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29B unit 3 复习教案.docx

1、29B unit 3 复习教案授课教案授课教师: 班主任: 胡袁鑫 授课时间: 2014 年 1 月 18 日 9:00 时 11:15 时 本次授课内容课程名称 初三 一对一年级初三应到/实到人数1/1课题名称 9 unit 3 知识点+语法复习是否多媒体教学 是 否教学目标1、掌握A unit 2知识点2、掌握9B unit 3知识点3、掌握9B unit 3语法:状语从句重点难点1、让步状语从句2、条件状语从句中从句的时态问题3、目的状语从句学生知识弱点以及针对性教学学生情况分析1、性格活跃,比较容易接受新的事物2、英语基础比较好3、薄弱点是基本的词汇、短语记得不牢4、家长期望成绩能更上

2、一层楼5、学生上课后反应都能接受,消化能力也不错针对性教学1、学生基础较好,词汇语法方面可涉及高一的知识2、学习重点放在打基础上,尤其要注重翻译句子、首字母、填空等题型上3、积极鼓励,增强学习的信心教学主管批阅意见:授课学案授课教师: 班主任:胡袁鑫 授课时间: 2014 年 1 月 18 日 9:00 时 11:15 时 跟踪上次授课情况上次授课回顾 完全掌握 基本掌握 部分掌握 没有掌握作业完成情况 全部完成 基本完成 部分完成 没有完成本次授课内容授课标题 9 unit 3 知识点+语法复习学习目标1、掌握A unit 2知识点2、掌握9B unit 3知识点3、掌握9B unit 3语

3、法:状语从句重点难点1、让步状语从句2、条件状语从句中从句的时态问题3、目的状语从句授课内容牛津英语9B Unit 3 复习讲义一、重点词汇重点词语搭配be filled with “充满”take sth. with sb “把某物带在某人身边”be full of “充满”leave A for B “离开A地去B地”At the centre of Beijing is the Forbidden City. 紫禁城位于北京市中心。forbidden主要用作形容词,意思为“被禁止的、禁用的”。如: Parking forbidden. 禁止停车。 We mustnt enter the

4、forbidden zone. 我们不能进入禁区。forbid作动词,有“禁止”“不准”“妨碍”的意思。它的过去式和过去分词是forbade和forbidden。如: Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum. 博物馆内严禁摄影。 Smoking is forbidden here. 这里禁止抽烟。 My father forbade me to watch television. = My father forbade my watching television.我父亲不准我看电视。The emperors of the Ming an

5、d Qing dynasties used to live here.明朝和清朝的皇帝过去常常住在这里。used to do表示“过去常常做某事”,言外之意就是现在已不是如此,因此没有现在时,后面总是跟不定式。如: It used to be a very rich village. 这个村子以前很富。be used to +名词或动名词表示“习惯于某事或做某事”,这里to为介词,后面的动词须用-ing形式。如:Im used to dealing with matters of this kind. 我已习惯于处理这类事。 Youll get used to that in time. 你很

6、快就会对此习惯的。 Ive become used to such food. 我已习惯吃这样的食品。be used to do表示“被用来做某事”,这里be used是被动语态,后面接不定式。如: This room is used to store rice. 这间屋是用来存放稻谷的。It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists.它(天安门广场)是世界上最大的广场,并总是挤满了游客。fill是动词,意思是“(使)充满”“(使)装满”,表示一个动作。如: Please fill the gla

7、ss with water. 请把杯子注满水。 He filled the bag with clothes. 他把包装满衣服。fill也可表示一个状态,相当于be filled with,但表达形式不同,请注意下面的表达法。 Smoke filled the room. = The room was filled with smoke. 房间里浓烟弥漫。 Tears filled her eyes. = Her eyes were filled with tears. 她眼睛里充满了泪水。 People were filled with pleasure at the news. 听了这个消

8、息,人们心中充满了喜悦。full是形容词,意思是“满的”“充满的”。Be full of = be filled with,都表示状态,但介词搭配不一样。如: The bag is full of (或filled with) books.包里装满了书。 His homework was full of (或filled with ) mistakes. 他的作业里都是错。Many of them gather hereto watch the raising of the national flag at sunrise every day.每天,他们中有许多人在太阳升起的时候聚集在这里看升

9、国旗。gather用作动词,意为“集合”“聚集”“靠拢”。如: Thousands of people gathered for the rock concert.数以千计的群众聚集起来听摇滚音乐会。raise与rise的用法raise (raised, raised)作及物动词,表示“抚养”“养育”;raise还有“饲养”“喂养”“种植”“提出”“举起”“抬起”“提高”的意思。如: The old lady raised six orphans in her life. 这位老太太一生抚养了六个孤儿。 Where was he raised? 他是在哪里长大的? His job is to

10、raise pigs. 他的工作就是养猪。 She raised her eyes and stared at them. 她举目盯着他们。 The peoples living standards have been greatly raised.人民的生活水平有了很大提高。rise (rose, risen)用作不及物动词,意为“上升”“升起”“增长”“提高”“起身”。作“上升”讲时是指继续上升,常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、水蒸气等;也可以指温度计、体温、物体、水位、职位等方面的上升。如: Look! The moon is rising. 瞧!月亮升起来了。 She has had a h

11、igh fever, and her temperature is still rising. 她发高烧,体温还在上升。 The master rose from his chair with the teaching stick in his hand.老师手里拿着教鞭从座位上站起来。 His book has risen in value, and he has risen in rank.他写的书升值了,他也随着升级了。【注】raise和rise有时可用来描述同一事情,但含义有所不同。试比较: The price of tomatoes has been raised recently.

12、最近西红柿的价格上涨了。(价格的上涨可能是由于政府或其他方面的原因) The price of tomatoes has risen recently. 西红柿最近涨价了。(说明价格自身上涨) Our living standard has risen in the past few years.Our living standard has been raised in the past few years.近几年来,我们的生活水平提高了。 He raised the child from the ground. (强调把孩子扶起来 The child rose from the groun

13、d. (强调孩子自己站起来) He lifted the child up from the ground. (强调用劲儿扶起)19. It is a famous Chinese-style garden built in a natural landscape.这是一座建在自然风光基础之上的著名的中国式的园林建筑群落。famous用作形容词,意为“著名的”“出名的”“值得注意的”。如:be famous for意为“以而出名”,其主语可以是人也可以是物,for后的宾语说明出名的原因。如: The area is famous for its green tea. 这个地区以绿茶而出名。 F

14、rance is famous for its fine foodd and wine. 法国以其佳肴和美酒而闻名。be famous as意为“以某种身份而闻名、出名”,as后的宾语与主语是同位成分如: Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家著称。 The actor is more famous as a writer. 那位演员的作家身份较为有名。 Wang Junxia is famous as a good runner. 王军霞是一位很著名的长跑运动员It consists mainly of a hill a

15、nd a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area.颐和园由万寿山和昆明湖(人工湖)构成主体框架,里面亭台楼阁、殿堂厅室、塔航桥关,应有尽有。consist of意为“由组成”“由构成”。如: The book consists of eight chapters. 那书共有八章。 Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 水由氢和氧组成。 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.联

16、合王国由大不列颠与北爱尔兰两部分组成。3. It is a long wall which runs more than 5,000 kilometers across northern China.它是一条绵延5000千米横贯中国北部的城墙。run用作不及物动词,意为“延伸”“通往”“延续”“继续”。如: The road runs for many miles by the sea. 这条公路沿着海边延伸好几英里。 A small stream runs across it. 一条小溪从这里穿过。【注】可用现在分词作定语,表示“连续的”。如: A running commentary on

17、 the match will be broadcast over the radio.将通过电台转播这场比赛的实况解说。 He made a running translation of the talk. 他给这个报告做了即席翻译。run用作不及物动词,意为“流”。如: The Huanghe River runs into the sea in North Shandong.黄河在山东北部入海。run同作及物动词,意为“经营”“管理”“开动”。如:It lies on the two sides of the River Li. 它(桂林)座落于漓江两边。lie用作动词,意为“位于”“坐

18、落于”,其过去式为lay,过去分词为lain。如:Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部。二、语法点拨1. 让步状语从句让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句。一般翻译为“尽管”或“即使”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说”的感觉。引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although, as; even if, even though; whether.or.; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever。切记although

19、不可与but连用(1)though, although表示“虽然,纵然”之意。 这两个连词意思大致相同,在一般情况下可以互换使用。在口语中,though较常使用,although比though正式,二者都可与yet, still或never,the less连用,但不能与but连用。例如: Although/Though he was exhausted, (still) he kept on working. 虽然他已经精疲力竭了,但仍然继续工作。 Although/Though he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong. 他虽然年纪大了,身体还很健壮

20、。 值得注意的是,although引导的让步状语从句位于主句之前的情况较多,though引导的让步状语从句可位于主句之前或主句之后。例如: She passed the examination though she had not studied very hard. 她虽然不用功学习,考试却及格了。 (2)as, though表示“虽然但是”,“纵使”之意。 as引导的让步状语从句必须以部分倒装的形式出现,被倒装的部分可以是表语、状语或动词原形,though也可用于这样的结构中,但although不可以这样用。例如: Object as you may, Ill go.(=Though/Al

21、though you may object, Ill go.) 纵使你反对,我也要去。 Hard as/ though he works, he makes little progress. (=Though he works hard, he makes little progress.)尽管他学习很努力,但几乎没取得什么进步。 Child as/though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.(=Though he was a child, he knew what was the right thing to do.)虽然他是一

22、个孩子,但他知道该做什么。 Fast as you read, you cant finish the book so soon. 纵然你读得快,你也不能这么快读完这本书。 (3)even if, even though 表示“即使”,“纵使”之意,含有一种假设。 这两个复合连词的意思基本相同。它们常互换使用,但意义有细微差别。even if引导的让步从句含有强烈的假定性,可用来表示与事实相反的假设,但不能用来描述已经发生的事实。而even though引导让步状语从句时,是以从句的内容为先决条件的,即说话人肯定了从句的事实,表示已经发生了的事。例如: Well make a trip eve

23、n if/though the weather is bad. 即使天气不好,我们也要作一次旅行。 Even if he is poor, she loves him. (=He may be poor, yet she loves him.)即使他很穷,但她还是爱他。 Even though he is poor, she loves him. (=He is poor, yet she loves him.)尽管他很穷,但她还是爱她。 (4)whether.or.表示“不论是否”,“不管是还是”之意。 由这一个复合连词引导的让步状语从句旨在说明正反两方面的可能性都不会影响主句的意向或结果。

24、例如: Youll have to attend the ceremony whether youre free or busy. 不管你忙不忙,都要参加这个典礼。 Whether you believe it or not, its true.无论你是否相信,这都是真的。 (5)“no matter+疑问词”或“疑问词-ever”的含义为“都;不管都” 它们引导的让步状语从句可以互换。例如: No matter what happened, he would not mind. (=Whatever happened, he would not mind.)无论发生了什么,他都不会介意的。

25、No matter who you are, you must keep the law.(=Whoever you are, you must keep the law.不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。 但“no matter+疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,而“疑问词-ever”还可以引导名词性从句。例如: Whatever (=No matter what) you say, I wont believe you. (Whatever 引导让步状语从句)无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。 Ill eat whatever (no matter what) you give me. (whate

26、ver引导宾语从句)你给我吃什么,我就吃什么。 Whoever comes will be welcome. (Whoever 引导主语从句) 不管谁来都受到欢迎。2. 条件状语从句由连接词if或unless引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句。在英文中,条件是指某一件事情实现之后(状语从句中的动作),其它事情(主句中的动作)才能发生,通常译作“假如”。(注意:在含有条件状语从句的复合句中,表示将来时态,主句是一般将来时态,从句要用一般现在时主将从现原则,并且,切记紧跟着if的那句话是从句。)引导条件状语从句的连词有:if(如果),unless(除非;如果不),as long as(除非;只要)等。

27、As long as youre happy, it doesnt matter what you do. 只要你高兴,你做什么都没有关系。Unless it rains, well go hiking.如果不下雨,我们将去远足。 【注意】由于unless具有否定意义,因此它引导的是个否定的条件(如果不)。可以把它看作是ifnot的同义表达手段。如: Unless he comes = If he doesnt come 如果他不来 Unless you work hard, you will fail. = If you dont work hard, you will fail. 如果你不

28、努力工作,你会失败的。 3. 目的状语从句表示目的状语的从句可以由so that, in order that等词引导;目的状语从句的谓语常含有may, might, can, could, should, would等情态动词。They worked very hard so that they could finish the work before supper. 他们拼命地干,想在晚饭前就把工作干完。 【注意】(1) so that引导的目的状语从句,可转换成in order that引导的目的状语从句。若从句主语与主句主语一致,还可用in order to (do) 或so as (

29、to do) 改成同义简单句。如:They worked very hard so that they could finish the work before supper. = They worked very hard in order that they could finish the work before supper. = They worked very hard in order to finish the work before supper. = They worked very hard so as to finish the work before supper.

30、(2) so that引导的状语从句也可表示结果,这时so that从句中根据句意可用或不用情态动词。 如: He got up very late this morning, so that he was late for school. 今天早晨他起得很晚,结果他上学迟到了。 【真题演练】1. I dont know if Jack . If he , call me, please. A. will come; will comes B. comes; come C. comes; will come D.will come; comes 2. You have to leave now_you can catch the early bus. . that soon as C.because D. if3. -Could we play football in your playground,Sir? -No,_you have the principals note. A.if B.unless C.because D. since4. _its difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up.

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