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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7知识点整理.docx

1、Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7知识点整理Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7Section A1. help的用法(1)help sb do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”I can help you learn English.(2)help sb to do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事” I can help you to learn English.(3)help sb with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事” I can help you with (learn

2、ing) English.Our teacher always helps us _ our English.A. for B. into C. to D. with2. with the help of sb=with ones help意为“在某人的帮助下” with the help of him=with his help.在他的帮助下With the help of policemen,we found our lost child.Linda is not good at Chinese,but she passed the exams_the help of her classm

3、ates.A.with B.under C.without3. 在招待客人时,我们可以说:help oneself to sth意为“随便吃”。 Tom, help yourself to some bread,please. Children,help yourselves to some bread,please.4. cant/couldnt help doing sth意为“情不自禁地做某事,忍不住做某事” She couldnt help crying when she heard the news.5. try ones best to do sth意为“尽某人的最大努力去做某事”

4、.We must try our best to finish the work in two days.6. be strict with sb“对某人要求严格”be strict in sth“对某事要求严格”The teacher should be strict with the students and the students should be strict in their study.Mr Wang is quite strict his son and his work.A. with;with B. with;in C. in;in D. in;with7. (1)lea

5、rn to do sth意为“学习做某事”My younger brother is learning English.(2)learn from意为“向学习”We must learn from Lei Feng. (3)learn by oneself意为“自学”He learns French by himself. (4)learn about意为“了解,知道”The more you learn about the Chinese history,the more you enjoy living in China.8. 乐器前必须加定冠词the,球类运动前不加任何冠词。 play

6、the piano 弹钢琴 play soccer踢足球 Dave doesnt like playing_volleyball,but he likes playing_piano. A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/9. advise doing sth“建议做某事” advise sb to do sth“建议某人做某事” Mrs Brown advises us to eat healthy food. I advise waiting till the right time.10.break用作名词时,意为“休息;休息时间”。take a break意为“

7、休息一会儿” Shes worked for 27 hours without a break. Weve been busy for hours.Wed better take a break.11.表示“吃药”时,常用take the medicine,一般不用eat或 drink。 I took some medicine for my headache just now.12.instruction意为“指示,说明”时常用复数形式instructions. He gave really clear instructions during PE class. The instructio

8、ns on the medicine box are very confusing. Youd better read the_first before you use the camera. A.websites B.expressions C.instructions patient with sb对某人有耐心 be patient of sth忍耐某事 You should learn to be patient. I am patient with my out意为“解决;算出”;另外,work out还有“结果

9、为”之意,work out fine/well意为“奏效”。This problem is so hard that I cant work it out.Everything is working out well.15. no matter what=whatever意为“无论什么” no matther where=wherever无论在哪 no matter when=whatwhen无论什么时候 No matter what you say,I wont believe you. _I am in trouble,my best friend Li Lei always helps

10、me. A.Whenever B.Whatever C.However sb to do sth “指导某人做某事” guide sb to +某地“指引某人去某地” He can guide you to find the way. I guided him to his seat.17.encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”encourage sb in sth“在方面鼓励某人/助长某人的某种行为”Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves.Dont enc

11、ourage him in laziness.Jessicas parents always encourage her_out her opinions.A.speak B.speaking speak D.will speak.18.prepare for意为“为作准备”; I cant go to the movies with you because I have to prepare for an exam. prepare to do sth“准备做某事”Taking out a piece of paper,he prepared to write to his par

12、ents.19.have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself意为“做某事很开心”后面都接动词-ing形式。We had a good time in the park yesterday afternoon.(同义句转换)We in the park yesterday afternoon.20.wish to do sth “希望做某事”We wish to live in a big house with a big garden.wish sb to do sth “希望某人做某事”We wish our teacher to join us.What

13、are you going to do when you grow up?I singer,but my parents wish me_a be C.will be D.be21.hope to do 意为“希望做某事”不可用于hope sb to do sth.结构I hope to go to Beijing. 22.Its time for sth意为“该是(做)的时候了” Boys and girls,its time for class. Its time (for sb )to do sth意为“该是(某人)做某事的时候了” Its time

14、to go to school. Its time for you to clean the classroom.23.graduate from意为“从毕业” Tom graduated from the university last year.24.lovely 意为“可爱的;美丽的;美好的”You look lovely with your short hair.lively意为“生动的,活泼的,有生机的” Mr Brown always makes his class lively.(1)Mr Brown always makes his class and keeps his st

15、udents in class.A.alive;interesting B.lively;interesting C.alive;interested D.lively;interested(2) Those toys for children look_and sell_. A.good;lovely B.lovely;good C.well;lovely D.lovely;well25.情态动词have to和must的区别have to意为“必须,不得不”表示客观的需求,有人称、数和时态的变化。能用于过去时或将来时。dont have to意为“不必” must意为“必须”表示说话人主观

16、上的看法,只有一种形式。不能用于过去时和将来时。mustnt表示禁止,意为“绝对不能”I must do my homework now. 我现在必须做作业了。(主动)I have to do my homework now. 我现在不得不做作业了。(被动)(1)You wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain.A.cant B. shouldnt C. mustnt D.have to(2)Dad,must we wait until the light becomes green? Yes,Im afraid we .Thats the tra

17、ffic rule.A.can B.may C.have to D.need26. need的用法(1)need做实义动词时后跟动词不定式和动名词两种形式,后跟不定式和动名词的区别当主语是人时,后跟动词不定式,即need to do sth意为“需要做某事”,用于肯定句I am tired,I need to have a good rest.当主语是物时,后接动名词,即need doing.“需要被做”My hair is long,it need cutting.(2) need做情态动词时,后跟动词原形,一般用于否定句和疑问句中.在回答need引导的疑问句时,其肯定回答用must;在回答

18、 must引导的疑问句中,其否定回答用 neednt如Need I go to the party tomorrow evening? Yes,you must/No,you neednt/you dont have toMust I go home now?Yes,you must/No,you neednt/No,you dont have to(1)Must I be in hospital for a week,Doctor?No,you .You can go back home tomorrow.A.mustnt B. neednt C. must(2)You need _(add

19、) some red sugar to the soup.(3)The bike is broken,it need .(repair)27.have problems with sth意为“在某方面有困难” I have problems with my English sometimes have problems in doing sth意为“做某事有困难” We had some problems getting to the top of the mountain. I have great_in finishing the work by myself.Could you help

20、 me?No B.success C.advice D.difficulty28.go by意为“(时间)过去;消逝” Two years went by. Time goes by quickly on vacation.29.记住几表示“最后”的短语(1)in the end= at last= finally(in the end后面没词)In the end they reached a place of safety.(2)at the end of 意为“在的最后”(at the end of 后面必须有词)at the end of the road在路

21、的尽头 at the end of the class在这节课的末尾(3)by the end of意为“到结束时”,常用于过去完成时。By the end of last year,I had written two books.At the end of the street youll find it._ the end, they found a supermarket_ the end of the roadA.At; inB.In; at C.In; byD.By; atSection B1. believe in表示信任某人,相信某人的价值,也可指“信仰、信奉(真理、宗教)等。

22、I believe in his good character. Some people believe in God. believe表示相信某人所说的话,与这个人的品质无关。 I believe you.=I believe what you said.2. 区分receive 和accept(1)receive意为“收到”,强调客观上收到,但并不一定接受。receive a letter from sb“收到的来信”相当于get a letter from sb /hear from sb(2)accept意为“接受”,强调主观上接受。Yesterday I received a gif

23、t but I didnt accept it.(1)He says he has received her letter.(同义项替换)A.heard from her B. heard of her C.written to her D. known something about her(2)Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight,Kate?Id love to,but I_Lindas invitation to dinner yesterday.A.suffered B.earned C.received D.

24、accepted3. thanks for意为“因而感谢”,后跟感谢的原因。thanks to意为“多亏;由于”,后跟感谢的对象。有时可与with the help of互换。Thanks to my teacher,I can finish the work on time.Thanks_joining the Talk Show!Youre B.on C.of D.for4. attend意为“参加”。用于参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼,去上课、上学,听报告等。 Hell attend an important meeting tomorrow.5. energy不可

25、数名词,意为“活力;精力”。 energetic“充满活力的,精力充沛的” Young people usually have lots of energy. He is an energetic basketball player. Jennifer takes a lot of exercises every day and she is always full of_. A.knowledge C.change D.courage6. be thirsty for意为“渴望,渴求” Young men should be thirsty for knowledge.7.

26、 deal with“处理”常与how连用,侧重于解决问题,强调处理问题的方法。do with“处理”一般与what搭配使用,侧重于对某物的利用。He has learned to deal with his problem. What do you do with your camera?(1)How would you like to deal the broken windows?A.with B.on students dont know how to_stress and become worried.I think theyd better ask

27、 their teachers for help.A.argue with with C.quarrel with D.come up with8. grow up意为“长大”。What do you think Peter wants to be when he g up?A doctor, I guess.9. so many+可数名词复数,意为“如此多的”,so much+不可数名词,意为“如此多的”,so liltte+不可数名词,意为“如此少的”,so few+可数名词复数,意为“如此少的”。 They used to have_time that they could

28、 see movies every day. much many C.such much D.such many10. be proud of=take pride in意为“为感到自豪,为骄傲” The young mother took pride in her son.=The young mother was proud of her son. (1)Mom,I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job,Jack.Im of you. A.careful B.proud C.tired

29、raid (2)Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now. Yes,theyre_our nation. A.proud of B.pleased with C.the pride of D.known for11.consider doing sth=think about doing sth意为“考虑做某事” Im considering changing my job. I dont know where to go this summer vacation. Why not_visiting Huanggang? There are m

30、any places of interest there. A.suggest B.wonder C.consider D.regard12. fail to do sth.“没能做成某事” He failed to catch up with the in sth“不及格;没通过” Li Ming failed (in) the English test.Im sorry to hear that you the math test last term.A. pass B. passed C. failed D. fail13.ahead of意为“(在空间或时间上比

31、某人或某事)更前,更早”或“比更先进;领先” He left one day ahead of me.他比我早走一天。 (1)指时间或空间的“在之前” He is always ahead of the age.他总在走在时代的前面。 (2)表示“比强(高),主要用作表语。Hes ahead of me in English. (3)ahead of time意为“提前;提早”,也可表示为 ahead of schedule The work was done ahead of time. He finished his job ahead of schedule.14.make mistakes in=make a mistake in“在方面犯错误” I used to make mist

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