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1、7-1NAT: AnalyticLOC:Supply and demandTOP:WelfareMSC: Definitional2. The willingness to pay is the maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good and measures how much the buyer values the good. TDIF:1REF:7-1NAT: Supply and demandTOP:Willingness to pay MSC:3. For any given quantity, the price on a d

2、emand curve represents the marginal buyers willingness to pay. ANS:2REF: Interpretive4. A buyer is willing to buy a product at a price greater than or equal to his willingness to pay, but would refuse to buy a product at a price less than his willingness to pay. FDIF:5. Consumer surplus is the amoun

3、t a buyer actually has to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer is willing to pay for it.Consumer surplus MSC:6. Consumer surplus is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually has to pay for it.7. Consumer surplus measures the benefit to buyers of partici

4、pating in a market.8. Consumer surplus can be measured as the area between the demand curve and the equilibrium price. ANS:9. Consumer surplus can be measured as the area between the demand curve and the supply curve. ANS:10. Joel has a 1966 Mustang, which he sells to Susie, an avid car collector. S

5、usie is pleased since she paid $8,000 for the car but would have been willing to pay $11,000 for the car. Susies consumer surplus is $2,000.453Chapter 7/Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets v 46711. If Darby values a soccer ball at $50, and she pays $40 for it, her consumer surplus is

6、 $10. Applicative12. If Darby values a soccer ball at $50, and she pays $40 for it, her consumer surplus is $90.13. All else equal, an increase in supply will cause an increase in consumer surplus.14. Suppose there is an increase in supply that reduces market price. Consumer surplus increases becaus

7、e (1) consumer surplus received by existing buyers increases and (2) new buyers enter the market.15. If the government imposes a binding price floor in a market, then the consumer surplus in that market will increase.16. If the government imposes a binding price floor in a market, then the consumer

8、surplus in that market will decrease.17. Each seller of a product is willing to sell as long as the price he or she can receive is greater than the opportunity cost of producing the product.7-2NAT:Opportunity cost MSC:18. At any quantity, the price given by the supply curve shows the cost of the low

9、est-cost seller. ANS:19. In a competitive market, sales go to those producers who are willing to supply the product at the lowest price.TDIF:7-2Efficiency20. Producer surplus is the amount a seller is paid minus the cost of production.Producer surplus MSC:21. Producer surplus is the cost of producti

10、on minus the amount a seller is paid.22. All else equal, an increase in demand will cause an increase in producer surplus.23. All else equal, a decrease in demand will cause an increase in producer surplus.24. If producing a soccer ball costs Jake $5, and he sells it for $40, his producer surplus is

11、 $45. ANS:25. If producing a soccer ball costs Jake $5, and he sells it for $40, his producer surplus is $35. ANS:26. Connie can clean windows in large office buildings at a cost of $1 per window. The market price for window- cleaning services is $3 per window. If Connie cleans 100 windows, her prod

12、ucer surplus is $100.27. Connie can clean windows in large office buildings at a cost of $1 per window. The market price for window- cleaning services is $3 per window. If Connie cleans 100 windows, her producer surplus is $200.28. The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the pro

13、ducer surplus in a market. ANS:29. The area below the demand curve and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market. ANS:30. If the government imposes a binding price ceiling in a market, then the producer surplus in that market will increase.31. When demand increases so that mar

14、ket price increases, producer surplus increases because (1) producer surplus received by existing sellers increases, and (2) new sellers enter the market.32. Total surplus in a market is consumer surplus minus producer surplus.7-3Total surplus33. Total surplus = Value to buyers - Costs to sellers.23

15、4. Total surplus in a market can be measured as the area below the supply curve plus the area above the demand curve, up to the point of equilibrium.35. Producing a soccer ball costs Jake $5. He sells it to Darby for $35. Darby values the soccer ball at $50. For this transaction, the total surplus i

16、n the market is $40.36. The equilibrium of supply and demand in a market maximizes the total benefits to buyers and sellers of participating in that market.37. Efficiency refers to whether a market outcome is fair, while equality refers to whether the maximum amount of output was produced from a giv

17、en number of inputs.7-3NAT:Efficiency | Equality MSC:38. Efficiency is related to the size of the economic pie, whereas equality is related to how the pie gets sliced and distributed.39. Free markets allocate (a) the supply of goods to the buyers who value them most highly and (b) the demand for goo

18、ds to the sellers who can produce them at least cost.40. Economists generally believe that, although there may be advantages to society from ticket-scalping, the costs to society of this activity outweigh the benefits.41. Economists argue that restrictions against ticket scalping actually drive up the cost of many tickets.42. If the United States legally allowed for a market in transplant organs, it is estimated that one kidney would sell for at least $100,000.43. Even though

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