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last weekend 2.docx

1、last weekend 2Last WeekendLesson 73教学目标:1. 情感目标:积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流, 逐步培养学生良好的语言表达能力。2. 知识目标:1)能够听、说、读、写本课有关日常周末活动的单词和词组。2)能够听、说、读、写八个动词及其过去式的词形变化。3. 能力目标:1) 能够听懂有关表述某人在上一周末所做事情的简单语段。2) 能够用所学语言叙述自己及他人在上周末所做的事情并能进行提问。教学重点:1. 词汇:do-did, go-went, visit-visited, watch-watched, play-played, clean-cleaned, st

2、ay-stayed, is(am)-was, are-were, last.2. 句型:What did you do last weekend? I教学难点:八个动词及其过去式的词形变化和在句子中的理解。教具准备:磁带 录音机教学过程:T: Play a game “TPR”Review some verbs.S: Play a game.T: Look at the picture. The three girls are talking about what they did lastweekend. And ask the questions.S: Look at the pictur

3、es.Answer the questionsT: What are they doing in these pictures?S: He did homework / went to the park / watched TVT: Show some pictures. What did you do last weekend? Ask them to answer these questions and learn to say these phases.S: did homeworkwent to a dancing lessonwatched TVplay the pianoT: Le

4、arn some v-ed.S: do-didgo-wentvisit-visitedplay-playedstay-stayedclean-cleanedT: Listen to the tape carefully. Number these pictures.S: Listen to the tape carefully. Number these pictures.T: Learn to say the chant.S: Learn to say the chant. Act it outT: Do a survey and report.Lesson 74教学目标:1. 情感目标:积

5、极运用所学知识进行表达和交流, 逐步培养学生良好的语言表达能力。2. 知识目标:1)能够听、说、读、写本课有关上周末活动的动词过去式和词组。2)能够听、说、读、写有关日常活动的交际用语:Did you stay at home yesterday?What did you do, then?3. 能力目标:1) 能够听、说、读、写以下与叙述某人在周末所做事情的交际用语.2) 能够掌握动词在表示过去发生的事情时的形式变化,并能正确使用.教学重点:1. 词汇:row-rowed, climb-climbed, sing-sang, dance-danced, eat-ate, study-stud

6、ied, is/am-was, are-were, all day2. 句型:Did you stay at home yesterday? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.What did you do, then? I went教学难点:部分不规则动词的过去式形式的认读和运用.教具准备:卡片, 磁带教学过程:T: Review these phases.S: did homeworkwent to a dancing lessonwatched TVplay the pianovisit grandparentsT: What did you do last weeke

7、nd ?S: I T: Learn to say phases.S: rowed a boatdancedate the cakeclimbed a hillT: Listen and number.S: Listen and numberS1: Did you stay at home yesterday?S2: Yes, I did.No, I didnt.S1: What did you do, then?S2: IT: Play a judging game.S: Play a judging game.Lesson 75教学目标:1. 情感目标:积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流, 逐步

8、培养学生良好的语言表达能力,同时提高学生的实践能力和社会活动能力。2. 知识目标:通过多种形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习第49 和第 50 课的生词和主句型,使学生能够综合运用本单元的主要内容。3. 能力目标:1) 能够听、说、读、写以下与叙述某人在周末所做事情的交际用语.2) 能够掌握动词在表示过去发生的事情时的形式变化,并能正确使用.教学重点:通过多种形式的语言活动,对前两课的词汇和句型进行复习巩固,并学习动词make和see的过去形式,使学生能够综合运用本单元的新语言点。教学难点:1. A项语篇的阅读理解。2. 有关动词及其过去式的灵活运用。教具准备:磁带, 录音机教学过程:1. T: R

9、eview the word and phases.Play “TPR” and “snow ball”Then practice the drills.S: Say out the word and phases. Then practice the drills.What did you do last weekend?Did you go to the park yesterday?T: Take out picture and say. This is Zhou Fang. She was busy last weekend. What did Zhou Fang do last we

10、ekend? Let look at the questionsS: Read the passage. Look at the questions and answer them.S: She played the piano. On Sunday, she visited her friend Ann.T: Learn the new v-ed“made”, “saw”S: Learn the new v-ed2. Do a survey3. Look and write.Lesson 76教学内容:1. 阅读日记,了解外国小朋友的课余生活。2. 讲述学习一个比较特别的周末,制作出相关的日

11、记海报。3. 小结动词过去式的发音。教学目标:知识目标:1) 再渗透学生发音规则的同时,帮助学生利用规则识别单词,纠正其发音。2) 通过读日记了解运用所学知识,记录复习过去式,渗透英文日记的写法3) 通过阅读短文,了解外国学生的课外生活。能力目标:1) 培养学生的朗读能力。2) 培养学生用英语做事情写一篇日记。3) 培养学生快速查找信息的能力,将事件和时间一一对应。教学重点:1. 阅读并理解短文,进一步强化和扩展本单元语言点。2. 以日记形式运用本单元的词汇和句型并进行汇报。3. 一些动词过去式词尾加ed后的读音。教学难点:一般过去时在实际情境中的应用。重难点突破措施:在学习中为学生举了很多例

12、子来说明写日记时要用一般过去时来描述过去发生的事情。教学准备:教具1)教师:金奖卡 银奖卡 单词卡片 录音机2)学生:教科书 纸 水彩笔 剪刀 胶水 预习L76,了解曲棍球的一些知识教学过程:要穿插设计目的和活动说明。一、Warming up二、pronunciation(D项,总结语音ed的发音)(设计目的:再渗透学生发音规则的同时,帮助学生利用规则识别单词,纠正其发音。)T: 导入Do you have A good friend? Who is she? What does she look like? I have a good friend, she is a girl. She h

13、as long hairs, do you know who she is? Can you guess? Try to say.S: T: Look, this is my friend, what did she do last weekend?Can you guess? PPT- She watched TV. She cleaned her bed.She washed her face.She started a game.She played her piano.She kissed her mom.She kissed her dad.She went to bed.T: Ca

14、n you find out the words and read them then put them on the blackboard?S: 生从讲台上找单词粘在黑板上T: 师示范单词的发音watched cleaned washed started played kissedT: How many kinds of pronunciation of “ed” here?S: T: 师示范单词的发音/t / ,/d/, /id/ 把词粘在相应的音标下watched washed kissedstartedplayed cleaned (where shall I put it? 师讲解发

15、音规则Ok, now lets read them.)T: Look at these words. lets read it together, pay attention “ed”.(生齐读,把单贴在相应的音标旁)Now, lets read them together.返回PPT did many things, now lets read a chant for her. Can you read it quicklylike this?(活动说明:通过再渗透学生发音规则的同时,帮助学生利用规则识别单词,纠正其发音,为今后的学习打下更牢固的基础。)三、Bobs diary(设计目的:了

16、解外国学生的课外生活,使学生感知与话题有关的中西方文化差异。)1. 导入 T: did many things. How was s last weekend?S: It was exciting. It was fun. T: How about your last weekend? What did you do last weekend?S: It was fun, I played (Im sorry to hear that. I want to go with you.)T: Can you talk about your last weekend with your partne

17、r?S: I(小组练习)2. 文化渗透 T: I heard that some children do some children There are different activities in different countries. Now, look,PPT: USA (配有录音)British (配有录音)Korea (配有录音)Cuba (配有录音)Canada (配有录音)T: Do you know something about hockey?S: T: PPT 图一: Its a big meet.图二: They are playing a hockey game.图

18、三: There are two teams. How many teams are there in a game? This is the first team. This is another team.图四: He won. He got a gold medal.He got a silver medal.He got a copper medal.图五: a gold medal.a silver medal.a copper medal.(I have a friend, his name is Bob. He likes playing hockey. He played th

19、e gold medal game it was exciting so he wrote a diary.) Look, this is Bob.PPT头像Bobs 日记(活动说明:教师要提供相应的资源和方法, 了解外国小朋友的课余生活, 使学生感知与话题有关的中西方文化差异。引出曲棍球的相关知识。)3. Read diary.1) Now lets read Bobs diary. What did Bob do? Now, lets listen it.2) Lets read it once again,3) T: what did Bob do on the hockey weeke

20、nd?S: heon T: Can you underline what did Bob do on the hockey weekend? Like this.(师做示范) (you can talk about with your partner if you have finished)T: Bob did many things, what did Bob do on Friday evening?S: Bob went to Toronto on Friday evening.T: 切换投影Bob went to Toronto on Friday evening. Can you

21、match?S: Match and talk. (You can ask your partner, what he did on the hockey weekend if you have finished.)T: What did Bob do on the hockey weekend? Would you like to answer my question?S:(配合老师回答问题。小组,个人的形式)T: Bob played a gold medal game, did he win?S: No he didnt. He lost.T: He lost, why was he e

22、xciting?S: Their team was really strong.T: Can you find out the sentences in paragraph? Where is it?S: (倒数第二段)T: Now lets read the paragraph.S: (生齐读倒数第二段)T: They played the gold medal game, they lost. They got the silver medal, but he thinks that their team was really strong. He thinks it was a spec

23、ial weekendday. (师板书Special WeekendDay在黑板上并带读,you can write a diary if you have a special day) (活动说明:通过读日记了解运用所学知识,记录复习过去式,渗透英文日记的写法。了解外国学生的课外生活。培养学生快速查找信息的能力,将事件和时间一一对应。培养学生的英语思维能力。通过小组合作的形式完成相应的练习,以此培养孩子合作能力。)四、Lets talk.(设计目的:一般过去时在实际情境中的应用。教学目标定位在感知拓展语言,发展英语学习能力上,而不是在语言知识上, 学习用语言做事情。 发展学生的语言表达能力

24、。培养学生的英语思维能力。培养学生综合运用语言的能力。学生以表达自己的真情实感为主。)1. Talk and talk.Bill, Yaoyao, Binbin had a special day/weekend, too.1) T: (师出示Bills日记卡)Now, look, this is Bills diary. He had a special weekend. Lets read it.S:(学生读Bills日记)T: What did Bill do last weekend?S: T: Why did he have a special weekend?S: T: Becau

25、se he fell into the lake. So he had a special weekend.2) T:(师出示Yaoyaos日记卡)Look here,T: What did she do last weekend? Lets read it.S: (学生读Yaoyaos日记)T: What did she do last weekend?S:T: Why did she have a special weekend?S:T: They played together all day, so she had a special weekend.3) T: Look, (师出示B

26、inbins日记卡)Did he have a special weekend? Why? Now, lets read it.S: (学生读Binbins日记)T: What did he do last weekend?S: T: Why did he have a special weekend?S: T: Their team won, so he had a special weekend.4) T: Did you have a special day? What did you do in your special day?S: 学生拿照片说(在学生说的过程中,教师用PPT 的形

27、式出示关键句子)T: Can you talk about your special day with your partner? You can take out your photos; introduce your special day, or special weekend.S:(小组或俩人互说)Pairs work.T: All had a special weekend, do you want to write a diary, ok, now lets write our diary.1. Write a diary.2. Show and talk.(活动说明:学习开放性比

28、较强。学生以表达自己的真情实感为主。所涉及的语言可能会超出本单元所学习的内容。教师要提供相应的资源和方法。发展英语学习能力。最后以日记形式运用本单元的词汇和句型并进行汇报。注意随时纠正一般过去时在实际情境中的应用。)五、homework: Today we learned how to write down our special day, how to write our diary, have you got it? If you havent finished, dont worry, you can finish at home, then colour it. Would you l

29、ike to show me your special days diary?Lesson 77教学目标:1. 情感目标:积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流, 逐步培养学生良好的语言表达能力,同时提高学生的实践能力和社会活动能力。2. 知识目标:配图故事的理解。3. 能力目标:通过对配图故事的理解,提高学生的英语阅读能力。教学重点:对本单元所学的基本词汇和交际用语进行全面的复习、检测。教学难点:听力活动的理解。教具准备:磁带 录音机 挂图教学过程:T: RevisionReview the word and phases. Then practice the drills.S: Say out t

30、he words and phases. Then practice the drills.What did you do last weekend?Did you go to the park?T: Take out a picture.What did you see in the picture? What did they see? What happened to them?S: I can see three students and an elephant. I think they are talking about telephant.T: Look at the books

31、. Read the story and do the exercise.Lesson 78教学目标:1. 情感目标:积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流, 逐步培养学生良好的语言表达能力。2. 知识目标:(1) 熟练掌握和运用本单元的单词,词组和句型。(2)能够读懂短文,正确的作出练习。3. 能力目标:通过本单元的学习,提高学生的英语交际能力。教学重点:对本单元的生词和句型进行综合全面的复习和检测。教学难点:听力活动的理解。教具准备:录音机 磁带学具准备:教学过程:1. T: Listen to the tape.How many children can you see in these pictures?What did Nina do last Satur

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