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1、八年级英语下学期第二单元教案Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.第一课时 Section A(1a-1d)【学习目标】1.重点单词:city, cheer, volunteer, notice lonely2.重点短语:clean up, give out , cheer up, make a plan, make some notices, come up with , help out , care for, used to 3.重点句式:I hope to work outside.You could help to clean up th

2、e city parks. The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. The boy could give out food at the food bank.We need to come up with a plan for the City Park Clean Up Day.A lot of old people are lonely. We should listen to them and care for them.【学习重点】1.重点短语和句型2.动词短语和不同的介词、副词搭配的意义

3、【学习难点】动词短语和不同的介词、副词搭配的意义【课堂导学方案】Step1 情景导入T:Do you know a volunteer ? Do you know what the volunteers do?S1: They help the old people.S2:They help do some cleaning. .T: What can you do to help the people who need your help? Now please talk about the questions in groups.Step2 完成教材1a-1c的任务1.认真观察1a中的图片

4、,根据图片中的信息写出图片中帮助他人的方法,然后写出其他帮助他人的方法。完成后小组内交流看谁写得多。2.认真阅读1b中的句子,理解句子意思,为听力做好准备。3.认真听录音,然后按听到的顺序为男孩与女孩标序号,核对答案,完成听力。4.再听录音,跟读对话。5.结对练习,表演对话。6.模仿对话,让学生编新的对话。Step3 完成教材2a-2c的任务1.认真观察2a中的图片,然后听录音圈出他们打算要做的事情,核对答案。2.再听一遍录音,根据录音内容完成 2b中的填空,完成后核对答案,然后大声朗读句子。3.听录音,学生跟读。4.让学生利用2a,2b 中的信息仿照2c的形式编新的对话,并邀请多组同学表演对

5、话。Step4 完成教材2d的任务1.学生自读对话,回答下面的问题。What is Helen doing ?What did Tom do last year?How do a lot of people feel in the old peoples home?What should we do?2. 大声朗读2d中的对话,读后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。3. 请同学们表演对话,结对练习。Step5 问题探究1. 使孩子们高兴起来Cheer the children up=cheer up the children 动词+副词构成的短语Eg: 打扫干净clean up 分发give o

6、ut 振奋起来 cheer up 帮忙 help out2.lonely ,alone 的用法Eg: He lives alone in a lonely place but he isnt lonely. 他一个人住在荒无人烟的地方但不孤独。3.used to 的用法Eg:He used to live in Paris.他过去一直住在巴黎。He didnt use to come here.=He usedt to come here.他过去不常来。【当堂评价方案】请学生们做前面课时训练部分第二课时 Section A(3a-3c)【学习目标】1.重点单词:several, feeling

7、, satisfaction, joy, owner, journey2.重点短语:give up ,several hours,at the age of , at the same time3.重点句式:I want to learn more about how to care for animals.I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.Volunteering here is a dr

8、eam come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.【学习重点】1.重点短语和句型2.动词不定式短语【学习难点】动词不定式短语【课堂导学方案】Step1 情景导入T: Do you want to volunteer to do something?Ss: Yes, we do.T: What kinds of work do you want to do?S1: I will help clean up the city parks.S2: I want to visit the

9、old people s home to help them and cheer them up. .T: Today we will learn something about volunteering.Step2 完成教材3a-3b的任务1.阅读3a中的短文,根据短文内容,回答问题:What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do ?2.认真阅读短文,回答3b中的问题,完成后让学生展示答案,教师点拨。3.再仔细阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组合作解决遇到的疑难问题。4.教师点拨短文中出现的重点和难点。5.熟读短文,背诵知识点。6.小节训练。Step3 完成教材

10、2a-2c的任务1.认真阅读3a中的短文,完成3c的句子填空,完成后小组内互相核对答案。2.结合3c句型,小组讨论动词不定式的用法,教师点拨重难点。3.小节训练。Step4 问题探究1.give up的用法They decided to give up the plan.他们决定放弃计划。English is very useful, you cant give it up.英语非常有用,你不能放弃它。He decided to give up learning English.他决定放弃学英语。2.动词不定式的用法Its right to give up smoking.戒烟是很正确的。I

11、have much homework to do.我有许多作业做。He wants to go.他想走。I come here to see you.我来这看你。He doesnt allow me to go.他不让我走。My job is to look after you.我的工作就是照顾你。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。不定式可作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、状语和定语,但不能单独作谓语。有些动词后只能跟动词不定式作宾语,如:decide, plan, expect, hope, wish , pretend, promise, refuse ,afford, a

12、gree, ask 等。【当堂评价方案】请学生们做前面课时训练部分第三课时Section A(Grammar Focus -4c)【学习目标】1.重点单词:sign, sick, raise, alone2.重点短语:put up, hand out , call up, put off3.重点句式:You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up. She volunteers there once a week to help kids learn to read.Im making some signs

13、 to put up around the school. For example, we can make plans to visit sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people.【学习重点和难点】1.动词+副词结构的动词短语2.动词不定式【课堂导学方案】Step1 情景导入 T: We have learnt many important phrases, such as clean up, give out, cheer up, give up and so on . Do you know the

14、meanings of these phrases? Can you make sentences with the phrases by yourselves? Now please write some sentences with the phrases. I will ask some students to come to the blackboard to write your sentences.Step2 完成教材Grammar Focus 的任务1.训练学生大声朗读Grammar Focus的句子。2.小结练习。Step3 完成教材2a-2c的任务1.两人一组互相提问方框中的

15、句子,为填空做好准备。2.认真阅读4b中的句子,选用方框中的短语来补全句子,小组内核对答案,然后大声地朗读句子。3.认真读4b中的短文,用所给词的正确形式填空,完成后请学生展示答案,教师点拨。然后学生大声朗读短文,体会动词不定式的用法。4.教师提问点拨动词不定式的用法,然后用动词不定式完成句子,请学生到黑板上写出答案,完成后教师点拨学生写句子。Step4 问题探究1.每个人都能感到时间的快速流逝。Everyone may feel time go by very quickly when they do something interesting.2.有时,父母们发现与青少年交谈是有困难的。A

16、t times, parents find it difficult to talk with their teenage children. 3,这个病人病情很严重。The sick man is badly ill.【当堂评价方案】请学生们做前面课时训练部分第四课时Section B(1a-1e)【学习目标】1.重点单词:repair ,fix, wheel2.重点短语:take after, fix up, give away3.重点句式:I take after my mother.I give it away. Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts,

17、 like wheels.Jimmy has run out of money.【学习重点和难点】准确理解一个动词和不同的副词搭配的意义。【课堂导学方案】Step1 情景导入T: (Show a picture of twins to the students.)Now please look at the picture, they are twins, they are Lucy and Lily, Lucy is similar to Lily. We can also say Lucy takes after Lily . Do you know the meaning of “tak

18、e after”?Yes, it means the same as.T : (Then show another picture to the Ss.There is a man fixing up a bike in the picture.)Whats the man doing? The teacher helps the Ss to answer the question with phrase “fix up”.Step2 完成教材1a-1b的任务1.学生齐读1a中的单词和短语,教师纠正发音,然后两人一组互相提问单词和短语。2.将两部分意思相同的 句子匹配,完成后集体核对答案并大声

19、朗读。3.讲方框中的动词短语和名词匹配,集体核对答案。4.利用匹配好的短语来造句,请几位学生到黑板上写出答案,完成后教师点拨讲评学生所写的句子。Step3 完成教材1c-1e的任务1.认真观察1c中的四幅图片,在听完录音后给图片排序。2.认真阅读1d中的4个句子,然后听录音,根据录音判断四个句子的正误,学生展示答案,教师点拨,完成1d .3.再听一遍录音,并跟读,整体感知对话。4.利用1a和1c听力材料中的信息,仿照1e中的对话形式,两人一组编新的对话,邀请几组学生表演短话。5.小结练习。Step4 问题探究1.我长得像我的妈妈。I take after my mother.2.我的手表坏了,

20、我要让王叔叔修一下。My watch doesnt work,Ill ask Uncle Wang to fix it up.【当堂评价方案】请学生们做前面课时训练部分第五课时Section B(2a-2e)【学习目标】1.重点单词:letter, miss, blind, deaf, imagine, difficulty, open , door, carry, train, excited, training, kindness, clever, understand change, disabled2.重点短语:a photo of Lucky, set up, make a big

21、difference, a friend of mine, a special trained dog, be excited about, at once3.重点句式:Id like to thank you for sending money to Animal Helpers. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Most people would never think about this.I was excited about the idea of having a dog.【学习重点和难点】1.重点短语和句型

22、2.学习在一定的语境中通过判断单词来猜测词义的阅读技巧。【课堂导学方案】Step1 情景导入T: We live in the world, we should help each other. We often get some help from others in our daily life. How do you usually thank the people who help you? Now please discuss with your parents in a group.Step2 完成教材2a-2c的任务1.快速阅读信件回答2b中的两个问题,完成后请学生说出答案,教师

23、点拨。2.认真阅读 2b中的文章,在课本中圈出2c中的单词,并且根据单词在句子中的意思标出单词的词性。完成后小组核对答案,教师点拨答案。3.认真阅读信件中含有2c单词的句子,然后用这些单词造句,请几名学生在黑板上写句子,完成后教师点拨。4.再仔细阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组合作解决疑难问题。5.教师点拨短文中出现的重难点。6.熟读短文,背诵知识要点,小节训练。Step3 完成教材2d-2e的任务1.再次认真阅读短文,根据信件内容将三组信息匹配,完成后小组内核对答案,教师点拨。2.以小组为单位讨论2c中的两个问题,然后请几位学生代表发言,比一比哪个小组说的好。Step4 完成教材2d的任务

24、Step5 问题探究1.They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers.中的it 在句子中作形式宾语,make +it +adj.+to do sth.意为“使做某事成为. .”.2.A friend of mine相当于one of my friends3.I will go there at once.中的at once 相当于right now 常用于一般将来时或祈使句中,做时间状语。4.Teachers Day is coming. I will send some cards to my

25、 teachers.中的.意为”把某物寄给某人“,其同义句为:send sb sth. 5.The news is exciting ,we are all excited about it.中的be excited about sth.意为”对.,.很兴奋“。6.I will be able to speak English in another few months.中的in another few months应用于将来时态。【当堂评价方案】请学生们做前面课时训练部分第六课时Section B(3a-Self Check)【学习目标】1.重点单词:strong, sir, madam2.

26、重点短语:work out , a call-in center3.重点句式:I want to help out as a volunteer in your old peoples home.Why do you want to do the volunteer job?He even handed out notices at the supermarket.The ideas that he came up with worked out.【学习重点和难点】1.动词+副词结构的动词短语2.动词不定式【课堂导学方案】Step1 情景导入T: We each meet many probl

27、ems in our daily life,some of then are easy for us to solve. But the others are difficult. We need to get others help.At the some time , we also should do something for others. What volunteer job do you want to do? Why do you want to do the job?And when are you free to do the job, now please say som

28、ething about your volunteer job to your partners.Step2 完成教材3a-3b的任务1.阅读3a中的志愿工作,然后添加你自己想做的志愿工作,完成后小组内互相交流,比一比谁写的更多。2.两人一组互相交流自己喜欢的志愿工作及其原因,完成3a,3.认真阅读3b中的问题,然后根据问题提示给你想做的志愿工作部门写一封信,可以参考提示,写完后小组内互相交流纠错,教师抽查点评,完成3b.Step3 完成教材Self Check的任务1.在横线上填上适当的动词来构成短语,完成后小组内核对答案。2.然后用所写出的短语来造句,写完后小组内互相交流纠错,并请几为学生读出自己写的句子。3.认真阅读2中的短文,然后用动词短语或动词不定式来完成填空,完成后核对答案,学生大声的朗读短文。Step4 问题探究1.The idea that he came up with worked out fine.这个句子中有一个定语从句,即:that he came up with, 其中连接词为that,在从句中作come up with 的宾语。Work out 表示“结局,结果为“。2.I wonder how their ideas work out in practice.【当堂评价方案】请学生们做前面课时训练部分

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