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1、跟读模仿 语气语调:跟读模仿 语汇:选择一些针对托福听力的书籍,掌握托福听力中短对话和长对话中的生词 语感:看一些美国影片、电视剧集(如Friends)三、托福听力考试内容介绍学生学习: library/exam/register for a course/assignment homework/chem lab/lecture/seminar学生生活: dormitory/roommate/rent a house/do the laundry haircut/travel主线: 校园生活、学生思维、积极向上、善良正义四、托福真题讲解1、 A: I cant seem to find my

2、calculator. Did I lend it to you by any chance? No. But you are welcome to use mine if you need it, as long as I get it back by Thursday.外国人借出东西时,通常会设定归还的deadline。 Oh, Im sorry. I just realized that I forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me. I left it back in my dorm. B: Thats all right. I won

3、t need it until tonight. As long as Ive got it by then. Mind if I borrow your Spanish workbook? Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening.2、 A: Wow! Ive already taken one of those pills for my headache. But its still bothering me. B: Why not take another? The recommended do

4、se is one or two depending on bad it is.药量不够,加大药量药效过于强烈,减小药量体质对药不敏感,要坚持服用一段时间该药,观察疗效 Doctor Smith, this is Ann Crowley. Those stretching exercises you recommended are really helping with my back pain. But the pills you prescribed, I think they re giving me a headache. B: Uh, its not unusual. Lets tr

5、y cutting it back to just one a day, all right?stretching exercises 伸展运动 Doctor, this cough medicine doesnt seem to be helping. Can you give me a different prescription? Lets give it another day or two to see how you are doing then.t believe I still have this pain in my back. This medicine the docto

6、r gave me was supposed to make me feel better by now. B: Maybe you should start taking it three times a day like you were told.3、 A:I cant believe it! At the bookstore today I had to unload 2 dozen boxes of textbooks. And theres more to do tomorrow. B: But its always busy at the start of the new yea

7、r, isnt it?表示繁忙:up to ones neck/nose/ears/eyebrows be overwhelmed with be swamped with be tied up in第二课时4、 A: I heard you are looking for someone to pick up your mail while you are away at the conference next week? Oh, could you?I mean what I say, I say what I mean. So you need someone to watch your

8、 cats while you are away? Will that be a problem for you?5、 A: What did you think of the paintings that Ted was showing last week? I never made it to the exhibit.make it to 赶上、赶到 e.g. I didnt make it to the meeting. I didnt make it to my flight.6、 A: Do you think Dr. Luby will lead a theater trip to

9、 Broadway in New York City again this year? I dont think so. I know so! And Ive already signed up for it.7、 on sale/discount/good bargain/good deal/good buy 20% off8、 A: Just one person in the whole class got an A on the test. You! All right!注意体会语气、语调。9、 A: Well, I am never doing this again! Seven c

10、ourses in one semester is just too much. I dont have a minute to myself! I hate to say this, but I told you so. Gee! It sure is hard to wake up in time for that 8 oclock chemistry class. I never should have signed up for something so early in the morning. B: Well, maybe next time youll listen to me.

11、 What did I tell you?10、 A: Are you gonna try some of this chocolate pudding? Its incredible. B: Well, to be honest with you, Ive never been a big fan of chocolate.honestly/to be frank/frankly/to tell you the truthd like to make an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow. B: Unfortunately he is com

12、pletely booked. Professor, have you graded my term paper yet? To tell you the truth, Ive been tied up in committee meetings all tied up in 陷在某件事情当中 I think our baseball team got a good chance of winning the championship this year. B: Are you kidding? Havent you seen them play recently?委婉拒绝:d

13、 love to, but / It sounds great, trouble is Id like to, however in fact as a matter of fact11、 A: You only have water to serve your guest? This isnt just water. Its imported mineral water.just This is not just a university for me. Its Harvard. She is not just a girl for me. She is my dream.12、 A: Th

14、is looks like the way to Susans house, but I dont know. I wish I had written down the directions. B: At this rate well be lucky to get there in time for dessert.dessert 甜点appetizer 开胃品、开胃酒 Can I give you a hand with those bags?give sb. a hand 帮某人的忙give sb. ones hand 答应嫁给某人 Life is like a box of choc

15、olate. You never know what you gonna get.peer pressure13、 Excuse me, do you know what time the train to Middletown leaves? Excuse me, do you know when the next train for Philadelphia leaves? I wish we had better stuff to read for our literature class. That novel she assigned us is so boring! Really?

16、 I started it yesterday afternoon and I couldnt put it down until Id finished it.Really?Are you kidding?A: How did you ever manage to get through all one thousand pages of that new spy thriller? It took a while. But once I had started it, I couldnt put it down.while 一段时间 I started reading that book

17、you loaned me. But Im having a tough time keeping up with the main characters. Its hard to remember them all. B: Yeah, I know. The first part isnt easy. All I can say is stay with it. Once you get halfway through you wont want to put it 借给某人have a tough/hard time doing sth. 做某事很困难have trou

18、ble doing sth.坚持不放弃原则 You know Tim has been acting really funny lately ever since he won that tennis tournament last week and got photographed in the local paper. Well, hes kind of changed, like its hard to talk to him now. Yeah, I know what you mean. I guess its all gone to his head. Have you notic

19、ed how Johns changed since he became student government president? I think the whole things gone to his head, and he used to be so sociable and open.sociable 善于社交的五、托福段落部分提高方法精听1、 词汇基础2、背景知识 a、历年来听力中已经考察过的段落部分 b、阅读文章 c、国外讲课的录音、录像、教科书3、句型结构4、听写练习 听写段落 a、不能太长(一分钟左右) b、不能太难 c、采用段落部分 步骤 a、总听全文 a)明确主题 b)

20、确定难度 b、细听每句第三课时 c、反复、琢磨 d、总结5、信息定位 a、导语加首尾原则 b、解释原则 c、强调原则 d、比较原则 e.g. original 新鲜的;起先的、最初的 e、转折原则 f、因果关系 g、建议句型 h、举例强调 i、重复原则 j、数字原则六、听力实力提高的方法泛听1、原则:随时随地创造条件泛听2、材料选择: Friends Movies a、近期电影(九十年代以后) b、把握好题材 生活、法律、政治 c、声音的辨别 朱丽亚罗伯茨、梅格瑞恩、卡梅隆迪亚兹 汤姆克鲁斯、汤姆汉克斯 当哈里遇到赛丽、美国总统 Crazy English CNN / VOA New Conc

21、ept English English 900 Discovery National Geographic Step by Step Listen to this七、用托福听力练口语的方法1、学托福考托福的目的 出国、进外企、建立自信2、用听力练口语的具体方法 和外国人在电话里练口语 自己练 a、对着镜子练 role play paraphrase b、录下自己的声音听词 汇托福词汇精选一、why?词汇在托福中的作用1、阅读能力的提高2、语法的使用3、听力词汇4、作文词汇二、 what? 托福有哪些词汇?1677 词表;Longman 2000 Oxford 3000 GSL 2283 167

22、7 CET4: 作文和听力基础词汇CET6:阅读基础词汇CET6 TOEFL: 专业的科技名词、 较难的动词和形容词主动词汇:可以被正确使用的词汇 作文词汇 、 口语词汇被动词汇:可以被正确认知的词汇 听力词汇、阅读词汇被动词汇I 听力词汇:从认知到熟练 反复的听daydeaddealdeardeathdecidedecisiondeclaredeepdefeatdefenddefenseII 阅读词汇:在句子中理解、例句 在英文释义中理解、不要求听懂 只要求认识II 阅读词汇:不要求听懂 只要求认识hippopotamus pp po po 主动词汇I、口语词汇: 深挖小词: the tic

23、kets period of validity is 3 days、 the ticket will be expired in 3 days、 the ticket is good for 3 days、 dystrophia malnutrition ill- fed uncultivated ill-bred discourteous ill mannerII、作文词汇:词群: 一组有共同目的单词 a) 万能理由词群: efficient convenient time-saving traditional economical b) 闪光词: important :significan

24、t essential 等 better : admirable commendable superior eminent optimal 等 great : magnificent brilliant remarkable desirable 等 c) 闪光人物:名言Somepeoplechoosefriendswhoaredifferentfromthemselves、Othersare similartoComparetheadvantagesofhaving fromyouwith thesimilaryou、efficient convenient time-saving tradi

25、tional economical Highschoolsshouldallowstudentsstudycoursesthatwantstudy、Usespecificreasonsandexamplessupportyour opinion efficient convenient time-saving traditional economicalthinkgovernmentsspendasmuchmoneypossibleexploringoutespace(forexample,travelingMoonotherplanets)、Otherdisagreethink govern

26、mentsthisforourbasicneedsonEarth、听说阅读写一阶(1677) 二阶(四级)三阶三、 how 怎么背单词?1、战略:制定一个背单词的时间策划 什么时候 背什么单词 背到什么程度1677 CET4 词根词缀 - 词汇书1677 词表: 熟词僻义water the flower air the room 、 air the news board press 读音问题: present desert lead 12周 4周 词根词缀:4周词汇书: 4周 (陌生单词库的准备)考前一周 总复习 关注不认识单词参考书Merriam-Webster韦小宝TOEFL 词汇词根词缀及联想记忆俞敏洪英文字根字典 刘毅21天托福词汇李笑来托福词汇 王玉梅 托福词汇精选张红岩韦氏字典的电子版 金山词

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