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届人教版必修一Unit 3 travel journal单元测试 8.docx

1、届人教版必修一Unit 3 travel journal单元测试 8必修一Unit 3 travel journal单元测试.完形填空Dear Mr Jones,I expect you may be slightly surprised to receive a letter from someone living as near as your nextdoor neighbor, but I have to raise a subject so that it will be easier for me to discuss in writing.You may have noticed

2、 that I have a _1_ of apple trees running alongside the fence that _2_ our two gardens. You may also have taken _3_ in the frequent sight of your two children _4_ on your lawn directly by the fence. And you may also have _5_ that my apple trees, so to speak, bend over the fence and seem to _6_ your

3、children with interest.It is only natural that your children should sometimes seem to return that _7_. And it is not only natural, _8_, I acknowledge, quite legal, for them occasionally to show that interest by _9_ all the apples that hang over on _10_ side of the fence.But to be plain with you, Mr

4、Jones, I am tired _11_ seeing your children, day after day, tear the branches off the side of every one of my apple trees, and leave my trees looking _12_ a battle had been fought on one side of them. I am, if anything, even more tired of waking up these fine autumn _13_, to find even the apples on

5、my side of the fence _14_ in number. I know this is the work of your children, since last night I was woken at midnight by the _15_ they were making _16_ one of my trees, and (as they may have told you) chased them home.While I am on the suject, I am at least grateful to you for keeping your bonfire

6、s on the far side of your garden this year. Last year neither I _17_ your children had any apples, because the smoke from your bonfire destroyed all the flowers _18_ the apples had time to form. I very much hope that next yearfor the first time since I came to this villageI shall have my apples, and

7、 your children _19_ have theirs and that the sight of the line of apple trees will be _20_ pride to us both.Yours sincerelyJSmith篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者家的苹果树长到了隔壁邻居家的院子里,邻居家的孩子在摘苹果时把树枝都给扯坏了,他们还在半夜爬到树上偷摘苹果。因此,作者给邻居写了这封信,希望他能约束一下自己的孩子,共同爱护苹果树。1A.line BwireCkind Dsort答案:A根据最后一段最后一句中的“the line of apple trees”可

8、知,“我”沿着篱笆种了一行苹果树。line “排,列,行”,符合语境。故答案选A。2A.divides BpartsCdeparts Dseparates答案:D此处指篱笆把我们两家的花园隔开。separate “把隔开”,符合语境。3A.part BdelightCpride Dplace答案:B看见自己的孩子坐在草坪上,家长应会很高兴。take delight in是固定短语,意为“以为乐”,符合语境。故答案选B。4A.seating BsatCsitting Dseat答案:C根据所给选项可知,此处意为“坐在草坪上”,sit是不及物动词,与被修饰词two children之间为逻辑上的主

9、谓关系,应用其现在分词形式作宾语补足语,B项错误,C项正确;seat作动词时,是及物动词,应用seat sb.的结构,意为“使某人就座”,与被修饰词two children为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用其过去分词形式,A、D两项错误。故答案选C。5A.watched BnoticedCseen Dlooked答案:B根据语境可知,此处指或许你也注意到了“我”的苹果树越过了篱笆。notice “注意到”,符合语境。6A.look down at Blook down uponClook up to Dlook up at答案:A根据对本句的理解可知,这里运用了拟人的手法,指苹果树越过了篱笆,饶有兴趣地

10、俯视着你的孩子们。look down at “低头看,俯视”,符合语境。7A.profit BgoodCinterest Dtaste答案:C根据上文中的“with interest”可知,此处指你的孩子有时似乎会回应苹果树对他们的兴趣,这是很自然的。此处是偷摘苹果的委婉说法。interest “兴趣”,符合语境。8A.just BevenCand Dbut答案:D此处构成固定搭配not only . but (also) .,意为“不仅而且”。故答案选D。9A.picking BtakingCeating Dhaving答案:A根据后面的宾语“all the apples that hang

11、 over on _10_ side of the fence”可知,此处是“摘苹果”的意思。pick “采,摘”,符合语境。故答案选A。10A.our BhisCyour Dtheir答案:C根据常识可知,邻居家孩子摘的自然是伸到邻居家花园里的苹果枝上的苹果。本文是一封信,应用第二人称称呼邻居。故答案选C。11A.from BofCfor Dwith答案:B根据语境可知,此处指“我”厌烦了日复一日地看见你的孩子将树枝从苹果树上扯下来。be tired of doing sth. 意为“厌烦/厌倦做某事”。故答案选B。12A.even if Beven thoughCin case Das i

12、f答案:D根据语境可知,孩子们将树枝扯断,使树看上去就像经历过战争一般。as if “似乎,好像”,符合语境。13A.mornings BafternoonsCevenings Dnights答案:A根据句中的关键词“waking up”可知,此处应指早晨醒来。故答案选A。14A.a little larger Bmuch largerCmuch smaller Dmuch fewer答案:C根据下文描述的邻居的孩子半夜爬到树上摘苹果可知,连“我”这边的苹果也少了很多,排除A、B两项。number与small搭配,不与few搭配。故答案选C。15A.voice BnoiseCwhisper D

13、scream答案:B根据上文中的“I was woken”可知,“我”是被孩子们的吵闹声吵醒的。noise “噪声,吵闹声”,符合语境。16A.jumping BbeatingCbiting Dclimbing答案:D根据下文中的“chased them home”可知,应是爬上苹果树摘苹果。climb “爬,攀登”,符合语境。17A.nor BorCso Dand答案:A此处构成固定用法“neither . nor .”,意为“和都不”。故答案选A。18A.after BuntilCbefore Dunless答案:C根据语境可知,去年苹果树上没有结出一个苹果,因为在苹果开始生长之前邻居家篝

14、火的烟毁坏了所有的苹果花。before “在之前”,符合语境。19A.can BwillCcould Dwould答案:B根据时间状语“next year”和前一分句中的“shall”可知,此处用一般将来时,故用will。故答案选B。20A.a BanCthe Dno答案:A此处是抽象名词具体化,a pride意为“一件令人骄傲的事”。此处指来年看见一行苹果树会令我们都觉得骄傲。故答案选A。.阅读理解AYacouba Sawadogo is an African farmer who has been traveling across the deserts for the last 30 y

15、ears, using ancient farming techniques to fight the threatening deserts.His story dates back to the 1980s when Africa suffered one of the worst droughts in its history. During that period, rainfall reduced by as much as 80%, killing almost all the plants. Most local people moved away to different pl

16、aces, but Yacouba stayed back. Instead of giving in to the violence of nature, he decided to take control and change the face of the land completely.Unable to read and write, and with no access to modern techniques and tools, he started to employ an old African farming practice called “Zai”. The pra

17、ctice involves planting seeds in small holes filled with ecofriendly manure (肥料). The holes fill up with and keep the water that falls during the rainy season. This provides moisture (水分) and nutrients for the growing plants during the dry periods. Also, the manure attracts ants, which help break up

18、 the soil further and increase its ability to take in water.Within two decades of starting his revolutionary work, a forested area of about fifty acres came up on the land of the African desert. Yacouba featured in a documentary titled The Man Who Stopped the Desert through which he became known to

19、the rest of the world. To the great joy and relief of Yacouba, what the documentary focused on was put into the reestablishment of local forests and a training program for the farmers who wanted to learn Yacoubas technique. Today, “Zai” is being widely practiced in the region.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。本文介绍了一位非洲

20、农夫使用古老的耕作技术与沙漠做斗争并坚持了30年的故事。1What does the text mainly talk about?AA training program for African farmers.BA documentary about an influential African farmer.CThe serious situation of environment destruction in Africa.DAn African farmer fighting deserts with old farming methods.答案:D主旨大意题。根据第一段可知,非洲的一

21、位农夫雅各巴使用古老的耕作技术与沙漠作斗争而一直穿行在沙漠中长达30年,下文具体介绍了他的做法及影响。故选D项。A项指一个培训项目,B项指一部纪录片,C项指环境破坏的严峻情况,虽都在文中被提到,但以偏概全。2What can we learn from the last paragraph?AYacouba advertised his farming practice through the media.BYacoubas efforts have made a great difference.CRebuilding forests is no tough job at all.DDese

22、rts no longer threaten Africa.答案:B推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,在他工作的二十年里,大约50英亩的林区在非洲沙漠上出现;一部记录片讲述他与沙漠作斗争的故事使他为人所知,并且他所倡导的方法在这一地区广为实践。由此推断,雅各巴的努力起了很大作用。故选B项。3Which word can best describe Yacouba?ADetermined. BKnowledgeable.CCurious. DCreative.答案:A推理判断题。根据第一段得知他能与沙漠作斗争并坚持30年,这说明他做事意志坚定。故选A项。BExposed soil isnt pa

23、rt of natures master plan. Good examples where soil is naturally found with no plants growing in are beneath freshly removed trees, or where the ground has been burnt by a land fire. In these situations bare soil isnt bare for long; within days seedlings (芽) begin to appear and cover the ground. In

24、a few months time, the scar is hardly noticeable.Unlike these natural examples, ploughed (耕犁) fields and freshly dug gardens are obvious examples created by man. But, left to nature, even these bare soils soon turn green with a large number of tiny seedlings. In fields, gardens and on grasslands, ro

25、adside and sports fields, along streets and on paths and pavements, we are constantly battling to stop weeds from growing. All we are doing is stop the recovering powers of nature.Whenever soil is exposed, weeds act like a kind of medicine to reduce the potentially harmful rays of the sun, so the so

26、oner plant growth covers the soil over again, the better.Weeds also help to improve the fertility (肥沃) of the soil. Their roots get the soil together, improving its structure and creating a more stable environment in which soil life can grow fast. Those weeds with a deep root draw up plant nutrients

27、 from deeper in the ground, making them available to plants growing near the soil surface. Above ground, the stems (茎) of weeds help trap fallen leaves which break down into the soil, adding to the fertility of the soil.As the soil becomes more fertile, different kinds of plants start to replace the

28、 “pioneering” weeds. Bushes move in to take the place by gradually shading them out, followed in turn by trees, which eventually push up through the bushes, finally shading them out too. Fallen leaves from the bushes and trees carry on the job of building soil fertility that was begun by those very

29、first weeds that grew on the bare soil. Then, when one of these mature trees is removed in a storm, leaving a wound of bare soil in the earth, the whole process starts again.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了大自然神奇的自我修复能力。重点叙述在地表裸露的情况下,杂草在修复裸土和涵养地表的循环过程中所担当的重要“先锋”作用。4When will soil be left bare?AA land fire has jus

30、t happened.BA young tree is planted in.CNo one ploughs the land.DNo crops are planted in.答案:A细节理解题。根据第一段第一、二句可知,刚被火烧过的土地成为裸土。故选A项。5Which of the following prevents the bare soil from recovering?ASeedlings appearing in gardens.BReducing harmful rays of the sun.CRemoving weeds from pavements.DReplacing

31、 plants in sports fields.答案:C推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可知,人们除掉路边杂草的行为就是在阻止裸土的恢复。故选C项。6What can weeds do for the soil?AThey create soil life.BThey help improve the soil.CThey get nutrients from the sun.DThey break down fallen leaves.答案:B细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,杂草有助于提高土壤的肥沃度。故选B项。7How can the soil remain fertile after trees move in?ABy adding more weeds to the soil.BBy taking out the weeds constantly.CBy removing the previous bushes.DBy making use of the fallen leaves.答案:D细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句可判断D项正确。.短文改错

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