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教材优化全析Unit20 Archaeology.docx

1、教材优化全析Unit20 Archaeology 教材优化全析 JIAO CAI YOU HUA QUAN XI Warming up 1.home decoration 家居装饰 decoration U 装饰,装潢。例如: combed decoration 波纹装饰 edge decoration 书边装饰 interior decoration 室内装饰 2.Where were they unearthed? 它们是从哪儿发掘出来的呢? unearth vt.(从地下)发掘;揭露。例如: unearth buried treasure 发掘埋在地下的宝藏 unearth new fa

2、cts about Shakespeare 发现有关莎士比亚的新资料 unearth a plot 揭露一个阴谋 3.artefact C 人工制品(尤指有考古价值的工具或武器) prehistoric artefacts made of bone and pottery 史前的骨制及陶制器具Listening 1.How far can you throw a spear with a tool like this? 用这样一个工具投标枪你能投多远? (1)how far用来提问距离有多远。例如: How far is it to London from here? 从这里到伦敦有多远? H

3、ow far did you drive today? 你今天开车开了多远? (2)spear C 矛;枪;梭镖。例如: antelopes killed with spears 用长枪刺死的羚羊 2.What else do you think the object could he used for? 你认为这东西还能用作什么? else adv. 此外,另外(与不定代词、疑问代词或否定副词连用)。例如: Do you want anything else? 你还需要其他东西吗? Where else can I get it? 除此之外,我还能在哪里得到它?Speaking 1.Id l

4、ike to know more about life as it was two hundred years ago. 我想了解更多关于二百年前的生活情况。 as conj. 像一样的;如的。例如: Id like to go abroad as you do. 我想跟你一样出国。 He was late, as usual. 他如往常一样迟到了。 2.Im not interested in broken pots and vases. 我对破烂的瓶瓶罐罐不感兴趣。 broken为过去分词,在这里作定语,表示“破坏的,破碎的”。例如: a broken glass 破杯子 a broken

5、 leg 骨折的腿 a broken marriage 破裂的婚姻 a broken heart 破碎的心 3.Im curious to 极想 curious adj. 好奇心强烈的,渴望知道的,爱探究的。例如: curious eyes 好奇的眼神 curious about the origin of mankind 对人类的起源有兴趣 Children are naturally curious about everything around them. 小孩子对周围的每件事感到好奇是很自然的。 Im curious to know what is written in his let

6、ter. 我极想知道他在信中写什么。Pre-reading Describe the kinds of objects kings and emperors in China were buried with. 描述一下给中国的国王和皇帝陪葬的物品。 emperor C 皇帝。例如: the Roman emperors 罗马皇帝 the Emperor Napoleon 拿破仑皇帝Reading 1.On May 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to around 2300 BC. 2

7、002年5月3日,英国考古学家发现了一座墓穴。这座墓穴可以追溯到公元前2300年左右。 date back to 追溯到,上溯到。例如: This building dates back to 1823. 这栋建筑是1823年所建。 Our partnership dates back to 1960. 我们从1960年就合伙了。 2.From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in central Europe. 从对他牙齿的检验来看,他的童年一定是在中欧度过的。 (1)It is certain th

8、at 是确实的。例如: It is certain that the earth is round. 毫无疑问地球是圆的。 It is certain that he will agree. (=He is certain to agree.) 他肯定会同意。 (2)central adj. 中心的,中央的。例如: an office in the central part of the city 位于市中心的办事处 We live in central London. 我们住在伦敦中部。 3.Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warr

9、ior. 与他共葬的是猎人或武士用的工具。 (1)该句为倒装句,表语置于句首时,倒装结构为“表语+系动词+主语”。例如: Present at the meeting were Professor Whire, Professor Smith and many other guests. 出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授和许多其他的客人。 Gone were the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people. 他们对中国人民恣意妄为的岁月一去不复返了。 (2)warrior C 武士;勇士。例如: a Zulu

10、warrior 祖鲁人的武士 a warrior nation 善战的民族 4.There was a bone pin that may have been from a piece of clothing such as a leather coat. 有一个骨针可能是一件衣服,比如皮衣上面的。 pin C 针。例如: The boy fastened the insect on the cardboard with a pin. 那男孩用别针把昆虫钉在硬纸板上。 It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. 安静得你可听到针落地的声音。

11、5.The most amazing find was two gold earrings. 最令人惊讶的是发现了一副金耳环。 find C 发现,发现物。例如: Our new gardener was a marvelous find. 我们新找到了一个很出色的花匠。 6.Close to his head were two pots made of clay, tools and materials to make arrows. 他的头旁边是两口泥制的锅、造箭用的工具和材料。 bow C 弓。例如: a bow and arrow 弓箭 draw a bow 拉弓 an arrow f

12、rom a bow 拉弓射箭 7.Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal. 在它们的旁边放着一块垫东西的石头,这个人有可能在上面锻造金属。 该句为非限制性定语从句,修饰“a cushion stone”, lie此处是“(指物)平放”的意思。过去式、过去分词分别为lay, lain。例如: The book lay open on the desk. 那本书摊开着摆在桌子上。 The snow lay deep in front of the door. 雪在门前堆积得很深。 8.The dis

13、covery is important for a variety of reasons. 由于种种原因,这项发现非常重要。 a variety of 形形色色的,种种的。例如: a collection of a variety of butterflies 收集各式各样的蝴蝶 There are a wide variety of people on the earth. 地球上有各种不同的人。 9.It was all that a person would need to surviveclothing, tools, weapons, pottery and spare materi

14、als to make new tools. 这都是人继续生存所需要的衣服,工具,武器,陶器以及制造新工具的备用材料。 spare adj. 备用的;额外的;多余的;剩下的。例如: a spare room 预备的房间 a spare tire 备用轮胎 I have little spare time. 我没有什么余暇。 10.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he may have had a hand in planning the monument, or in helping tr

15、ansport and pull up the stones. 很可能巨石王与这些巨石有关,他可能参与策划建立这个纪念碑,或者帮助运输和竖起巨石。 (1)have a hand in 参与,插手;对某事负部分责任。例如: I bet he had a hand in it. 我敢说他一定参与了此事。 I cant promise much. Im not the only one that has a hand in this town. 我不能答应太多。镇里的事不是我一个人说了算。 (2)may后加动词不定式的完成式,表示对过去的推测,认为某事可能已发生。例如: She may have m

16、issed the bus. 她也许错过公共汽车了。 It may have drizzled during the night. 夜里也许下了毛毛雨。 11.In terms of technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. 就技术发展而言,人们正从石器时代过渡到青铜器时代。 (1)in terms of 用的话;以的观点;就而说。例如: In terms of the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second

17、 largest Swiss industry in 1929. 就雇佣的人来说,旅馆业是瑞士的第二大产业。 He thought of everything in terms of money. 他每件事都从钱的角度考虑。 (2)technical adj. 技术的;工艺的。例如: The violinist has technical skill but not much feeling. 这位小提琴家技巧不错,但缺乏感情。 12.Iron came later, in what was called the Iron Age. 铁出现得晚一些,在叫做铁器时代的时候出现。 what引导宾语

18、从句,what在从句中作主语。例如: After what seemed half an hour, he came back. 过了大约半个小时后,他回来了。 Will you show me what you bought? 可以把你所买的东西给我看一下吗? What we cant get seems better than what we have. 我们所不能得到的好像比我们拥有的好。 13.At first it was thought that it was through war and armed conflict, but it is now believed to hav

19、e happened through trade and cultural links. 起初人们认为是通过战争和武力斗争,但是现在人们认为是通过贸易和文化交流发生的。 It is thought that 人们认为 此句型中,it为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。例如: At first, it was thought that the earth is flat. 起初人们认为地球是平的。Post-reading 1.For trade and cultural links as well as life in Britain and the construction of a bui

20、lding such as Stonehenge, people in the Bronze Age must have had knowledge about 对于不列颠的贸易、文化交流以及他们的生活,和建造巨石阵,青铜器时代的人们一定具备方面的知识 as well as(除之外)也,还,而且。例如: He speaks Spanish as well as English and French. 他不但会讲英语和法语,也会讲西班牙语。 His children as well as his wife were invited to the party. 不但他太太,连他的孩子都被邀参加了那

21、次聚会。 about the inventions and kinds of science they must have had, based on the reading passage. 根据阅读材料,讨论一下他们的创造和他们所具备的各种科学知识。 baseon 把基础放在上;以为基础。例如: You should base your conclusion on careful research. 你应该以审慎的研究为基础。 This story is based on facts. 这故事是有事实根据的。Language study 1.She is always dre

22、ssed in black. 她总是穿黑色的衣服。 dress v. 穿衣。例如: be dressed in (表状态)穿着 dress sb. 给某人穿衣服 dress oneself in 穿着(表动作) dress up 盛装,打扮 dress well 穿着得体 2.Thanks to modern technology, to find out more facts about the man buried in the grave is possible. 由于现代科技,找出更多的有关埋在墓地里人的材料成为可能。 thanks to 多亏,幸亏。例如: The play succ

23、eeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast. 由于全体演员的出色表演,那出戏才获得成功。 Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled. 因为这个倒霉天气,比赛取消了。Integrating skills 1.roots of Chinese culture 中国文化的根源 root C 根源,来源;根,根茎。例如: the root of the problem 问题的根源 The love of money is the root of all evil. 爱钱乃万恶之源。(语出圣

24、经) a plant with very long roots 根部很长的植物 Many Americans have roots in Europe. 许多美国人祖籍在欧洲。 2.On February 8, they found ivory and jade in the mud. 2月8日,他们在泥里找到了象牙和玉。 (1)ivory U 象牙。例如: ivory tower 象牙塔 (2)jade U 玉;硬玉;软玉 3.For example, a gold mask and a bronze statue of a man remind visitors of the bronze

25、 masks and big bronze statues at Sanxingdui because of their similar style. 例如一个金面具和一个青铜人物雕像使参观者想起三星堆的青铜面具和大青铜像,因为它们有相似的风格。 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起,提醒。例如: He reminds me of his father. 他使我想起他的父亲。 I was reminded of my promise. 有人提醒我不要忘了我的允诺。 4.In the spring of 1929, a farmer in todays Nanxing Town, w

26、as working in the fields, when his son dug up a round piece of jade. 1929年春天,在现在的南兴市,一个农民正在地里干活,这时他的儿子挖出了一块圆玉。 dig up 挖出;掘起。例如: We dug up the tree by its roots. 我们将树连根挖起。 An old Greek statue was dug up here last month. 上个月在这儿挖出了一尊古希腊雕像。 5.In 1953, Yan kaizong accompanied his grandfather when he gave

27、 the relics from the ruins to the state. 1953年,颜开宗陪同他的爷爷把古物从遗址带给政府。 accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同。例如: She accompanied her friend to the concert. 她陪同朋友去听演奏会。 Strong winds accompanied the rain. 强风伴着雨来。 accompany ones speech with gestures 演讲附带着动作 6.It was four oclock in the afternoon when he and his grandpa reac

28、hed the museum in Guanghan, where an official warmly received them. 下午四点,他和他的祖父到达广汉博物馆,在那里一位官员热情地接待了他。 warmly adv. 热情地。例如: He thanked us all warmly. 他衷心地感谢我们大家。 I can warmly recommend it. 我诚心诚意地推荐它。 7.Create different shapes for different types of action, e. g. triangles for decisions 构建不同的形状来表示不同的动

29、作,例如三角形表示决定 triangle C 三角形。例如: He studied the dark triangle on the pot. 他研究壶上的黑三角。Grammarit的用法 1.用作人称代词。例如: Where is my book? It is on the desk. Whos the baby? Its my son. 2.用以代替指示代词this, that。例如: Whats this? Its a book. Whose bike is that? Its hers. 3.起指示代词的作用。例如: Who is knocking the door? Its me.

30、Who is making such a noise? It must be the children. 4.指时间、季节、天气、气候、距离、环境情况等。例如: What time is it? It is eight oclock. It often rains in summer. It was very quiet at the moment. It is a long way to the factory. It is five kilometers from the office to my home. 5.It is+被强调部分+that 该句型是强调句型。例如: It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. =Not un

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