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2、的左边,体现出向左扩展的特点。英语句子则是左短右长,总体表现为向右扩展。,政府公文的文体特征,(一)词汇特征 1.汉英语公文都十分讲究措辞的准确性。香港回归 takeover(接管)handover(交接)the return of Hong Kong to the motherland,胡锦涛在香港回归十周年的讲话,同胞们,朋友们:Fellow Compatriots,Dear Friends,胡锦涛在香港回归十周年的讲话,年前的今天,中英两国政府举行了香港交接仪式,中国政府庄严宣告对香港恢复行使主权,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区成立。Ten years ago today,at the h

3、andover ceremony of Hong Kong held by the Chinese and British governments,the Chinese government solemnly announced its resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China(Hong Kong SAR).,胡锦涛在香

4、港回归十周年的讲话,香港回归祖国,实现了包括广大香港同胞在内的全国各族人民的百年夙愿,是彪炳中华民族史册的千秋功业。Hong Kongs return to the motherland fulfilled the century-old wish of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups,including the people in Hong Kong.It will go down as a great event in the annals of Chinese history.,2.政府公文语体正式。中文经常会选用一些古雅词汇 如“兹”、“

5、就此”、“至此”、“谨”、“上述”、“本”、“略”、“秉承”、“奉行”等。汉语公文喜欢使用四字成语 如严防死守、统筹兼顾、齐抓共管、兼收并蓄、厚积薄发、迎难而上、携手并肩、患难与共、立足当前、着眼长远、互惠互利、弯道超越。英语还喜用名词,如unconstitutionality(违反宪法)、taxability(可征税性)和一些派生词如cognizant(认知的)和resultant(结果的)等。,3.汉语公文包含众多具有中国特色的政治经济和文化词汇。如:科学发展观 scientific outlook on development 依法治国 the rule of law,大会的主题是:高举

6、中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,解放思想,改革开放,凝聚力量,攻坚克难,坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进,为全面建成小康社会而奋斗。The underlying theme of the congress is to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory,the important thought of Three Represents and the Sc

7、ientific Outlook on Development,free up the mind,implement the policy of reform and opening up,pool our strength,overcome all difficulties,firmly march on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics,and strive to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.,中国特色词汇

8、,中国特色词汇常常带有鲜明的词汇特征,在翻译界常常将其称作汉语文化限定词或文化专有项。翻译策略:直译(一国两制,经济特区)直译加解释(863计划)音译(风水,武术,孔子)音译加解释(粽子),4.汉语公文中惯用简称或缩写。例如,汉语公文常常使用许多具有中国特色的数字化口号。一国两制、两岸三通、三个代表、五讲四美三热爱、五缓四减三补贴、六个为什么、七个怎么看、八荣八耻、九十华诞、十二五规划等等。策略:将数量词与范畴概念融为一体。五缓四减三补贴(the five-four-three employment support policies)五缓四减三补贴是指为应对国际金融危机,有关部门于2008年底

9、出台的一系列减轻企业负担、稳定就业局势的措施。,推动两岸关系实现重大转折实现两岸全面直接双向三通。We have achieved a major transition in the relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits,with direct and two way links of mail service,transport and trade fully established.海峡两岸直接通邮、通商、通航,(二)句法特征 1.汉语公文常常使用并列谓语或并列短语,喜用流水小句,句子长短不一。字数相等排列整齐的对偶句式

10、在汉语公文中也不时出现。英语公文长句复杂句较多,逻辑关系明显。翻译方法:1.在汉语中找出关键信息,译为主句。2.次要信息以从句分词短语、介词短语、加连接词等手段转换为从属结构。,事实表明,半个多世纪来,西藏文化不仅没有灭绝,恰恰相反,具有民族特色的传统文化得到了合理的继承、有效的保护和大力的弘扬,面向现代化、面向未来、面向世界的现代文化随着西藏经济社会的发展在开放中得到迅速、全面的发展。(西藏文化的保护与发展)Facts show that there has been no“cultural genocide”in Tibet at all over the past half centur

11、y and more.On the contrary,the traditional culture of Tibet has been appropriately inherited,effectively protected and vigorously promoted,while modern Tibetan culture,oriented toward modernization,the future and the rest of the world,has opened up to the outside world and achieved rapid and all-rou

12、nd development propelled by Tibets economic and social development,2.汉语的无主句。翻译方法之一:转换成英语公文的被动句。各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权。各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分。(中华人民共和国宪法)Regional autonomy is practiced in areas where people of minority nationalities live in concentrated communities;in these areas organs of sel

13、f-government are established to exercise the power of autonomy.All national autonomous areas are integral parts of the Peoples Republic of China.,翻译方法之二:在英译的过程中为译文补充主语要发挥人民主人翁精神,坚持依法治国这个党领导人民治理国家的基本方略,最广泛地动员和组织人民依法管理国家事务和社会事务、管理经济和文化事业、积极投身社会主义现代化建设,更好保障人民权益,更好保证人民当家作主。We should ensure that the peop

14、le are the masters of the country and we should uphold the rule of law as a fundamental principle by which the Party leads the people in running the country.We should mobilize and organize as many people as possible to manage state and social affairs as well as the economy and cultural programs in a

15、ccordance with the law and to devote themselves to socialist modernization,and we should better protect the peoples rights and interests and ensure that the people determine their own destiny.,3.汉语公文经常将修饰语放在中心词的左边,体现出向左扩展的特点。英语句子则是左短右长,总体表现为向右扩展。人口问题是关系中华民族生存与发展,关系中国现代化建设兴衰成败,关系人口与经济、社会、资源、环境能否相互协调和

16、持续发展的重大问题。(中国的计划生育)译文:The population problem is an important question that touches upon the survival and development of the Chinese nation,the success or failure of Chinas modernization drive as well as the coordinated and sustained development between the population on one hand,and the economy,society,resources and environment on the other,Thank you,

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