding current should be smaller than flat welding is about 10%, after the workpiece preheating welding c

6、urrent should be reduced 5% 10% than when no preheating, using dc power to ac power reduced about 10%. 1.8 接头要求全焊透的坡口焊,如不用垫板则反面施焊前应先清根露出无缺陷的金属后再行施焊。1.8 joint requirements of full penetration groove welding, such as no plate increases opposite, it should first clear the root before welding metal show

7、 no defects after welding. 1.9 平焊时焊条角度应依据具体情况正确选择,焊接时熔池控制酿酒设备为始终如一的形状和大小。焊条直线速度不要过慢,以防熔渣过厚,看不清熔池,难于操作。1.9 when flat welding electrode Angle must be right choice according to the concrete situation, molten pool during welding control for consistent size and shape. Welding line speed too slow, in case

8、 of slag is too thick, see not pure molten pool, difficult to operate. 1.10立焊位置的施焊方向应自下而上。立焊时焊条角度应向下倾斜至60-80,电弧指向熔池中心,同时焊接电流不要太大以便控制熔池温度不至太高。采用短弧焊,可用半圆弧形的横向摆动如挑弧(灭弧)的操作法。用碱性低氢型焊条时,为防止酿酒设备产生气孔,应只将电弧拉长而不灭弧,焊第二层时,适当加大电流。1.10 vertical position of the welding direction should be from the bottom up. Verti

9、cal welding electrode Angle should be tilted down to 60 , 80 , arc to molten pool center, at the same time, welding current is not too large in order to control molten pool temperature not too high. Use short arc welding, arc available half circular transverse swing, such as pick (arcing) operation.

10、 With alkaline low hydrogen type electrode, to prevent blowholes, should will only arc not long arcing, when welding the second layer, appropriate increase the current. 1.11 仰焊应严格控制坡口两侧根部的很好熔合和焊波厚度不应太厚,以防止液体金属过多而下坠坡口角度应略大于平焊,泰安锅炉以保证操作方便。焊接带破口的仰焊焊缝的第一层时,焊条与焊接方向成7080角,用最短弧做前后推动动作,熔池宜薄不宜厚并确保与母材熔合良好。熔池温

11、度过高时可以抬弧,使温度稍微降低,焊接其余各层时,焊条横摆并在两侧做稳弧动作。1.11 overhead welding groove on both sides should strictly control the roots of good fusion and weld thickness should not be too thick, too much in order to prevent the liquid metal and drop should be slightly larger than welding groove Angle, to ensure conveni

12、ent operation. Welding take break up when the first layer of the weld, welding rod and welding direction into 70 80 Angle, using the shortest arc to do push action, before and after melting ChiYi thin shoulds not be thick with parent metal and ensure good fusion. Molten pool temperature is too high

13、you can lift arc, make the temperature lower a little, as the rest of the layers of welding, welding rod on both sides of horizontal pendulum and do arc stability. 1.12 横焊时上坡口处不作隐弧动作,并迅速带至下坡口根部上作微小的通风除尘设备横拉稳弧动作。坡口间隙小时,增大焊条倾角;间隙小时,可减速小倾角;如间隙太小时,可采用两道焊法。1.12 uphill when horizontal welding mouth should

14、 not be hidden arc action, and quickly to downhill mouth base on small transverse stabilizing arc movement. Groove clearance hours, increasing electrode Angle; Hours gap, can decelerate small Angle; Such as clearance too hours, two welding method can be used. 1.13 手工电弧焊、气焊及气体保护焊焊缝超口的基本形式与尺寸应参照GB985选

15、用。1.13 manual electric arc welding, gas welding and gas shielded welding welding mouth should consult GB985 choose basic form and size. 2 二氧化碳气体保护焊2 carbon dioxide gas shielded welding 2.1 二氧化碳气体保护焊所用的气瓶应配有预热器和流量计,气体纯度不得低于99.5%。当压力低于1.0MPa时,应停止使用。气体流量对焊丝直径小于或等于2mm应控制在1025L/min。大于2mm应控制在3050L/min。2.1

16、 the cylinders should be used in the co2 gas shielded welding with a preheater and flow meter, gas purity is not less than 99.5%. When the pressure below 1.0 MPa, should stop to use. Gas flow on the wire diameter less than or equal to 2 mm should be controlled in 10 25 l/min. Greater than 2 mm shoul

17、d be controlled in 30 50 l/min. 2.2 二氧化碳气体保护焊除根部和盖面层时,超口焊缝每层厚度不应超过4mm,当焊层的宽度超过16mm时,全部多道焊缝均应采用错层焊工艺。2.2 carbon dioxide gas shielded arc welding in addition to the roots and surface, the super mouth weld thickness of each layer shall not be more than 4 mm, when the width of the welding layer more tha

18、n 16 mm, more than all the welding seam shall be used wrong layer welding. 2.3 气体保护焊在操作时,应在室内进行,禁止在排风扇下工作。2.3 requires gas shielded welding machine, during operation should be performed indoors, banned under the fan work. 2.4 所有立仰横焊的施焊方法同手工电弧烛。2.4 all made application with manual arc welding method

19、of upward horizontal candle. 2.5 对于不带垫板且要求全熔透的坡口焊,背面施焊前应用风铲,碳弧气刨等清根。2.5 for without plate and require full penetration groove welding, on the back of the application of pneumatic shovel before welding, such as carbon arc air gouging the root. 2.6 水平对接二氧化碳气体保护焊焊接参数可参照下表选用。2.6 level docking carbon dioxide gas shielded welding welding parameters could be selected with reference to the table below. . .

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