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1、八下第二单元学案a 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第7期 Unit 2 What should I do? Period One (Section A 1a-2c)学习目标1. 重点单词及短语: 读一读,并记住她们的拼写。problem, advice, should, could, keep sb. out, argue with sb., out of style, in style, call sb. up, surprise sb., talk about sth. with sb. on the phone2. 重点句型: 学会运用。 Whats wrong (with yo

2、u)? =Whats the matter/ trouble (with you)? What should I do? You should / could .3.学会使用could,should提出建议快乐自学 1.I can read:我能根据词汇表大声朗读目标1中的生词和短语并认真识记。2.I can write:通过记忆,我能写出下列内容: surprise_ ticket _a ticket to a ball game_ keep out_out of style _argue with_ call sb. up_ on the phone _Whats wrong?=_合作探究

3、1.情态动词should和 could的用法。should“应该,应当”,could“可以,可能,不妨”。should ,could 后都跟动词原形。 should和could都可用来提出建议,但could语气更委婉客气。你不应该和父母争吵。You shouldnt (= should not ) argue with your parents. (argue with sb与某人争吵)你可以再仔细些。You could be more careful.当征求别人意见时,常用should。What should I do? 我该怎么办?2. enough的用法1)enough 修饰名词,放在它

4、所修饰的名词之前,也可放在它所修饰的名词后,意为“足够的,充足的”。如:你有足够的时间做这件事。You have enough time ( time enough ) to do it.他有足够的钱买那本书。 He has for the book.2). enough修饰形容词或副词放在形容词或副词之后,意为“足够地,十分地”。这个房间足够大可容两个人住。 The room is for two people to live in.他跑得够快吗? Did he run ?3).足够可以.那个女孩足够大可以去上学了。The girl is old enough to g

5、o to school.这个箱子足够轻,你可以搬动它。(light:轻的)The box is for you carry. 3.Groupwork:与小组成员大声朗读Grammar Focus并相互背诵。达标检测 一我能根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词:1.I a_ with my best friend, so Im very upset.2.Whats w_ with you, Jenny? 3.Close the window to k_ the wind out.4.Her clothes are out of s_. 5.His words s_ me just now.二我能快速

6、选出正确答案喔!( )1.The teacher told my father _last night. A. call him up B. call up him C. to call him up( )2.Who did you argue _yesterday afternoon? A. about B. with C. for( )3.Can you give him a ticket _a ball game? A. in B. to C. of( )4.Everyone felt _at the _ _news.A. surprise, surprised B. surprisin

7、g, surprising C. surprised, surprising( )5.Mr Wang should _a new computer A. to buy B. bought C. buy( ) 6. His mother wants him to stay_ home every day. A. in B. to C. at ( )7. -Im sorry I broke the window. -Im afraid you have to _ it. A. look for B. get back C. pay for ( ) 8. Peter is ten years old

8、. He is _ to go to school. A. old enough B. enough old C. young enough D. enough young三短语翻译1. out of style _ 2. in style _ 3. stay at home every night _ 4. have enough money _5. play CDs too loud _6. call sb. up _7. say sorry to sb. _ 8. write a letter to sb. _9. argue with my best friend _10. surpr

9、ise your mother _11. talk about your problem on the phone with your friend _四从下列方框中选择适当的句子,完成下列对话。每个句子只能用一次。 A. Thats a good idea. B. Im sorry he is not in. C. She should work hard. D. I dont have enough money. E. Sure, help yourself. 1. -Could I have a cup of tea, please? -_ 2. -What should she do?

10、 -_ 3. -I think you should go to the beach. -_ 4. -Could I speak to Jim, please? -_ 5. -You should buy a computer for your son. -_ 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第8期 Unit 2 Period Two (Section A 3a4)学习目标1.阅读训练。2.重点掌握下列词汇短语:(在文中找出它们,并在旁边写出翻译)pay for, either, join , part-time job, borrowfrom , askfor, get a tutor

11、 3.能熟练运用下列句式对话:(首先翻译并背诵出来)(1)I need to do sth. (2)You could do (3)I think you should 快乐自学 1.I can read:我能大声朗读目标1中的单词和短语,并能写出下列内容:either_ pay for_ part-time job_ borrow from _askfor_get a tutor _2.I can read:通过大声朗读3a,我能在每一个建议的旁边写上“good idea”“okay idea”或“bad idea”。3.I can learn and understand:通过自学我能理解

12、3a,并能解决以下内容:I need some money to pay for summer camp.译:_其中pay for是_的意思。小贴士:表示“花费”的词pay意为“花费(金钱)”,主语为人。常用短语:pay some money for sth (为而付款),pay sb(付款给某人),pay for sth (为而付款)。cost意为“花费(金钱)”,物或事是主语。常用短语:sth cost (sb) some moneytake意为“花费(时间)”,主语不能是人。常用结构:It takes sb some time /money to do sth. 其中it是形式主语,真正

13、的主语是后面的不定式to do sthspend意为“花费(金钱/时间)”,主语为人。常用结构:(1)spend time/money on sth.(2)spend time/money (in) doing sth。(大家应该看明白了吧,讨论一下,然后分别造个句子吧。) _ You could borrow some money from your brother.译:_其中borrowfrom是_的意思,“把某物借给某人”则是_He doesnt have any money, either. 译:_其中either用于_句末,too用于_句末,also用于_。小贴士:either(也)

14、和too, as well, also(也)的区别。1)either adv. 只能用于否定句中。We dont like it, either.2)too和as well用于肯定句中,放在句末。also也用于肯定句中,不过它常置于行为动词之前,助动词和情态动词之后。I like pop music, too. Shell play soccer as well. They are also in Class 4.4. I think you should ask your parents for some money.译:_其中askfor译为_。达标检测一. 根据句意及首字母完成单词。1.

15、My parents get a t for me to teach me English.2.Some poor students need to get p jobs for money during the holidays.3.He wont go hiking. We wont , e .4.How much did you p for the book? ¥10.5.We s look after old people.二开心选择 ( )1.Our English teacher often gives u s_ on how to learn English.A. some ad

16、vices B .an advice C. some advice( )2.My little sister wont go skating and I wont, _. A .too B. also C either( )3.You look really cool in the new shirt.How much did you _it? A. pay for B. ask for C. spend( )4.It_half an hour to finish the work last night. A. paid for B. spent on C. took( )5. Could I

17、 _ your bike?Sure. A. borrow B. borrow from C .lend ( )6.- Bob, may I _ your MP4?Sure .But youd better not _ it to others. A lend, lend B lend, borrow C borrow, lend D borrow, borrow( )7. I need _ some money. A. to get B. get C. getting D. to getting ( )8. I _ ten yuan for the book. A spent B paid C

18、 cost D took( )9. The man came up to me and _ my autograph.A. ask for B. asked for C. to ask for D. asking for三轻松搭配ProblemsAdvice1.My clothes are old.A. You should ask your teacher.2.I have some questions.B. You should say youre sorry.3.I dont have any storybooks.C. You could borrow some from the li

19、brary.4.I argued with my best friend.D. You should see a dentist.5.I have a toothache.E. You should buy some new ones.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._ 郑州四十二中调节教学稿 八年级英语下 第9期 Unit 2 Period Three (Section B 1a3a)学习目标 1.掌握下列词汇和句子:New words: original, haircut except, upsetKey phrases: the same as, in style find out,

20、invite sb., be invited, what to doKey sentences:Everyone else in my class was invited except me. I dont know what to do.2.阅读训练:书信。 3.学会在处理问题中自省与人际交往4.进一步巩固运用“should/could + 动词原形”来讨论问题并给出建议的用法。快乐自学 1.I can read:我能根据词汇表大声朗读学习目标1中的内容。看,我读得多起劲!2.I can learn and write:通过自学与合作学习,我能快速写出这些内容。inexpensive(反义词

21、)_(同义词)_ _the same as_in style _except_ upset_ find out_ what to do_ invite sb._ be invited_3.I can understand:我的阅读能力真不错!通过阅读3a我能在所提问题的下面划线。4.I can translate:细读课文,我能理解并翻译全文。阅读3a完成下列阅读练习A)Whats the boys problem ?Read this letter. Underline the problem.男孩的问题是什么? B)阅读这封信,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) 1. The

22、 boy didnt think he was popular at school.( ) 2. Everyone in the class was invited to the party.( ) 3. The boy doesnt know why he wasnt invited.( ) 4. The boy can think what he did wrong.合作探究 和同伴一起讨论掌握一下课文重点句型:1. But I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend.

23、 但是我刚刚发现我的朋友们已在为我最好的朋友计划一个生日聚会。find out 意为“找出”, “发现”, “ 查出(真相) ”find和find out都有发现的意思, 差别是: find往往指凭一时的直接感觉或偶然发现, 而find out则经一番努力后发现出来, 有“查明, 弄清”的意思。eg. 他发现椅子上有个书包。He a bag on the chair.你应该自己找出答案。You should the answer by yourself. 思考:look for是什么意思呢? 和find有什么区别?_2. Everyone else in my class was invite

24、d except me, and I dont know why. else修饰不定代词(something, somebody, 等),疑问代词(who, which, 等)和疑问副词(when, where等)用在这些词后面,译为“别的”你还会做别的什么?e.g.: What can you do? except是介词,表示“除了”,except强调“除去”(后边跟的人或物不包含在里边)如:除了汤姆,大家都能游泳。Everybody Tom is able to swim。3.could,should关于“征求意见,提建议” 的用法。(1)could意为“可以”,表示提建议,比can更委婉

25、、客气。(2)should意为“应该”,表示提出劝告、征求建议,提议要表示更委婉一些,可以在前面加上“I think”或“Maybe”.(3)初中阶段用于“提建议”的方式还有很多,如:Why not?Why dont you? 为什么不?How/What about?干如何?Lets让我们 Shall we?我们应该?Youd better(not)你最好(不)上面的知识很重要哦,他们可以帮助你解决很多交际问题,要好好记住啊。达标检测 一.词汇过关1.The books are _ (color). 2.He has _ (nice) toys than I do.3.The coat is

26、only¥20. Its _ (expensive).4.Which seat is _ (comfortable), this one or that one?5. hope my friends clothes are different from mine. I want to be o_.6.Your hair is too long. I think you need a h_.二.我会选 ( )1. Everyone in my class went camping _ me, because I was ill in bed. A. with B. except C. besid

27、es D. as well( )2. -When will the train arrive? -You can _ the time from the time table. (时刻表) A. leave out B. look out C. find out D. keep out ( )3. Where _ can you see the sign?(标志) A. else B. other C. others D. another( )4. Mrs. Smith looks very busy. We want to help her, but we dont know _. A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to do D. why to do( )5.Did you go to Lindas birthday party last Sunday?No, I_. A. didnt invite B. wasnt invited C. dont invite( )4.Please go and_ who has taken away my MP5. A. find B. find out C. look for( )5._in my class wants to join the Eng

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