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越狱第一季 第02集 中英对照剧本.docx

1、越狱第一季 第02集 中英对照剧本第2集 - Previously on Prison Break. 越狱前情提要 - I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield. 我觉得我有责任让你了解监狱里的真实情Scofield先生 - Why do you want to see Burrows so bad, anyhow? 为什么你那么想见 Burrows - Because hes my brother. 因为他是我的哥哥 - So you get yourself tossed into

2、Fox River with him? 所以为了和他一起,你就把自己送进福克斯河州立监狱? - To what. save him? 为了什么救他? - .and whoever it was that set me up, 不管是谁陷害我 - wants me in the ground as quickly was possible. 都想让我尽早下地狱 - Look, the closer it gets, 听着,他们走得越近 - the more Im worried that the bottom is gonna fall out of this whole thing. 我就越担

3、心整件事会被人揭个底朝天 - Thats the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi. 就是这个狗娘养的告发Abruzzi - Someone found Fibanacci. 有人找 到Fibanacci了 - Who was this someone? 你说的“有人”是指谁? - Whyd you hire him? 你为什么要雇他? - Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 亲近你的朋友,更要亲近你的敌人 - Hey, come at me, John. 嗨,过来,John - Im com

4、ing after you. 我要跟你 - I doubt it. 我不信 - Im getting you out of here. 我会带你从这儿出去 - Its impossible. 毫无可能 - Not if you designed the place, it isnt. 如果是你设计了这地方,那就有可能 - Youve seen the blueprints. 你看过设计图 - Better than that. 不只如此 - Ive got them on me. 我已经纹 在身上了 - Youre anticipating every one of my moves, thr

5、ee moves in advance. 你预见到我走的每一步棋,预先三步 - Youre a hell of a strategist, Fish. 你真他妈是个战略家,Fish - You ever think about Boston? 你还在想波士顿? - Sure. Sure.当然 - Think youll ever see it again? 想你永远也看不到了? - Im a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket. 我已经六十岁了,还有年刑期 - What do you think? 你在想什么? - Im thinki

6、ng about going. 我在想离开,Ed - Well, theres goin and theres goin. 有这种离开(释放),也有那种“离开”( 越狱) - Which one you mean? 你说的是哪一种? - The one you think I mean. 你想的那种 - Three days inside, and hes already thinking about turning rabbit. 在里面待了三天,他已经在考虑怎么变成兔子了 - Itll pass. 这种想法会过去的 - It always does. 总是如此 - Theres bigge

7、r things to worry about at the moment. 目前更应该担心的是其他事 - Ive been in here long enough to know it when I see it. 我待在这里已经久到一看就知道会发生什么 - The calm before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静 - Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here. 这里的白人和黑人很快就有 一场火拼 - Everybody chooses sides, and a lot of guys bleed. 每个人都

8、会选一派加入,很多人会受伤 - There a reason? 有原因吗? - Same reason you dont put cats and dogs in the same cage. 原因就是你不能把猫和狗关在同一个笼子里 - They dont get along. 他们无法相处 - Hmm. 嗯 - What? 怎么 了? - Toilet wont flush. 抽水马桶不能冲水了 - So? 那又怎么样? - Means only one thing- 只意味着一件事 - The DIRT shuts off the water, so you cant flush your

9、 contraband. 所有的违禁品都将会被充公,有污物塞住了下水道,因此你就不能冲掉违禁品 - We got nothing to worry about. 我们没什么可担心的 - Says you! 去你的! - Under the table. 在桌子下面 - What the hell is this? 这究竟是什么? - Insurance, white boy. Now dump it! 安全的保 障,小白脸,马上扔了! - Open it. 开门 - So. 这么说 - tooling up for the race riot, are we? 你们都装备好准备种族暴乱了? -

10、 Hand it over. 交出来 - Rugheads and the billies. Rugheads帮和Billies帮 - Now, which side are you on anyhow, Fish? 你帮哪一派, Fish? - That would be neither, boss. 一派都不帮,头儿 - Maybe youre gonna go extracurricular with it then. 那或许你是想在课外活动时带着它 - Stick a C.O., maybe. 用来刺狱警 - Is there a problem here, Deputy? 有问题吗,

11、副警长? - Got a shank in here. 在这儿找到一把带柄小 刀 - Is this yours? 是你的? - Youre not a good liar. 你不是个擅于说谎的人 - Come on, Sucre, youre going to the SHU. 出来,Sucre,到隔离室去 - Move along, Deputy. 走吧,副警长 - Im not done shaking this cell down yet. 我还没搜完这间 - I said move along. 我说走吧 - In the old mans back pocket, are you?

12、 你是这个老 男人罩着的? - Well, I got news for you, Fish. 有件事我要提醒你,Fish - He may run this place during the day, 白天或许是他掌管这里 - but I run it during the night. 但晚上就是我掌管了 越狱第二集 - The hell were you thinking, Michael? 告诉我你是怎么想的, Michael - How are we doing it? 我们该怎么做? - The infirmary. 医务室 - Infirmary? 医务室? - Its the

13、weakest link in the security chain. 那是安全监管链中最薄弱的一环 - As long as I get that PUGNAc, 只要我能弄到PUGNAc - Ill get all the access I need. 我就能进任何我想进的 地方 - What the hells a PUGNAc? 到底什么是PUGNAc? - It lowers my insulin levels to the point that Im hyperglycemic. 它可以将我体内的胰岛素含量降低到一定程度让我患上高血糖 - As long as the good d

14、octor thinks Im diabetic, 只要医生认为我是糖尿病人 - Ill have plenty of time in there to do what I need to do. 我就 有足够的时间待在那儿做我想做的事 - Which is? 哪些事? - A little work. 一点工作 - A little prep for your arrival. 为你的到来做一点准备工作 - Thats the idea, anyway. 总之,这就是整个计划 - The idea? 计划? - Theres a little hitch in getting the PUG

15、NAc, thats all. 要弄到PUGNAc会有些困难,但仅此而已 - They dont exactly stock it at the commissary. 他们并不总是把它存放在仓库里 - Youre telling me this whole things riding on a bunch of pills. 你是在告诉我整个计划就依赖于几片药 - Someones working on it as we speak. 有人已 经按我们所说付诸于行动了 - Nows not the time to be trusting a black inmate, Michael. 现在

16、不是相信一个黑人的时候,Michael - Our relationship transcends race. 我们的关系超越种族 - Nothing transcends race in here. 在这里没有任何事能超越种族 - I cant let you do it. 我 不能让你这么干 - Good behavior, youre out of here in three years. 表现好点,你三年内就能离开这里 - Gonna be a whole lot sooner than that. 越狱的话比那可快多了 - Cant be done. 不能这么干 - Cant be

17、done, Michael. 不能这么干,Michael - No ones ever broken out of Fox River. 从没有人能 在Fox River监狱越狱成功 - Every single steps already been mapped out. 每一个步骤都已经详细的制订出来 - Every contingency. 包括每件可能发生的事 - Every contingency? 每件可能发生的事? - You may have the blueprints of this place, 你或许已有这地方的 设计图 - but theres one thing t

18、hose plans cant show you- people, 但有一件事是难以计划的人 - guys like Abruzzi- 像Abruzzi这样的人 - you so much as look at these cats the wrong way, theyll cut you up. 你要是太小看他们,他们就会毫不留情的剁碎你 - As far as the rest of these guys are concerned 要把这些人的因素都考虑进去 - Im just another con doing his time. 我就只是个乖乖服刑的囚犯 - Staying out

19、 of trouble. 置身事外就行了 - Your dont go looking for trouble in here, it just finds you. 在这里不是你找麻烦,而是麻烦找你 - And when it does, well be long gone. 而只要麻烦找上你了,我们就都完了 - This is madness. 叹气太疯狂了 - You cant even get out of your cell. 你甚至连你自己待的牢房都出不去 - Not true. 此言差矣 - What, you got a key? 什么,你弄到钥匙了? - Something

20、like that. 类似的东西 - Wrong piece of real estate, Fish. 这块地方的任何一样东西,Fish - Belongs to T-Bag. 都属于T-Bag - Who? 谁? - You best speak with respect, Fish. 你说话最好放尊重点,Fish - Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in Bama, 这个人在阿尔巴马州绑架了六个少男少女 - raped em and killed em. 强奸并杀害了他们 - Wasnt always in that orde

21、r, either. 当然也不并都按这个顺序(先杀后奸) - Does T-Bag have a real name? T-Bag真名是什么? - That is my real name. 这就是我的真名 - No, no, no. Please. sit. 不,不,不,请坐 - So youre the new one I been hearin all the rave reviews about. 你就是那个新来的,我已经听到很多关于你的好话 - Scofield. Scofield - One things for sure, youre just as pretty as adve

22、rtised. 有一点是肯定的,你就如传闻所言那么漂亮 - Prettier, even. 甚至更漂亮 - Rugheads got you scared, do they? Rugheads那帮人让你很害怕吧? - Sorry? 什么? - Assume thats why youre over here. 我想这也是为什么你一个人在这儿的原因 - Few days on the inside, 在里面待过一些日子 - any God-fearing white man realizes the correctional systems 任何虔诚的白 人都知道 - got a serious

23、 lean toward the African-American persuasion. 劳改制度对黑人一方有严重的偏袒 - I hadnt noticed. 我没注意到 - They got the numbers all right, so they think they do as they please. 他们在数量上占据优势,他们以为这样就能为所欲为 - We got one thing they dont- 但我们有 一样他们没有的 - surprise. 那就是出奇制胜 - We gonna take the ball game to them real soon. 很快我们之

24、间就会有一场竞赛 - Its gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you, 像你这样的新手 - but well protect you. Ill protect you. 这或许会有些令人厌恶,但我们会保护你 ,我很保护你 - All you got to do is. 你所要做的就是 - take this pocket right here, 抓住这个口袋 - and your lifell be all peaches and cream. 你的生活从此将完美无缺 - I walk, you walk with me. 我走到哪里,你就跟我到哪里

25、 - Keep you real close, so no one up in here can hurt you. 和你保持亲密,这里就没人会伤害你 - Looks to me you already got a girlfriend. 照我看来你已经有个女朋友了 - I got a whole nother pocket over here. 我这里还有另一个口袋 - Ill pass. 我放弃 - I dont protect you, 我不保护你 - them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas. 他

26、们 Rugheads帮就会像吃一盘黑眼豌豆一样把你生吞活剥了 - I said no. 我说不 - Then you best move, then. 那你最好赶快滚 - Now. 现在 - You come around these bleachers again, 你再到露天看台来 - its gonna be more than just words were exchanging. 我们交流 的就不仅仅是语言了 - Know what Im saying? 明白我的意思吗? - Excuse me. 打扰一下 - Are you the Tim Giles that represent

27、ed Lincoln Burrows? 你就是Lincoln Burrows的代理律师Tim Giles吗? - Okay, if youre a reporter. 好吧,如果你是 个记者 - Im not a reporter. I know the defendant personally. 我不是记者,就我个人而言,我认识被告 - Huh. You family? 哦,你的家人? - Not exactly. 并不完全是 - We were in a relationship a few years back. 我们交往过几年 - Well, look, maam, I, uh. 听着

28、,夫人,我,呃 - I-I dont know what to tell you. I mean, the man was guilty. 我不知道该怎么跟你说,我是说,这个人确实有罪 - The prosecutions case was a slam dunk. 控方起诉的这个案子证据确凿 - Because the victim was the Vice Presidents brother. 因为受害人是副总统的弟弟 - If youre suggesting that the federal government rammed this thing through, 如果你是在暗示,

29、是联邦政府强行促成整件事的 - okay, I take offense to that, cause I fought for that guy. 好吧,我对你的这种说法很生气,因为是我在努力为这个人辩护 - Thats not what I meant. 我不是这个意思 - The evidence was there. 证据 明摆着 - Lincoln worked for Steadmans company. Lincoln在Steadman的公司工作 - He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired

30、. 他和此人发生过公开的争吵,因此他被解雇了 - Two weeks later, Steadmans shot dead. 两周后,Steadman头部遭枪击死亡 - The murder weapon is found in Lincolns house, 在 Lincoln的住所找到了凶器 - and the victims blood found on his clothes. 他的衣服上又留有受害人的血迹 - Trust me, there are cases you lose sleep over, but 相信我,是有些案子会让你担心到睡不着觉 - this isnt one o

31、f em. 但不会是这个案子 - What about Crab Simmons? 那 Crab Simmons呢? - Lincoln said he could exonerate him. Lincoln说他能够证明他是无罪的 - Why didnt you put him on the stand? 为什么你不让他出庭作证? - The mans a five-time felon, all right? 这个人是曾五次坐牢的重犯 - He-He. He had no credibility. 他他,轻笑 他的证词不具有可信性 - So, you wouldnt mind if I paid him a visit. 那你应该不会介意我去拜访一下他吧 - Be my guest, but I dont think itd do you any good. 请便,但我不认为这么做会给你带来什么好处 - Strange feeling. I dont know how to

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