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1、高考英语词汇35001:边听录音边看词 第四周 第一部分 B1. burn (-ed, -ed 或 burnt, burnt) bn v. 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑 n. 烧伤;晒伤 burst bst v. 突然发生; 突然发作 bury ber vt. 埋;葬 bus bs n. 公共汽车 bus stop bs stp n。公共汽车站 bush b n. 灌木丛,矮树丛 business bzns n. (本分)工作,职业;职责;生意,交易;事业 businessman (pl. businessmen) bznsmn n. 商人(男);男企业家businesswoman (busi

2、nesswomen) bznswmn n. 商人(女);女企业家busy bz a. 忙(碌)的but bt, bt conj. 但是,可是 prep. 除了, 除外 butcher bt n. vt. 肉店;屠夫 屠宰(动物);残杀(人)butter bt(r) n. 黄油,奶油 butterfly btfla n. 蝴蝶 the butterfly 蝶泳 button bt()n n. 纽扣;(电铃等的)按钮 v. 扣(纽扣) buy (bought,bought) ba vt. 买 by ba prep. 靠近,在旁;在时间;不迟于;被;用;由;乘(车)bye ba int. 再见Cca

3、b kb n. (美)出租车 cabbage kbd n. 卷心菜,洋白菜 caf kfe; (US) kfe n. 咖啡馆; 餐馆 cafeteria kftr n. 自助餐厅cage ked n 笼;鸟笼 calculate klkjlet v. 计算,核算,推测cake kek n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼 call kl n. 喊,叫;电话,通话 v. 称呼;呼唤;喊,叫 calm km; (US) klm a. 镇静,沉着的 v.镇静、沉着 camel km()l n. 骆驼 camera kmr n. 照相机;摄像机camp kmp n.(夏令)营 vi.野营,宿营 campaign km

4、pen n. 运动,战役can (could) cant = can not modal ken, kn v. 可能;能够;可以 不能 n.(美)罐头;罐子 a garbage can bd(美)垃圾桶 a can opener pn(r) 开罐器 Canada knd * n. 加拿大 Canadian knedn a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人 canal knl n. 运河;水道 cancel kns()l vt. 取消 cance kns(r)r n. 癌 candidate knddt; (US) knddet n. 候选人,申请人candle knd()l n. 蜡烛

5、candy knd n. 糖果 canteen kntin n. 餐厅;食堂 cap kp n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子;(瓶子的)盖;(钢笔等的)笔套 capital kpt()l n.首都.省会.大写;资本 capsule kpsjul; (US) kpsl n. (药)胶囊captain kptn n. (海军)上校;船长,舰长;队长 caption kp()n n. (图片,漫画等的)说明文字car k(r) n. 汽车,小卧车 carbon kbn n. 碳 card kd n.卡片;名片;纸牌 card games kd em 纸牌游戏 care ke(r) n. 照料,保

6、护;小心v. 介意,在乎;关心 careful kefl a. 小心,仔细,谨慎的 careless kels a. 粗心的,漫不经心的 carpenter kpnt(r) n. 木工,木匠先做题,后对答案建议:1. 在做下列题之前,应要求学生提前一到两天预习掌上词宝7到12页的词汇或高中英语词汇手册 42到45页的相关词汇。2. 单词拼写(1)These flowers like sunshine and will not grow in a cold c_.(2)I am working as a c_ and keep records or accounts in an office.(

7、3)As a result of the American C_ War, slaves became free.(4)Fred became a British c_ after living there for several years.(5)A c_ is held every year to remember those who died in the war.(6)She is fascinated by the ancient c_ (文明)of Greece and Rome.(7)The temperature went down to -56 c_.(8)A more de

8、tailed example will be given in the next c_ (章节).(9)The kids are watching cartoons on Disney c_ (频道).(10)The church was built in the 13th c_.2.答案.单词拼写(1)climate (2)clerk (3)Civil (4)citizen (5)ceremony (6)civilization (7)Centigrade (8)chapter (9)Channel (10)century3.单项选择(1)Will the government carry

9、_ its promise to create more jobs?A. on B. out C. away D. through(2)If you get caught _ in some countries,they will cut off your hand.A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. to have stolen(3) _ are kept on the firm for their meat or milk.A. 200 head cattle B. 200 head of cattleC. 200 head cattles D. 200

10、 heads of cattle(4)Teaching young children is a _ job.A. challenge and reward B. challenging and rewardedC. challenging and rewarding D. challenged and rewarded(5)Theres always the chance _ something will go wrong.A. if B. what C. how D. that(6)Gibbons has been charged _.A. with attempted murder B.

11、of attempted murderC. with attempt murder D. of attempt murder(7)I have a wide range of gifts _, so I cant make up my mind.A. chosen B. to choose C. to be chosen D. to choose from(8)When dinner was done and _, Auntie Lou made some tea.A. cleared away B. cleared out C. cleaned up D. cleaned out(9)We

12、always travel in _. The seats are more comfortable and the food is better.A. business class B. first class C. tourist class D. economic class(10)Schools ban students from bringing mobile phones, which are used to _ in exams.A. click B. clarify C. charge D. cheat3答案单词拼写(1)-(5)BCBCD (6)-(10)ADABD 4.选词

13、填空 (写到作业本上)celebrate, character, category, choice, casual, carry, carve, clap, cause, chief(1) All tobacco products must a health warning.(2) It is amazing that the huge statue was from a single block of stone.(3) Jean felt more comfortable in clothes.(4) The results of this survey can fall into thr

14、ee main .(5) Breast cancer is the leading of death for American women in their forties.(6) When the superstar arrived, the audience and cheered.(7) As a result of his good job, he was soon appointed engineer of the company.(8) A persons is very important to me when I decide who I want to work with.(

15、9) Its Dads birthday and were going out for a meal to .(10) You have a - you can stay here on your own or you can come with us.4.答案:选词填空(1)carry (2)carved (3)casual (4)categories (5)cause (6)clapped (7)chief (8)character (9)celebrate (10)choice5. 句子翻译 (写到作业本上)1)许多国家的警察都带枪。(carry) 2)他遇上了雷雨。(catch) 3)

16、你知道火灾是怎么引起的吗? (cause) 4)你们国家的人是怎么庆祝新年的?(celebrate) 5)他们肯定会同意。(certain) 6)红绿灯由红变绿。(change) 7)这次手术成功的可能性很大。(chance) 8)他们收了20英镑的修理费。(charge) 9)交作业前先检查一遍。(check) 10)这家银行什么时候关门?(close) 5.答案:句子翻译(1)Police in many countries carry guns (2)He Was caught in a thunderstorm(3)Do you know what caused the fire? (

17、4)How do people in your country celebrate the New Year? (5)Its certain that theyll agree.或Theyre certain to agree. (6)The traffic lights changed from red to green (7)The operation has a good chance of success,(8)They charged 20 for the repairs (9)Check your work before handing it in(10)What time doe

18、s the bank close? 6.阅读理解(山西教育实验中心2020-2021学年度第四次月考英语D)In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, believing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity. Others say that competition is bad; that it sets one person against another; that it

19、 leads to unfriendly relationship between people.I have taught many children who held the belief that their self-worth relied on how well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and-death affairs. In their single-minded pursuit ( 追 求 ) of success,

20、 the development of many other human qualities is sadly forgotten.However, while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take an opposite attitude. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary players, they strongly blame competition. Among the most v

21、ocal are youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures from their parents or society.Teaching these young people, I often observe in them a desire to fail. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse: “ I may have lost, but

22、it doesnt matter because I really didnt try.” What is not usually admitted by themselves is the belief that if they had really tried and lost, that would mean a lot. Such a loss would be a measure of their worth. Clearly, this belief is the same as that of true competitors who try to prove themselve

23、s. Both are based on the mistaken belief thatones self-respect relies on how well one performs in comparison with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve(缓解)can we discover a new meaning in competition.32.What does this passage ma

24、inly talk about?A.Competition helps to set up self-respect.B.Opinions about competition are different among people.C.Competition is harmful to personal quality development.D.Failures are necessary experience in competition.33.Why do some people favor competition according to the passage?A.It pushes

25、society forward.B.It builds up a sense of duty.C.It improves personal abilities.D.It encourages individual efforts.34.What is the similar belief of the true competitors and those with a “desire to fail”?A.Ones worth lies in his performance compared with others.B.Ones success in competition needs gre

26、at efforts.C.Ones achievement is determined by his particular skills.D.Ones success is based on how hard he has tried.35.Which point of view may the author agree to?A.Every effort should be paid back.B.Competition should be encouraged.C.Winning should be a life-and-death matter.D.Fear of failure sho

27、uld be removed in competition.阅读理解 D语篇类型:说明文 主题语境: 人与社会-人们对竞赛的不同认识。【文章大意】 主要讲述了对竞赛,不同的人有不同的观点,作者认为应该在比赛中忘却失败的恐惧,真正的意义在于比赛本身的表现。【答案与解析】32-35 :BAAD 32B【命题意图】考查主旨大意题。从In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition可知关于竞赛不同的人有不同的观点,故选B 33A【命题意图】考查细节理解题。从Some value it highly, believ

28、ing that it is responsible for social progress and prosperity可知一些人认为竞赛是好的,因为他们认为竞赛有利于推动社会的进步,故选A。34A【命题意图】考查细节理解题。从Both are based on the mistaken belief that ones self-respect relies on how well one performs in comparison with others 可知他们的价值都存在于他们与别人的竞赛的表现中,故选A 35D【命题意图】考查细节推理判断题。从Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve (缓解) can we discover a new meaning in competition 可知作者同意失败的恐惧感应该在比赛中忘掉,故选D【点评】文章重在理解作者的感情基调,从全文来看,作者主要表达了应该在比赛中忘却失败的恐惧,真正的意义在于比赛本身的表现的观点,由此可见对于议论文的文章重在把握作者的感情色彩,答题时不断提醒自己作者在讲什么,作者的是在褒义还是在贬斥,这一点非常重要。

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