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1、英语四1答案SHANDONG UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ENGLISH TESTFOR NON-ENGLISH MAJORS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION(本科第4册)I. Vocabulary and Structure (15%) There are 30 questions in this part. For each of the questions, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best answers the question.1. The old man

2、 put meat into the oven to _ for dinner.A. bake B. scorch C. roast D. heat2. _ disturbing her, the news had a strangely calming effect.A. While B. Nevertheless C. However D. Instead of3. Few would question the impact technology has had on education.A. doubt B. challenge C. ask questions D. complain4

3、. Instant Messenger is a program that enables friends to e-mail simultaneously. A. urgently B. from time to time C. immediately D. at the same time5. _ better or worse, England and France were connected by the Channel Tunnel in 1994. A. While B. As C. With D. For6. Parents should help their children

4、 to tap _ _ technologys ability to improve learning. A. to B. into C. of D. of7. They slaughtered us.A. killed B. bothered C. destroyed the will of D. defeated completely8. Human will is indomitable.A. dominating B. prevailing C. unconquerable D. yielding9. Warren coaxed the girls away from their mo

5、ther _ _ a promise of ice cream and assured Rebekah of their return the next day. A. with B. of C. on D. up10. The old lady was terrified _ _ crossing such a busy road. A. of B. off C. out D. upon11. The bank clerk _ the counterfeit money. A. picked B. tucked C. licked D. spotted12. There were forty

6、 people in the bus, _ the driver. A. measuring B. counting C. calculating D. reckoning13. The _ American family today has two or three children. A. mean B. average C. level D. casual14. Those who have worked for thirty years for the school should be given _ _ in this years salary rise. A. priority B

7、. seniority C. majority D. clarity15. Most of the things the captain has _ so far have worked out.A. said B. demanded C. suggested D. ordered16. He _ the right to enter the building when he wished.A. maintained B. declared C. stated D. claimed17. The early pioneers had to _ many hardships to settle

8、on the new land.A. go along with B. go back on C. go through D. go into18. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _ his argumentsin favorof the new theory.A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base19. You _ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.A

9、. shouldnt follow B. mustnt followC. couldnt have been following D. shouldnt have been following20. In the _ of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose upto $30 million.A. face B. time C. event D. course21. The firemen acted quickly because lives were _.A. at stake B. in despair

10、 C. out of condition D. out of danger22. Techniques to _ the energy of the sun are being developed. A. harness B. convert C. receive D. store23. I warned him to keep the matter _. A. confidential B. private C. safe D. personal24. The expected growth in happiness is vitiated by the effect of increase

11、s in aspiration _ to higher income. A. down B. on C. due D. up25. His prediction indicated the triumph of material wants _ _ humanity. A. over B. against C. to D. on26. There is a(n) _ need for environmental protection in industrialized areas of this country. A. pressed B. impressive C. pressing D.

12、necessary27. He saw the _ of his face in the mirror. A. image B. picture C. portrait D. drawing28. The _ of the sleepy town was shattered by a tremendous explosion. A. senility B. serenity C. seniority D. scarcity29. He was absent _ the meeting. A. at B. on C. from D. at30. This drug industry is dev

13、oted _ promoting the health index of aged people. A. to B. with C. at D. uponII. Cloze (10%) There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.He discovered from the timetable that the train was

14、_(31)_ in twenty minutes. Edgar settled himself into a (32) , worried in case when people saw him they would all wonder _(33)_ a child like him was making a train journey alone. He sighed with _(34)_ when at last he heard the first sound of the train and then saw it roar inthe train _(35)_ was to ta

15、ke him out into the world.As he climbed _ (36)_ he noticed his ticket was second-class. He _ (37)_ always traveled first-class before and again he felt that everything had changed. There were differences he had never _ (38)_ before. His _ (39)_ companions were not _ (40)_ those he usually met. Some

16、Italian workmen with hard hands and rough voices sat opposite, _ (41) _ spades and shovels, and looked out with dull, blank expressions. They had been working to _(42) _ money, Edgar _(43) _, but he could not imagine how much it could be. He became _(44) _ for the first time that he was accustomed a

17、s a matter of course to an air of comfortable ease in his (45) , and there was so much he knew nothing about.Edgar began to see many things from that narrow compartment with its windows to the (46) world. He _ _(47) _ out of the window with new eyes. And it seemed to him that he saw everything in it

18、s proper light for the first time.Houses fled by as _ (48) _ blown away by the wind, and this made him think about the people who lived in them. Were they _(49) _ or poor? Happy or miserable? Did they _ (50) _, as he did, to know everything?31. A. close B. around C. due D. down32. A. district B. cor

19、ner C. quarter D. area33. A. why B. what C. where D. which34. A. relation B. reliance C. relapse D. relief35. A. it B. what C. that D. this36. A. board B. aboard C. broadened D. abroad37. A. had B. would C. has D. should38. A. looked B. noted C. watched D. seen39. A. trip B. voyage C. traveling D. j

20、ourney40. A. as B. alike C. for D. like41. A. holding B. grasping C. setting D. missing42. A. hold B. grab C. earn D. obtain43. A. noticed B. thought C. saw D. sought44. A. clever B. tense C. sleepy D. aware45. A. life B. world C. career D. work46. A. outer B. outside C. inner D. inside47. A. looked

21、 B. saw C. peeped D. watched48. A. like B. however C. yet D. though49. A. lucky B. happy C. rich D. fortunate50. A. strong B. short C. lengthy D. longIII. Reading Comprehension (40%)There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some True-False questions or Multiple-Choice questions.

22、 Choose among A, B, C, and D or between T and F to answer each question.Passage 1Tobacco was first used by the people of pre-Columbian Americas. Native Americans apparently cultivated the plant and smoked it in pipes for medicinal and ceremonial purposes.Christopher Columbus brought a few tobacco le

23、aves and seeds with him back to Europe, but most Europeans didnt get their first taste of tobacco until the mid-16th century, when adventurers and diplomats like Frances Jean Nicotfor whom nicotine is namedbegan to popularize its use. Tobacco was introduced to France in 1556, Portugal in 1558, Spain

24、 in 1559, and England in 1565.The first successful commercial crop was cultivated in Virginia in 1612 by Englishman John Rolfe. Within seven years, it was the colonys largest export. Over the next two centuries, the growth of tobacco as a cash crop fueled the demand in North America for slave labor.

25、At first, tobacco was produced mainly for pipe-smoking, chewing, and snuff. Cigars didnt become popular until the early 1800s. Cigarettes, which had been around in crude form since the early 1600s, didnt become widely popular in the United States until after the civil war, with the spread of “Bright

26、” tobacco, a uniquely cured yellow leaf grown in Virginia and North Carolina. Cigarette sales surged again with the introduction of the “White Burley” tobacco leaf and the invention of the first practical cigarette-making machine, sponsored by tobacco baron James Buchanan “Buck” Duke, in the late 18

27、80s.The negative health effects of tobacco were not initially known; in fact, most early European physicians subscribed to the Native American belief that tobacco can be an effective medicine.By the early 20th century, with the growth in cigarette smoking, articles addressing the health effects of s

28、moking began to appear in scientific and medical journals. In 1930, researchers in Cologne, Germany, made a statistical correlation between cancer and smoking. Eight years later, Dr. Raymond Pearl of Johns Hopkins University reported that smokers do not live as long as non-smokers. By 1944, the Amer

29、ican cancer society began to warn about possible ill effects of smoking, although it admitted that “no definite evidence exists” linking smoking and lung cancer.A statistical correlation between smoking and cancer had been demonstrated; but no causal relationship had been shown. More importantly, th

30、e general public knew little of the growing body of statistics.That changed in 1952, when Readers Digest published an article detailing the dangers of smoking. The effect of the article was enormous: similar reports began appearing in other periodicals, and the smoking public began to take notice. T

31、he following year, cigarette sales declined for the first time in over two decades.The tobacco industry responded swiftly. By 1954 the major U.S. tobacco companies had formed the Tobacco Industry Research Council to counter the growing health concerns. With counsel from TIRC, tobacco companies began

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