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1、先知英汉详解Knowing 先知更多电影 Miss Taylor is standing on the elementary school steps -Miss Taylor: Everyone inside now!Inside: 在里面大家现在进来上课啰! (Lucinda is watching the sun.) -Miss Taylor: Lucinda, were going in.go in: 进入Lucinda,我们都要进去了Lucinda!Lucinda!Lucinda, were going in.Lucinda,我们都要进去了 Lucinda!Lucinda! In c

2、lassroom -Miss Taylor: Now, you remember tomorrow is our official opening day, dont you?official: 官方的 opening day: 开放日好了,大家都记得明天是学校的开放日吧?-Students: Yes, Miss Taylor.是的,Miss Taylor -Miss Taylor: And you remember Principal Clark ran a competition last monthprinciple: 校长 run a competiotion: 发起比赛那么大家一定还

3、记得上个月克拉克校长发起了to find the best ideas to celebrate this very special day.idea: 创意 the best ideas: 最佳创意 celebrate: 庆祝 special: 特殊寻找最佳创意来庆祝这一特殊日子的比赛-Students: Me! Me! Me!我!我!我! -Miss Taylor: Well, yesterday, the staff selected the winning idea,staff: 员工总称 select: 选出 winning: 胜利的其实,就在昨天老师们选出了获胜的创意and it

4、came from this e from: 来自就来自我们班The winner is our ownwinner: 获胜者 our own: 自己的优胜者就是我们其中一员Lucinda Embry.Lucinda Embry-Students: Lucinda? Why her?Lucinda?怎么会选她?Lucinda? Lucinda?Lucinda?Lucinda? -Miss Taylor: Come on, e on: 来吧大家祝贺她吧Well be closing our dedication ceremony with the burial of a time capsule

5、.ceremony: 仪式 dedication ceremony: 落成仪式 burial: 埋葬 capsule: 胶囊 我们会在仪式最后埋下时间囊-Miss Taylor: Yes? 请说 - Students: Whats a time capsule?什么是时间囊?-Miss Taylor: This is a time capsule.time capsule: 时间囊这就是时间囊-Students: Wow. Thats incredible.incredible: 难以置信的哇真酷-Miss Taylor: Now, I need you to put your thinkin

6、g caps on,cap: 帽子 thinking:思考 thinking cap: 思考状态 现在,我要你们戴上智慧之帽because I want each of you to drawbecause:因为 draw: 绘制因为接下来我要你们描绘出what you think the future is going to look like.future: 未来 look like: 看上去像你们脑海中未来的样子Then well put the pictures in the capsule, and 50 years from today,putin:把放入 capsule: 胶囊然

7、后我们会把图画放进时间囊里,在50年之后a group of children just like yourselves will open it up to see what you drew.a group of: 一群 children: 孩子们 yourselves: 你们自己一群和你们一样大的孩子们会打开这个时间囊,一窥你们的图画Doesnt that sound exciting?sound: 听起来 exciting:令人兴奋的这不是很有趣么?-Students: Yes, Miss Taylor.是的,Miss Taylor Miss Taylor: Lets

8、gin: 开始开始吧That is a lovely spaceship there, Dawn.lovely: 可爱的 spaceship: 宇宙飞船 这真是艘漂亮的宇宙飞船,Dawn-Dawn: Thank you, Miss Taylor. 谢谢,Miss Taylor -Miss Taylor: Well done.不错-Miss Taylor: And that is a nice robot, Andrew. Very good.robot: 机器人很棒的机器人,Andrew,非常棒Times up. Everyone hand your work 作品 hand

9、 in: 交上时间到了,同学们把画交上来吧And make sure you write your name on the envelope.envelope: 信封记得一定要把自己的名字写在信封上-Students: My names over here.我的名字就在这-Miss Taylor: Thank you, Harold. 谢谢,Harold -Harold: Thank you, Miss Taylor.谢谢,Miss Taylor -Miss Taylor: Lucinda, you need to finish up now.finish up: 结束Lucinda,你该停笔

10、了- Miss Taylor: Thank you. 谢谢 -Student:Thank you.谢谢 -Miss Taylor: Oh, Lucinda.噢,LucindaThe assignment was to draw a picture.assignment: (分配的)任务我们说好要画画的This was your idea.这可是你想出来的啊Okay, I want you all to finish, please.finish: 完成好了,你们都停下别画了 During a dedication ceremony for Williams Dawes Elementary -

11、President: Welcome to all our friends and esteemed colleagues.president: 校长 esteemed:受尊敬的 colleague: 同事欢迎所有敬爱的朋友和同事们We, the students and faculty of William Dawes Elementary,faculty: 全体教员我们William Dawes小学的学生们和全体教员 hereby bury this time capsule in dedication of our new school,hereby: 据此 bury: 埋葬 dedic

12、ation: 建成特此埋下时间囊来庆祝即将落成的新学校and we charge our descendentscharge: 把担子加在上 descendent: 子孙并且由我们的后代to open this vault of history 50 years from today. 在50年之后打开这历史之囊To the future and the promise that it holdspromise: 希望 .让我们为未来及其希望而欢呼 In the gym -Miss Taylor: Lucinda?Lucinda-Police A: Lucinda?Lucinda?-Polic

13、e B: Lucinda?Lucinda?-President: Im certain Lucinda is simply being over curious.certain: 确定的 simply: 仅仅 curious: 好奇的我确信Lucinda只是好奇心太足-Miss Taylor: Can you please help find her?你们能帮忙一起找她么?The cloakroom. Check the cloakroom.cloakroom: 衣帽存放处 check: 检查衣帽间,检查衣帽间-Police C: Lucinda. Henry, come on.Lucinda

14、,亨利,来吧Lucinda? Come on out now.Lucinda?出来吧-Police C: Lucinda? Lucinda?-Miss Taylor: Lucinda.LucindaOh, my God.噢我的天啊! -Lucinda: Make them stop. Please make them stop whispering.whisper: 耳语让他们住口,让他们别再我耳边说话了 50 years later, on Present day, John is observing the universe outside.observe: 观察 -John: Caleb

15、? Take a look at this.take a look at: 看一看(检查)Caleb,来看看这个-Caleb: (to a bunny) There you go.bunny: 小兔子你留在这喔What is it?看什么?-John: Saturns rings await your approval.Saturn: 土星 ring: 环 await: 等候 approval: 认可 土星光环正等待你的认证-Caleb: Has anyone found life on other planets?planet: 行星有人在其他星球上发现生命了么?-John:Not yet.

16、 Guess its just us for now.guess: 猜想 for now: 暂时还没呢,或许暂时就只有我们了-Caleb: Okay. Then how many that might have life?好吧,那么有多少星球可能有生命呢?-John: Well, if you count the number of stars similar to our sun in this galaxy,count: 计算 similar to: 跟.类似的 galaxy: 银河如果你把银河系中和我们的太阳相似的星球都数一遍then you factor in the probabil

17、ity that they have Earth-like planets orbiting them.factor: 因素 probability: 可能性 orbit: 绕轨道而行再算上它们也许拥有和地球一样的行星绕其运转-Caleb: There are 10 million possible worlds那就是可能有一千万个地球with four million mature enough for life to evolve.mature: 成熟的 evolve: 进化其中有400万颗已经可以进化出生命-John: Why do you even ask?知道了你还问?-Caleb:

18、 Just making sure if youre listening.只是想确定你是有留心听- John: Where you going? 你到哪去? - Caleb: To watch that Discovery program.discovery: 探索 program: 频道看探索频道-John: But its Dads famous Sunday night hot dogs on the run time.on the run time: 在运行时间但是老爸著名的热狗周日之夜还在进行中啊-Caleb: I cant consume that. Ive decided to

19、become a vegetarian.consume: 饮食 vegetarian:素食者我吃不下了,我已经决定要做一个素食者了-John: Well, when were you planning on telling the guyguy: 家伙,(男)人那你打算何时把这个决定告诉那个who buys the groceries around here?grocery: 杂货(店)到处跑买这些食物的人?-Caleb: Are you deaf? I just told you now, Dad.deaf: 聋的你听不到么?我刚告诉你了,爸 Caleb is watching Discov

20、ery program in his bedroom -Announcer: The cubs are now six months old and bounding with energy,cub: 幼兽 bound: 跳跃 energy: 活力小老虎已經六個月大而且充滿了活力but, any parent knows, this is also a mixed blessing.mixed: 混合的 blessing: 祝福 mixed feeling: 好坏参半之事但也是喜忧参半对它们的父母而言-John: Off.关了它-Caleb: No, its almost over.over:

21、 结束不,它差不多要完了 -John: Youre not gonna be able to concentrate in class tomorrow.gonna: =going to be able to:能够 concentrate: 专心 in class: 上课中明天你上课没精神专心-Caleb: I dont have class tomorrow. Its the 50th anniversary, remember?have class: 上课 anniversary: 周年纪念(日) remember: 记得我明天没有课,是50周年校庆,记得吗?-John: I rememb

22、er.我记得Caleb,Calebwhen I said it was just us out there,out there: 在那里刚才在外面我说只有我们you know I was talking about space, right?space: 太空你是知道我在说关于太空的对不对? I didnt mean heaven, or anything.heaven: 天堂我不是指天堂,或其他什么的 Im sure wherever Mom is.wherever: 无论在哪里我肯定妈妈无论是在哪里. -Caleb: Dad, you dont even believe in heaven

23、.爸,你根本就不相信在天堂 -John: I never said that, Caleb.never: 从来没有我没有这样说过,Caleb I just said we cant know for sure, thats all.for sure: 确定我只是说我们无法确定而已If you want to believe, you go ahead and believe, okay? (then Caleb nods)believe: 相信 go ahead: 开始如果你愿意相信,那么你就相信它,好吗?Okay. Bedtimebedtime: 就寝时间好了,睡觉时间-John: (Joh

24、n is saying and doing sign languages) Hey, you and me,sign language: 符号语言嘿,你和我-John: Together在一起 -John and Caleb (they are doing the sign language together):Forever.永远 -John: I love -Caleb: I love you, too.也爱你 At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, John is in the classroom.Massachusetts I

25、nstitute of Technology: (美国)麻省理工学院 -John: (saying to the students) Were going to pose a topicpose: 提出讨论我们今天要讨论的话题to get you thinking along the right lines for your term paper.term paper: 学期报告将会成为你们的论文主题Its the subject of randomness versus determinism in the universe.subject: 主题 randomness:随机性 versus

26、: 与相对 determinism: 决定论主题就是万物的随机性和决定论Whos jumping in? Jessica?jump in: (踊跃或热切地)加入谁先来?Jessica?-Jessica: Determinism says that occurrences in natureoccurrence: 事件决定论说的是自然界中所有即将发生的事are causally decided by preceding events or natural laws,causally: 有原因地 preceding: 在前的 natural law: 自然规律只是正在发生的事或自然规律的必然结果t

27、hat everything leading up to this point has happened for a reason.lead up to: 作为的准备 reason: 原因也就是说一切皆有原因-John: Thats right. Thats what determinism says.determinism: 决定论没错,这就是决定论的观点-John: (throwing the model to Spencer) Spencer? Tell me something about the sun.Spencer?告诉我一些有关太阳-Spencer: Its hot.它很热-J

28、ohn: Elaborate.elaborate: 详细地说明详细描述-Spencer: Temperatures about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit on the surface,temperature: 温度 degree: 度数 Fahrenheit: 华氏温度表面温度在一万华氏度左右-Spencer: 27 million degrees at the core. million: 百万 core: 核心而核心温度有2700万华氏度-John: Good. 不错-John: Stacey? (John is about to throw the model

29、to Stacey)Stacey?A word or two about the composition.a word or two: 一两句话 about: 关于 composition: 成分简短形容一下它的组成-Spencer: (looking at the model) Mostly hydrogen.hydrogen: 氢大部分是氢Also helium with some carbon and nitrogen thrown in there.helium: 氦 carbon: 碳 nitrogen: 氮还有氦和一些碳、氮等-John: Excellent. Now, I wan

30、t you to think about the perfect set of circumstancesexcellent: 极好的 think about: 考虑 perfect: 理想的 circumstance: 环境非常好,现在,我要你们想想这样一种理想状态(holding the model) that put this celestial ball of firecelestial: 天上的 ball: 球 fire: 火将这团高高在上的大火球at just the correct distance from our little blue planetcorrect: 正确的 distance: 距离放在一个距离我们蓝色小星球的最佳位置上for life to evolve,evolve: 进化恰好能使生命演化making it possible for you to be sitting here in this riveting lecture.lecture: 讲课能让你们安然坐在这里聆听这

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