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1、礼宾部英语培训资料第三单元提送行李 Baggage一、业务述要行李是旅游、商务不可缺少的组成部分,因为行李包括日用品之外,还可能是贵重物品,或者是商务资料或者是商业秘密。行李运送一般由行李员负责,客人一到酒店门口,行李员应主动上前打开车门,问客人有无姓李,如有则帮客人提至前台,等客人办好登记后,再送到房间,同时应建议(提醒)客人把贵重物品放入酒店保险箱保存。如果是团队的行李,应由行李员点清件数,由领队或导游确认签字,再分别送往客人房间。团队离开时,应当提前收集行李,由领队或导游确认签字后再送往机场、车站或码头,搬运时,一定要小心轻放。旅客外出旅行时,应把自己的行李贴上醒目的标签,以便让人辨认,

2、应当用结实耐用的旅行箱或旅行包,最好上锁,加固,以免搬运时破碎,丢失财物带来不便。二、核心词语bellman/bellhop 行李员 pack 包装suitcase 箱子、行李 lock/unlock 上锁、锁baggage/luggage 行李 safe box 保险箱a piece of 一件 baggage office/room 行李房belongings 行李 show sb. the way 带某人去help sb. with sth.帮某人提/拿 deliver 护送put/place 放 trunk 汽车尾部的行李箱turn on /off 打开/关上 collect 收回co

3、me for 来取 slippery 光滑的be sent up 送来 deposit 保管处sign 签字 perishable 易坏的wait for 等待 describe 描述;说明transfer 移转 label/tag 标签pick up 领取 revolving door 旋转门attach to 贴/附属 business card 名片delay 耽搁 cloakroom 寄物处immediately 立即 valuables 贵重物品三、句型范例1. How many pieces of baggage do you have? 您有几件行李?2. Ill show yo

4、u to the Front Desk. This way, please. 我带您去前台,请跟我来。3. Ill show you to your room. 我带您到房间。4. Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag? 您的袋子里有什么贵重物或易碎的东西吗?5. Please take the elevator on your right. 请搭乘您右边的电梯。6. After you, sir/maam. 先生/女士,您先上。 7. Watch your step, please. 请小心走。8. May I put you

5、r bags here? 我可以把行李放在这儿吗?9. Just put them anywhere. 随便搁着吧。10. All stationeries are in this desk drawer. 所有的文具都在则和书桌抽屉里。11. Shall I turn the cooling (heating) up/down? 要把冷气(暖气)调低/高一点吗?12 Here is a brochure explaining hotel services. 这儿有说明饭店的服务手册。13. Could you pick up my baggage, please? 请帮我拿行李,好吗?14.

6、 This is your claim bag, sir. 这是您的取物条,先生。15. Could you make sure that your bags are packed before you leave? 请您确定在您离开前行李打好包了没有?16. Id like to leave this with you. 我想把这个放在您这儿。17. Just a moment, please. Ill bring a baggage cart. (英国用trolley) 请稍等,我去拿一辆行李车。18. Is this your baggage? 这是您的行李吗?19. Is this a

7、ll your baggage? 这是您所有的行李吗?20. Is this all you have? 这是您所有的东西吗?21. Would your mind taking these bottles with you? 您介意自己拿这些瓶子吗?22. Could you take this camera with you, sir? 先生,您自己拿这台照相机好吗?23. Going up, sir. (Going down, sir.) 上去,先生。(下去,先生。)24. Next car, please.(人满了)请搭下一班。25. Please take this elevator

8、 for the restaurant. 请搭这部电梯去餐厅。26. This doesnt stop at the second floor. 二楼不停。27. This elevator does not go up to the guest rooms. 这部电梯不到客房。28. It is an express elevator for the restaurants. 这是直达餐厅的电梯。29. If you would like to go to the restaurants on the top floor, please change elevators at the 15t

9、h Floor. 如果您想上楼顶的餐馆,请到15层换电梯。30. Room Service is available from 6 a.m. 从早上六点起就有客房服务。31. The Coffee Shop serves breakfast from 6 a.m. until 10 a.m. 咖啡厅从早上六点起供应早餐,一直到十点打烊。32. Your bags may be picked up from the Bell Captains Desk. 您可以到服务台领取行李。33. Could you come down to the Bell Captains Desk with your

10、 claim tag to pick up your bags, sir? 先生,请带着取物条到楼下服务台领取行李好吗?34. Please pick up (ask for) a long-term storage tag at the Bell Captains Desk. 请到服务台领取长期服务证。35. What time will you be checking out? 您什么时候要结账?36. Could you make sure that your bags are packed before you leave? 请您在离开前确定行李打包好了没有?37. I hope yo

11、u have enjoyed your stay. 但愿您停留期间一切还愉快。38. May I see some identification, please? 请让我看看身份证好吗?39. Id like to leave this with you. 我想把这个寄放在你这儿。40. This cloakroom is open until 9 a.m. 本寄物处开放到下午九点。41. You may collect it there. 您可以去那儿领取。42. May I have your tag, please? 请把取物牌给我好吗?43. Could you check that

12、everything is there? 请检查东西是不是都在呢?44. There are safety deposit boxes at the Front Desk. 柜台有存放贵重物品的保险柜。45. Im afraid we cannot accept perishable goods here. 我们这里恐怕不能受理易腐败的物品。46. Good evening, sir. Are you checking in? 先生,晚安。您要登记住宿吗?47. Do you have any baggage in the trunk? 有没有行李放在行李箱里?48. Is this ever

13、ything, sir? 先生,东西全放在这儿吗?49. May I help you with your bags, sir? 先生,我帮您提行李好吗?50. How many bags do you have in all? 您一共有多少件行李?51. Its slippery. Please mind your feet. 地很滑,请小心走。52. Please mind your head. 小心您的头。53. Please mind your hands in the revolving door. 过旋转门时小心您的手。54. Please go in by the door on

14、 the left. 请从左边的门进去。55. Would you like me to give directions to the taxi driver? 要我向计程车司机说明吗?56. Please show this card to the driver when you return to the hotel. 您要回旅馆时,请给司机看这张名片。四、情景对话1.帮旅客提行李至服务台Dialogue: B=Bellman(为旅客搬送行李的)服务生 G=Guest 旅客B: Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. 先生,晚

15、安。欢迎到国宾大饭店。G: Thank you. 谢谢。B: How many pieces of luggage do you have? 您有多少件行李?G: Just these three. 只有这三件。B: Two suitcases and one bag. Is that right? 两个旅行箱和一个袋子对吗?G: Yes. Thats all. 是的,就是这些。B: Ill show you to the Front Desk. This way, please. I will put your bags by the post over there. 我带您到柜台,请跟我来

16、。 我把您的袋子放在那儿的柱子旁边。G: I see thanks. 好的,谢谢。B: A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking in. 您办完住宿登记时,服务生会带您到房间去。G: O.K. Fine. 好的。B:Please enjoy your stay. 请好好休息。2. 帮旅客提行李至房间Dialogue: B=Bellman(为旅客搬运行李的)服务生 G=Guest 旅客B: Good evening, sir. Ill show you to your room. You have t

17、wo suitcases and one bag. Is that right? 先生,晚安。我带您到房间去。您有两个旅行箱和一个袋子,对吧?G: Yes, thats right. 对的。B: Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag? 您的袋子里有什么贵重或易碎的东西吗?G: Yes, theres a bottle of whisky. 有,有一瓶威士忌。B: Could you carry this bag, sir? Im afraid the contents might break. 先生,您自己提这个袋子好吗?我怕里

18、面的东西会破。G: Sure, no problem. 好的,没问题。B: Thank you, sir. May I have your room key, please? 谢谢您,先生。请给我房间的钥匙好吗?G: Yes. Here you are. 好的,在这儿。B: Thank you, sir. Your room is on the 12th Floor. Please follow me. 谢谢您,先生。您的房间在12楼,请跟我来。3. 带旅客乘搭电梯Dialogue: B=Bellman(为旅客搬运行李的)服务生 G=Guest 旅客B: Your elevator is th

19、is way. 您的电梯在这边。G: I see. 哦。B: The elevators on the right are the express ones to the tenth Floor and above. The elevators on the left go to the tenth Floor only. They stop at every floor. Your room is on the twelfth Floor. Please take the elevator on your right. After you, sir. 右边是10号楼以上的直达电梯。左边的电梯

20、只到10楼,每一楼都停。您的房间在12楼,请搭乘您右边的电梯。先生,您先上。G: Thanks. 谢谢。4.行李提到房间后Dialogue: B=Bellman G=GuestB: This is your room. (Unlocks door and switches on light) After you, sir. May I put your bags here? 这是您的房间。 (打开门锁,捻亮电灯) 先生,您先走。我可以把行李放在这儿吗?G: Sure. Just put them anywhere. 当然可以。随便搁着吧。B: Here is your room key; is

21、 this the correct number of bags? 这是房间的钥匙。行李的件数正确吗?G: Lets see. Yes, thats all. 我看看。对,就是这些。B: May I hang your coat in the closet, sir? 我把您的外套挂进壁橱里好吗?G: Ah, yes. Please do! 嗯,好的。麻烦你。B: Shall I open the curtains for you? 要我帮您打开窗户吗?G: Yes, thats a good idea. 好的,真是好主意。G: I want to send a cable; will you

22、 get me the cable form? 我要拍一通电报,帮我拿点报表来好吗?B: All stationeries are in this desk drawer, sir. 先生,所有的文具都在这个书桌的抽屉里。G: Thats fine. Ill call you when it is ready. 好,我写好时会叫你过来。B: Yes, sir. Anything else (I can do), sir? 是的,先生。还有别的事吗?G: No, I guess thats all (for the time being). 没有了,(暂时)就这些。G: Yes, coming.

23、 Who is it? 来了,哪一位?B: The bellman, sir. I have brought your baggage. 先生,我是服务生,帮您把行李送来了。G: Fine. Come in. 好的,请进。B: Were very sorry for the delay, sir. May I put it (your bags) here? 对不起,先生,耽搁了一下。我把行李放在这儿好吗?G: Sure. 好的。B: Is this everything, sir? 先生,这是所有的行李吗?G: Yes, thats right. 是的。B: Enjoy your stay

24、with us, sir. 先生,好好休息。5. 送错旅客的行李时Dialogue: BC=Bell Captain旅馆服务生领班 G=Guest 旅客BC: This is the Bell Captains Desk. May I help you? 服务台,能为您效劳吗?G: Yes, Ive been waiting for my bags to be sent up for the last half hour. Where are they? 是这样的,我等行李送上来至少等了半小时,行李哪里去了?BC: I very sorry to hear that, maam. May I

25、have your name and room number, please? 女士,非常抱歉,可以请问您的芳名和房间号码吗?G: Yes, its Brandeis. Room#2312. 好的,我是2312号房的布兰黛丝。BC: How many pieces did you have, maam? 女士,您有多少件行李?G: Two suitcases and a shoulder bag. 两个旅行箱和一个手提包。BC: Could you describe them, please? 请描述一下好吗?G: The suitcases are pale blue leather and

26、 the shoulder bag is dark brown. 旅行箱是浅蓝色皮质的,手提包是深咖啡色的。BC: Is there a name tag attached to them, maam? 上面有没有贴上姓名的签条?G: Yes, they all have tags on them. 有的,每一件都有签条。BC: Were very sorry for the delay, maam. Ill check immediately and call you back. 女士,对不起。耽误了您的时间,我立刻检查并给您回电。G: This is the Bell Captain. Y

27、our bags are on the way now. Were very sorry for the inconvenience. 我是服务生领班。您的行李正给您送去。很抱歉给您带来不便。BC: How long will it take him? 还需要多久?G: About five minutes, maam. 大概五分钟,女士。BC: I see, all right. Thank you. Bye! 哦,好。谢谢你,再见!G: Goodbye, maam. 再见,女士。6.遗失领物凭证Dialogue: B=Bellman 服务生 G=Guest 旅客B: Good aftern

28、oon, sir. May I help you?午安,能为您效劳吗?G: Yes, I left my jacket with you this morning but Ive lost the tag for it.是的,我今天早上把夹克寄放在你这儿,可是我把取物牌丢了。B: I see, sir. Do you remember the tags number or color?哦,先生,您己的牌子的号码或颜色吗?G: Im afraid not .I think it was blue but Im sure.恐怕记不得了。大概是蓝色的,但是我不确定。B: Did you leave

29、it at this cloakroom, sir?先生,您是寄放在本存物处吗?C: Yes.是的。B: Could you describe the jacket, please?请您描述一下那件夹克的样子好吗?G: Yes, its a beige corduroy jacket with a brown checked lining. 那是件灰褐色的灯心绒夹克,上面有咖啡色格子花纹线条。B: Is there anything in the pockets, sir? 先生,口袋里有没有东西?G: Lets see. There should be a light blue handke

30、rchief, a key chain and some business cards in the pocket. The label says “St .Michael”.我想想看,口袋里应该有一条浅蓝色的手帕,一个钥匙链和一些名片。标签上写着“St .Michael”.B: Is your name marked on the jacket, sir? 先生,夹克上面有没有标注您的姓名?G: No, I dont think so. 不,我想没有。B: May I see some identification, please? 我可以看一下您的身份证明吗?G: Well, heres my card but why all the questions? 哦,这是我的名片,你为什么要问这些问题呢?B: We have many similar jackets in the cloakroom and we might make a mistake. 本存物处有许多类似的夹克,我们可能会搞错。G: I see. 我懂了。B: Just a moment, please. Ill check for you. Thank you for waiting, sir. Is this your jacket?请稍等,我帮您查查看。 让您久等了,先生,这是您的夹

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